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C1069 It Was the Era of Zhao Quan

C1069 It Was the Era of Zhao Quan

Zhao Quan didn't mean to show off his ability. He used this method to tell the Zhao family on the island -    


He, Zhao Quan, had returned. He was very strong, strong enough to protect the Zhao family.    


Below, when his cousin Zhao Wei saw Zhao Quan's return, his eyes were filled with envy and happiness.    


He was naturally happy that the Zhao Family was protected and could continue to prosper. What he envied was Zhao Quan's ability to fly and escape. If only he had this ability, he could also contribute a bit of strength to protect the Zhao Family, but he wasn't jealous.    


In the past, he had targeted Zhao Quan for the sake of seizing power, but in the end, Zhao Quan didn't kill him. Instead, he entrusted the responsibility of communicating with the Zhao Family to him. This kind of trust had deeply convinced him. Therefore, his ambition had long died. All he had was to protect the Zhao Family.    


However... right now, even if he wanted to do his best, he seemed to be powerless to do so.    


Just as Zhao Wei felt powerless, a Golden Dragon that was hovering in the sky suddenly rushed down and lifted him up. It lifted him up into the air and stood beside Zhao Quan.    


To be honest, Zhao Wei was quite afraid. He was afraid that the seemingly fierce Golden Dragon would kill him, but in fact, it was not. When it lifted him up, the Golden Dragon was very gentle, just like the intimacy Zhao Quan had given him as a brother. It was a blood connection.    


Zhao Quan stretched out his arms and gave Zhao Wei a tight hug. "Brother Wei, thank you for your hard work."    


Zhao Wei felt ashamed. He did not have the strength to do anything in this chaotic world. There was no need to talk about hard work. He felt ashamed even when standing on this Golden Dragon. However, Zhao Quan didn't give him the chance to speak. He just passed on the cultivation instinct of the Psionic Skill to him.    


In the next moment, Zhao Wei was pleasantly surprised to find out that he had also become a cultivator, and he had mastered the ability to control ice and snow.    


The snow that suddenly fell from the sky was his ability. This made Zhao Wei extremely happy and grateful.    


Looking at Zhao Quan, he didn't know what to say. In the end, he clenched his fist and pounded his chest.    


He didn't say anything, but the meaning was clear. He was willing to sacrifice his life to protect the Zhao Family, and he had no regrets!    


He now had the ability to contribute his strength to protect the Zhao Family. He was a cultivator, and he absolutely had the qualifications to do so. Therefore, he was excited and excited. He was even more grateful to Zhao Quan for giving him the qualification to become an upright son of the Zhao Family!    


While Zhao Wei was experiencing the Ice and Snow Psionic Skill, Zhao Quan summoned another Dragon and landed under Ma San's body.    


Through Lu Dong, Ma San knew that Zhao Quan had the ability to turn people into cultivators. He had been looking forward to it for a long time.    


Who was he? He was the Ma San that no one feared. No matter whether it was fighting with fists or using guns, he was never afraid of anyone from the beginning to the end. However, the world had changed, and he was at a loss for what to do. His opponent had also become a cultivator with the Psionic Skill. He felt so powerless.    


As the saying went, there was nothing he could do to turn the situation around if he wanted to kill a thief. This was what he had experienced in recent days when he was at the end of his life.    


Fortunately, Zhao Quan had returned and brought him a new hope. Therefore, Ma San once again ignited his passion.    


As long as he could become a cultivator, he wouldn't have to fear any enemy. Back then, he could kill everyone in the world, but now, he could!    


The Golden Dragon lifted him up and carried him to Zhao Quan's side.    


Zhao Quan hugged him deeply. The two of them didn't need any unnecessary communication. Just the look in their eyes made Ma San understand.    


Back then, he had taught Zhao Quan kung fu and made him become a powerful warrior. Now, Zhao Quan had taught him the Psionic Skill, making him a great cultivator!    


According to Ma San's talent in close combat, Zhao Quan had taught Ma San the Psionic Skill that could transform Psionic Skills into weapons and armor.    


Although it was also an illusion weapon, the Psionic Skill that Zhao Quan had taught him was much stronger than the one Lu Dawei had used before. This was something that Zhao Quan had obtained from the imperial palace of the empire. Only the imperial family could cultivate it, so there was no need to talk about its power.    


Looking at Ma San's current display, the purple armor on his body had transformed into a purple flaming spear, making him look like a great general!    


Then, another Golden Dragon came down from the ground and picked up Zhao Xi.    


Zhao Xi originally didn't dare to think about it. Although she was very envious of the Psionic Skill, she was still a girl after all. It wasn't appropriate for her to appear in this kind of situation. She believed that Zhao Quan wouldn't give her the great responsibility of revitalizing the family, so no matter how envious she was, she didn't dare to look forward to it.    


However, she never expected that the Golden Dragon would actually lift her up. Her long dress fluttered in the wind, and her entire being seemed to be filled with immortal energy.    


Zhao Quan didn't need to say anything to her, but what Zhao Xi didn't expect was that Zhao Quan actually kissed her in front of everyone.    


What did this mean? This meant that he had recognized her as his woman, and she would no longer be his younger sister.    


This made Zhao Xi shy and excited, and she didn't know what to do. She didn't even notice the Psionic Skill that Zhao Quan took the opportunity to pass on to her.    


It was only when a pair of rainbow-colored spiritual wings appeared behind her that she was surprised to find that she could actually fly.    


Furthermore, she could fly wherever she wanted. She could even scatter flowers in the sky as she waved her hands.    


However, the power of the flower was quite great, causing a reef on the island to instantly turn to dust upon contact.    


If she hadn't kept it in time, the sky full of flowers would most likely have accidentally injured many people on the island.    


This made Zhao Xi feel lucky and shocked. However, she quite liked this Psionic Skill.    


Just as Zhao Xi was feeling happy for the Psionic Skill, another Golden Dragon flew down from the sky and lifted Han Lu up.    


After coming to Zhao Quan's side, Zhao Quan gently hugged her and also hugged the child.    


"Wife, I'm back."    


"Yes, I knew you would come back."    


There were no more affectionate words. There was only the existence of familial love. The two of them were not only lovers, but also relatives.    


Between family, there was no need to speak too much. Zhao Quan directly passed the Vermillion Bird Psionic Skill to Han Lu.    


This was Yan Shu's Psionic Skill. It was very powerful. Zhao Quan had used it before. Whether it was to kill the tribute team or to kill Feng Jian, it was extremely powerful.    


The reason why he taught it to Han Lu was not to let her kill the enemies, but to have a better way to defend herself.    


However, at this moment, the baby in Han Lu's arms was babbling and waving its little hands. Its big bright eyes were staring at Zhao Quan as if asking for the Psionic Skill from him. Even Han Lu said happily, "Ziting is looking for you to ask for the Psionic Skill!"    


Ziting had purple lightning flash across the sky when he was born, so Han Lu asked Zhao Qingfeng to give her the name Zhao Ziting.    


Zhao Quan liked this name, and he liked this little guy even more. That kind of strong blood bond made him realize that for the sake of this little guy in his arms, he was willing to give up everything, including his life, when necessary. This was the inheritance of blood.    


As if it was because he didn't get the Psionic Skill, the little guy immediately became unhappy. He waved his arms and looked for Han Lu again.    


Out of the six golden dragons, Zhao Quan took one, Zhao Wei took one, Ma San took one, Zhao Xi took the first, and Han Lu took the other.    


Now, there was only one left. Zhao Qingfeng walked out with a big smile on his old face before he even got down from the ground.    


This last line was left for him, of course. He was the most important person in Zhao Family. This was not what he thought. It was what he thought of Zhao Quan. As a matter of fact, the one who understood his grandson the most was his grandfather.    


When he took a step forward, the Golden Dragon finally lay on the ground and greeted Zhao Qingfeng.    


This was Zhao Quan's attitude towards Zhao Qingfeng, and also the respect that everyone in the Zhao family should have towards Zhao Qingfeng.    


Although Zhao Qingfeng was about to leave this era, the glory that he had brought with him couldn't be erased.    


Tonight was Zhao Quan's powerful return, and it would also be an explanation for the new and old era.    


The era of Zhao Family belonged to Zhao Quan, and the curtains were about to be drawn!    


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