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C615 This Matter Is Quite Worrying

C615 This Matter Is Quite Worrying

The next morning, Zhao Quan woke up. He was woken up by the screams outside.    


Needless to say, Sun Jie must have screamed because she saw his clothes.    


After Zhao Quan went out, he saw Sun Jie hugging her knees and curling up in the corner of the sofa like a frightened big white rabbit.    


Zhao Quan asked helplessly. "I said I didn't do anything last night. Do you believe me?"    


Sun Jie shook her head vigorously, her long hair fluttering in the wind.    


But in the next moment, she nodded with all her strength. Obviously, the feeling that her body gave her made her know that she would do anything to think about it.    


Zhao Quan took out his phone, scaring Sun Jie so much that she quickly covered her clothes with her hands and asked him what he wanted to do.    


Then Zhao Quan played a video and handed it to the table in front of her. "See for yourself!"    


Zhao Quan went to the bathroom to wash up, while Sun Jie stayed in the room to watch the video.    


When she saw her sorry state last night, she suddenly remembered what happened last night.    


Zhao Quan helped her wash her clothes, then put her on the sofa. What happened after that was all done by herself.    


Only then did Sun Jie relax. She thanked Zhao Quan and then left.    


After Sun Jie left, Zhao Quan roughly packed his things. He also went out to eat breakfast and then went to the sales office.    


From today onwards, he would be the manager of the sales office, so he naturally had to have a new appearance.    


Other things aside, going to work and taking a bus was a matter. That would be too low-profile. So in order to save time, he went to the second-hand car market at noon and bought a second-hand Buick.    


The car was not a luxury car, but it was enough for him to travel. Besides, Zhao Quan did not need a luxury car to show off.    


In the following week, Zhao Quan's life was very calm. Other than the faster pace of life, there was nothing different about it.    


However, his old colleagues were miserable. All of them worked overtime and had a lot of complaints about him.    


However, when these complaints changed to the increase in sales and commission, they immediately smiled.    


It turned out that people were not afraid of working overtime. They were afraid that working overtime would not bring them the corresponding benefits.    


When there were enough tempting profits, what was wrong with working overtime? As long as they did not delay eating and sleeping, they could come. Who would complain about having too much money?!    


And in this week's time, Zhao Quan had not seen Sun Jie either.    


It was likely that Sun Jie was thinking about that night's matter and was too embarrassed to appear in front of Zhao Quan now.    


Until this afternoon, Sun Jie actually drove to the sales office and took the initiative to look for Zhao Quan.    


When old friends met, Zhao Quan naturally put down the documents happily and joked with her.    


"What, you want to stay at my house to test me again tonight?"    


Sun Jie's face immediately turned red, "What nonsense are you talking about!"    


Sun Jie glared at Zhao Quan and then started to talk about proper business.    


"Boss Qian Zheng of the marketing company is going to set you up as a standard soldier and promote you to all the sales staff in the company. He wants everyone to learn from you. " So you need to prepare now and then meet with CEO Qian to listen to the leader's teachings. "    


Zhao Quan understood what kind of leader's teachings were. To put it bluntly, it was to meet and chat with you to see if you were that material. If that was the case, he would set it as a benchmark for everyone to learn and learn. If not, then pull a few rounds.    


Initially, Zhao Quan did not want to involve such a matter. But after thinking about it, the standard weapon was also a type of result!    


He wanted to climb up faster, so of course, he could not miss this kind of result. Therefore, he readily agreed to this matter.    


As for the preparations that Sun Jie mentioned, there was no need at all.    


Although he wasn't able to speak freely, he also spoke a lot in Muyou Group's memories.    


He had said all kinds of official nonsense to fool people, encouraging and excited words.    


Was there still a need to prepare for this? There was no need at all!    


After greeting Sun Jie, Zhao Quan greeted everyone and drove to the marketing company with Sun Jie.    


About 20 minutes later, Zhao Quan met the boss, Qian Zheng, in the marketing company.    


Sun Jie introduced Qian Zheng to him on the way.    


Although this person's surname was Qian, he was very upright. Everything was based on the company.    


Of course, he was not the type of person who would follow rigid rules and regulations. It was just that the starting point was mainly based on the company's interests.    


After having a clear idea of the situation, Zhao Quan started chatting with Qian Zheng in the office.    


Qian Zheng asked Zhao Quan some of his work thoughts, mentality, and other things. Then, he talked about the summary of his sales experience.    


Zhao Quan answered everything as smoothly as he could, as if he had memorized the script long ago.    


But Qian Zheng knew it in his heart. He had only come up with this idea this afternoon, and it was impossible for Zhao Quan to be prepared in advance.    


Therefore, all of this could only prove that Zhao Quan really had something in his stomach.    


"Not bad. Young people are not bad. They are very motivated and have a lot of energy. The company needs a talent like you!"    


After a round of fierce praise, Qian Zheng asked Zhao Quan to go back and make preparations.    


However, Zhao Quan did not leave. Instead, he took advantage of the time after work to invite Qian Zheng and Sun Jie to eat something together.    


Of course, he had a good reason to do so. He thanked the two leaders for their nurturing and also asked them about work matters. When eating was related to work, he would agree to it.    


Therefore, Qian Zheng agreed very quickly. Since the boss had agreed, Sun Jie, as one of her subordinates, naturally had no reason to refuse.    


So that night, the three of them appeared in the restaurant.    


Of course, the food was good, and the words were also good. So the three of them were quite happy when they walked to the restaurant.    


But Sun Jie was very worried when she got up from the table. Did she drink too much tonight?    


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