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C801 The Crow's Beak Is like a God

C801 The Crow's Beak Is like a God

Without any time to think, Wu Xiangyang rushed out of the office with his men and rushed to the scene of the accident.    


At this time, Zuo Lan also stopped. She stood where she was with a blank face. She did not understand how something could happen if she tore down the toilet.    


Thinking that she must not let anyone die, she casually threw the folder away and quickly walked out of the office.    


However, when she passed by Zhao Quan, Zuo Lan gave him a hateful glare.    


"Doomless Star, that crow mouth of yours is unlucky. If it wasn't for your nonsense, how could something have happened!"    


Zhao Quan sneered. He kept warning them not to dig, but now he had become the jinx of Fallout Star.    


But now, everything had happened. It was useless to talk about this anymore, so he rushed to the place where the accident had happened.    


There was a toilet in the southwest corner of the Country Light Academy, but it was quite far from the teaching building and dormitory building, so very few students went there.    


Zuo Lan thought that this toilet was not necessary, so she wanted to change it to a pond to improve the school's scenery.    


Who knew that the hole in the pond had not been dug yet. Just as she pushed down the wall, something happened.    


When he arrived at the scene of the accident, he immediately saw the ruins of the brick wall that he had pushed down. There was a person with a face full of blood, and he was shouting for help with his hand stretched out.    


Wu Xiangyang and Zuo Lan quickly organized people to rescue him. Their faces were filled with anxiety.    


Zhao Quan had just arrived at the scene when he felt the coldness. Even under the scorching sun, the coldness was still very obvious.    


He immediately closed his eyes and opened them a few seconds later. Then, he saw a different scene.    


Everyone was still in the middle of resuscitation, but above this moving image, there was a thin layer of mist.    


In the dense mist, the blue and white mist intertwined and became chaotic. At first glance, it looked like two chaotic ropes were interweaving together.    


In the middle, there was also a thick strand of black unlucky luck that rushed out, recklessly stirring about like a savage black python...    


Only Zhao Quan could see this phenomenon. Ordinary people couldn't see it at all. It was all because of the Shanren Five Techniques .    


The blue and white mist that he saw at this moment was the Feng Shui that had been disturbed here.    


And that black cloud of bad luck was the main culprit behind this gloomy atmosphere.    


After the toilet was pushed down, the accumulated bad luck gushed out from the ground, disrupting the normal Feng Shui here.    


Once the Feng Shui was messed up, it would affect the fate of the people around, which was also the life of the Shanren Five Techniques .    


Zhao Quan could clearly see that the red Life Fire on top of the human head in the ruins was being torn apart by the chaotic Feng Shui.    


Fortunately, the impact of bad luck was not serious. It was still not too late to rescue the person.    


At this moment, Cao Wei heard that something had happened to the construction and rushed over.    


"Why are the workers under Uncle Wu so careless? Is that person buried okay?"    


Zhao Quan shook his head. "No."    


The injured person's life force was vigorous. At most, it was just flesh, bones, and bones. It did not hurt the source.    


In fact, it was just as Zhao Quan had said. After the buried man was rescued, he looked like he was covered in blood, but it was not a big deal.    


After asking around, he found out that the buried person was an electrician from the school.    


At noon, he came back from outside and went to the toilet. He found that there was a light bulb on the top of the toilet that was not lit up.    


Coincidentally, there was a light bulb in his bag. He stepped on the windowsill and climbed onto the roof beam.    


The light bulb was changed, but he suddenly fell asleep on the beam in a daze.    


When he woke up again, he was hit by the collapsed wall under the ruins.    


Country Light Academy was close to the hospital. In a few minutes, 120 arrived and sent him to the ambulance.    


The injured person was an electrician from the school. As the Vice Principal of the school, Zuo Lan also left with the car.    


Waving his hand to signal the idle people to disperse, Wu Xiangyang gestured for the workers to continue the construction.    


Although this matter was rather unfortunate, he felt that it was only an accident and just instructed everyone to be careful with the construction.    


However, before the workers could start the construction, Zhao Quan shouted again, "Stop!"    


After stopping the workers, Zhao Quan came to Wu Xiangyang, "You still dare to start the construction? Did you forget my warning just now?!"    


This kind of tough attitude made Cao Wei stunned. She had never seen such a strong Zhao Quan.    


But this kind of unyielding attitude also drew Wu Xiangyang's anger.    


"Shut that jinx of yours. Don't think that you can shout and shout in front of me just because you happened to say it. Don't even look at your own identity. For the sake of Zuo Lan and Cao Wei, I won't argue with you. Get lost!"    


The appearance of the construction accident made Wu Xiangyang very unhappy. He pushed Zhao Quan away and tried to continue the construction.    


However, Zhao Quan was pushed so hard that he was as still as a mountain. He once again gave a serious warning, "If you continue the construction, something else will happen!"    


"Bullsh * t!" Wu Xiangyang was furious, "If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will sew your mouth shut!"    


Seeing that the two of them were about to argue, Cao Wei quickly went forward to persuade them to reconcile and asked Wu Xiangdong what was going on.    


Wu Xiangdong said in a huff and ridicule, "Your man is amazing. Where is the great deity? He also knows Feng Shui. So amazing!"    


Cao Wei did not understand what was going on. She asked again carefully and finally understood what had happened before.    


She was unhappy at that time. "Zhao Quan, what are you trying to do by pretending to be mysterious? Hurry back to your security room!"    


Back then, many influential people had begged for guidance behind their backs, and Zhao Quan had been stingy with his words.    


Now, he had taken the initiative to point it out, and it had actually been recognized as a feudal superstitious jinx? This was really...    


Zhao Quan wanted to stop meddling in this rotten business, but the ones who were thinking about what had happened were innocent after all.    


With the kindness in his heart, he stopped persuading and walked straight to the front of the excavator.    


"I won't talk nonsense with you guys. If you want to start work today, then push it over me!"    


Wu Xiangyang was so angry that he jumped up. " " Damn it! Someone, tie this guy up and tie him up in the shed! "    


When the chairman spoke, a group of workers rushed up and tied Zhao Quan up, who did not resist.    


Seeing this scene, Cao Wei stomped her feet angrily, "Shame!"    


She turned around and left, ignoring the extremely shameful Zhao Quan.    


Outside the work shed, the excavator rumbled with work. Inside the work shed, Zhao Quan waited with a cold face.    


If he didn't listen to his advice, accidents would happen sooner or later!    


Wu Xiangyang walked into the shed and looked at Zhao Quan, who was tied up like a dumpling, and sneered.    


"Great Divine Immortal, you know how to judge Feng Shui, and you know how to predict what will happen. Don't tell me you didn't expect yourself to be tied up like this?"    


Facing Wu Xiangyang's sarcasm, Zhao Quan sneered, "Let's see how you cry when something happens!"    


"I cry?" Wu Xiangyang's face was full of ridicule, "I think it's you who cry, right?"    


"Today, you have lost face in front of so many people. Let's see how Cao Wei will deal with you, a cripple, when we go back tonight..."    


Before he could finish his mocking words, Someone rushed into the shed in a panic -    


"Chairman, chairman, this place is evil, another one is buried here!"    


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