The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C668 Special Treatment

C668 Special Treatment

"What's wrong? What are you waiting for? Give me your hand! " Lee Yifann urged.    


The passengers looked at his calm expression and were all very annoyed.    


They had seen how Dai Wei questioned Lee Yifann just now. To be honest, they didn't have a good impression of Dai Wei at all.    


If it was them, they wouldn't even bother to dump Dai Wei.    


Lee Yifann, on the other hand, could abandon his prejudice and treat Dai Wei?    


What they didn't know was that Lee Yifann had never put Dai Wei in his eyes from the beginning until the end. Currently, he had already reached the Clear-Sighted Doctor in terms of medical skills. In some aspects, he had already reached the level of a Heavenly Doctor.    


Logically speaking, people at his level were already different from ordinary people.    


If he wanted to lower himself to Dai Wei's level, he would be too narrow-minded. In his eyes, Dai Wei was just a beginner in medicine, just a baby.    


Dai Wei walked forward with embarrassment. He came in front of Lee Yifann and hesitantly stretched out his hand. He stared at Lee Yifann without moving his eyes. In his heart, he was very suspicious whether this guy was playing with him.    


Soon he was stunned.    


Lee Yifann calmly stretched out three fingers and put them on his wrist to diagnose his pulse. He looked like he was treating other passengers.    


"You actually don't have any major problems with your body. You only have some problems with Mr. Mao. Your temper is rather heavy, and it should have something to do with how you usually like to eat spicy food. That is why you occasionally have some symptoms of anger, such as bleeding gums. Nose bleeding. In addition, you like to stay up late, so you occasionally have insomnia. Moreover, you don't pay much attention to sports, and you also like to drink, so you're a bit tipsy. My advice to you is to try not to drink as much as possible. Just eat less spicy food and exercise more. That's enough."    


After the diagnosis was out, Dai Wei's body trembled, and an expression of disbelief appeared on his face.    


Not only did Lee Yifann diagnose his illness, but even his daily habits were described to be exactly the same!    


He was indeed a person who liked to eat spicy food, so sometimes he would get angry. Because he was busy with work, he often stayed up late. He did indeed like to drink, and sometimes he would get drunk. That was why he got an alcoholic liver. In the past, he had also looked for other doctors in the Second People's Hospital. The advice he gave him was to drink less, so that the liver would not get worse from drinking too much.    


"That's all your symptoms. You should pay more attention to them! Although the wine is delicious, drinking too much will cause trouble." Lee Yifann said with a smile.    


Dai Wei smiled bitterly. After a while, he took a deep breath and bowed deeply to Lee Yifann.    


Lee Yifann was stunned. "What are you doing?"    


"I was wrong!" Dai Wei let out a long sigh. "I shouldn't have denied TCM without understanding it. I don't understand TCM at all. Your diagnosis is exactly the same as my symptoms. I know that I'm being arrogant at night and watching the world from the bottom of a well! So I apologize to you for my recklessness and ignorance just now! "    


Hearing this, Lee Yifann blinked his eyes and nodded." En, I accept your apology. "    


At that moment, he felt that Dai Wei was actually not that bad. At least this person knew how to correct his mistakes.    


He felt that Dai Wei respected Western medicine because he was too ignorant of it. That was why he blindly admired Western medicine.    


Because he was ignorant, he blindly worshiped another person and walked to the extreme.    


Dai Wei returned to his seat with a lonely expression.    


The passengers had different expressions. Today, they were completely convinced. Lee Yifann used his strength to prove that TCM was not a trick. It was practical and more useful than many Western medicine!    


Even the famous doctor, Dai Wei, who had doubted TCM, was convinced.    


They had to admire this ability!    


Another 20 minutes passed, and it was time for lunch.    


The stewardess pushed the dining cart and started to distribute airplane food to the passengers.    


When the food was distributed to Lee Yifann, the stewardess enthusiastically took out a specially prepared large lunch and placed it in front of Lee Yifann.    


This made the passengers beside him stunned and protested, "Eh? Why is he so heavy, and we are so small?"    


"Yeah, we only have this small portion. Furthermore, the dishes aren't sumptuous." Another person couldn't help but agree.    


The stewardess held a smiling face and explained with a smile: "That portion was specially prepared for him."    


"Huh? Privilege?" The few of them opened their mouths wide.    


"This doctor just saved a patient's life. In order to express our gratitude, all of our crew members unanimously agreed to give him an extra meal! Dear passengers, do you have any objections?" The flight attendant's smile was very strong.    


"No objections!"    


"Yes, I have no objections."    


"He contributed so much, so he should eat more!"    


Most of the passengers expressed no objections and were very supportive of the flight attendant's actions.    


Those passengers who were unconvinced also had nothing to say. Their arms could not beat their thighs. Furthermore, Lee Yifann had just treated them before, so they were indebted to him.    


If they provoked and protested on such a small matter, it would really be too heartless.    


Lee Yifann looked at the extremely sumptuous lunch with more than a dozen dishes and was a little speechless. This was too exaggerated.    


It was probably specially prepared for him by the stewardesses.    


"Sir, what kind of drinks do you want to drink?" the stewardess asked enthusiastically.    


"This... Water is good." Lee Yifann did not really like drinking those drinks.    


"Okay!" The stewardess reacted quickly and poured a large cup of water. The cup was different from other people's.    


This scene made the corner of Lee Yifann's mouth twitch. This special treatment of him was too much to attract hatred.    


However, he actually knew what the stewardesses were thinking. After thinking for a while, he said in a low voice, "Dear sisters, I'll diagnose your pulse later."    


Hearing this, the stewardesses were instantly overjoyed.    


As people who flew in the sky every day, they usually worked very hard, and they didn't have much time to rest. Moreover, they could only endure when they were sick, and there was no place to look at them at all.    


Now that they had encountered this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they didn't want to miss it.    


After all, they had all seen the scene of Lee Yifann treating the passengers, and they were very envious of the passengers in their hearts.    


The flight attendants had a rule that they could not ask the passengers to do anything without permission. Except for things related to safety protection, they could not ask for anything else.    


Lee Yifann took the initiative to tell them to diagnose their pulse, which made them agree with his EQ.    


After lunch, Lee Yifann walked in front of the flight attendants and asked them to reach out their hands in succession.    


"Let me see... your problem is actually not big, it's just that it's irregular. I'll just give you a few needles. Give me both hands."    




Lee Yifann immediately took out silver needles and inserted them into her arms. At the same time, he injected the Vital Qi into her body through her meridians.    


The stewardess felt that her arm seemed to have a cool and comfortable feeling. She could not help but widen her eyes in surprise.    


"Be careful not to let the silver needle bump into you. When you remove the silver needle in five minutes, you may need to go to the toilet. When the time comes, you will discharge some dirty things. Don't panic when the time comes. After you are done, you will feel relaxed all over."    


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