Overriding the Heaven

C3481 Immortal Sect Ranking(last part)

C3481 Immortal Sect Ranking(last part)

After killing the mysterious young man, Chu Yan and the others did not stay long in the ruins.    


Since they had already obtained what they wanted, there was no need for them to stay any longer.    


After that, Chu Yan and the others returned to the Unfettered Immortal Palace.    


After returning, Chu Yan announced that he would enter a state of seclusion for the next period of time.    


This time, he had gained a lot and needed some time to digest his gains from this trip.    


"If you have any urgent matters, just contact me again."    


Chu Yan said to Pan Bingwen and Zhang Cuitian.    


"Lord Chu Yan is really hardworking in his cultivation!"    


Zhang Cuitian could not help but sigh and say, "No wonder Lord Chu Yan is so strong and terrifying at such a young age!"    


Wasn't that so?    


If an ordinary person had Chu Yan's strength, they would definitely be infatuated with enjoyment.    


After all, Zhang Cuitian was a member of the imperial family, so he knew very well what kind of status a cultivator with Chu Yan's strength had.    


Let's not talk about anything else. Let's talk about Pan Bingwen!    


Such a beauty had delivered herself to Chu Yan's doorstep, yet he did not even bother to look at her. This kind of mental fortitude was far beyond that of an ordinary person!    


Pan Bingwen looked at Chu Yan's leaving figure with a lonely expression.    


She wanted to recommend herself to Chu Yan, but in fact, Pan Bingwen had hinted at Chu Yan more than once.    


Unfortunately, Chu Yan turned a blind eye to it.    


However, it made sense. If a person like Chu Yan could really be blinded by beauty, he wouldn't be so powerful and terrifying.    


Chu Yan did not know what Pan Bingwen and Zhang Cuitian were thinking, nor did he want to know.    


After Chu Yan went into seclusion, he tried to enter Long Sky's consciousness once again.    


However, Chu Yan was surprised to find that the mountain... had disappeared!    


"That immortal mountain is gone?"    


Chu Yan asked in surprise.    


This kind of thing was too exaggerated and too bizarre!    


If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have believed such a ridiculous thing?    


However, Chu Yan did not continue to dwell on this matter.    


Chu Yan went straight to ask the person behind the Gates of Hell.    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


After communicating with the person behind the Gate to Hell, Chu Yan did not beat around the bush and asked directly, "Can the Immortal Mountain become a bloodline?"    




The person behind the Gate of Hell said, "Tell me what happened to you."    


Then, Chu Yan told him about how he met Long Tianyun.    


This included the immortal mountain in Long Tianyun's consciousness.    


That immortal mountain was obviously bound to his bloodline.    


However, even the knowledgeable Chu Yan was surprised. How could there be a bloodline bound to the immortal mountain?    


This kind of thing was too bizarre and ridiculous!    


Hearing this, the person behind the Gate of Hell slowly said.    


"In the ancient times, everything could become a saint. Let alone a mountain, even a tree or a blade of grass could become a God or a Saint. As long as one is lucky enough, everything won't be a problem."    


"As for the mountain you're talking about, it's probably a bloodline left behind by a mountain in ancient times. That's why the mountain is in the bloodline."    


"But then again, their mountains are not so solid. Perhaps in this generation the blood is too thin, too weak, and that's why they are like this."    




The person behind the Gate of Hell said slowly, "If it was that immortal mountain, I might have a chance, but since the inheritance has reached this generation, that's it."    


Chu Yan instantly understood!    


After that, Chu Yan entered seclusion.    


He had gained a lot this time, so he needed a lot of time to digest everything he had learned.    


However, after Chu Yan went into seclusion for a while, he sensed that Pan Bingwen and Zhang Cuitian had come to find him.    


Chu Yan remembered that he had reminded them to contact him if there was anything urgent.    


Now that they were here, didn't that mean that there was something important?    


Thus, Chu Yan went out to meet Zhang Cuitian and Pan Bing.    


As soon as they met, Zhang Cuitian and Pan Bingwen couldn't wait and were extremely excited.    


"Lord Chu Yan, I came to find you this time for an important matter!"    


Pan Bingwen said excitedly, "Our Unfettered Immortal Palace is going to hold the Immortal Rankings Competition!"    


"Immortal Gate Ranking?"    


Chu Yan said thoughtfully.    


"That's right, Lord Chu Yan. This is the first time that our Unfettered Immortal Palace is holding a competition on the Immortal Rankings. It can be said to be extremely meaningful!"    


Zhang Cuitian said excitedly, "If you can get a good ranking, not only will you receive a lot of rewards, but all the major families and forces will also look favorably upon you and invest in you... Lord Chu Yan, you should know very well the importance of resources to cultivators, right?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "    


Chu Yan nodded.    


How could he not know the importance of cultivation resources?    


With enough cultivation resources, even a pig could become a god or a saint.    


Of course, that was just an exaggeration, but the truth was the same.    


"The Xiao Yao Palace is destined to become the biggest sect in the Celestial World. Whoever gets the first place this time will be the future leader of the Xiao Yao Palace!"    


Zhang CuiTian said with great expectation: "Of course, this is referring to the highest probability, not necessarily. However, just this possibility alone is enough to make all the disciples rub their fists and rub their palms. They are all prepared to perform well in this competition!"    


"That's right. Speaking of which, our Unfettered Immortal Palace has quite a few experts this time... Lord Chu Yan, you should know that we entered the selection together."    


Pan Bingwen nodded and said, "However, some of them did not enter through the selection process, but through other special methods!"    


"Special methods?"    


Chu Yan looked over curiously and asked.    


"Well... for example, they are disciples of the Xiao Yao Sect, and since they are disciples of the Xiao Yao Sect, isn't it reasonable for them to join the Xiao Yao Sect when it becomes the Xiao Yao Palace? We can't let them take the test together, can we? "    


Pan Bingwen explained.    


Chu Yan agreed with this answer.    


He was a disciple of the Xiao Yao Sect. Even if the Xiao Yao Sect became the Xiao Yao Palace, it wouldn't change their identity.    


If it were these cultivators, then Chu Yan really did not know much about them.    


Seeing this, Pan Bingwen, who had long since been prepared, began to speak to Chu Yan with confidence, "Lord Chu Yan, in fact, the previous owner of the Xiao Yao Immortal Palace, the Xiao Yao Sect, is not a weak force. It's just that compared to the expanded Xiao Yao Immortal Palace, the Xiao Yao Sect is not worth mentioning..."    


- - Content from [Miu Reading]    


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