The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C1343 Mind Your Own Mouth

C1343 Mind Your Own Mouth

"Doctor, save... Save... my child..."    


The pregnant woman opened her heavy eyes and said angrily. Although her mind was not clear, she still heard the fierce arguments of the doctors just now. However, she did not have the strength to open her mouth and participate in the debate.    


"Well, I will guarantee that your child will be fine. Don't worry!" Retracting his hand, Lee Yifann gave her a calm smile.    


At this critical juncture, comforting words should be very effective.    


However, an untimely voice sounded from the side, "Don't be afraid of sticking your tongue out when you talk big. Can you cure it? If you can cure it, then speak big words! Don't kill people if you can't cure it! "    


It was Bu Tangloong's cynicism and sarcasm. This guy had just been targeted by Huai Annlang, and now he was really unhappy. Once he found an opportunity, he naturally had to scold Lee Yifann to show that he was very powerful.    


Lee Yifann frowned slightly. This guy didn't even know what to say?    


He didn't know that he was trying to comfort the pregnant woman just now.    


Was it a good thing to say such sarcastic words at this time to attack the pregnant woman and have a bad influence on her?    


This Bu Tangloong's brain was flooded with water!    


In an instant, Lee Yifann's evaluation of Bu Tangloong fell. He didn't care about the personal grudge between Bu Tangloong and Huai Annlang, but at least he had to distinguish the situation clearly!    


What should he not have said? This fellow did not even count a single point?    


"Humph! You don't have to trouble yourself!" Lee Yifann sneered, "You better watch your mouth. Don't you know how annoying it is?"    


As soon as he said that, some of the doctors and nurses in the ward were shocked. They did not expect Lee Yifann to dare to say that.    


In the hospital, everyone knew Bu Tangloong's temper. He was not broad-minded at all and had a strong heart for revenge. Those who offended him in the past would not have a good ending.    


Lee Yifann mocked him like that. Was he not afraid that Bu Tangloong would take revenge afterwards?    


However, some people felt that Lee Yifann was not a doctor in Gynecological Hospital. Should they worry about Bu Tangloong taking revenge? At most, they would never come to the Gynecological Hospital again. As long as they did not have any contact with Bu Tangloong, it would be fine. Bu Tangloong wouldn't be able to do anything to him, right?    


"You..." Bu Tangloong was furious, "How dare you mock me? How dare you!"    


"Shut up!" Lee Yifann's gaze was cold." If you don't want me to kick you out, then shut your dog mouth quietly! Who do you think you are? President Suo doesn't even have the right to talk to me like that, what do you think you are?"    


" Hiss... "    


Everyone gasped. Wasn't this too arrogant?    


He didn't even put Bu Tangloong in his eyes!    


On the other hand, Huai Annlang's expression was calm. After Lee Yifann left that day, he had noticed that there was something wrong with Suo Lee's expression, so he secretly asked Suo Lee about it. Only now did he know that Lee Yifann was the genius TCM doctor who had defeated the Korean Doctor on behalf of the Celestial Empire's TCM. He was also the disciple of the Holy Doctor Cang Xuande.    


This gave Huai Annlang the confidence that Lee Yifann could cure the pregnant woman.    


There were only twelve Holy Doctor in Huaxia, and each of them was a figure standing at the top of the pyramid of Medical Field. Even a famous doctor like Suo Lee was not a Holy Doctor, but one could imagine how superb the medical skills of a Holy Doctor were!    


Such a person, even if he was their disciple, it was not something that ordinary doctors could compare with.    


"Bastard..." Bu Tangloong was so angry that his whole body was trembling. Just as he was about to attack, Lee Yifann threw him a cold glance.    


When he saw Lee Yifann's cold gaze, Bu Tangloong suddenly shivered. He felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. A cold air poured down from his head to his feet, making him shiver.    


"What a scary look. Who is this kid?" A storm was raging in Bu Tangloong's heart. He shut his mouth and became obedient.    


Seeing that this annoying guy finally stopped talking, Lee Yifann took out a silver needle. After a simple disinfection and cleaning, he began to perform the acupuncture.    


A pregnant woman had congenital heart disease, so the first step of treatment was to ensure that her heart problem was not caused during the birth process. Once it happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Heart Protecting Needle.    


This acupuncture technique could be used to stabilize the condition of the pregnant woman's heart at this time, and it was extremely suitable.    


"Is this the Acupuncture Arts of TCM? How magical?" Huai Annlang's eyes flashed with surprise. That day, he and Suo Lee also asked for some TCM problems. After that, they started to learn TCM when they were free.    


Suo Lee had told him personally that if he wanted to become a world-famous doctor, just dabbling in one field was not enough. He needed to dabble in many fields and seek verification.    


Medicine was originally about mutual understanding and corroborating with each other. If one path did not work, the other paths would work.    


From then on, Huai Annlang felt that his medical skills, which had not improved for many years, had actually improved!    


Although the speed of improvement was very slow, he could clearly feel some medical problems that he could not understand in the past. Gradually, he had a solution. Therefore, he now believed in TCM very much, especially when he saw Lee Yifann's smooth acupuncture technique and Acupuncture Arts. It was an eye-opener for him.    


"Cheh! Acting like it's real!" Unconvinced, Bu Tangloong was still speaking cold words.    


He was the same as Huai Annlang back then. He had always scoffed at TCM. He did not believe that this kind of witchcraft could cure a person's illness. Now, when he saw Lee Yifann holding a few broken needles and stabbing them a few times, he wanted to cure a person. He simply had the impulse to snort disdainfully.    


"I don't believe that TCM is really useful! This kind of thing has long been regarded as witchcraft overseas. Only a bunch of idiots would believe it!"    




Bu Tangloong was as disdainful as he could be in his heart.    


However, in the next moment, his face froze.    


"This... My god, the pregnant woman's heartbeat is starting to return to normal!" The doctor in charge of keeping an eye on the heartbeat shouted in surprise.    


"What?" Everyone was extremely surprised, and they hurriedly looked at the instrument in unison.    


"It's really stabilizing!"    


"The numbers are starting to drop bit by bit. 120... 110... So fast!"    


"It's going to be normal soon, that's great!"    


Everyone was pleasantly surprised. Previously, they had tried everything but were unable to make the pregnant woman's heartbeat drop. As a result, when Lee Yifann attacked, the heart rate of the pregnant woman started to return to normal after a short while. How could they not be surprised?    


"Not only her heart rate has returned to normal, but her blood pressure has also returned to normal!"    


"Yeah! It's a good thing!"    


Everyone saw that the blood pressure was also recovering to normal, which meant that the pregnant woman's condition was getting better.    


"So this is the Acupuncture Arts? Amazing!" Huai Annlang's eyes were filled with shock. He had heard that it was in the hands of some powerful Old Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He had never thought that the silver needle would also have such an amazing healing effect in Lee Yifann's hands.    


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