CEO's Substitute Bride

C236 Don't Want to Sit in a Safety Chair

C236 Don't Want to Sit in a Safety Chair

On the morning of the rest day, it was rare for him to have a lazy sleep during the summer. He lazily lied on the bed, not wanting to move at all.    


"Mommy ~"    


"Mommy ~"    


The two children jumped onto the bed. They did not take off their pajamas. It was obvious that they had just woken up.    


Xiaoye and Xiaomi seemed to have come to an agreement as they directly got into bed and lay on both sides of the summer bed.    


Xiaomi held the summer sun's face and rocked it back and forth. "Mommy, wake up quickly and don't sleep anymore. The sun is already high in the sky!"    


"Daddy is already cooking. Mommy, are you sure you don't want to eat?"    


Xiaoye looked at his mom, who didn't want to wake up at all. He lowered his voice a lot and tried to wake her up, but he felt sorry for his mom.    


Summer put her arms around the two children and asked, "What's so good about Daddy?"    


She was sleepy, but hungry.    


"Chicken leg?"    


If Little Mi's voice was an ultrasound weapon, it could easily lift up the roof. Xiaoye covered his face helplessly as he thought, "This little sister, what should I do about it?"    


Can you change it?    


Xia Xia gave a helpless sigh, but still opened his eyes. However, the expression on his face was as if he had nothing to live for. Why would there be such a creature as a child in this world?    


After being dragged downstairs by the two kids, they headed straight for the restaurant. At one point in the summer, they felt that their home seemed to be more suitable for a restaurant, as the two little guys were more edible!    


When Pei Yichen heard the sound, he couldn't help but smile when he saw the two kids bringing the summer downstairs. The confused look they had in the summer was really cute.    


"You're up? "Wash up and prepare to eat."    


Pei Yichen's pleasant voice was like a sleeping pill to the summer, making him want to sleep soundly.    


"Are you making chicken legs for your child to eat so early in the morning because you want to mess around with him?"    


She walked behind Pei Yichen in the summer, obviously dissatisfied with the breakfast he made. Even though it was so fragrant, she also wanted to eat it …    


Hearing the reproach towards Pei Yichen in the summer, Pei Xiami pouted in dissatisfaction. Her big eyes were instantly filled with tears, as if she would burst into tears if she continued to speak in the summer.    


Err …    


Pei Yichen looked at his daughter and then looked at Summer. Such a cute little bun, he really couldn't bear to make her sad.    


"I've done everything …"    


Pei Yichen felt like he couldn't speak properly when faced with last summer's warning eyes.    


"Alright, since I've already done it today, I'll make an exception for you guys. But after that, be resolute and not possible. Eat the chicken leg in the morning!"    


"Alright …"    


The little bun sniffed with his nose, and with a pitiful and wronged look on his face, his tears began to fall.    


When summer saw her like this, her heart softened. She couldn't wait to get a bunch of chicken legs for her to eat, but as a parent, she still had to have dignity!    


Pei Yichen looked at Xia Mu, then at Xiao Mi. His two legs couldn't help but walk over to comfort his daughter, but Xia Zhi held onto the corner of Pei Yichen's clothes, not allowing him to step forward.    


Pei Yichen deeply felt that his daughter was very important, his wife was more important, and his wife's orders were as big as the sky. So right now, he immediately turned around and went into the kitchen to continue cooking breakfast!    


Pei Xiaye saw that her parents were not going to tease her sister, so she quickly took a tissue to wipe Xiaomi's tears and whispered, "Don't cry anymore. I'll let you have my chicken drumstick later, okay?"    




A trace of craftiness flashed across Xiaomi's eyes. If there was anything good to eat, it would be a good day.    


Xiaoye sighed helplessly. She was indeed fooled again. Every time she dropped the golden bean, he would have to give her the chicken leg!    




Even though Xiaoye cursed in his heart, he still nodded his head. It was just a chicken leg, how could it be as important as his sister's happiness.    


"Oya ~"    


A smile finally appeared on Pei Xiami's small face. She deeply felt that her requirements weren't high and that she only had chicken legs to eat. Now, she could eat two chicken legs at once. This was the best thing that could happen in the world!    


Summer looked at the little girl who was cheering outside. She rubbed her forehead helplessly and hugged Pei Yichen's waist from behind, "I think Xiaoye is too pitiful."    


Pei Yichen, who was chopping the vegetables, couldn't help but laugh, "Why are you so pitiful now?"    


"Every time there's chicken legs to eat, his chicken legs will always be taken away by Xiao Mi. Yet, he, this little fool, is actually deceiving me!"    


Xia Xia thought of his foolish son's actions and sighed helplessly. He had been spoiled so badly by Little Mi, so what should he do after a while?    


Pei Yichen smiled, "This is called the doting girl's Berserk Demon, I'm the doting wife's Berserk Demon. Hmm, from the looks of it, he really is my good son."    


"Fuck you!"    


Summer did not know whether to laugh or cry. How could this be compared?    


"Sigh, there are times when I'm a little envious of Xiao Mi. With such a great brother, the world owes me one ~"    


Xiaoye had always let this tyrannical little girl get away with everything since he was young. He really did act like a good brother. However, he had never intentionally guided her in summer, as he was born to be like this.    


It had been like this since she was born, every time they were both hungry. If she fed Xiaoye first, he would shut his mouth tightly and not eat. But after feeding Xiaomi, he would eat obediently.    


This kind of connection in terms of blood relations was truly marvelous!    


Pei Yichen listened to the chatter of the summer as the smile on his face continued. With someone by his side, he would no longer be lonely. Such a bustling and noisy life of his was the way a person should live.    


"Today, I'm your big brother, good little sister. Call me big brother."    


When these words came out of Pei Yichen's mouth, it had a strong tone to it. The taste of the movie made Summer pout, "I thank you!"    


While looking down on him, he stretched out his hand to grab a piece of tomato from the chopping board. "Thank you, brother!"    


Pei Yichen shook his head helplessly and smiled, "Don't eat so much. You have to eat later. I cook, you're done!"    


Summer turned around and walked out. "Do it slowly. I'm going upstairs to wash up."    


Pei Yichen looked at her proud back, his eyes filled with tenderness. He only washed up after eating something. This logic was really unrivalled, but in his eyes, everything in summer was right!    


"The two of you, go wash up, change your clothes, and invite Great Grandfather over for breakfast."    


Pei Yichen looked at the two children, and his voice subconsciously became softer.    


Xiao Mi and Xiaoye immediately went back to their respective rooms as if they had received a military order.    


When he finished washing up and changing his clothes in the summer and arrived at the dining hall, everyone was already seated. Pei Yichen was carrying dishes to the table.    


Unlike the usual bread and milk, this morning Pei Yichen made porridge, heated up hot dishes and steamed buns, making him wonder if something big had happened.    




After they had taken their seats in the summer, Wu Jingsheng's porridge was passed to the old man and then given to him in the summer. Old Master Pei suddenly threw his chopsticks onto the table with an extremely ugly expression!    


It was a little awkward in the summer, so he didn't accept it.    


"Grandfather, what's wrong?"    


Pei Yichen placed a bowl of porridge in front of Old Master Pei and gave him a steamed bun.    


The old man stared at her for a while and said angrily, "Go and call Ning Xia to come back and chase her away. It's not even as good as being Ning Xia. I want her to be my granddaughter-in-law!"    


Summer was a bit awkward, this was not the time to say anything.    


Pei Yichen glanced at Xia Xia, then revealed a helpless smile, as if to say: See, I made you run back then, now it's hard to regain your grandpa's support!    


"Grandfather, she's Ning Xia, my wife. She went on a business trip and isn't at home. Look, our children are already so old."    


Pei Yichen recently had the experience of bringing a child to comfort the old man, so he wasn't as stiff as before.    


The old man had forgotten a lot of things. Right now, his personality was like that of a child, so he had to coax, coax, and then, when Pei Yichen said this, he tilted his head and looked at the two little kids. Seeing the child, the old man couldn't help but smile, "Heavy grandson, haha, how nice! "That's great!"    


Summer took the opportunity to pick up dishes for the old man, "Grandpa, come and eat more, can you let your child play with you later?"    


Summer's voice was light and gentle, it was still able to make a person's heart feel especially restrained. After the old man heard the words of summer, he repeatedly nodded his head, "Alright, let's play after dinner!"    


After comforting the old man, the family happily started to eat, but throughout the summer, their hearts felt like they had been pressed against a big rock. The old man was like this, and beside him was only an older Uncle Wu.    


Summer turned her face to look at the two children sitting beside her. Pei Xiaye was like a gentleman, even eating was pleasing to the eyes, and her nobility made his mother unable to look directly at her.    


But on the other hand, two small meat buns couldn't help but hold onto his forehead in the summer. That little foodie with a chicken leg in one hand and its oily little mouth smacking around happily, was he really his daughter? Really?!    


Xiaomi was completely immersed in the joy of eating the chicken leg, unaware of her mother's disdain. Pei Xiami's cheeks were bulging like a squirrel's, and her cuteness revealed her cleverness.    


If the outside world were to see Pei Yichen's beloved daughter in such a pitiful state, it was unknown whether they would feel pity for Pei Yichen …    


After breakfast, his wild thoughts during the summer finally came to an end.    


Pei Xiaye and Pei Xiami spent the summer in the study room with their great-grandfather accompanying them. She had always felt that there was a problem with the office, so she drew the draft at home. Now that the matter was over, she still needed to draw the manuscript onto the computer.    


However, Pei Yichen followed her in just as she came in, "We need to discuss a wife."    


Xia Xia glanced at him sideways, inexplicably feeling that Pei Yichen would become a bad topic if he spoke like this.    


"Tell me what it is first."    


Summer blinked her eyes, indicating that the girl wasn't going to fall for it.    


Pei Yichen rubbed his head lovingly, "I want to take you guys to the amusement park. Do you want to go?"    


As Pei Yichen said this, the two of them laughed at the same time. Obviously, they were thinking of the same thing!    


Only then did summer come to its senses. The hesitation in his words was obviously because of the bad memories they had of that place and the worry that they would resist that place.    


Thinking about how Pei Yichen cared about her so much, Xia Xia felt a warm feeling in her heart.    


"Go, of course we'll go. Big brother, you have to give me what you owe me, so replenish me once ~"    


Summer slightly raised her chin, eyes full of sweetness. The last time they went to rent an amusement park, it ended in such a way. In their hearts, both of them were more or less regretful. Taking the kids on a revisit was actually a pretty good choice.    


Pei Yichen kissed on the forehead in summer. With summer, his whole life became full of meaning!    


After lunch, the two children finished their homework and the family of four set off.    


"Mommy, can I not sit in the safety seat?"    


Xiaomi was the first to protest. She didn't like the feeling of being confined!    


Summer frowned. Previously, she would ride an electric bike and wander around with her two children. To suddenly adapt to a life in a car and safety seat, she actually didn't care whether the children could accept it or not. It was a dereliction of duty.    


Little Mi had already endured this matter for a long time, but her mother had always been busy. She couldn't bring herself to tell her father, and she also couldn't bring herself to tell the driver who had picked her up.    


Summer held Xiaomi in her arms. "Why don't you like safety seats?"    


Xiaomi pursed her lips, looking wronged. She raised her eyebrows in the summer as this was Pei Xiami's habit. Whenever she didn't want to do something, she would first act cute and coquettish!    


"Mommy, that safety seat is always firmly locked. It's like there's a dog tied to it. I can't even see the scenery anymore …"    


She wanted to lean against the window and watch the scenery. She wanted to be able to move freely.    


Xia Xia sighed. Facing such a daughter, she could only patiently reason around. After all, she didn't want to give him a beating!    


"Dear Little Mi, we all know that adults need to buckle up when they're riding and that children need to sit obediently in safety seats when they're in the car. Do you know why?"    


Summer tilted her head and asked Xiaomi, like a curious baby who didn't know anything.    


Pei Yichen leaned against the car door, his lips curled up in a smile as he quietly watched the two of them conversing in the summer. Such a scene was filled with love.    


"Because... Seat belts and safety seats are used to protect the safety of adults and children, respectively. "    


Pei Xiami understood his words simply from their meanings.    


Summer nodded, giving her enough assurance. "Well, you're right! If there is an emergency in the process of driving, the safety belt and safety seat will wrap around our body like powerful arms so that we are not hurt by the impact. "    


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