Leveling System of Acquiring Skill From Books

C674 Insolent Beast

C674 Insolent Beast

After the two of them left, everyone was happy too.    


However, right at this moment, a golden jade chip was transmitted over.    


Everyone was stunned.    


This was the dean?    


In the entire Pingtian Academy, only the dean's jade chip was golden in color. He rarely gave out jade chip.    


The last time they saw the golden jade chip was two years ago.    


That time, a very big thing happened. The border had fallen, and many exotic beast had broken into it. Those exotic beast had fled to the Pingtian City and killed hundreds of people. Blood flowed like rivers, and corpses were everywhere. It could be said to be the biggest rebellion in the history of the Pingtian City.    


The few of them looked at each other, and their hearts were startled.    


Could it be that there was a rebellion this time as well?    


Combined with the strange deaths of a few students a few days ago, their hearts were beating wildly and they were nervous and uneasy.    


Ye Chen received the jade chip and discovered that it really was Dean Lin Shengrong.    


Ye Chen read it briefly and frowned.    


There were only a few words on it, but it was a transaction.    


"Protect the students and protect the academy. I will give you the clues to travel through space."    


This was something Ye Chen had discussed with the dean long ago. After all, he was not from the Black Tortoise Continent. There were still his lovers, brothers, and relatives in the Huaxia. He must return to the Huaxia.    


Therefore, Ye Chen had inquired about traveling through the spatial zone from the dean.    


However, the dean didn't want to let Ye Chen go at that time. It would be a huge loss to both him and the academy.    


But this time, the dean actually relented.    


He probably knew that Ye Chen's heart wasn't there.    


Ye Chen slowly looked into the distance and then looked at his students.    


Is he leaving?    


To be honest, he really did not want to leave.    


He looked at these hopeful eyes and decided not to say this out loud.    


Ye Chen said faintly, "Recently, a few students died in an accident in the academy. The dean suspected that there was an exotic beast that broke in. He asked me to investigate."    


"Teacher, can we help you?"    


"A exotic beast that can make the dean pay attention to is definitely not simple. Let us go with you to see it."    


They were filled with excitement.    


Ye Chen shook his head silently. "You guys better stay at home for the next few days. The exotic beast this time is not to be trifled with."    


The next day, the sun rose as usual. The sun was still bright and beautiful, but the atmosphere in the entire academy was extremely oppressive, as if it was covered by endless shadows.    


All the teachers and students were trembling with fear. They were all very nervous.    


At this moment, in the meeting room of Pingtian Academy, there were over a hundred academy leaders and teachers. All of them had solemn and cold expressions as they listened attentively to Zhi Qiuyang's words.    


"Yesterday, in the third dormitory of Pingtian Academy, four students died mysteriously. Every single one of them died from having their heart pierced by a sharp weapon. This is very likely the doing of the exotic beast. This method is extremely cruel. In order to avoid affecting the academy and harming the students, we must quickly capture the exotic beast."    


Zhi Qiuyang rubbed the bridge of his nose, his face haggard. Ever since the news of the student's death was spread out, he had not rested for a minute. Not only was he harassed by the parents of the students, but he was also criticized by the academy's leaders.    


On the way to the academy in the morning, he was stared at by countless pairs of eyes.    


"Everyone heard it too. The student's death this time is extremely bad. Such a thing happened in the school dormitory. This was simply a disgrace to the Pingtian Academy. Especially the law enforcement team. You can't absolve yourselves from the blame. You can't even protect a dormitory. "    


Zhi Qiuyang was so angry that he cursed out loud. He called out names and criticized them at the general assembly, causing a few law enforcement team members to feel ashamed of themselves.    


After all, they were on duty in the dormitory at night. It was a serious dereliction of duty for something like this to happen.    


"The academy will definitely respond to this matter. We have to give the parents of the students and the entire Pingtian City an explanation. You must catch the murderer within two days. This matter will be left to Ye Chen, Wen Zhou and Xue Feng to handle. The rest of the teachers will stand by the students' side. From this moment on, I will not allow any student to be harmed. If something similar were to happen again, the responsible person would be expelled! "    


Right after he finished speaking.    


The whole conference room was filled with noise.    


Wen Zhou and Xue Feng were both extremely famous teachers in the academy. Their reputations spread far and wide, and they were very strong.    


But who was Ye Chen?    


Why could he be compared to the two of them?    


"Chief Zhi, this is a bit unfair."    


A teacher stood up and questioned in front of everyone.    


"Why is it unfair?" Zhi Qiuyang frowned and asked.    


"How can Ye Chen take such a big responsibility? Does he want to use this matter to promote himself to a higher position? "    


This person was obviously implying that Ye Chen had a backer.    


This matter involved too much, and they couldn't accept any accidents.    


Even Zhi Qiuyang was in favor of sending Ye Chen to investigate.    


Zhi Qiuyang was really angry.    


He never thought that there would be someone so petty, selfish, and full of conspiracy theories.    


So he said, "This is an order from the dean himself. If you have the ability, you can go and question the dean. Whether it is strength or talent, Ye Chen is qualified to be an Ultra-Level Teacher. If you are not convinced, you can challenge Mr. Ye."    


The teacher was at a loss for words.    


He had heard that Ye Chen was a top genius and had the strength of a Soul Formation Stage or above.    


It was impossible for him to defeat him.    


After that, the teacher awkwardly sat down.    


Zhi Qiuyang coldly snorted and then said to Ye Chen and the others, "The three of you must do your best. There are actually students who were harmed by the exotic beast in the dormitory. This is undoubtedly a provocation to the Pingtian Academy. If this matter is not handled properly, the reputation of the academy will be tarnished. If the two deans come back from outside, I'm afraid they will be very angry. "    


They nodded.    


For the sake of their students, they were naturally obligated to do so.    


"Mr. Ye, I really admire you."    


At this moment, a middle-aged man walked over with a smile and greeted Ye Chen warmly.    


Ye Chen knew that he was Xue Feng. Not only was his teaching skills superb, but his strength was also not to be underestimated. He was definitely the best among the younger generation of teachers.    


Moreover, he was quite handsome. Every time he smiled, his smile was as bright as the sun. He was very kind to his students, which was why he was loved by them. This caused the students to be extremely enthusiastic about their studies. The grades of the class he taught always ranked in the top.    


Ye Chen was naturally very polite to him. "You are the one who will make a name for yourself."    


"Mr. Ye, this time I will have to rely on your help." Xue Feng said humbly.    


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