Overriding the Heaven

C499 Walk with You

C499 Walk with You

Go with you    


"Of course." Seeing Chu Yan's puzzled expression, the Large White Pig took a deep breath and said confidently: "If I didn't follow you, what would happen if you ran away all of a sudden? Then wouldn't I be tricked by you?"    


"It's not completely unreasonable." Chu Yan nodded and looked at the Large White Pig, "But have you thought about it before, seeing how you are now, you will face two problems?"    


"Which two questions?" When the Large White Pig thought that it would soon be able to eat "delicious human cultivators", it could not help but be enchanted and drool once again.    


"The first point is, are you sure you won't have a problem leaving this illusion world?" Chu Yan extended a finger out, "What should we do about that old man of yours who found out that you were no longer here?"    


As long as I leave a message behind and tell my father that I'm going out for a while, and that I'm following a disciple of the Shattered Star Pavilion named Chu Yan, there won't be a problem. " A cunning look flashed across the Large White Pig's eyes, "Furthermore, even if your name and identity is fake, it doesn't matter. Your scent has already been left here, you won't be able to escape."    


"That's fine too. The first question is that you passed." Chu Yan nodded his head and raised his second finger, "The other problem is, if you walk outside like this, you will be killed easily."    


Chu Yan was not trying to scare them off. A Large White Pig that was over ten feet long, was fat and muscular, and could even speak, was someone that anyone would know it was a demonic beast.    


Although they didn't say that a person deserved to be killed, if they were to be seen by a cultivator, it would inevitably lead to a battle.    


Now that they had entered into the second month, Chu Yan decided to return back to the Shattered Star Pavilion after settling the matter with the Large White Pig. He did not want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he wasted time.    


"How do I look?" The Large White Pig lowered its head with much difficulty, but unfortunately, it was too fat, and could not see its own body. However, he was not stupid, and immediately understood what Chu Yan meant.    


"There's no problem with my size. Wait a moment." With a wave of its hooves, the Large White Pig began to twist.    


White blossoms covered a large piece of fat, twisting left and right under the sunlight. It gave off an indescribably strange feeling.    


Chu Yan and Wusilanma looked at each other, not knowing what the other wanted to do.    


The next moment, something surprising happened.    


The Large White Pig's twisting speed was extremely fast, it almost twisted itself into a ball of white light, and started to shrink at a speed visible to the naked eye.    


In a short period of time, it had turned into a little pig the size of two fists.    


The reason why it could be determined with such accuracy was because the Large White Pig's body was indeed like that: its head was the size of a fist for an adult, and its body was the size of a fist for an adult. Then, with two fists pressed together, it even had a curled up little tail.    


It was round in the head and round in the body. It looked cute enough for someone to hold it in the palm of their hand. It was like two pigs compared to the fat giant Large White Pig from before.    


Wusilanma was shocked, even she could not help but take in a breath of cold air.    


However, the Large White Pig that had just turned into a little white pig soon habitually opened its mouth, drooling. "There shouldn't be any problems with it this way, right?"    


After saying that, its body leapt into the air and landed on Chu Yan's left shoulder, looking left and right.    


"You, you're that pig head from before?" At this time, Wusilanma finally recovered from her shock and looked at the other party with wide eyes.    


The Large White Pig frowned in dissatisfaction: "What pig's head, I have a name."    


With that, the Large White Pig raised her head proudly: "My name is handsome."    


"Pfft!" Wusilanma could no longer hold it back, laughing so hard that she held her stomach and squatted on the ground.    


Chu Yan's expression became very strange as well.    


A pig whose head was as big as its body called itself handsome —    


"Hey!" Fox, I warn you! If you laugh again, I won't be polite! " Clearly, he also knew that his current appearance was not close to the word "handsome". Thus, he could not help but feel humiliated and infuriated.    


"Alright, alright, I won't laugh anymore. Handsome means handsome." Wusilanma tried her best to hold back her laughter, but her shoulders which were constantly shaking, and her eyes that were curved like crescent moons, betrayed her heart.    


"Keep laughing!" Handsome could not help but stamp his hoof heavily.    


Chu Yan immediately frowned.    


The white pig was standing on his shoulder. The other party's stomp earlier, although the other party's stomp was small, its strength was shocking, causing Chu Yan to feel as if a thousand kilograms of iron was landing on his shoulder.    


"Alright, stop messing around." Chu Yan reached out to grab the other party from his shoulder.    


"I'll just squat here. It's just nice for me to watch you."    


Chu Yan did not want to mess around with the opponent too much right now, so he nodded his head: "Alright, but you have to remember, do not move recklessly."    


The white pig had the guts to bully Wusilanma, but once Chu Yan's expression darkened, it was a little afraid.    


Under handsome guidance, Chu Yan and Wusilanma descended the mountain first, and then spent a day to arrive beside a lake within the illusion formation.    


The lake looked very ordinary, just like the big lake in reality. Above the lake was a layer of white water vapor, making it seem like a vast expanse of smoke.    


However, under his handsome reminder, Chu Yan and his group quickly discovered two thick and long chains hidden within a patch of reeds by the lake.    


Each chain was as thick as an adult's arm. One end was hidden within the reeds, while the other end was extended into the lake.    


"This chain is connected to a door. If you pull it out, we can leave. This way, the illusion array won't be affected." Handsome explained, "If I break the formation and go out, my dad will have a reaction. That way, he'll think I'm in danger and it'll be big trouble."    


Chu Yan nodded, he extended his hand and grabbed the two chains, and suddenly pulled.    


The thick and long chain suddenly stretched straight.    


After Chu Yan pulled a few times, he immediately felt like he was pulling something out of the lake.    


If this was a few days ago, he might have needed more effort, but now that he had advanced to Stage 1, his strength had increased by leaps and bounds. Now, with a loud roar, the muscles in his arms bulged.    


"Clatter, clatter, clatter ~ ~ ~"    


Waves of waves immediately appeared on the calm surface of the lake.    


In a short moment, as the water churned, a ten meter tall bronze door was pulled out of the lake by Chu Yan.    


The handsome man standing on Chu Yan's shoulder stared straight ahead, "That can't be … Are you really only at the Second Level of Pulse Condensation Stage? When did cultivators have such great strength? "    


"Cultivators with such great strength are walking all over the place, are you afraid?" Chu Yan was so scared that he could not even speak, at the same time, he walked in front of the bronze door.    


This bronze door was obviously an ancient item, the moment it got close, it immediately felt the primordial energy.    


The heavy feeling of being filled with history froze the air around him.    


Standing in front of the bronze door, Chu Yan and Wusilanma looked at each other, and both saw a trace of pressure in each other's eyes.    


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