CEO's Substitute Bride

C206 Do You like Lin Qingfeng

C206 Do You like Lin Qingfeng

Her strength was no different from tickling in Pei Yichen's eyes, but when he saw that Xia was truly angry, he took the opportunity to take a step back …    


Pei Yichen took a step back. The pressure on top of the summer finally disappeared and she could breathe smoothly now.    


"In the summer, if you have any questions for me, you can ask them right now. I don't want the misunderstanding between us to get deeper and deeper."    


Pei Yichen was a big guy, about 1.8 meters tall. At this moment, in front of the summer, he was like a child who had made a mistake and was begging for forgiveness.    


Xia Xia Xia superimposed the image of Xia Xiaoye's face in his mind, unexpectedly feeling a bit soft-hearted for a moment.    


"I really don't think there's anything more to be said between us."    


Summer held on to her last line of defense.    


"If you really think it's nothing, then let's get back together. I can take your child. "    


He couldn't care less that she had a child with someone else, so why did she care so much about her momentary loss of manners?    


Pei Yichen couldn't understand the thoughts of summer.    


Summer was amused by him. Did this guy really feel that he was a very, very great person? He could accept that she and "other people have children". If he didn't accept her, wouldn't that be a little ungrateful?    


Even though, for him to be able to accept even this could only mean that he really loves her, but …    


The essence between them was different!    


He had cheated her at first, and then he had gotten together with Lin Qingfeng, his best friend. As for him, not to mention whether he had remarried, at least he had a child after they separated, so he had been sincere during this marriage!    


"Pei Yichen, I have a good life by myself. I really don't need you to intervene in my life."    


Although she sometimes wanted to depend on someone, but all the choices were made by herself, so she would take responsibility until the end!    


Pei Yichen was angered to the point that he was about to explode. He was not a stone, he could feel that she still had some feelings for him, but she always seemed to be ready to fight with him. This feeling made him helpless and angry.    


"Can't you let yourself go in the summer?"    


Pei Yichen felt that he wanted to smash this woman into his pocket so that she wouldn't be able to run away.    


After being infuriated repeatedly in the summer, her eyes were wide open as she bit down on her lower lip. Her stubbornness and stubbornness did not allow her to lower her head.    


"Pei Yichen, I have my own life and family …"    


"In the summer, between us, it was you who was always escaping. I had a clear conscience and wanted to reconcile with you, but you never gave us a chance."    


Pei Yichen was on the verge of going berserk. He never knew that summer was such a stubborn woman.    


All these years, why did she become like this!    


"Alright, let me ask you, do you like Lin Qingfeng?"    


Summer was completely enraged. He couldn't stand Pei Yichen being able to blame everything on her even though he had clearly cheated. She just didn't want to be with someone who didn't love her, so how did she become a cold-hearted woman?    


"I don't."    


Pei Yichen did not even need to think about this question.    


His straightforwardness had surprised her in the summer. She had not expected him to tell her that he didn't love Lin Qingfeng so straightforwardly.    


"But isn't she the person you've been missing for so many years?"    


Xia Zhi was so tangled up in this issue that he wanted to cry. However, once he asked, he couldn't stop. The wounds he had inflicted on her heart in the past few years had all been ripped apart by him, and were now bloody between the two of them.    


Pei Yichen didn't know how to answer her pitiful look of being abandoned and frowned.    


"So that's why you left."    


If he had known this earlier, he would have stopped this from happening.    


"About ten years ago, I was plotted against by Pei Shijie, my parents died, I was treated abroad, I did not return to Pei Family yet, so I wanted to die, but received an email from a strange girl. She was also experiencing the most hopeless situation, so we encouraged each other, and after that, we survived the period of time, the photo that the girl sent me was of Lin Qingfeng."    


Thinking about that period of time, Pei Yichen's voice was a bit low. It was a memory that he had always been unwilling to touch.    


Summer was also brought back to that period of youth by his words. If it had not begun, perhaps it would not be painful now.    


"I really do like the girl who communicated with me. She is optimistic, kind, and like the sun, she exists, illuminating the darkness in my heart. I had always thought that the girl was the Lin Qingfeng in the photo. Until I met you. "    


Pei Yichen looked at the summer and her eyes regained their calmness. He continued, "But later on, when that girl told me that she was married, I knew that it was impossible between us. You and that girl are very much alike, so much so that I thought you were her and that the heavens had given me another chance, so I accepted you and understood you until I liked you. "    


Summer lowered her eyes. In the end, she was still a shadow and a double. Even though the first person he liked was his young self, he liked 'Ning Xia'. It wasn't simply because 'Ning Xia' was' Ning Xia ', but because' Ning Xia 'was more like' summer '.    


"When I saw Lin Qingfeng later on, it was because I was too excited that I did such a thing. However, it was only for the first time that I held her hand and didn't do anything else that would let you down.    


Pei Yichen was about to kneel down and swear with his hands raised, as if he was making a promise.    


Xia Keke pursed her lips, while trying hard to hide her expression. She didn't want Pei Yichen to know that she was in a good or bad mood.    


Pei Yichen sighed. Thinking about what happened that time, he also felt that if he had to repeat himself, he would understand his intentions more than ever.    


"I only gave Lin Qingfeng the idea that I shouldn't because of those memories. The situation was very complicated at that time, and when I wanted to clarify things with you, I realized that you had disappeared. All these years, I've never given up on looking for you."    


When she thought back to the time when she was crying in the hospital to tell them the truth and they all had a distrustful attitude, she felt that she had been abandoned by the whole world. So, it was really hard for her to make her accept this man again.    


"Later on, when we came into contact with each other, I realized that Lin Qingfeng and the girl who was communicating with each other didn't have any of the same characteristics …"    


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