The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C2859 Endure

C2859 Endure

While Luo Dong and Situ Hua were talking to the other four Immortal Kings, ... One... The news had quietly spread throughout the Jade Dragon Immortal City, and it had spread very quickly. In just a few days, the news spread like wildfire. It spread like wildfire, and everyone knew about it.    


Everyone knew that someone was stirring up trouble behind the scenes.    


However, most people didn't care who was the one pushing things up, because the content of the news was enough to make many people talk after a meal.    


The content was about Heavenly Sword Immortal King, who kidnapped three people.    


Originally, it was just a kidnapping incident, but it wasn't enough to make most people care. After all, Five Great Immortal Kings had done similar things before.    


However, this matter involved another main character, Zhao Gongming.    


The news of the annihilation of Zhao Gongming and the other Immortal Kings had already spread. As a result, the names of Lee Jiuzhou and the Jiuzhou Mercenary Group had become known to all.    


As an important figure in the Jiuzhou Mercenary Group, Zhao Ann naturally attracted everyone's attention.    


Now that Heavenly Sword Immortal King had kidnapped Zhao Ann's three younger sisters, it was the same as forming an irreconcilable enmity with the Jiuzhou Mercenary Group.    


Some people even had a premonition that an unprecedented war would happen in the future.    


Under the new and old grudges, when would this storm come? Everyone was very curious and looked forward to it.    


Xueluo Villa.    




The high-quality wooden table was smashed into pieces.    


"Zhao Gongming, calm down!" Zhang Daoling frowned. "Just being angry won't change the situation."    


"But..." Zhao Gongming's expression was uncertain.    


"I know you are very angry, and I really want to kill you right now. But to be honest, with the strength of our side, we can't do anything to him for the time being. Unless Yifann comes out of seclusion, but he has already bought us so much time. Are you planning to delay the Five Great Immortal Kings? Are you going to waste all your efforts?" Zhang Daoling asked in a deep voice.    


These words instantly silenced Zhao Gongming. After a long while, he took a deep breath and restrained his anger, "I understand. I won't be impulsive."    


Wen Qiong patted his shoulder, "Calm down. Since we have confirmed that the person was caught by Heavenly Sword Immortal King, it will save us a lot of trouble."    


"Wen Qiong is right." Li Jing nodded. "Originally, to investigate the whereabouts of the Three Sky Fairies, we had to use a lot of means. At least, it would not be easy to investigate from Heavenly Sword Immortal King's side. But now that they have exposed this, it saves us the effort to investigate."    


" More importantly, who could it be that spread the news on purpose? "    


Zhang Daoling's question immediately made everyone fall into deep thought.    


Wen Qiong frowned and could not figure it out. "If it was Heavenly Sword Immortal King himself, he would not be stupid enough to expose the news. After all, he would not be stupid enough to cause trouble for himself. In other words, the news must have been spread by the other Immortal Kings. But how did they know? Also, since they knew, why didn't they expose it earlier? What if they didn't expose it later? Why did they expose themselves at this time? What was their intention? "    


"Stop guessing. If you keep guessing, it won't end," Zhang Daoling shook his head. "I've already asked Nezha to find out. He should be back soon."    


As he spoke, Nezha returned.    


"Sky Master! The situation has already been investigated thoroughly."    


"Tell me."    


Nezha Li looked at the crowd and his gaze landed on Zhao Gongming. He hesitated for a moment before saying, "The news was spread by the City Lord. The people from the Immortal City Federation personally admitted it. He personally admitted it when Situ Hua and Luo Dong went to persuade Jade Dragon Immortal King. The reason why they spread the news was to let us deal with Heavenly Sword Immortal King first. "    


Hearing these words, everyone was stunned. All of them frowned.    


" Is he going to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight and reap the benefits? " Li Jing's gaze became serious.    


"It seems like that's the case. We have arranged for Situ Hua and Luo Dong to go and persuade the Five Great Immortal Kings. We need to stall for time. Both of them must have done the same thing, but the Five Great Immortal Kings wouldn't just sit there and wait for their death. Especially since Jade Dragon Immortal King was the City Lord, he would definitely take this opportunity. Eliminate all dissidents." Zhang Daoling analyzed in a deep voice.    




Li Jing frowned even more deeply. "But there is one thing that is very strange. At this critical juncture, shouldn't the Five Great Immortal Kings unite as one? Now, the Jiuzhou Mercenary Group has created such a huge conflict with their interests. They should unite and fight against the outside world. Isn't it suicide to start an internal conflict at this critical moment?"    


" That can only mean one thing, Jade Dragon Immortal King definitely has a strong backer behind him! "    


Zhao Gongming's face turned cold. He harrumphed and said, "There are some people in Five Great Immortal Kings who haven't made it to the Immortal King Ranking, but Jade Dragon Immortal King is one of them. The Immortal Kings who could make it to the Immortal King Ranking couldn't be underestimated. As for the Jade Dragon Immortal City, it's enough to be considered a four-star sect. However, no matter how strong a four-star sect was, it had to rely on a transcendent power. He guessed that this transcendent power must have given him confidence. This can also explain why the Jade Dragon Immortal City has been in a balanced state for so many years. "    


" You're saying that the Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven behind him might appear? " Zhang Daoling's expression changed dramatically.    


"That's right!"    


Zhao Gongming nodded slightly, then sighed, "Although the city lord of Immortal City is in the Immortal City, he belongs to the local emperor. He has the right to speak. However, in the end, this right to speak still relies on the transcendent powers behind him. Most of those transcendent powers had Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven warriors. And a Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven warrior could even occupy tens of thousands of Immortal City and hundreds of thousands Immortal City. Even if the transcendent powers behind Jade Dragon Immortal King only had a few hundred or thousands of Immortal City warriors, that's also a Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven."    


At least, with their strength, if they encountered a Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven warrior, they would only end up dead. There wouldn't be any suspense.    


The strength of a Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven was something that even thousands of Immortal Kings couldn't compare to.    


Not every Immortal King was a heaven-defying existence like Zhen Yuanzi.    


"The strength of a Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven is indeed powerful. However, it's not like there's nothing we can do about it on our side." Zhang Daoling smiled.    


Everyone nodded their heads lightly.    


"That's right. The strength of a Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven comes from the Chaos Strength, and he has comprehended the mysteries of the Chaos. That's what makes you invincible. It was as difficult as ascending to the heavens for others to comprehend the Chaos Strength, but he had already mastered it. And he had even stepped into the Perfection Stage. Reaching the Golden Immortal of All-Embracing Heaven is only a matter of time!"    


They had planned for this day for so many years.    


Once Lee Yifann reached that step, all of their worries and worries would vanish into thin air.    


"But this move of Jade Dragon Immortal King is really vicious," Zhang Daoling said coldly, his face solemn. "He relied on the fact that he had someone backing him, and purposely exposed Heavenly Sword Immortal King's dirty deeds. He wanted to provoke us into a fight with Heavenly Sword Immortal King, so that we could sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. He wanted to take advantage of the chaos and kill us all. He also wanted to get rid of dissidents at the same time! "    


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