The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C478 Zhen Zixue Laid Her Cards on the Table

C478 Zhen Zixue Laid Her Cards on the Table

"Zixue, are you crazy?" Faang Ling's expression was also very ugly. Why did this good friend of hers become as unreasonable as a madman recently?    


"I am not crazy. The ones who are crazy are you guys!" Zhen Zixue took a deep breath. "I have already made my words very clear. Regardless of whether you agree or not, or whether you are happy or unhappy, I will not be with him!"    




Faang Changcai slammed the glass on the table heavily. The sound of the glass hitting the table was like a heavy hammer smashing on everyone's heart, making their hearts almost jump out of their throats.    


"You like that guy that much? What point does he have that is better than me?" Faang Changcai pointed the spearhead at Lee Yifann.    


"It has nothing to do with him! Don't drag irrelevant people into this!" Zhen Zixue snorted coldly, "I forgot to say that you are inverting right and wrong in front of my parents. He said that he was the one who bewitched me. I haven't even settled this score with you! You like to talk about right and wrong behind people's backs. With your personality, you aren't a gentleman. I am learning TCM, a person who is not upright and upright enough. You don't deserve to be with me!"    


She was like a proud phoenix on her finger. The words she said were so natural, but no one could find any doubt in her words.    


"Lee Yifann, let's go! I've had enough wine. I should go home now. I don't want my parents to worry about me!" Zhen Zixue stood up and walked downstairs steadily and quickly.    


"Stop!" Faang Changcai gritted his teeth and wanted to stop her. But just as he moved, a figure blocked in front of him. His face darkened, and he roared in a low voice, "Get lost! Don't block the way!"    


"Haha," Lee Yifann's mouth twitched, and his laughter was full of ridicule. "He has already made his words clear, but you still don't give up? Do you have to be so shameless? Do you know what it means to stop when there is enough? No wonder she thinks you're not open and aboveboard. You don't even know what respect is."    


Even if Faang Changcai was a little smarter, he should respect Zhen Zixue's intentions and let go of her.    


Pursuing a person, one must work hard to become the person she likes, and not cause her disgust, and even use forceful means to force her to submit.    


Putting aside whether Faang Changcai had the ability to make Zhen Zixue submit, Zhen Zixue was not the kind of person who would be willing to submit. She was very assertive. She knew what she needed and what she wanted. Such a person was destined not to live under the will of others.    


"You! I don't need you to teach me a lesson!" Faang Changcai's face alternated between green and red, like a chameleon, looking extremely ugly.    


"I don't have the time to teach you a lesson, but I just want to say that you are really ignorant and arrogant. You dare to pursue her without knowing anything. Ai!" After saying that, Lee Yifann turned around and left.    


In the eyes of outsiders, Zhen Zixue was the young lady of Zhen Family. Zhen Family could not be considered a big family in Luzhou City. They could only be considered a small family that was neither high nor low. But in Lee Yifann's eyes, Zhen Family was actually far from that simple.    


Outsiders always used money to measure the strength of a family, but they never thought that Zhen Family was a medical family.    


Zhen Zixue had a grandfather with excellent medical skills. From the medical talent that Zhen Zixue displayed, he could infer that her grandfather was at least a heavenly physician.    


What did a doctor mean?    


Ordinary people might not know, but to Lee Yifann, he knew very well the importance of this identity. A heavenly doctor was at least an attending physician or even a director in a provincial tertiary Grade A hospital.    


Such a person would be respected wherever he went, not to mention that such a person usually had very strong connections.    


Therefore, the Zhen family was not as simple as ordinary people thought.    


Lee Yifann did not know why the Zhen family was not ranked in the four big and four small families, nor did he know why the Zhen family appeared so weak on the surface. It was probably Zhen Zixue's grandfather's intention. Maybe they were hiding their strength. Or they had their own deeper plans.    


"Bastard! What do you mean!?" Faang Changcai's face turned red. He was angry and anxious about what Lee Yifann had said.    


However, Lee Yifann did not pay attention to him at all. He turned around and caught up with Zhen Zixue. The two of them quickly disappeared in the bar, leaving Faang Changcai, Bao Zhiming, Faang Ling and others standing where they were with ashen faces. They had nowhere to vent their anger.    


Outside the bar, Zhen Zixue smiled and thanked him, "Yifann, thank you very much for today!"    


"No, I basically did not help. It was all decided by you alone." To be honest, he did not do anything from the beginning to the end. At most, he stopped Faang Changcai in the end.    


"No! You were able to come with me because you helped me the most. If you don't come with me, I don't know how Faang Changcai will force me! " Zhen Zixue shook her head. With Faang Changcai's personality, when he was in the neighborhood of the Yangchun Villa, he kept urging her to stay in the villa. If not for her firm attitude, she was afraid that he wouldn't even be able to get out of the villa district.    


In the face of Faang Changcai's coercion, the effective methods she could use were too few and far between.    


"Let's not talk about it anymore. It's late. I'll send you back!" Lee Yifann looked at her. Zhen Zixue drank some wine. It was another girl. He let her go back alone. He was also not at ease. He casually called a taxi, got in the car, and sent her home. He then asked the driver to turn around and drive towards Xuande Clinic.    


When he returned to the clinic, it was almost 12 o'clock.    


"Hu! I'm really busy this time. Let's get some rest!" Lee Yifann tidied up briefly, took off his clothes, and went to bed.    


The next day, he went to work as usual. He went to the massage parlor for his internship at four o'clock in the afternoon.    


Around 6.30 PM, he received a message. When he saw the message, he was stunned. He was unable to say anything for a long time.    


"No way... Playing with me." A bitter smile appeared on his face, and he thought that he was dreaming.    


Mo Lingyan actually texted him, saying that she had booked a private room in the hotel and wanted to treat him to a meal.    


" What does this woman mean? " He scratched his ears and cheeks with a conflicted expression, wondering what Mo Lingyan was trying to convey. In his impression, this was the first time Mo Lingyan had taken the initiative to invite him for a meal. This was completely different from the rumored high and cold school belle.    


Could it be that the ice mountain melted?    


Lee Yifann smiled bitterly, "Forget it, I'll just reject it. It's better to avoid unnecessary trouble."    


He quickly replied with a text message. "No, I have other matters to attend to. Sorry."    


In less than two minutes, the text came again. Mo Lingyan replied very quickly, "Don't try to fool me. I know you're not busy at all. After seven o'clock at night, you have nothing to do. "    


Black lines appeared on Lee Yifann's forehead. This woman actually found out about his internship at the massage parlor?    


" I'm really busy. I'm really sorry. I can't go! " He was still very grateful to Mo Lingyan for helping him back then. However, it was only limited to gratitude. As someone who had been hurt by his feelings before, right now, he only wanted to focus on medicine and his career. He would put the feelings aside for now. He did not want to be hurt for the second time, and he did not want to suffer that kind of heart-wrenching pain anymore.    


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