Overriding the Heaven

C3769 Continue to Go Deeper!(last part)

C3769 Continue to Go Deeper!(last part)

However, Chen Zhen had already made up her mind. Even if she died, she would never allow herself to be associated with these gods and devils!    


Who would want to become like this!?    


If Chen Zhen really became like this, she would rather die!    


“If you want me to become like this, I would rather die!”    


Chen Zhen clenched her teeth and fled even faster.    


Seeing this scene, these gods and devils were a little dumbfounded.    


They never would have thought that Chen Zhen still had the strength to fight!    


Logically speaking, they should be at the end of their tether by now!    


Even if they weren’t at the end of their tether, they should be close!    


Why was Chen Zhen becoming more and more brave the longer she fought?    


This was simply unreasonable!    


“Damn it, how could this be! This shouldn’t be possible! She’s already fought to this extent, yet she’s still not at the end of her tether? What the hell is she doing! If I didn’t witness it with my own eyes, I would never believe that such an absurd thing would happen! She wouldn’t have escaped alive!”    


“What do you mean by escaping alive! She’s being kind by saying that! We are all evil! If there wasn’t such a thing, there wouldn’t be such a possibility! As for the fact that she still has the strength to fight, the reason is very simple. It’s because of the human ancestors who died here! They call themselves sages and protect the later generations of the human race!”    


“Damn the human race! It’s them again! How long have they been dead? They’re still hindering us! Just how long do they have to go against us demons to let it go? This female cultivator is our only hope to escape. Why must she go against us?”    


“Damn human beings! Human beings should be cut into pieces and never reincarnate! When we regain our freedom, we must take our revenge on the human beings and make them pay the price! It has been so many years. It’s time to settle the grudges between us and the demon race!”    


“You, female cultivator, just follow us! We will give you everything you want. Power, authority, everything! In short, we can give you everything you want! Everything! As long as you cooperate with us obediently, everything will be yours!”    




The gods and devils were getting impatient.    


However, there was nothing they could do!    


After all, the only hope for them to escape was Chen Dan.    


Once they left Chen Dan, they would be trapped in the spatial rift for a long time.    


The reason was very simple. They were one.    


They were one in glory and one in ruin!    


If they wanted freedom, they could only be free together. Half of them could not be free!    


There was no such logic!    


Therefore, if they could not capture Chen Dan within a certain time and release the other parts, they would be forced to return to the spatial rift eventually!    


They had been trapped inside for too long. Now that they were free, they were unwilling to miss the opportunity!    


Chen Mei was cursing at these guys for pestering her.    


“I said you guys can’t be free. This is what you deserve. This is what you deserve. This is destiny! I, Chen Mei, shouldn’t have, shouldn’t have, shouldn’t have been tempted by you guys to peep into the space inside. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been pestered by you guys until now… I beg you guys to let me go! I was wrong, I was wrong, okay?”    


“Can’t you guys be nice and let me, Chen Mei, go? I promise that next time, I promise that I won’t provoke you guys again, okay? Give me a chance, okay? I was wrong, I was really wrong. Next time, I definitely won’t provoke you guys. So, you guys can let me go. I really beg you guys!”    


“Ah, ah, ah! How are you going to let me go? Why don’t you just tell me! Don’t continue torturing me. I am really fed up. I can’t take it anymore. Please give me a quick death. Don’t chase me like this, and you don’t dare to kill me!”    




Chen Mei was really tortured by them.    


These guys really hated Chen Mei to the core, but did they dare to do anything to Chen Mei?    


They didn’t dare to do anything to Chen Mei!    


After all, Chen Mei was their only hope to escape.    


If Chen Mei really died, they would have no hope.    


Therefore, Chen Dan could not die. She could not afford to have any mishap!    


Before they could take her, they had to ensure that she was safe and sound!    


Otherwise, the problem would be huge!    


As such, no matter how noisy and how loud Chen Dan was, they had no intention of letting her go.    


Chen Dan could do whatever she wanted to do!    


She could do whatever she wanted to do. In any case, they would never let her go.    


Until they took her down, they would never give up!    


At the same time, Chu Yan and the Fiendish Demon continued to move deeper into the filthy land!    


Roar! Roar! Roar!    


A series of roars rose into the sky. An extremely huge figure appeared without any warning!    


The Fiendish Demon glanced at Chu Yan, who was still calm, and sighed in her heart!    


It seemed like Chu Yan was not going to make a move.    


However, she could not blame Chu Yan.    


The reason was very simple. Chu Yan was her master. That was enough!    


If she did not obediently help Chu Yan open the way, Chu Yan would probably suppress her first and then sweep away these demons and monsters.    


Don't doubt it. Chu Yan really had the strength!    


"Hahaha... Where did this little rascal come from? How dare he block my way?"    


The Fiendish Demon chuckled.    


Hearing that, the Fiendish Demon opened its mouth and roared. No one knew what it was roaring about. The Fiendish Demon narrowed its eyes and said, "Oh, so it's an animal that doesn't know manners! Alright, I'll kill you to avoid offending my master, Chu Yan!"    


Hearing that, Chu Yan glanced at the Fiendgod.    


He felt that the Fiendgod was acting weird right now, but he could not tell what was wrong with it.    


Of course, Chu Yan was not someone who liked to spend too much time and effort on this.    


As long as the Fiendgod did not betray him, everything would be fine.    


Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!    


Boom! Boom! Boom!    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The Fiendgod did not even give the Fiendgod a chance to speak. He immediately raised his hand and killed the Fiendgod!    


The reason was very simple. After they continued to venture deeper into the filthy land, similar things had happened a few times.    


Yes, Chu Yan and the Fiendgod had been tempering themselves along the way.    


The only difference was that Chu Yan did not personally take action every time.    


In Chu Yan's opinion, if he wanted to increase his strength, he could not just fight continuously. He needed to fight enough battles to improve his strength.    




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