The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C2810 It's Useless Even If You Have a Trump Card

C2810 It's Useless Even If You Have a Trump Card

"Things are not looking good!" Zhao Nan's expression was tense.    


"If this continues, I'm afraid Lee Jiuzhou will lose. It doesn't matter if he loses. But judging from Tian Sen's expression, it was obvious that he was going to kill him. ” Ma Hong was deeply worried. Losing a match was nothing more than losing a match. But losing your life means nothing.    


"A Dao Reaching Stage can use the Immortal Domain, and with the help of the Bridge of Laws..."    


Sun Tao had a bad feeling, and he hurriedly shouted, "Quickly make him admit defeat! If he still doesn't admit defeat, then something big will happen! "    


The scariest thing about a Third Dao Stage was that the bridge of laws could work together with the Immortal Domain. The Immortal Domain could create an absolute killing zone within a certain range. Once the target was trapped in it, it would be difficult to break free. The bridge of Laws could absorb the power of the Universal Law, and greatly strengthen the Immortal Domain. Using the power of the Law to kill the opponent.    


Even a Dao Reaching Stage Immortal would be extremely weak in front of the Universal Law.    


Ding Jue's expression changed. Just as he was about to speak, a strange emotion suddenly surged in his heart. Perhaps...    


Things weren't that bad yet.    


"Let's wait a little longer."    


He didn't know where he got his confidence from. He was imagining some kind of miracle. Maybe it was because Lee Yifann had shocked him too much, so he was willing to take the risk.    


"Kid, you're dead for sure!"    


Tian Sen took a step forward and unleashed the Immortal Domain. At the same time, the bridge of Laws shone brightly. He took the power of Laws from the endless void and poured it into the Immortal Domain.    


His power of the Law was more complex and did not have a clear and unified Law, so the Immortal Domain did not seem so pure.    


But even so, under this kind of attack, there were very few people who could withstand it.    


"Don't you have other trump cards? Or is this all you have?" Lee Yifann frowned slightly. Sun Shenhai had speculated that Tian Sen might have a very terrifying trump card. However, up until now, Tian Sen had never used it.    


Unless Tian Sen's biggest trump card was only the bridge of Laws and Immortal Domain.    


"You're about to die, yet you're still trying to show off!" Tian Sen crazily accumulated his strength. If he wanted to maximize the Immortal Domain's strength, he would need to have sufficient power of Laws. And with the opponent being careless, he would be able to give Tian Sen sufficient time.    


Lee Yifann said with an expressionless face, "It seems like this is the only thing you can do."    


Obviously, Sun Shenhai was worrying too much, or perhaps Tian Sen was still holding back his trump card.    


Of course, out of the usual cautiousness, the opponent did not use his trump card. Lee Yifann could not exclude this factor. If the opponent suddenly used his trump card at a critical moment, it might catch him off guard.    


"Kid, die!"    


When the strength had been accumulated to a sufficient degree, Tian Sen let out a furious roar. The bridge of laws glowed brightly. The Immortal Domain spread out from under his feet, wrapping around his opponent with him as the center. At the same time, countless long sabers condensed.    


Those long sabers were the manifestations of the power of the Laws. They formed a violent saber array. If one fell into it, it could be imagined that the weaker ones would be instantly minced into powder.    




Looking at the flying sabers circling around him, Lee Yifann did not panic. With a tap of his toes, his soul force was released, and the Soul Flying Sword formed.    


"Where did the sword come from?"    


Zhang Daoling and the others looked surprised and looked at each other.    


"Is he planning to use the Sword Formation to block the sword formation? Isn't this difficult? The opponent's saber array is enhanced by the power of law. Its power can't be underestimated. "Ge Hong frowned.    


The corner of Lee Xuanwu's mouth curled up, "Don't worry."    


In the Immortal Domain, the Soul Flying Sword was hovering above his head. This time, the Soul Flying Sword was slightly different from the previous ones. It was more solid and had a grayish-white color. It was like a grayish fog, but also somewhat illusory.    


"Compete with me in formations? Tian Sen, you are too arrogant."    


Lee Yifann took a step forward. 108 Soul Flying Sword formed several Sword Formation, rushing towards the sword formation from different directions.    


"Clank, clank, clank!"    


Along with the intense collision between the sword and the blade, violent Energy Storm wreaked havoc in the Immortal Domain.    


Everyone saw that the seemingly indestructible saber formation was destroyed by the Sword Formation in just a few breaths of time. Then, the Sword Formation attacked Tian Sen with unstoppable momentum.    




A series of explosions rang out, and an invisible fluctuation appeared around Tian Sen's body. The Sword Formation attacked him, but it didn't kill him as everyone had imagined. Instead, it didn't work after several rounds of attacks.    


"I knew I still have a trump card, but it's useless!"    


Lee Yifann's eyes focused. He didn't care what trump card Tian Sen had. Another 108 Soul Flying Sword was formed, and then it merged with the original Soul Flying Sword, forming an even more terrifying 108 Sword Formation.    


This wasn't all. The 108 Sword Formation merged several times, and finally became 36 Soul Sword Array.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


The Sword Formation used its invincible killing force and unpredictable attack trajectory to wildly slash at Tian Sen's body, destroying him.    




A terrifying storm raged. Everyone saw the illusory barrier surrounding Tian Sen's body being forcefully shattered, and then his body fell to the ground like a cannonball. He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell into a pool of blood.    


"Guild Leader!"    


When they saw this shocking scene, Qian Baoguang and the others' eyes widened as they cried out in pain.    


For a moment, the entire arena was silent. Whether it was the Ghost Fire Mercenary Group, Thundercry, or the Magic Fang Mercenary Group, they all fell into a deep silence.    


The scene was completely silent. Everyone cast looks of disbelief towards that calm figure on the arena, and it was difficult to conceal the shock on their faces.    


After all, the outcome of this battle really exceeded everyone's expectations.    


Initially, they thought that Tian Sen would easily win if he used both the Bridge of Laws and Immortal Domain. But what happened in the end?    


On the contrary, he was even more defeated.    


"He won?" Zhao Nan was in a trance.    


"He won!" Ma Hong recovered from his shock and revealed a look of ecstasy, "Haha! He won!"    


"Awesome!" Sun Tao's face was filled with excitement, and Ding Jue's mouth was so wide that it reached the back of his ear.    


Seeing Tian Sen's defeat, the four of them were indescribably happy.    


Who knew how worried they were when they saw Tian Sen reveal his Three Gods Bridge Realm cultivation?    


However, this worry had vanished along with Tian Sen's defeat!    


"Ding Jue, you really recruited a formidable mercenary group this time!" Zhao Nan's tone was filled with envy. They usually did not have a good relationship with Ding Jue. But now, because of Lee Jiuzhou's performance, they would have to be polite to Ding Jue in the future.    


Ding Jue rubbed his hands, his face full of excitement. Lee Yifann had given him such a big surprise.    


Now, whether Lee Yifann was an Immortal Second Generation or not, just based on the strength that Lee Yifann had displayed today, he had to win him over in the future.    


"But what are those Flying Swords that he just used? Why are they so strong?" Zhao Nan suddenly asked in puzzlement.    


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