The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C970 Four Keys

C970 Four Keys



Lee Wenyan shook his head, "If that ruin is really watertight and nothing can escape from it, how did you leave?"    


Lee Yifann was stunned and explained, "That's because we were released on our own accord. There is a formation and an exit. The Devil Spirit was imprisoned in the prison. No one would deliberately release them, right?"    


"Then what if someone uses external forces to forcefully break through?" Lee Wenyan asked back.    


This sentence instantly made Lee Yifann speechless.    


He couldn't believe it, "Could it be that there really is a way to release the Devil Spirit from such a tightly guarded ancient ruin?"    


"I'm not sure, but since the ancient ruin has existed for so many years... But there is still a catastrophe that happens every few hundred years, which proves that the prison can't keep the Devil Spirit under control all the time. There must be a way to break the restrictions of the remains and release the Devil Spirit! "    


Lee Wenyan's words caused Lee Yifann to fall into silence," Could it be those four items? "    


" I'm afraid so. There won't be Devil Spirit Jade, Medical Sage Needle, Profound God Token, and Demon-Locking Lock appearing for no reason. Perhaps these four items are the keys to opening the ruins' Inhibition! " Lee Wenyan's voice was solemn.    


Lee Yifann's expression was slightly ugly. He didn't know whether to say he was lucky or unlucky.    


He had accidentally analyzed the method to open the remains, but it wasn't good news.    


The fact that he was able to analyze the remains indicated that the others might be able to do the same.    


He could not help thinking of Qiu Qianchi. Qiu Qianchi was carrying a blood ghost that could attract Devil Spirit.    


This proved that other than him, there must be someone else who knew how to break through the Inhibition and even the method to liberate the Devil Spirit.    


"This will be troublesome... I originally thought that the root of the chaos was the Nine Revolutions Indestructible Devil Arts. I just need to take care of the Nine Profound Sect. I never thought that there would be an extra Devil Spirit and four keys that I don't understand. " Lee Yifann's tone couldn't help but be slightly worried. The only thing that could make him feel slightly relieved was that the Medical Sage needle was on his body.    


"Relax!" Lee Wenyan smiled with a relaxed expression, "What you can think of, will those seniors in the ruins not think of it? They must have had a countermeasure long ago!"    


Lee Yifann was slightly stunned, "You're right, I was overly worried!"    


"You mentioned just now that the Heavenly Devil Sect in Ancient Times made those Devil Spirit. The degree of the catastrophe is greater than the catastrophe that happens every few hundred years. This proves that those seniors definitely have countermeasures. Or perhaps, after having dealt with the Devil Spirit for a long time, they have gradually figured out the weaknesses and characteristics of the Devil Spirit. It was stopped before the Devil Spirit wreaked havoc!"    


If he continued to fight with an opponent that he had dealt with for thousands of years, even the stupidest person would understand the characteristics of the opponent and come up with countermeasures. His own ability and experience would also increase along with it.    


" What we need to worry about now is whether the Devil Spirit suppressed in Taiyi Ruins is all of them, or only a portion of them? " A troubled expression appeared on Lee Wenyan's face.    


Lee Yifann also fell into deep thought. He remembered what the old man had said before. They didn't know how the Heavenly Devil Sect managed to produce those Devil Spirit, and the biggest characteristic of the Devil Spirit was... Killing it would allow one to be reborn in a bizarre way. No matter what, they wouldn't be able to kill it all.    


This was the scariest part of the Devil Spirit.    


No matter how strong the martial artists in the cultivation world were, they were still a group of people. A person's physical strength was limited, and their strength was limited. Compared to a group of Devil Spirits that could endlessly regenerate, if they continued to waste time, they would inevitably die.    


"But..." Lee Wenyan immediately felt relieved, "This doesn't have to be too much of a problem. When a soldier comes, he will block the water. When a soldier comes, he will block the earth. Even if the Devil Spirit in Taiyi Ruins isn't all of them. We just need to eliminate them all. Who cares where they come from! "    


Eliminate them?    


How do we destroy them?    


Lee Yifann smiled bitterly. Father, what you said is really easy.    


"Do you think I'm joking? Indeed, according to what you said, the Devil Spirit can regenerate infinitely. Undying and imperishable. But, how can there be truly undying and imperishable creatures in this world?" Lee Wenyan chuckled," Every creature has its own weakness, as long as we can find its weakness. We can break their immortality."    


"That's the logic. But the Devil Spirit has existed for thousands of years, and the Ancient Times Expert have yet to discover its weakness. We might not be able to discover it, right?" Lee Yifann was not that optimistic.    


"Every time the Devil Spirit wreaks havoc, the martial artists will be busy killing them. How can they have the time to study it? Moreover, the Devil Spirit itself is very powerful. Ordinary people would not easily come into contact with it. It's not surprising that they can't figure out its weakness. Furthermore, just because they couldn't figure it out in the past didn't mean that they couldn't do it now! One must know that the last catastrophe was 500 to 600 years ago..."    


Upon hearing these words, Lee Yifann was startled and immediately revealed a joyful expression. " That's right! Five or six hundred years ago, technology was not developed, unlike now, where technology could be borrowed. If we can capture a Devil Spirit and analyze it, we might be able to analyze its weakness!"    


He almost forgot about this. It was all thanks to Lee Wenyan's reminder.    


Lee Wenyan faintly smiled, "But you shouldn't be too optimistic. It can only be said that you might be able to use the current scientific technology to analyze the weakness of the Devil Spirit. But if you want to kill the Devil Spirit, you will have to rely on a martial artist's strength!"    


"That's enough! Even if it is just a thought, it is still better than being helpless!" Lee Yifann smiled optimistically, "But I have a feeling that the real breakthrough should be on those four keys."    


" Oh? Tell me your opinion."    


"First of all, there aren't many people who can be called Medical Sage, and they fit the criteria of those who have entered and exited the Taiyi Ruins before. It's obvious that there's only one ancestor. Our ancestors used medicine to enter the Dao, and dual cultivated medicine and martial arts. He possessed vast righteousness and powerful strength. What he was least afraid of was the Devil Spirit, this kind of evil thing! Therefore, the Medical Sage Needle might have a targeted effect on the Devil Spirit. "    


" Mm, that makes sense. Continue!"    


"Next is the Profound God Token. I feel that this is more like a type of soldier talisman that has the ability to command all the officials. Perhaps it's a command token from the World of Martial Dao when they joined forces during the catastrophe. "    


"It's possible."    


"After that, there's the Demon-Locking Lock. I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I still can't understand it. I feel that this should be something used to bind things. Especially the demons. In the current World of Martial Dao, there were almost no more demons. The worsening of the cultivation environment caused it to be very difficult for animals to become demons. However, it was impossible for it to become an important key, as it was just a decoration. I thought about it carefully, is it possible that it has something to do with that fox demon?"    


" Oh? The fox demon that was with Yuchi Heng? " Lee Wenyan was shocked, "Now that you mention it, there seems to be a possibility. After all, a demon is already a rare existence, even if it was five hundred years ago. There weren't many of them. There must be a connection between the two. "    


Lee Yifann nodded," The last one is the Devil Spirit Jade. I don't know why, but I feel that this thing is a little familiar. "    


"Maybe you think too much about the Devil Spirit, so you naturally feel that it is familiar." Lee Wenyan did not take it seriously and smiled indifferently.    


"Maybe." Lee Yifann did not care too much about it. "The Devil Spirit and the Devil Spirit Jade, just from the name alone, it can be seen that there is a certain connection between the two. So I boldly speculate that the Devil Spirit Jade is something that can command the Devil Spirit!"    


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