The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C2822 Pill Refining

C2822 Pill Refining

With the ingredients in hand, Lee Yifann couldn't wait to enter the formation. He went to the Independent Space and started concocting pills.    


The next morning, Zhao Gongming took the demon beast jar containing the Ghost Soul Tiger and went to the Southern District branch to submit the mission.    


"Brother Zhao Ann, you completed the mission so quickly?" Ding Jue looked at him with a surprised expression.    


"I have completed it." Zhao Gongming handed over the demon beast jar.    


Ding Jue checked it and was surprised, "You caught a Ghost Soul Tiger so quickly? And it was a Dao Reaching Stage? How did you do it?"    


"Hehe, the credit isn't mine." Zhao Gongming shook his head. He had never participated in this mission.    


"Oh, I understand, I understand."    


Ding Jue showed a look of realization and smiled. He took out the mission record book and said, "Then this mission is considered completed. Do you want to take the next mission now?"    


"Yes!" Zhao Gongming nodded. According to his plan, it was the same as farming points. The faster the better.    


"Then follow the order and do the task of catching the Ghost King Beast. In addition, you have completed this task, and the contribution points you get are enough to upgrade to the Bronze mercenary group." Ding Jue said with a smile as he updated the data.    


"It is still too slow." Zhao Gongming was neither happy nor sad.    


"That's true. With your strength, you should at least advance to the Gold rank. However, it will be more difficult to advance to the Gold rank and above."    


Ding Jue busied himself for a while and returned the identity card to Zhao Gongming. "Alright, the information has been updated. Finish the mission as soon as possible!"    


Zhao Gongming nodded, then thought for a moment and said, "I'll have to trouble you to tell Elder Situ about the immortal herbs and materials. " Many! " Supply some of them. As for the pills, I'm sure he'll be satisfied with them. In addition, if you have other materials such as artifact forging, talismans, and so on, you can also send them over. We have people here who can refine them."    




Ding Jue was shocked and looked at him in disbelief. "You mean..."    


"Eh!" Zhao Gongming quickly made a silent gesture." Keep a low profile. Don't let others know. Do you still want to hang around? "    


Ding Jue's expression changed. He realized that he was too excited. He almost alarmed the others in the hall. He lowered his voice and said in a low voice, "I will tell the elders later, but you really didn't fool me? Can you still forge Immortal Artifact? "    


"What do you think?" Zhao Gongming had an enigmatic smile on his face. He wouldn't dare to say anything about others, but Lee Yifann could definitely forge an Immortal Artifact.    


This point alone was enough for them to benefit greatly from it.    


"Alright, alright." Ding Jue's eyes shone with excitement. He could smell the great opportunity for him to climb up.    


After that, Zhao Gongming returned to Xueluo Manor.    


"Where are they? Are they concocting pills inside?" Zhao Gongming saw that both Lee Yifann and Ge Hong were not there.    


Wen Qiong spread her hands and said, "What do you think?"    


"Alright." Zhao Gongming had a helpless look on his face. "However, this mission does not require the two of them to participate. Let them concoct pills. We will carry out the mission. This mission is not difficult."    




In Independent Space, Lee Yifann and Ge Hong were exchanging alchemy skills.    


"Oh? Interesting. Using formations to concoct pills?" Ge Hong was surprised. This was the first time he had heard that one could use formations to concoct pills.    


"Actually, not only can formations be used to concoct pills, but forging techniques can also be used to concoct pills. Talisman techniques can also be used to concoct pills."    


Lee Yifann explained with a smile on his face. His 36 ultimate skills were the best explanation. For example, the Profound Core Technique was a supreme technique that could turn pill forging techniques into combat techniques. When it was used, it could turn medicinal pills into swords or other weapons.    


To put it bluntly, the Profound Core Technique was an ultimate technique that could turn pill refining techniques into weapon refining techniques.    


Conversely, artifact forging techniques could also be used to refine pills.    


Ge Hong was still in disbelief, "This is the first time I've heard of such a saying. Show me."    




Lee Yifann nodded and stood up. He looked around at the empty space. He then cleaned up the ground and laid down a small formation with his bare hands. The light of the formation lit up around his body, then the herbs on the ground flew up. After being tempered by the heavenly fire, he extracted the medicinal liquid and the formation was activated. Completed. The final step of the fusion.    




As the lightning descended, the spell formation took the initiative to absorb the power of the lightning and poured it into the embryonic pill.    


Finally, the medicinal pill was formed.    


Seeing this unbelievable scene, Ge Hong opened his eyes wide and said, "Using the formation to complete the integration, how could the steps of the pill lightning be like this?"    


"Not only that, this can greatly reduce the human error. It can also greatly increase the efficiency! If a person were to refine a pill, all the pressure would be placed on the alchemist. However, if there was a formation to share the pressure, it would be different. Not only would the pressure be much lower, it would also be much lower. At a critical moment, the formation can also replace some of the steps that an alchemist must take to reduce the risk of failure. " Lee Yifann said with a smile.    


Ge Hong seemed to be deep in thought, and he felt that something was really strange. "Your alchemy is indeed incredible. No wonder Lee Xuanwu said that even I am not as good as you when it comes to alchemy. It seems like I am indeed not as good as you! "    


To be honest, he had never thought of using such a method to concoct pills. In terms of efficiency, he was totally incomparable to Lee Yifann.    


"Senior Ge, you don't have to belittle yourself. This is also a coincidence that I have dabbled in many things. It's not surprising," Lee Yifann said calmly.    


"You don't have to be humble. This is the first time in my life that I have seen such a refining method. Even Old Lord Taishang might not know this." Ge Hong sighed with emotion. "Your train of thought has given me a lot of inspiration. If I could comprehend it as well... Maybe the efficiency of refining pills can be increased by more than ten times! "    


"I believe that with Senior Ge's comprehension ability, he will definitely be able to do it."    


Lee Yifann smiled and immediately set up a new formation, "Time is of the essence. Let's start concocting pills this morning. The first batch of ingredients is very important. It is equivalent to creating a good reputation for the future. Therefore, we must prepare enough ingredients."    


"En! As long as the first batch of ingredients goes smoothly, Situ Hua will be completely tied to our war chariot of benefits. As time passes, he will become very dependent on us. At that time, we will be able to gain a foothold in Jade Dragon Immortal City very smoothly. "    


Without saying much, the two of them opened up a large area for concocting pills. This way, when the pill lightning was produced, they wouldn't interfere with each other.    


Lee Yifann was still like before, releasing multiple clones to concoct pills through division of labor.    


At first, Ge Hong still used the same method, but when he saw Lee Yifann's actions, he also tried a new method. Sure enough, the efficiency was greatly increased.    


"Your method. To be honest, in my era, no one thought of it." Ge Hong clicked his tongue in wonder.    


"This is the assembly line operation that I thought of in my era, the whole process of refining pills and forging weapons. Specifically, let the person in charge of each step complete it. This will greatly increase the production efficiency. However, there was a problem with refining pills and refining tools, and that was the flame. Above the spirit pill level, it required a very powerful flame, and this kind of flame was not something that could be found just by looking for it. Therefore, the amount of flame would affect the efficiency of refining pills. Fortunately, this is not a problem for me. "    


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