Overriding the Heaven

C497 8th Level of the Tower of Return to the Ruins

C497 8th Level of the Tower of Return to the Ruins

"What condition?" The Large White Pig's eyes became even more vigilant, "I'm warning you, if you lie to me, even if I don't eat those people, I still won't let you guys go!"    


Chu Yan, however, did not make any other promises. He only extended a finger: "I want a safe environment to cultivate in for a few days. You are the master here, so there shouldn't be any problems finding such a place, right?"    


Hearing that Chu Yan said that he would be cultivating for a few days, Wusilanma immediately thought of something, and looked at him without blinking.    


The Large White Pig was still considering whether to believe Chu Yan's words.    


After hesitating and struggling for a while, the flesh and blood of more than a dozen human cultivators still held the upper hand.    


"Good!" I'll give you five days. If you dare to fool me, I'll eat both of you! In any case, since you've lied to me, I have a reason to eat you. Even if my old man found out, he wouldn't blame me. " The Large White Pig snorted.    


Chu Yan heard and smiled slightly.    


His original plan was to stay here for three days. Since Wang Lin gave him five days, he didn't need to be polite anymore.    


"Sure." Chu Yan nodded.    


"You want to advance?" Wusilanma walked closer to Chu Yan and asked softly.    


Chu Yan nodded his head: "In five days time, using the spirit jade, I can advance to the Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage, if I meet the Wan Hai Sect Disciple again —"    


On Chu Yan's face, a strong sense of confidence emerged.    


He originally possessed an extremely powerful strength that surpassed his cultivation level. Furthermore, he did not tell Wusilanma about one thing, and that was that after he advanced to the Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage, he would be able to ascend another level into the Return to the Ruins Tower.    


No matter what was placed on that floor, it would greatly increase his strength.    


"Alright, then I'll wait for you for five days." Wusilanma nodded.    


The Large White Pig followed Chu Yan's instructions and found a cave for him and repeatedly guaranteed that within the cave, Chu Yan would not be disturbed by anyone.    


Chu Yan did not care about being disturbed, he had never planned to level up in this cave.    


The reason he had chosen this kind of place was because he did not want others to discover that he still possessed treasures like the echo loop and the Return to the Ruins Tower.    


After the Large White Pig and Wusilanma left, Chu Yan immediately entered the Return to the Ruins Tower's time and space cage.    


If the agreed time with the Large White Pig was five days, then she would have a full fifteen days in the time and space cage.    


Chu Yan was confident that he could make it to the Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage in this period of time.    


Chu Yan sat cross-legged in the Time Space Cage, holding a spirit jade in his hand, he placed it into his mouth.    


The spiritual energy in the spiritual jade was too dense, and with his current body, he didn't dare to casually swallow it.    


If he accidentally caused his body to explode and die, then that would be too much of an injustice.    


However, even though he was only holding it in his mouth, Chu Yan could still feel the dense spirit energy pouring into his body like a torrential flood.    


With the help of the spiritual energy, Chu Yan was fully focused and started to raise his cultivation level.    


One day, two days, three days …    


On the fifth day, Chu Yan's body suddenly shook, the air around him suddenly started to reveal fine crystal like cracks.    


These cracks continued to expand, as if space itself was being torn apart.    


At the same time, as if they were resonating, twelve meridians appeared on the surface of Chu Yan's body.    


However, at the same time the cracks in the surrounding space increased, another twelve rays of light faintly appeared outside of the twelve meridians in Chu Yan's body.    


At this moment, these twelve rays of light appeared, as though they were waiting to break out of a cocoon and become butterflies, unceasingly working hard and charging forward.    


Another six hours passed, and along with a popping sound that sounded like a bubble popping, the fine cracks in the space suddenly extended and overlapped like dense roots and roots. The moment they merged into a screen of light, they completely shattered and turned into sparkling powder.    


At the same time, the twelve rays of light that had emerged from Chu Yan's body congealed at this moment, forming twelve meridians.    


At this moment, the total number of veins in Chu Yan's body had reached twenty-four, which also meant that at this moment, his realm had stepped onto the Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage.    


And at the moment of successful promotion, Chu Yan felt that in the air around him, a dense amount of spirit energy was surging into his body.    


When he was in the 1st level of Pulse Condensation Stage, Chu Yan had only comprehended the spirit energy of heaven and earth. But at this moment, he clearly felt the spirit energy flow through his meridians into his body and circulate within his body.    


It was just like the sound of water, which was originally only audible, but was now soaked in spring water.    


The Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage congealed 24 meridians, attracting the spirit energy of heaven and earth into the body, constantly using the spirit energy to clean one's hair and marrow, further enhancing the cultivator's body's quality, making them incurable.    


At this moment, Chu Yan not only received an increase in realm, but also an increase in strength!    


Not only was the power to execute martial skills greater, when he used his arcane skills, it also became faster and stronger!    


Chu Yan's mind stirred, and in almost an instant, her water cover was fully unleashed, and by the time it passed, it would still need at least another breath of time.    


This was the difference between Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage and first stage.    


The additional twelve meridians would bring more benefits than just these.    


The specific aspects would be even more obvious when Chu Yan trained and battled.    


But at this time, Chu Yan did not feel complacent, and immediately stood up and walked towards the eighth floor of the Return to the Ruins Tower.    


The requirement of the eighth level was that one could open the Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage.    


Climbing the stairs to the eighth floor, Chu Yan arrived in front of the stone door and pushed forcefully with his hand, causing the stone door to open with a loud bang.    


In the blink of an eye, a current of air with flames and frost came straight at them.    


The hot and cold feelings mixed together blew onto Chu Yan's face, instantly giving him a boost in his spirits.    


However, after blowing for a while, the radiance on the eighth floor quieted down.    


Chu Yan raised his head and looked up. In the middle of the eighth floor of the stone room, there were three objects which looked like the long leg bones of demon beasts floating in the air.    


The three leg bone shapes were bright white, fiery red, and icy-blue.    


Halos of light spread out from it, interweaving in and out of the air, giving off an extraordinary feeling.    


The things that his mother had left him naturally wouldn't be dangerous, so Chu Yan confidently walked forward and looked at them one by one. Soon enough, he saw that these three items were actually bones.    


The surface of each bone was engraved with two words. They were "Wind Bone", "Flame Bone", and "Ice Blue Thunder Bone".    


As he neared the Wind Bone, Chu Yan could immediately feel the feeling of the intense astral wind hitting his body. When he neared the Flame Bone, Chu Yan immediately felt a high temperature that was like lava, and it roasted his skin until it burned. When he arrived in front of the Thunder Bone, Chu Yan's eyes immediately lit up.    


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