Overriding the Heaven

C3593 Break the Balance!(last part)

C3593 Break the Balance!(last part)

The Demon Emperor did not mind the Human Emperor’s mockery.    


After all, the Demon Race had been humiliated for many years. Was this a small insult?    


However, the Human Emperor’s impatient mockery made the Demon Emperor understand that he had made the right move!    


If he had not made the right move, why would the Human Emperor be in such a hurry?    


He did not know what the Human Emperor was in a hurry for!    


“Human Emperor, I haven’t seen you for many years. I didn’t expect the Human Emperor of this generation to be so ugly… Well, he is not a true descendant of the imperial power, after all. He is just a guy who rebelled halfway through. Those who don’t know better would think that he is a legitimate one. In the end, he is not a legitimate one! Don’t you find it funny?”    


“In addition, with your appearance, I understand that you are well aware of your own inferiority as a Human Emperor, aren’t you? If you are not aware of it, why are you so agitated? If you were the Human Emperor of the past, you would not be like this. Unfortunately, you are not!”    


“Humph! Do you think that you are my opponent just because you are not a legitimate Human Emperor? Do you think that you can defeat me? What a joke! You call the Demon Race a joke, but I call the Human Race a joke! The Human Race is always so funny. It makes people laugh and cry at the same time!”    


“If you think that you are my opponent, then come and fight! I want to see who will die here today… If I remember correctly, you are just a Spiritual Sense, aren’t you? You can’t even use your full strength. Why are you still pretending to be me? Human Emperor!”    


“Compared to a traitor like you, I am the orthodox one! I should be the one who pulls you down from the throne and I will ascend to the throne! The demon race will take this opportunity to return to the Immortal World instead of living on the edge of the Immortal World like we are now!”    




The Demon Emperor said calmly, “The demon race deserves a better future!”    


“Sir Demon Emperor…”    


Seeing this scene, the demon race was filled with tears!    


The Demon Emperor did not forget about them!    


The Demon Emperor had always been thinking about the demon race and wanted to bring them back to life!    


They believed that as long as they followed the Demon Emperor, the demon race would definitely be able to revive!    


“Sir Demon Emperor, I will sacrifice my life for you today! I am willing to turn into light and heat to become the brick and tile of our demon race! I am willing to revive the demon race and appear in this world again! For this purpose, I will not hesitate to sacrifice everything!”    


“Long live the Demon Emperor! Long live the demon race! Long live the demon race! For the Demon Emperor, for the demon race, I will not complain even if I have to do anything! Because I am a member of the demon race, even if I die… I will die for the demon race! Human race, you are destined to fail!”    


“With the Demon Emperor here, no matter what the result of today’s battle is, my life is more than enough! It is already enough for me to serve the Demon Emperor before I die! Sir Demon Emperor, please give me this opportunity to serve you well!”    


“Lord Demon Emperor is invincible, the Demon Race is invincible! Human Emperor and the scum of the Human Race and Xiaoyao Palace, if you think that you are our match, then come and fight! Today, I want to see who will be defeated and who will fail here. Is it us, the Demon Race? No! It is the Human Race!”    




The excitement of the Demon Race made the people of Xiaoyao Palace feel moved.    


After all, they were not facing the Demon Race alone. There was a Demon Emperor!    


In addition, there was one thing that the Demon Emperor was right about.    


The Demon Emperor was not at his peak, but what about the Human Emperor?    


Was the Human Emperor the true body?    




The Human Emperor was just a telepathic thought.    


In other words, they were equally matched.    


The problem was, if one side was weaker and was killed ahead of time, the situation would be different.    


Although the Demon Emperor looked like a ghost, in fact, he was not someone that the people of Xiaoyao Palace could deal with.    


Therefore, their expressions were ugly!    


It was real!    


Things had actually turned out like this!    


It was unbelievable!    


“There was actually a Demon Emperor who came out of nowhere… Although he was not at his peak, he was still worthy of being wary and taken seriously! Because the Demon Emperor was very powerful in the past. Even our Human Emperor had to spend a lot of effort to kill the Demon Emperor. The Demon Race suffered a great loss because of that. But now, cough cough, our Human Emperor is not at his peak!”    


“What are you talking about? We have to believe in the Human Emperor! We have to believe that the Human Emperor can settle this situation! We don’t have to worry about anything else. We just have to believe in the Human Emperor! With the Human Emperor here, we will never lose! We will never be defeated!”    


“Yes! We have to believe in the Human Emperor! This era is still the era of our human race! With a half-dead Demon Emperor, what kind of storm can he set off? They can’t do anything at all! Don’t be afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of in the Demon Race. They are too weak, so there is no need to be afraid!”    


“I wonder if the Demon Emperor will never be able to rise again after he is killed. I am very interested in this. Today, I might be able to give it a try! Therefore, Demon Emperor, prepare to be sacrificed!”    


“Fight, fight, fight! A mere Demon Emperor wants to stop our human race? Dream on! If you dare to come out and seek death, we will send you to death! Demon Emperor, you asked for it. You can’t blame anyone. Just go to hell!”    




Although the Xiaoyao Palace was shocked by the Demon Emperor’s appearance, they still had the advantage. There was nothing to be afraid of!    


“Humph, putting on a front and putting on a back… Is this the so-called Human Emperor? If this is the Human Emperor, I feel that it is too disappointing! The Human Emperor is the result of a villain! Do you find it funny? That’s right. The Human Emperor is also the Human Emperor!”    


“Just a dog that has lost its home doesn’t need to speak anymore… Saying that you’re a demon emperor is just praising you. You should know that you’re just a dog that has lost its home! I only gave you a little face, but you actually took it seriously. This is simply despairing!”    


The demon emperor and the human emperor kept mocking each other.    


After all, they didn’t know each other’s true strength!    


Suddenly, the demon emperor changed his tone and said, “Right, if this situation is suddenly broken, what do you think will happen? Human emperor, what do you think?”    




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