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C579 A Chicken That Can Lay Golden Eggs

C579 A Chicken That Can Lay Golden Eggs

"I heard your company's hostel is almost ready. Remember to let me know in advance when you move out. I can also prepare and continue to open the hotel for business. "    


Wei Xiangjun asked Zhao Quan.    


Zhao Quan really did not pay attention to this matter, but since Wei Xiangjun mentioned it, he felt that there was a need to consider it.    


After two minutes of silence, Zhao Quan gave the result of his consideration to Wei Xiangjun.    


"I think it's better for this elegant little building of yours to merge into the Muyou Group and become a hotel under the jurisdiction of Muyou Hospital."    


Wei Xiangjun was slightly stunned. "Why? You are such a big Muyou Group, and you don't even let go of this small hotel?"    


Zhao Quan replied, "What are you thinking? You can totally merge with the Muyou Group. This way, the benefits will still be yours. But regarding the business, Muyou Hospital can still bring you a lot of revenue."    


"Otherwise, why would the Muyou Hospital send their business staff to you, Jing Ya building?"    


Wei Xiangjun understood what he meant. Zhao Quan was helping her so that Jingya Minor Building could run more easily.    


However, after thinking for a while, she still rejected this kind suggestion.    


"I'm more used to being alone. I don't want to be merged with the Muyou Group and then be threatened by you in the future."    


Zhao Quan thought that coercion was a good term, but it was unnecessary.    


In the next few days, Zhao Quan spread the news about the vaccine of the Ai virus.    


When this news spread, the entire medical world was shocked. Countless domestic and international medical media rushed to report it. There were even many medical institutions that came to verify whether this matter was real or fake.    


Many foreign experts believed that this was a type of commercial hype in order to spread the name of Muyou Hospital across the four seas.    


Regarding this type of commercial hype, they felt that it was very shameful and criticized it severely.    


However, just three days after they received confirmation from many medical institutions, the same media and expert sent different opinions to the same batch of audience, expressing the magic of Huaxia's medicine and also expressing their admiration for Muyou Hospital.    


At the same time, they also expressed that if there were more hospitals in the world that were as responsible as Muyou Hospital, it would be the blessing of the world.    


That boot-licking, that official tone, it was as if they were not the ones who had mocked Muyou Hospital and China's medical incompetence previously.    


However, through this slap in the face, it also made the reputation of Muyou Hospital's AIDS vaccine even more resounding.    


Because of this, it was Angelina who had made preparations for Zhao Quan and the Zichen Hsing, waiting for the Pirate Ship to make their move.    


Furthermore, Zhao Quan was worried that they would not take action, so he deliberately gave them a chance. In the name of sending them out for inspection, he placed the blueprints and research data in an insurance car and sent them to the appraisal department.    


Zhao Quan and the other two judged that this would be the easiest opportunity for the Pirate Ship to make a move.    


However, unexpectedly, the journey from sending them out to getting them back was very safe, and even traffic jams did not occur.    


It was as if the Pirate Ship did not care about the vaccine, but they obviously cared about it.    


No matter what organization it was, money was always the first priority. One had to have money to buy a gun in order to fight a war!    


The vaccine of the Ai virus could earn money. It was like a hen that could lay a golden egg. Would the Pirate Ship let it go easily?    


Yes, they let it go very easily.    


For a month, there were no accidents. No one coveted the Ai virus vaccine.    


The Pirate Ship organization that Zhao Quan was looking forward to, seemed to have vanished into thin air, without showing any signs of movement.    


In the words of the Zichen Hsing, "Isn't this a f * cking weird thing? Why aren't they attacking? I want to attack!"    


Although his words were a little blunt, it was indeed true.    


If it wasn't for the relationship between Zhao Quan and Angelina, Angelina would have already tried to snatch it from him.    


After all, it was a chicken that only knew how to lay golden eggs, and the golden eggs were unique. It had market demand, and it also had exclusive resources. What did this mean? This meant a huge amount of wealth!    


But the problem was, why didn't anyone come and take it by force?    


Zhao Quan was very depressed. No one came to rob him when he wanted to. This made him accumulate all his strength for nothing, but there was no place for him to vent.    


Therefore, in the end, he could only choose to give up on this plan and work for nothing.    


Of course, giving up the plan did not mean that he had given up vigilance. He would not foolishly put a condom on someone without a condom, but when he did, he would be conned by someone else. Regarding the vaccine for the AIDS, he was still on high alert and would not give anyone a chance.    


And in this one month's time, Zhao Quan finally received an invitation to the Angel Medicine Award.    


In the invitation letter, he wrote:    


Respected Mr. Zhao Quan, your actions in China are already known to us. The fact that you don't care about benefits and free medical treatment not only won a good reputation in your country, but also made the world feel your kindness.    


At the same time, the vaccine developed by your research institute has given the world a new hope. From now on, it can save countless lives. This is a great kindness.    


For this, we sincerely invite you to participate in the Angel Medicine Award that will be held three months later. When the time comes, please come...    


The invitation letter from the Angel Medicine Award was finally received.    


This also meant that after three months, Zhao Quan would finally be able to see the Old Master Zhao Zhenfa, who had been missing for many years!    


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