Leveling System of Acquiring Skill From Books

C492 Attack the Mu Yuan Sect

C492 Attack the Mu Yuan Sect

Lee Qianqian looked at the Wood Essence Sect and couldn't help but feel disgusted in her heart.    


One. If a disciple was so filthy, wouldn't his senior brother be even worse?    


It was fine if she didn't join such a sect.    


Lee Qianqian put away the Frost and left quietly, "I will leave immediately."    


However, she did not completely leave. Instead, she hid in a safe corner and watched from afar.    


She wanted to witness the bloody battle of Wood Essence Sect. This was the first time she had seen such a scene.    


Of course, none of these could escape from Ye Chen's divine sense. He smiled faintly and said, "You guys attack this time. It's not convenient for me to attack."    


Everyone naturally agreed. Initially, they didn't want Ye Chen to personally go to the battlefield. Otherwise, Ye Chen alone would be able to cover everyone's brilliance, and their credit would be buried.    


"Who is willing to challenge the enemy?" Ye Chen asked.    


"I am very familiar with the Wood Essence Sect, and I know their cultivation method better than anyone else." Jiao Feiyi volunteered himself.    


"I think I should go. After all, I am older and more mature, and I have a good overall view of the situation." Gongsun Bo said.    


"In terms of experience, I'm afraid no one here can compare with me." Peng Han said proudly.    


Everyone looked at Ye Chen with hopeful eyes. They all hoped to lead the battle.    


However, only one person was needed to lead the battle. How would Ye Chen send anyone?    


Ye Chen smiled faintly. "Forget it. You all have a prominent status. It's easy to be recognized by others. Let Tieniu go and challenge them."    


Everyone nodded. They agreed with this reason.    


After all, Tieniu was a junior. They would give him more opportunities to train.    


"Alright, you can go now." After Ye Chen gave the order, he stayed in a corner and focused his mind into the system.    


Recently, his mental energy had increased by a lot, and there were many new books in the Book Sea.    


Naturally, he would not let it go.    


"High-grade Earth Level? The upgraded version of the Rapid Thunder Sword - Wild Thunder Sword? System, how do I extract it?"    


"Please read 230 books. "    


"No problem, touch imaging."    


"System, do you have the upgraded movement skill of Ten Directional Lightning Flash?"    


"Search successful - - Thunder Moving the World."    


Ye Chen's eyes lit up.    


This martial art could actually turn him into a swift and fierce Thunderbolt. He could move at an extremely fast speed within a short distance. In a fight, he had the absolute advantage.    


"I want to extract it."    


"Host, please read 542 books."    


After Ye Chen extracted two skills, he still felt unsatisfied.    


After all, these were all practical skills and were not cool at all.    


Ye Chen began to search through them one by one.    


Just as Ye Chen was bored looking for them, suddenly, a cultivation technique that was so thin that it only had a few pages appeared before his eyes.    


"Imperial Sword Art?"    


This is the legendary flying sword?    


This was a powerful spell that could control people from a long distance and take their heads from thousands of kilometers away?    


"System, I want to extract the Imperial Sword Art."    


"Host, you only need to read this skill to extract it."    


"So simple?"    


"[The Imperial Sword Art is a technique that has no level. Only the mental energy that constantly increases the control of spirit energy and controls the flying sword can automatically increase its power.]"    


"It really is powerful."    


Ye Chen read it silently. Moreover, he was reading it word by word, trying his best to improve it.    


Finally, a few minutes later, a familiar voice came from the system.    


"Congratulations, you have successfully extracted the Imperial Sword Art skill."    


It was a success.    


Ye Chen was delighted.    


However, as soon as he walked out of the system, he saw Tieniu and the others flying back.    


Ye Chen was surprised. "You finished the battle so quickly?"    


Ye Chen only used less than an hour to successfully extract the skill. Could it be that a second-rate sect could not even withstand an hour of attack?    


Everyone laughed embarrassedly. Tieniu said with a red face, "Sect Master, we have actually killed a few elders of the Wood Essence Sect. However, their Sect Master was too cowardly. He forced his disciple to activate the sect protection formation. They are all hiding inside. "    


Ye Chen asked," Why didn't you break their sect protection formation? "    


" Sect Master, we can't break their sect protection formation. That sect protection formation is as hard as a turtle shell. It will take us at least two days to attack it together."    


Everyone felt helpless.    


Their mission to attack the Wood Essence Sect was hasty. They didn't bring any tools that could break the formation. They were at a disadvantage in this aspect.    


However, they were afraid of delaying Ye Chen's order, so they could only return and explain the situation to Ye Chen.    


Ye Chen's interest was piqued.    


These people were all Nascent Soul Stage warriors. When their strength was combined, they could destroy a tall tower.    


They couldn't break the sect protection formation of Wood Essence Sect?    


What kind of formation was that?    


A smile emerged on Ye Chen's face.    


"Tieniu, you go and challenge them again. Tell the Wood Essence Sect Master that I'm not just asking him to hand over the Wood Element Art. He must submit to me. If he disobeys me, I will kill his entire sect."    


Tieniu's eyes lit up.    


Sect Master was so confident. Could it be that he had other ways to deal with this?    


"Alright, I'll go right away."    


"You can go."    


Tieniu once again led the group to the entrance of the Wood Essence Sect.    


"Sect Leader Yu, our Sect Master has given the order that your Wood Essence Sect must submit to him, or else we will kill all of you!"    


Tieniu's voice resounded throughout the entire sect.    


The people of the Wood Essence Sect were incomparably furious when they heard this, but even more of them disdained Ye Chen. He only said a single word and he wanted them to submit to him?    


He was arrogant and ignorant!    


"That's your Sect Master, he has nothing to do with our Wood Essence Sect! We don't interfere with each other's matters. I only hope that you won't violate the Wood Essence Sect. We aren't people who can be bullied by you."    


Sect Leader Yu and Tieniu confronted each other from afar.    


This action of theirs was not something an ordinary person could do.    


Their words could be heard by thousands of people. Their voices covered an area of fifty miles, and the strength of their spiritual energy was extraordinary.    


"How dare you ignore my Sect Master's orders? Do you dare to fight me?" Tieniu was full of fighting spirit.    


"Fellow Daoist, why are you being so aggressive?" Sect Leader Yu sighed. This was a disaster that shouldn't have happened to him.    


If he knew that their Sect Master was so difficult to deal with, he would have handed over the Wood Element Art from the beginning. He had no other way out now.    


However, he didn't know that even if he did hand over the Wood Element Art, he had to submit to Ye Chen.    


"Do you want to fight me or not? Don't say those useless words."    


"Since you want to fight me, then I'll agree."    


All of a sudden, the door of Wood Essence Sect opened, and an old man walked out slowly.    


This man had white hair, and he wore a linen robe. He looked like a transcendent being. His eyes were sharp, and it was obvious that he was very powerful.    


Sect Leader Yu slowly walked forward. After a few steps, his feet separated from the ground and he floated in the air.    


"Fellow Daoist, I will ask one last time. Can we not fight this battle?"    


Sect Leader Yu sighed and said, "If possible, I can hand over the Wood Element Art. Furthermore, I will surrender to your Sect Master alone in exchange for the freedom of all the disciples of Wood Essence Sect. "    


"Sect Master, this won't do!"    


"Sect Master, no matter whether I live or die, I will always be a disciple of Wood Essence Sect."    


"Sect Master, we will live and die with the Wood Essence Sect, and we will also live and die with you."    


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