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C438 He Was Not Afraid of Death

C438 He Was Not Afraid of Death

After Zhao Quan left, Cai Kun tried to persuade Shi Taihuang again, but he was also kicked out.    


Cai Kun wanted to say how powerful Zhao Quan was a few times. However, there were some things that could be said, and some things that couldn't be said.    


Regarding the matters of Zhao Family, if it wasn't for Zhao Quan giving him face, Cai Kun wouldn't even be qualified to know about it. He wouldn't even be worthy of his father.    


It was a taboo to know about something that they didn't deserve to know.    


If they were to say it now, it would be even more taboo. If something were to happen to them and they found out the source of it, the Cai Clan would be finished.    


Therefore, even though Cai Kun had the urge to say it many times, he still suppressed it in the end.    


After leaving Shi Taihuang's house, Cai Kun quickly went to find Zhao Quan.    


"Boss, Boss, give me one last chance. He is still my uncle after all. I may not be able to persuade him lightly, but I will let my father persuade him, okay? " Boss, please. "    


Zhao Quan put away his phone with a smile. "Okay!"    


He had already posted the news in the underground market. He wanted to reward everything related to Shi Taihuang with a total price of 20 million.    


Of course, this was not limited to the matter of the vaccine patent.    


Shi Taihuang was too arrogant. Then let him pay the price for his arrogance.    


And searching for evidence was not something that could be done in a short period of time, so he readily agreed to Cai Kun's request.    


Cai Kun could make Old Cai convince Shi Taihuang. This was naturally the best. Not only did he give face to the Cai Family, but he also had an explanation for Qin Chuqing.    


However, Zhao Quan did not place his hopes on this kind of thing. Shi Taihuang had been the dean for all these years, and he seemed to have gotten to know a lot of high officials and high officials. He felt that these high officials and high officials would be his umbrella, and he would be able to live freely and freely.    


Therefore, Zhao Quan wanted to grab some solid evidence to show Shi Taihuang. He wanted to see if any of the high-ranking officials he knew would dare to come out and touch him after he burned himself.    


That afternoon, Cai Kun's father, who had found out that Zhao Quan had come, held a banquet in a five-star hotel to entertain Zhao Quan.    


Zhao Quan didn't plan to go, but on Cai Kun's account, he still went.    


Old Cai was especially honored. When he saw Zhao Quan, he called him young master, and acted like an old servant.    


Zhao Quan quickly said, "Don't call me Uncle Cai like that. Cai Kun and I are brothers. You keep calling me 'young master'. It's not appropriate for me to call you that."    


The word 'Uncle Cai' made Old Cai very happy. He couldn't even close his mouth, and his face looked pretty good.    


Cai Kun was also very happy. The word 'brother' made him feel like he was about to fly up into the sky.    


To be able to be Zhao Quan's brother and Zhao Quan as Uncle Cai, this was a great honor for both of them!    


During lunch, the topic once again shifted to Shi Taihuang.    


Apparently, Old Cai had known about this since last night. Therefore, after learning that Shi Taihuang had rejected Cai Kun's kind suggestion and that Zhao Quan had a chance to stay, he became very angry.    


"If it wasn't for the fact that your mom was so busy before she died, I wouldn't have bothered to care about this bastard!"    


Regarding Shi Taihuang's act of snatching people away, Old Cai seemed to despise him.    


However, in the end, he was Cai Kun's uncle, so Old Cai couldn't just ignore him. So he said to Zhao Quan, "Director Zhao, I'm taking advantage of my old age. Can you sell me some noodles again? I will personally see him after lunch. If you still can't persuade me to come back, I promise I won't interfere anymore."    


Zhao Quan had already promised Cai Kun about this matter, so he naturally wouldn't mind agreeing to Old Cai's request again.    


Old Cai was very happy, and his face was especially good-looking. So after having lunch happily, he went to the hospital to find Shi Taihuang.    


"This person is very awesome? How awesome is he? " Besides, I'm about to retire. "I can't make such a joke on me when I'm old and about to land, right?"    


"Brother-in-law, let me tell you the truth. I swallowed the vaccine, but I was the one who taught the students. Basically, without me, there wouldn't be her. Without her, there wouldn't be a vaccine. So this vaccine is closely related to me."    


"So many years have passed. Now, you want me to take the initiative to admit this. Is there something wrong with me? He doesn't have any proof at all. " Why should I admit it? I won't admit it. This vaccine was developed by me. No one can interfere! "    


Shi Taihuang's attitude was very firm. It was as if a dog was biting on a bone. Not only did he not bite, but he also had the intention of biting anyone who dared to snatch it from him. It was a very domineering attitude.    


No matter what Old Cai said, Shi Taihuang wouldn't let go of Old Cai. In the end, he even used the excuse that there was a meeting to chase Old Cai away.    


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