CEO's Substitute Bride

C240 Restraint Hands

C240 Restraint Hands

Little Mi narrowed one eye and said mysteriously.    


Pei Yichen was fooled by her words and asked his daughter nervously, "What else did Mommy say?"    


Xiaoye was worried that Xiaomi would say something earth-shaking to interrupt him, "Mommy said if you want to prove that you love her, then rush out to kiss Mommy right now!"    


Hearing her brother's words, Xiaomi felt that what he said made sense. Seeing her father looking at her, she nodded her head heavily. "Yes, that's right!"    


Pei Yichen took the children's words seriously. He got up immediately and put on his slippers before heading to the kitchen. He was jogging and looked very funny.    


However, this was not the most important moment, as his wife was definitely the most important one!    


Pei Yichen rushed in front of Xia Zhi and kissed him without any hesitation, leaving Xia Zhi dumbfounded, "What are you doing? There are so many people outside in the daytime, just pay attention to your image!"    


"I love you."    


Pei Yichen was not someone who paid attention to what others thought.    


"Mhmm, I know, I love you too. Alright, hurry back and change your clothes. Call grandpa to get up and eat."    


Pei Yichen: "…"    


The two main culprits hid in the corner and snickered. Xiaoye warned them in a low voice, "Don't lie anymore."    


"All right, all right, hehe …"    


Xiaoye looked at his sister's perfunctory look and rubbed his glabella helplessly. He didn't need to guess to know that this girl must have had her left ear in her right ear!    


Summer suddenly felt that something was wrong. She stopped Pei Yichen who was about to turn around and leave, "Did the child say something to you?"    


Thinking about the words the two children said in front of her, coupled with Pei Yichen's weird behavior, Xia Xia felt like he was close to the truth.    


Pei Yichen frowned, "What? What you said in front of the child, did you turn your face around and not admit it?"    


"What did I say to the child?"    


Summer's face was filled with confusion. She tried her best to recall, as if she really didn't say anything that she shouldn't have.    


"You said if I wanted to prove I love you, I'd rush out and kiss you."    


Pei Yichen raised his eyebrows. Looking at Xia Chen's expression, it seemed like he didn't know what was going on, so he got the gist of it. "So, the truth is, have the two of us been played by our own children?"    


When Xiaomi and Xiaoye heard their parents' conversation, their mouths gaped wide. They never thought that they would be exposed so quickly!    


Hearing the movement behind him, Xia Zhi smiled and exchanged a glance with Pei Yichen. She instantly understood two small tails, "Aiya, a lying child's nose is going to grow ~"    


Seeing Xia Xia's cute look, Pei Yichen immediately chimed in: "We still have to get beaten up."    


The two of them sang the same tune, and the woman sang along with them. Xiaomi trembled in fright and subconsciously covered her nose with her hands. She didn't want to become a monster with a long nose …    


"Mom and dad, if you want to hit me, then hit me. I was the one who instigated this, and I was the one who came up with this bad idea. "Don't hit your sister."    


"You …"    


When Xia Xia looked at Xiaoye's admitting defeat, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. This guy really protected Xiaoye too well, so he let Xiao Mi do bad things without fear.    


After all, Xiaoye had always been a good kid and had always been very sensible. If this Little Mi lied at such a young age, then if she didn't teach him a good lesson, she would do other bad things in the future.    


"What should we do?"    


She couldn't bear to hear the whispers of inquiry in the summer.    


Pei Yichen didn't want to punish these two little guys. After all, they were still children, but when Xiaoye stood out, he understood that if a child makes a mistake, he must correct it properly from the first time. Xiao Mi's fearless look was probably caused by Xiaoye's often unwillingness to punish during the summer.    


The personality that was accumulated over time was the most difficult to correct!    


Pei Yichen patted Xia's shoulder, went up and said seriously: "You two, follow me to the study room!"    


Hearing her father's words, Xiaomi winced subconsciously. This was the first time she saw her father's ice-cold face. It was too terrifying!    


Xiaoye held his sister's hand. It's okay, he will protect her.    


She suddenly felt like she was a child abandoned by her parents. She was just joking, why did it become so serious?    


They were making a fuss over nothing!    


Summer looked at the two leaving small, frown brows, the fatherly love is like a mountain, so, this heavy love, will be painful love, these two small children can understand?    


Along the way, he didn't say a word, and his whole body became a lot more depressed. In this atmosphere, Xiaomi's mind wasn't strong, and she started to sob softly. Xiaoye was a bit better, but he didn't dare to say a word. After all, he was still a child. It was his first time facing such a father, so he didn't dare to breathe too loudly.    


"Who lied?"    


Pei Yichen's gaze was as sharp as an eagle's eye, as if he already knew the answer. Pei Yichen's gaze was as sharp as an eagle's eye, as if he already knew the answer.    


"Xiao Mi, is that you?"    


Pei Yichen felt that he was too harsh. When his voice met Xiaomi's wet eyes, he couldn't help but soften his voice. These deer like eyes were very similar to the summer, making him feel like a demon that ate children!    


"Wow ~"    


As Xiaomi trembled, she couldn't help but burst into tears. For her father, who usually pampered her tenderly, to suddenly become so serious was undoubtedly a huge blow to her!    


"It's me, Daddy!"    


Xiaoye took a step forward, pursed his lips and took the initiative to take the blame.    


Pei Yichen didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he saw how he was going to die. The mood of wanting to be taught a good lesson was almost fostered by them.    


Thinking of his original intention, Pei Yichen despised himself in his heart.    


He had to do his best in his own matters and not lose!    


"Fine, since you've done the wrong thing, you should admit that you're still a good child. In that case, you should accept the punishment that belongs to you!"    


Although Pei Yichen's voice was softer, but in the eyes of the two children, it was still very scary. When he said that there was a punishment, Xiaomi instantly cried until she was out of breath, "What …" What punishment … "Punishment …"    


Pei Yichen laughed inside. It seemed like the little girl's psychological defenses were still very weak. She just said a few words and then broke down like this. I better train hard in the future!    


As Xiao Mi cried, Pei Yichen stood up and picked up an old ruler. Back then, when he made a mistake, this was how his dad taught him. When he was young, he really hated this thing a lot, but he didn't expect that one day, he would take the ruler to teach his son a lesson.    


"Liar, lie. Xiaoye, how many times do you think you should hit?    


When Xiaomi saw the heavy ruler, she cried even louder. Heavens, she never knew that her father would actually hit them!    


Was his brother going to take a beating for him?    


No ~    


It was funny and cute, almost causing Pei Yichen to be unable to hold it back. But educating little children was not something that could be soft-hearted, otherwise, when they discover the adults' soft-heartedness and weaknesses, they would only be smarter to avoid their own punishment. If they made a mistake, they would become even more shameless.    


"Please give me six rings."    


Pei Xiaye frowned as she understood her father's meaning. His father was warning him not to indulge in the mistakes of Xiao Mi and protect her. He wanted her to know that if she made a mistake, she would be punished.    


Thus, the more viciously he was beaten up, the more deeply Xiao Mi's memory grew. To Xiao Mi, this was an alarm clock that allowed her to know what to do and what not to do.    


Pei Yichen nodded. This child was smart, but was always held back by his sister. It was really pitiful.    


"Pa!" Pei Yichen's ruler hit Xiaoye's smooth and delicate hands, making a crisp sound. Instantly, Xiaoye's palms turned red.    


This time, it hit Xiao Mi's heart and she couldn't help but shiver. In her heart, she reminded herself again and again that her brother was beaten up because of her, and her brother was beaten up because of her …    


"Daddy …" "Don't, don't hit …" Hit your big brother … It's all my fault, it's all my … "Lies …"    


In the end, Xiaomi couldn't bear the pressure anymore. As she sobbed, she told him the truth. She was dumbfounded, as if she didn't expect Pei Yichen to really fight.    


"Are you sure? Do you know that lying is a form of punishment? "    


Pei Yichen glanced at Xiaoye and then looked at Xiao Mi.    


Xiaomi reached out her hand to wipe her tears as she cried and nodded, "I know …"    


Saying that, she stretched out her tearstained hands in front of Pei Yichen, "You can continue …"    


Pei Yichen sighed. This kind of millet made him even cuter. He was so cute that he couldn't bear to do anything about it.    


"Since you know you're wrong, then no one will punish you three times. In the future, you can no longer lie to your parents, got it?"    


Pei Yichen finally softened his heart. For such a cute and beautiful child to make him hurt someone was indeed a form of torture for him.    


With this goal achieved, Pei Yichen's strength naturally decreased by a lot. Although the two children's palms were burning with pain, it was not as bad as Xiaomi imagined. Blood flowed from the wounds, and thinking about it like this, the little girl actually revealed a smile, "Daddy, you and Mommy will never divorce, okay?"    


Little Mi's words made Pei Yichen's heart tremble. At this moment, he truly realized that the reason why this child lied was because of the fear in his heart.    


Because he had never had a father since he was young, he lacked a sense of security. Therefore, once there was even the slightest movement, he would be sensitive to the fact that he would lose everything.    


Pei Yichen hugged Xiaomi, "Little girl, do you know what happened between Mommy and me?"    


Little Mi shook her head doubtfully. She didn't know that Mommy had never brought up any topic regarding Daddy before, so they didn't know anything.    


"In the past, your Mommy was a very cute fatty, but dad didn't have anything abroad, so one day, Daddy didn't want to live anymore, so he casually sent an email to Mommy, and in the end, it was sent to Mommy's phone. At that time, your Mommy was wrongly accused of cheating in the exam, so no one believed her, so she was very sad, but she was even more optimistic than Daddy. Even though many unhappy things happened, she still wanted to live well, study hard, and change her situation, ah, Daddy felt that it was better to be your daughter-in-law in the future …"    


When the two children heard their parents' love story, their eyes lit up. They had completely forgotten that their hands were still burning.    


Seeing that they didn't come down even after such a long time, they still went upstairs, feeling uneasy. They tiptoed to the door of the study, and before they even knocked, they saw the warm scene of three people through the crack of the door. They couldn't help but smile.    


"Your Mommy was a great beauty at that time, so she fell in love with me, a handsome guy. She insisted on marrying me, and I felt that since your Mommy was so good-looking, if she gave birth to a baby, wouldn't she be especially good-looking as well? So I agreed …    


"Pei!" Escape! "Chen!"    


He had seen shameless people, but he had never seen such a shameless person. He had called a black one a white one, was it that interesting?    


Pei Yichen was surprised for a moment. He didn't think that summer would suddenly break in. He was caught off guard!    


"Run, Mommy is shy!"    


Pei Yichen threw the two laughing babies on the ground and let them run downstairs. He smelled their medicine in the summer and felt like chasing after them to take a look. However, before he could even move, his wrist was grabbed by someone.    


"What are you doing?"    


Xia Xia snappily glared at him. For the first time, he discovered that this man wasn't reliable.    


Was there anyone who could educate their children like this?!    


"I want you to educate me."    


Pei Yichen's laugh was extremely devilish, causing Xia Xia to be momentarily at a loss. Who could tell her what had happened?    


"What the hell?"    


Pei Yichen put the summer into his arms, "They lied, and I hit them on the palm. I lied to them, and you hit my palm too."    


After listening to his explanation, Xia Zhi finally understood what he meant. It seemed that this guy wanted to use this method to tell the children, whether they were adults or children, that they must be punished for wrongdoing. It had to be said, Pei Yichen was truly a good father.    


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