CEO's Substitute Bride

C237 Chicken Leg Pillow

C237 Chicken Leg Pillow

The metaphor of summer made Xiaomi more receptive to this arrangement. She tilted her face and asked, "Is it as powerful as Father's arm?"    


"Well, yes, so, my dear, would you like to sit in a chair as safe as Daddy's?"    


"Alright …"    


Although Xiaomi was still somewhat reluctant, after her explanation in the summer, she was no longer as conflicted as before. As long as she had more time, she would naturally be more willing to sit in the safety of her seat.    


After arranging the two children, she sat in the front seat and quickly fastened her seat belt. Only then did she feel relieved, Pei Yichen gave her a thumbs up. If it was him, he would probably ask for a seat with a straight face …    


Xia Zhi raised his eyebrows, feeling rather pleased with himself. After all, she was the one who had brought the baby. How could she be like this fellow, being a father instead of a child?!    


The family set off for the amusement park in high spirits. Along the way, the little guy was like a sparrow, either singing or chattering non-stop.    


Compared to Xiaomi's liveliness, Xiaoye was much more profound. If he wasn't quietly reading, he would turn his head and look out of the window as if he was deep in thought, just like an adult.    


Summer couldn't help but whisper to Pei Yichen, "Do you think this kid, Xiaoye, has some mental illness? Autism? "    


She was really worried that something bad might happen if a good child kept his mind shut for a long time.    


Pei Yichen glanced at his son through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but laugh, "I think, when you gave birth to your child, you passed all your intelligence to this good child. Pei Yichen looked at his son through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but laugh," I think, when you gave birth to your child, you passed all your intelligence to this good child.    


Xia Xia blinked, why did he feel that there was something wrong with those words?    


"So, you mean, I don't have an IQ?"    


Pei Yichen couldn't help but smile when he saw her slow reaction, "No way, I'm talking about Xiao Mi's IQ."    


Summer let him off proudly on account of his strong desire to live. After all, in front of a child, he still had to leave some face to him, the father.    


Xiaoye looked at his dad, then at Mommy. Finally, his gaze landed on his sister's head. "Hmm, Daddy's words make sense!"    


Xiaoye already felt that he and his dad were the only two who knew how to live in this family!    


When they arrived at the amusement park, Xiaomi was the first to jump out of the car. Her entire being was filled with excitement.    


"Wow, Mommy, I like this place, I like this beautiful big castle ~"    


When Summer saw how excited she was to the point of stamping her feet, she couldn't help but roll her eyes. Girl, if you knew that this amusement park was owned by your dad, I wonder how excited you'd be!    


However, in the summer, they had no intention of letting the children know that their father was even more wealthy than they thought.    


"Then let's buy a ticket in."    


Pei Yichen led Xiaoye, holding onto Little Mi in the summer, and the couple went to the amusement park to buy tickets hand in hand. Little Mi was like a wild horse that had just dropped dead, bouncing and jumping to this side, jumping and jumping, running to that side, and even taking photos while concave on its own, causing many tourists to stop to watch and admire Little Mi.    


Pei Yichen took the initiative to be a photographer. Not only did he take pictures of his daughter, he even took pictures of his wife. In the end, he took pictures of his reluctant son.    


Summer pulled one of the passersby to help them take family photos, the other happily agreed.    


This was the first time their family of four was photographed together. In the photos, there was a smile on her face like flowers in summer. She looked very quiet and gentle. Pei Yichen put his arm around her shoulders and his eyes were filled with gentleness.    


Xiaomi's big eyes became crescent moons when she laughed, narrowing into a slit, looking indescribably cute.    


Only Pei Xiaye, with her arms crossed over her chest, looked at the camera quietly and expressionlessly. She looked at the photo and sighed. Her son looked more and more like Pei Yichen in the past. Did he have to wait until he married his wife before he could change?    


This was truly a difficult problem!    


"Mommy ~"    


Xiaomi shrieked like a kitten whose tail had been stepped on, scaring Xia Xia into thinking that something incredible had happened.    


"What happened to the girl?"    


Pei Yichen was an absolute slave for his daughter. When he heard Xiao Mi's scream, he immediately went up to her and asked with concern.    


"Daddy, look."    


Pei Xiami pointed at the doll in front of her. The doll inside had the shape of a chicken leg and was very eye-catching.    


The corner of Xia Xia Zhi's mouth twitched a little. Hmm, she could already guess Pei Xiami's next words.    


"Daddy, can you help me get it out?"    


Pei Xiami raised her face, her eyes turning into stars. She looked at her father with reverence, hoping that he would show off his skills.    


Pei Yichen was really not good at capturing children. However, when he saw the longing in his daughter's eyes, he felt that it was necessary to satisfy her.    


"Wife, is that okay?"    


Pei Yichen looked towards the summer. It was obvious that in the end, it was up to his wife to decide whether or not they could do this.    


The child was brought up in the summer, and he did not do anything for the child in the process, so he naturally had to give enough respect to the summer.    


Summer smiled and nodded. "I'll go change the coins!"    


After saying that, Xia Zhi went to the workbench to change some coins. She excitedly bounced around the toddler machine, as if her name was already written on the pillow.    


Pei Xiaye held her forehead helplessly. She had thought that only her mother and sister would be interested in such childish things. Why did her father start to do such a thing?    


En, looks like what the great man said was true. Men and women in love have a high IQ of 0!    


After changing the coins in the summer, he stood to the side and put his money in. It was obvious that the mother and daughter trusted Pei Yichen very much and felt that he would definitely be able to take out the chicken leg carrying pillow.    


Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Pei Yichen walked forward. The moment the hook was controlled and touched the fake leg pillow, Pei Xiami's heart nearly leaped out of her throat. She couldn't help but rub her hands in excitement, feeling that she had reached the pinnacle of her life!    


However —    


As she was lost in her joy, the chicken leg pillow fell into the corner with a smack, as if it were deliberately going against them.    


"Ugh …"    


Xiaomi felt herself falling from the pinnacle of her life. Why was the heavens being so cruel?    


Xia Keke also looked at Pei Yichen, why was this man different from what she imagined?    


She imagined that Pei Yichen would be able to take out the pillow in an instant, but how did he fail so beautifully?    


"It's alright, I'll go exchange some more coins. Don't worry, we'll try a few more times."    


Summer, rare to see Pei Yichen as wronged as a child, standing there facing Xiaomi's pitiful expression was at a loss.    


"Hello, let me change the coins."    


Summer thought that she could hit it, so she changed the coin once before, but this time, she changed it to 100 yuan!    


I don't believe it!    


Pei Yichen saw Xia Xia carrying a bag full of coins and immediately had a few black lines on his head. Did he look so unreliable?    


The more he was hit, the more Pei Yichen wanted to get back at him. He would never allow himself to be humiliated in front of his beloved woman!    


Summer saw the corner of his mouth slightly twitch and he pursed his lips into a smile. He didn't know if what he had done was a bit of a blow to someone …    


"Daddy, you can do it!"    


Xiaomi kissed the back of Pei Yichen's hand, giving him enough strength in this way!    


Pei Yichen rubbed her little head, "Daddy will work hard!"    


Pei Yichen said and even looked at the summer, indicating for her to give him an encouragement.    


Xia Zhi looked around and was a bit embarrassed, but Pei Yichen didn't care that much. He didn't take the initiative in the summer, so he moved closer to Pei Yichen and kissed him quickly in the summer, "Hurry up!"    


With their encouragement, Pei Yichen once again confidently started the next wave of dolls. However, the last time, the chicken leg carrying pillow fell in the corner, so it wasn't quite easy to do.    


Pei Yichen raised his eyebrows and didn't directly take action. With his first experience, he successfully picked up the little pink leopard beside him, and comforted his wife and children at the same time, "Don't worry, I'll clear the field first. I'll give the chicken leg a wide path later!"    


Summer was amused by his childish words. This guy, he always had a way to make them laugh.    


Xia Zhi raised his eyebrows and suddenly knew what he had to do. She took out her phone and froze the scene of Pei Yichen concentrating on the doll. The man's face was tense and he was staring at the doll in the machine with a more childish expression.    


Xiao Mi looked at her father nervously, with admiration in her eyes. Even though her father didn't immediately bring out the chicken legs, he was still, in her eyes, the number one marshal, the greatest, the best!    


Although Xiaoye looked indifferent, his eyes were still staring at the doll inside. He was very nervous and hoped that his sister could get what he wanted.    


Summer looked at this photo with great satisfaction and decided to print it out when she got home. In the future, their growth album would no longer only include her mother, but also her father. Such a complete home was something that children always wanted.    


"Aiya ~"    


Xiaomi's sigh brought the summer back to reality. He looked at Pei Yichen's frowning face and could not help but laugh out loud. He quickly clicked his phone and took two more photos.    


Pei Yichen raised his eyebrows. When he saw Xia Zhi's gloating smile, Pei Yichen pinched her nose and said, "You have no conscience!"    


Xia Xia Keke rubbed his hair, just like how he always did, with a doting look in her eyes. Pei Yichen seriously suspected that she had that kind of motherly expression when she rubbed Xiaoye's head.    


"Be good and don't worry, you won't be able to eat hot tofu if you're anxious."    


Pei Yichen: "…"    


"That's right, Daddy, don't be impatient. If you insist on it, you will win. We have plenty of money anyway, if not, we will buy this baby machine!"    


Xiaomi's heroic attitude left Pei Yichen and Xia Xinyan at a loss of whether to laugh or to cry. A chicken leg pillow was actually worth her buying the entire doll computer. This kid was probably not born to cheat!    


Pei Yichen grabbed five or six more times, but all he still grabbed were small toys. That chicken leg carrying pillow seemed to be going against them, it was still lying there quietly without any movement.    


Xia couldn't stand it any longer and couldn't help but want to give it a try. However, this thing seemed simple and difficult to sit on, so after two tries, he decisively gave up. "This matter is better left to you!"    


The family's initial excitement was replaced with an indescribable gloom. No one spoke for a while. They were at a loss on what to do on this matter.    


"I'll give it a try."    


Xiaoye couldn't help but step forward when he saw that Mommy only had one last coin left in her hand.    


What he couldn't stand to see was the look of Little Mi feeling wronged, and what he couldn't stand to see was Mommy blaming herself.    


Summer nodded and tossed in the last coin. The baby machine was ten dollars a time, and they had already done it nine times. There was still one last time left.    


Little Mi covered her eyes and leaned into Mommy's arms. She looked like she had been wronged and was on the verge of tears.    


Daddy can do anything, but he can't take the chicken leg out of the pillow. Big brother is just a child, so how could he do better than daddy?    


So this last time, it was only a struggle. There wouldn't be the result she wanted.    


Little Mi was so aggrieved that she didn't want to say anything. She was no longer in the mood to play.    


Summer hugged her and patted her back to comfort her. Actually, if they couldn't get a chicken leg pillow this time, they could buy it from somewhere else. But she also knew that the first thing she saw was the best mood.    


Little Mi was a stubborn girl in her bones. If she did not get it now, she would only have more thoughts and desires. This was how obsession came about.    


Only those who can't get it are the best.    


She had to get this emotion out of her!    




With a lukewarm voice, she felt a soft touch on her arm.    


Xiaomi lifted her head from her mother's embrace and turned to see what it was. In that instant, her pupils couldn't help but widen as her eyes shone with a bright light. "Ah ~ ~"    


The scream made Xia Xia Zhi suspect that his eardrums were about to burst!    


Xiaomi struggled to jump from her summer embrace to the ground, "Big brother, did you pick this up? Brother, is this real? Brother, are you really giving this to me? "    


Xiao Mi kept asking like a hundred thousand questions.    


Xiaoye passed the chicken leg to her coolly and nodded without saying anything.    


Pei Yichen was also surprised, he never expected his younger son to …    


"Son, how did you do it?"    


Summer felt as if she had saved the Milky Way, and she actually had a son that could hold a baby!    


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