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C350 The Dragon King's Bastard

C350 The Dragon King's Bastard



The sudden appearance of the Golden Dragon King shocked Kupa and Sharon for a moment.    


The Golden Dragon King, who usually rarely left his room, actually appeared.    


The Golden Dragon King ignored them and stared at Xu Tianyu.    


"How is that possible? Is this a Divine Transformation of Vine? No, it's even more powerful, could it be that he is the legendary Golden Divine Dragon Physique? "    


The Dragon King said in a daze.    


He possessed the Golden Dragon Vine, but he could clearly feel that the vine Xu Tianyu had awakened was much stronger than his own.    


He had once heard his father mention that there were Golden Divine Dragon Vine above the Golden Dragon Vine.    


However, this vine was extremely rare, and only the first generation of Dragon Kings had this vine.    


However, the first generation Dragon God was truly the ruler of the continent. He was an existence on the level of myths. He was ranked as a god, and he ruled over all living beings.    


And at this time, this kind of vine appeared again on Xu Tianyu's body, signifying that the era belonging to the Dragon Race had descended once again.    


How could the Dragon King not be excited?    


Kupa and Sharon were also shocked speechless.    


Although they didn't know as much as the Dragon King did, as long as it was a vine that was related to them, they were all incomparably powerful existences.    


How could they not be surprised that such a thing would happen to a human?    


quartz dragon was a statue, but it's eyes were wide open as it looked at Xu Tianyu, as if it didn't want to miss this miraculous moment.    


After a moment of shock, the Dragon King reacted and roared towards the sky.    


A dragon's roar echoed throughout the entire Dragon City Island.    


Immediately, several figures flew out from Dragon City Island and approached the island at high speed.    


In the end, they were able to defend all sides.    


"They are the twelve elders s of the Dragon Race, why would they appear here?" Kupa said in shock.    


Twelve huge dragons appeared in the sky, and they all radiated with a terrifying aura.    


These were the strongest twelve dragons in the Dragon Race.    


Their appearance together represented the possibility that their entire clan would perish.    


But now, because of a human, all of the strongest fighting strength in the Dragon Race appeared.    


Even the Ancient Dragon on Dragon City Island was shocked by this scene.    


They all ran out, but no one dared to approach Xu Tianyu.    


However, all the dragons looked with amazement at the human who was being protected in their midst.    


"Who is this person!?" twelve elders actually came out to protect him. "    


"If you ask me, I don't know either. But he certainly isn't a simple human race, could he be a prince of Heaven Dynasty?"    


"No, he certainly is not. Although their Heaven Dynasty is on good terms with our Dragon Race, the twelve elders would definitely not come out to protect him. "    


"That human seems to have the vine s of our Dragon Race. Could he be the illegitimate child of the Dragon King?"    


"Now that you mention it, I suddenly feel that this is a possibility. Rumors have it that the Dragon King had an illegitimate child since a long time ago."    


"Now that you mention it, I seem to remember it too! No wonder the twelve elders came out to protect him. "    


The Dragon King called over the twelve elders to prevent enemies from disturbing Xu Tianyu's vein evolution.    


After all, Xu Tianyu's vine were extremely rare.    


However, he did not expect these bastards to think that Xu Tianyu was his illegitimate child. He absolutely could not tolerate this.    


"Run! The Dragon King is enraged!"    


"Looks like we guessed right. Run!"    


"This is enough for me to brag for a year."    


"I don't know whose daughter the Dragon King has a child with."    


After a while, all the surrounding dragons had fled.    


The Dragon King couldn't tell them the truth, so he could only gloomily roar out.    


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