The Strongest Magic Doctor in City

C2881 Crush

C2881 Crush

With the Immortal Sword in his hand, Heavenly Sword Immortal King attacked with incredible speed.    


"Since you want to compete with the Sword Dao, let's do it."    


With a thought, the Xuanyuan Sword appeared in Lee Yifann's hand. He didn't use the Seven-Star Heavenly Punishment Sword that had already reached the level of a Chaotic Immortal Artifact, because there was no need for this at all.    


The grade of a weapon was never decisive. It was the person who decided the power of the weapon, and the user who used it.    


"Kid, do you not have any trump cards left? You only used a single Dao Second Immortal Artifact? You want to compare yourself with this king's Good Fortune level Dragon Heaven Sword?"    


Heavenly Sword Immortal King burst into laughter when he saw Lee Yifann's sword.    


Regarding this, Lee Yifann's expression was indifferent, "The Second Dao Immortal Artifact is enough to deal with you."    


These words that were filled with contempt had infuriated Heavenly Sword Immortal King to the point that he was half dead. He flew into a rage, "Arrogant! Hand over your life!"    


With the Heavenly Dragon Sword in his hand, he stepped on the void and swung his sword horizontally.    


Lee Yifann blocked the attack with his sword. At the same time, he blocked the attack with his backhand. At the moment when he dodged the attack, he struck with his backhand.    




Heavenly Sword Immortal King drew his sword to block the attack, causing an Energy Storm to appear.    


A formation of Barrier had already been placed on the stage. Otherwise, the impact of the energy alone would be enough to destroy the stage.    




Lee Yifann took a step forward and looked at his opponent with an expressionless face, "This is your Sword Dao skill? Such a crude way of using a sword, is it because someone else is exaggerating, or is it because the person who lost to you is too weak?"    


"Hmph! Such arrogant words!"    


Heavenly Sword Immortal King naturally scoffed at these words. In the first round of battle just now, even though he did not have the upper hand, his opponent did not have the upper hand either. He did not think that he had lost.    


"Since you are so confident, I will let you see what it means to use a sword!"    


Lee Yifann tapped the tip of his foot and injected the Chaos Qi into the Xuanyuan Sword. Lotus bloomed with each step he took, and he swung his sword in the air.    


"This kind of attack can also hurt me? You really have a big mouth!" Heavenly Sword Immortal King showed a look of disdain when he saw this kind of attack.    


He raised his hand and placed his sword in front of his body, ready to block the attack.    


However, just as he thought that the attack would land, Lee Yifann vanished in midair.    


"What?" Heavenly Sword Immortal King was shocked.    




In the next moment, a sword light slashed across the left side of his waist, and a bloody light appeared.    




Heavenly Sword Immortal King couldn't help but feel pain, despite the fact that he was an Immortal King. What? Because he had no idea how Lee Yifann had disappeared from the sky and how he had reappeared on the left side of his body.    


He saw Lee Yifann's smiling face, so without hesitation, he swung his sword at him.    




The sword light hit nothing, and Lee Yifann disappeared once again.    




This time, the right side of Heavenly Sword Immortal King was attacked.    


The faint smell of blood caused Heavenly Sword Immortal King to go crazy. He cursed, "Bastard!" and hurriedly defended himself.    


This time, he learned his lesson. He deployed a defensive line around his body. This way, he would be able to defend himself even if the enemy attacked from any direction.    


"Do you think this is enough?"    


However, what responded to him was Lee Yifann's slight ridicule.    


Lee Yifann waved the sword in his hand and said with a smile that wasn't a smile, "You can't even defend against my attack. I wonder how your Sword Dao skill is so profound. How did you brag about it?"    


"This time, you won't get what you want!" Heavenly Sword Immortal King gritted his teeth.    




Lee Yifann tapped the tip of his foot, slightly adjusting the way he held the sword. He placed the blade flat under his elbow, and then his body disappeared from where he was.    


Under the shocked gazes of everyone present, they saw a series of afterimages surrounding Heavenly Sword Immortal King. Like a supersymmetrical drawing circle, with Heavenly Sword Immortal King as the center, they swiftly passed through and repeated themselves.    


"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!"    


"Clank, clank, clank!"    


Sword light shot out in all directions. In his panic, Heavenly Sword Immortal King was shocked to find that his seemingly indestructible defense could not withstand it at all.    


"Crack, crack, crack!"    


Along with a burst of cracking sound, the defense that he had constructed with defensive Immortal Artifact was broken just like that.    


"Puchi..." "Puchi... Puchi..."    


What followed was a violent storm of attacks that landed on his body.    


His body was sliced apart one by one.    


No matter how hard his body was, after being cut countless times in the same place, it would still be extremely fragile, not to mention that he hadn't had the time to heal yet.    


"Get lost!"    


Heavenly Sword Immortal King became anxious. His fury erupted, and he frantically counterattacked with his sword.    


Of course, this interfered with Lee Yifann's attack and even interrupted it once.    


However, that single attack was completely useless.    


Lee Yifann instantly changed his tactics. He unleashed hundreds of clones and surrounded Heavenly Sword Immortal King.    


One of the clones held a sword and attacked Heavenly Sword Immortal King, who was in the middle of the encirclement.    




Blood splashed everywhere.    


When Heavenly Sword Immortal King caught sight of the trajectory of the attack, he swung his sword in an attempt to counterattack.    


The clone disappeared in an instant, and the sword in the clone's hand immediately appeared in the hand of the clone behind Heavenly Sword Immortal King.    






No matter how powerful Heavenly Sword Immortal King was, he was no match for such a strange tactical attack.    


To be precise, none of the opponents he had encountered in the past had such a technique.    


Very quickly, Heavenly Sword Immortal King fell to the ground with heavy injuries.    


There was dead silence all around. Everyone looked at Heavenly Sword Immortal King who had fallen to the ground in horror.    


They had never thought that Heavenly Sword Immortal King would be completely suppressed by the Sword Dao that they were good at.    


What was even stranger was that their opponent used a sword technique that they had never seen before.    


"My lord!"    


Gong Xiao and Wang Changsoong's faces turned pale, and their bodies were on the verge of collapsing. They couldn't accept what they were seeing.    


For a moment, some kind of belief in their hearts had collapsed.    


Not only them, but all of Heavenly Sword Immortal King's followers had pale expressions on their faces. They couldn't accept such a blow.    


"Why? Why can't my master defeat this little bastard?" Gong Xiao collapsed to the ground.    


At this moment, Lee Yifann retracted all his clones and pointed his sword at his opponent. "You are too weak."    




These words were really heart-wrenching. The spectators felt extremely stifled.    


However, they couldn't find any words to refute, because Lee Yifann had indeed suppressed Heavenly Sword Immortal King just now. Heavenly Sword Immortal King's defense had been forcefully broken.    


"Using such a sneak attack, what kind of ability is this?" Heavenly Sword Immortal King gritted his teeth.    


The corner of Lee Yifann's mouth twitched. "You're not good at martial arts. You only know how to use a Creation Immortal Artifact to hack around. I don't know where you got the face to question my way of using a sword. I know that you still have a saber that is useless. Don't say that I didn't give you a chance. Use it as much as you can! After all, I'm in a good mood. I'll give you a chance to struggle so that your follower will completely lose all hope! "    


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