CEO's Substitute Bride

C217 Kneel down Two Chapters Together

C217 Kneel down Two Chapters Together

Xia Chen's head buzzed and was completely stuck. She grabbed Leaves' shoulders with both hands and said, "Ye-zi, tell me clearly, what do you mean you lost the baby!"    


Leaves told the story in tears. Xia Xia felt her vision darken, the sky was spinning, and her whole body was thrown backwards!    


She had barely any chance of giving birth to her child. The child that she had painstakingly raised had been lost!    


How could she believe this?    




After Pei Yichen heard Shen Heng's simple report, he rushed over and hugged Xia Xia into his arms. His other hand was already pinching him.    


After summer had recovered his strength, he started to rush out with shaky steps, "I'm going to find my child!"    


Her darling was so obedient and so cute. What if she was taken away by bad people? What if she couldn't find any children in the future?    


Pei Yichen followed closely. There were too much new information regarding the child in front of him today, but he didn't have the time to think about it. At this moment, he only wanted to accompany the summer to find the child!    


Shen Heng helped Ye Zichen up, "Give me the child's photo, I'm seeking the help of the media."    


Leaves' eyes were red and swollen, and her arms were also in great pain. However, when Shen Heng said this, she immediately stood up and started looking for pictures of the children on her phone.    


Xia Keke ran out like a madman, asking and shouting at the same time, but what responded to her was only the passage of time and the gradually darkening night.    


Pei Yichen followed her and searched with her, but just like Ye Wen said, they searched for a long time, but still didn't find any news about the children, not even any passersby.    


"Pei Yichen, I'm afraid, I'm afraid that they …"    


"I won't!"    


Summer looked at the person standing in front of her, a feeling of unprecedented loneliness and fear engulfing her, eating away at her body and mind.    


Pei Yichen stopped her from finishing her sentence. He could understand the feeling of being dependent on the two children for all these years, but now, they can't give up so easily.    


"Let's look around again."    


Pei Yichen stretched out his big hand and wrapped it around her cold little hand. He no longer had any words to say to comfort her during the summer. As long as he didn't see his child for even a moment, it would be torture for him during the summer.    


At the same time, all the major media outlets had already started dialing out this piece of urgent news and issued a sky-high reward and general search. The entire city had already sunk into the storm of searching for this pair of children, and people couldn't help but recall the last time something like this happened. It seemed like five years ago, a certain CEO was looking for a certain woman …    


"Heavens, whose child is that? There isn't even an adult following them."    


"It's true. Blood is all over the floor. I wonder if the child can be saved."    


"I heard it's a very beautiful male doll."    


"How come I heard it was a girl?"    


"Could both children have been in a car accident at the same time?"    


"If there were two children in such a big truck, wouldn't they have …"    


"… …"    


There were a few old ladies dancing in the park. They were discussing the accident at a nearby intersection. When they heard the accident during the summer, they couldn't help trembling and many bad thoughts rushed into their minds.    


"Auntie, you said, that car accident …" "Where is it?"    


When one of the aunties saw Xia Xia's messy and tear-stricken appearance, she immediately realized that this was a parent of a child in trouble, "How can you look at a child like this? Quickly, hurry up and I'll bring it to you!"    


The warm-hearted aunt brought the summer with Pei Yichen and jogged all the way to the crossroads.    


At this moment, there were already many people gathered at the scene of the accident. They were all waiting for the police to deal with this matter.    


Outside of the crowd, Xia Chen suddenly didn't dare to step forward. She was afraid, afraid that something that she didn't want to face would happen.    


Pei Yichen held her hand tightly, pushed through the crowd and walked inside.    


In practically an instant, the heart of summer was in his throat. She was even a bit afraid to face this.    


But humans, in the end, had to face it.    


She gritted her teeth and looked over. On the head of the large truck, there was a cute looking little girl who was sobbing while hugging a golden fur that was several times bigger than her but no longer angry. It was obvious that the child was unharmed.    


Summer suddenly let out a sigh of relief, do not know oneself is relaxed the child did not have the accident, or rejoice the little girl is not injured.    


"Cola, are you alright?"    


The girl currently rushed over from her work, and after checking carefully to see that the child was not injured, she let out a sigh of relief, "Didn't I say that I am not allowed to enter the cake shop and let you watch me wait for me there?" In such a short period of time, you … you will anger me to death! "    


When the girl saw that her mother had arrived, she instantly cried, "Mom, I'm really done for …" "He's dead …"    


The truck driver lost 3000 yuan. The little girl was crying sadly as her mother took her away. The crowd also dispersed.    


However, the summer had become even more confusing. Where was her child, and what was she experiencing?    


With so many people coming and going, she didn't have any other emotions other than rushing over to be ice-cold.    


Shen Heng had quickly spread the news. The whole big screen in the city was filled with photos of the two children. But after a long time, they didn't receive any phone calls to provide any clues.    


Just as he was at a loss, Pei Yichen's phone suddenly rang. There was a string of unfamiliar numbers, causing Pei Yichen to hang up in annoyance.    


But very quickly, summer's phone rang again. It was a video from an unfamiliar WeChat friend.    


Xia Chen grudgingly picked up the call, but in that instant she became irritable, "Who are you people, why did you capture my child?!"    


On the other end of the video were Xia Xiaoye and Xia Xiaomi, who were tied to a chair!    


The roar of the summer made the people on the other side feel good. Pei Shijie slowly walked in front of the camera and revealed a proud smile, "Ning Xia, haha, I didn't expect that after so many years, we finally meet again!"    


"Pei Shijie, what exactly do you want to do?"    


What Pei Yichen said in the summer made him frown.    


"Of course it's to deal with Pei Yichen. It's just that his phone can't be reached, so I can only trouble you to notify him."    


Pei Shijie could not help but feel pleased with himself. He had stared at Pei Yichen for so many years just to give Pei Yichen a fatal blow. Now that he finally had the chance, how could he let it go?    


"Pei Shijie, what are you going to do?"    


He had searched for Pei Shijie for so many years but to no avail. He never expected that Pei Shijie had always been eyeing him covetously like a tiger looking for an opportunity!    


"Hehe, I was wondering why President Pei would not pick up my phone. It seems like he is still carrying a beauty, so he doesn't have the mood to deal with these 'small matters'."    


Pei Shijie smiled as if his mouth was crooked. When he saw Pei Yichen and Xia Xinyan's defeated look, he felt inexplicably happy.    


Pei Yichen gritted his teeth, "Don't beat around the bush and state your conditions."    


He looked at the two children on the other end of the video and felt his heart tighten.    


She held her breath in the summer and tried her best to calm down. She believed that Pei Yichen had never been trusted before. She believed that Pei Yichen would not do anything to these two children!    


"Pei Yichen, all these years, I've been living like a gangster rat. All of my misfortune is thanks to you. What do you think I want the most?"    


Pei Shijie curled his lips and revealed a sinister smile, as if he would do something terrifying at any time that no one could understand.    


Pei Yichen frowned. Although there was a deep look on his face, he finally let out a sigh of relief. He was afraid that as long as Pei Shijie had a request, anything would be fine.    


"As long as you don't hurt the child, we can discuss anything."    


Pei Yichen revealed his bottom line in front of Pei Shijie. That year, because of Pei Shijie, he barely survived abroad, and when he finally came back, he had already started to search for the whereabouts of Pei Shijie, preparing to take care of this fish that had slipped through the net. However, Pei Shijie was cunning and could not get rid of Pei Shijie.    


Pei Shijie laughed out loud. He liked to see Pei Yichen's begging look. Even in his dreams, he wanted to ruthlessly trample Pei Yichen under his feet. Now, he had to bear the humiliation and finally make a comeback!    


"I want the shares of the Morning Star to be transferred, all the shares of Pei Family will be transferred to my name, not a single cent less! "Also, I want you to revoke all the bounties on me. If not, Pei Yichen, just wait and collect the corpses of your son and daughter!"    


Xia Chen looked nervously at Pei Yichen. The ownership of Pei Family, to Pei Yichen, was his entire fortune. What if, he …    




Pei Yichen pursed his lips, with a sharp look on his face, he said, "Pei Shijie, if you dare to touch a single hair on a child, I will make sure that you will suffer the consequences!"    


"Hahaha, Pei Yichen, oh Pei Yichen, I never would have thought that one day you would even ask me for help. However, since you're asking for help, you should at least have the attitude of asking for help, right?"    


She didn't want Pei Yichen to humbly beg for help. This man was arrogant, he would never give anyone a gentle look, but now he was being asked to kneel down. This kind of humiliation was not only an insult to his character, it was also an insult to someone as proud as him!    


However, if she did not stabilize Pei Shijie now, the children would be in danger. She could not bear the cost of hurting the child.    


"Pei Shijie, I beg you, I kneel for you, I beg you, don't hurt my child!"    


As she spoke, she was about to kneel down, and the moment her knees bent slightly, her arm was grabbed by a big, powerful hand. She turned her face to look at the person beside her, only to see Pei Yichen's thin lips slightly pursed, and his eyes were deep.    


However, his actions were too domineering, causing her to be unable to see through him.    


"You, what are you planning to do?"    


He didn't know why, but a feeling of not wanting rose in his heart.    


The next second, the video phone fell into Xia Xia Zhi's hands. After she was forcefully righted, the big hand let go of her arm.    


Pei Yichen kneeled straight down on the busy street. Then, he fell on his knees and kneeled on the ground.    


The sudden change caught Xia Xia Xia off guard. Tears rolled down her cheeks. Pei Yichen had actually done this for her.    


However, in the face of such a big matter, she quickly chose to let herself be rational and hold the phone in her hand, directly facing Pei Yichen.    


"I beg of you, don't harm the child. I can fulfill your request."    


The sword-like brows of men were all filled with the emotion of patience, causing summer's heart to ache.    


Ha ha-ha, Pei Yichen, good job, I like your attitude of having no choice but to submit to me. Your performance today, I am really too satisfied with it.    


After Pei Shijie finished speaking, he directly hung up the video. Summer panicked and went to pull Pei Yichen up, wanting to pull him up from the ground.    


"Pei Yichen, treat today's favor as something that I owe you. Thank you, thank you very much. If you need any help in the future, I will definitely not decline."    


"Give me your life."    


Pei Yichen got up from the ground. His facial features were picturesque. He was still that elegant man. It seemed that he had never changed a bit.    


For a moment, Summer felt that her hands, like her heart, had nowhere to put them.    


"Pei Yichen, if we can successfully save the children, we'll start over."    


She saw everything Pei Yichen did for her, so this time, she didn't resist anymore.    


Pei Yichen rubbed her head, revealing a smile that made her feel at ease, "Idiot, in this world, there is nothing more important than you and your child."    


All sorts of documents and summary reports were sent to Pei Yichen in the shortest time possible. The certificate was also arranged in the shortest time possible, and after Shen Heng sent Ye Wen to the hospital, he hurried back to the company to bring the documents over to Pei Yichen.    


"Contact Pei Shijie now."    


They had waited at home for less than an hour, an hour that was torture for the summer.    


However, the efficiency of a Morning Star Magus far exceeded her expectations.    


She quickly posted a video call on WeChat. After two rings, the other party picked up, "You're ready already?"    


Pei Shijie was in disbelief. He didn't think that a man like Pei Yichen would give up a company as big as Morning Star just for the sake of his two children.    


The child can be gone again, but if the company is gone, it will be much harder to start over.    


He couldn't help but suspect that there was a trick to it, "Pei Yichen, I don't believe you, so you're not allowed to send anything. Let the summer come alone!"    


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