Peerless Martial God

C512 Boiling Blood

C512 Boiling Blood

Strength. This was true physical strength, not divine abilities or martial skills.    


Lin Feng pierced through the lightning with his power and killed the second envoy. But what was hidden behind this power?    


There seemed to be a layer of mysterious halo around Lin Feng, enveloping his entire body.    


The truth told him that Lin Feng, the expert who could kill sixth level of Profound Martial Stage, the second as well as the strongest one, had been killed by Lin Feng. This also meant that Lin Feng had indeed earned the qualifications to look down on the Seven Heavenly Wind Envoys during the banquet that day, and Lin Feng had used his strength to announce that no one was his match for the sixth of the seven Heavenly Wind Envoys that had come to the Snow Moon.    


One person was killed, one person was killed, and the other was the second envoy. Right now, there was only him, so he might be able to defeat Lin Feng.    


At this time, Lin Feng's eyes slowly turned, and in the end, landed on Feng Chen's body. His sharp gaze turned solemn once again, and a bright light exploded out, as if a sharp blade was thrusting towards Lin Feng.    


"It's your turn."    


A low and deep voice came out of Lin Feng's mouth. It was extremely calm, but it gave off an invisible pressure, especially towards Feng Chen. With just a single word from Lin Feng, he felt his entire body become heavy.    


After Lin Feng killed the second envoy, she finally looked at him.    


He is the prince of Heavenly Wind Country, but this place, is Snow Moon.    


"Phew …" Feng Chen gently closed his eyes before opening them. A brilliant light flashed as a stream of air flowed out from his mouth. He seemed to be sighing, but behind this sigh, was an incomparably thick killing intent.    


Feng Chen, wanted to kill Lin Feng, wanted to take Lin Feng's life. Everyone knew this point, not only did he want to kill Lin Feng, but Lin Feng also wanted to kill him. Of the two, one of them seemed to have to die.    


"This Lin Feng, is really strong, and extremely bold. Right now, he has already forced Feng Chen to the point of being unable to step down from the stage."    


Feng Chen wanted Lin Feng to die, they understood, and had sent people to ambush and kill Lin Feng. They could have predicted this, but, the crowd did not expect that Lin Feng, a single man with a single sword, would directly enter the Imperial City, and directly face the people from Snow Moon Kingdom, Heavenly Wind Country and other Dragon Mountain Empire, and ask Feng Chen about the crimes of those who wanted to destroy their Heavenly Wind Country. With this kind of courage, they felt that they were inferior.    


Furthermore, Lin Feng had even persuaded the Dragon Mountain Empire envoy, Ruo Lanshan, allowing him to interrogate and take action.    


Of course, what caused them to be even more shocked was Lin Feng's valiant strength. Although they had seen Lin Feng kill the few people behind the Seventh Heavenly Wind Envoy and challenge each and every one of them, the crowd still felt that Lin Feng would not be able to defeat the second envoy. However, the reality was not as they had expected, even if he faced the second envoy, Lin Feng would still kill him easily.    


"Your strength really does surprise me. It's beyond my imagination." Feng Chen let out a voice, and even the air was slightly filled with a cold, oppressive aura.    


"However, the strength that you possess is not enough for you to act so arrogantly in such a situation. Heavenly Wind Country, how could you be so easily humiliated? Since Senior and Snow Moon Kingdom do not object to you settling the grudge between us, then, let me show you my true strength right now."    


Feng Chen's voice was solemn. Raising his head, he slowly lifted his hands. On his palms, two sets of dark True Essence Strength were crazily churning. It was extremely terrifying.    


"Do you know where the name of Heavenly Wind Country came from?"    


Every country's name had a special meaning, and the Heavenly Wind Country must have a similar meaning, but as for exactly where they came from, no one else knew either. In fact, even the people from Heavenly Wind Country did not know, and only the people from the imperial family were not.    


Feng Chen also did not think that Lin Feng could answer his question, but continued, "Several thousand years ago, the Heavenly Wind Country was once a place filled with tribes and cities, as well as a piece of wilderness. The Heavenly Wind Country was once a piece of land filled with beasts that wreaked havoc everywhere, making it extremely savage, and humans were oppressed and ruled by the beasts.    


The crowd's gaze focused, and they were a little surprised. The Heavenly Wind Country were actually ruled by the demon beasts a few thousand years ago.    


"The Heavenly Wind Demon Lord is extremely terrifying, proficient in wind, fire, lightning, all of them are proficient in it. In the tribes and cities of the past, whoever resists him will be massacred and killed by the endless amount of demon beasts. The brutality of the Heavenly Wind Demon Lord will cause people to feel threatened, and everyone will be afraid of the Heavenly Wind Demon Lord."    


Feng Chen said.    


At this time, in a small town, there was a young man who, when he was ten years old, walked out of the town wearing a fur robe and carrying a hunting bow. This young man, his parents and his family, all died in the hands of the beasts, and he was named Tian Feng!    


At the age of twelve, he hunted demon beasts alone in the wilderness of the forest, constantly growing and massacring them; at the age of fifteen, he carried a bow and arrow on his back and entered a tribe, killing the chief of the tribe, ruling over the tribe and changing his name to the Tianfeng Tribe; at the age of eighteen, he led his tribe in wars, annexing the tribe, and even the city. The Tianfeng Tribe developed into a Tianfeng City, leading its citizens to hunt demon beasts; at the age of twenty-five, he massacred countless demon beasts, finally angering the Tianfeng Demon Sovereign.    


"Many people thought that Tian Feng had died, and was killed in the tide of demonic beasts. Humans had regained their calm, and were now enslaved and ruled by the demonic beasts without any resistance, so no one could forget about Tian Feng. The young man who dared to bring the people of Tian Feng to fight against the Demon Lord, although Tian Feng went missing, his person became a kind of faith."    


Until 18 years later, he was still wearing the same shabby robe he had worn when he walked out of the small town. However, there was no longer any bow and arrow, and the wind had once again appeared in the crowd's line of sight, that year, he was forty-three years old; that year, wherever he went, where he killed, countless demon beasts were devoured by him; that year, with a wave of his arm, the blood of humans finally boiled, and the world returned to normal.    


The more Feng Chen spoke, the more he was immersed within. He was unable to extricate himself, and within his eyes, there was a sense of pride, like the glory of the old days when the wind was blowing, bathing his body.    


When the demon beasts touched him, they would definitely die. Finally, Sky Wind Demon Lord came out himself, intercepted Tianfeng, and fought a grand battle, and started it, that battle, between noon and sunset, Tianfeng was completely exhausted, his True Essence was exhausted, and the Heavenly Wind Demon Lord was torn apart by the wind, devouring it, sucking in all of his blood, and remembering the hair-raising scene, Tianfeng was supported by all the people, the city and tribes, the Heavenly Wind Nation was the ruler, the name of Heaven's Wind.    


Every single country had their own sealed history, and those who established their territory and became kings, all of them were without a doubt Ling Yun. The former Heavenly Wind Sovereign was 43 years old, but he became a Sovereign, and he swallowed the Heavenly Wind Demon Lord.    


Lin Feng did not interrupt Feng Chen, but instead listened quietly as he recounted what he said. If he wanted to search for the Martial Dao, he would inevitably need to search for the tracks of seniors.    


When Feng Chen said this, it only proved how strong the Heavenly Wind Sovereign was in the past. On the other hand, he himself was just in remembrance, nothing to be proud of, Feng Chen's work should not be to immerse himself in memory of the glory of his ancestors.    


"After the Heavenly Wind Sovereign unified his Heavenly Wind Country, it had always existed. Because he had swallowed the Demon Sovereign's bloodline, his own blood also started to transform, fusing with the human blood and the demon beast's blood. It mutated and became a new blood, and even continued to be passed down, all the way until now, in my body."    


Feng Chen's voice was solemn and respectful. As he placed both of his hands on the ground, a terrifying aura spread out from his hands, and a crazed aura permeated from his body. His blood started to boil, and his beast blood started to boil.    


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