CEO's Substitute Bride

C251 You Have Something to Hide from Me?

C251 You Have Something to Hide from Me?

After saying that, Xia Chen started to walk down the stairs, but just as she stepped out, she was stunned. The situation in the living room, there was something off ah …    


Ignoring the fact that Old Master Tian knew Niu Juan was here early in the morning, what did he mean by bringing his luggage here?    


Pei Yichen hugged Xia Xinyan from behind and decisively covered her mouth to not let her speak. After struggling for a while, he didn't manage to break away, so he let her.    


Downstairs, Old Master Tian looked at Niu Juan, who was still sleeping soundly. His heart throbbed in pain. Even though he had imagined this scene countless times, he still couldn't accept it when it really came.    


However, he loved Niu Juan. It was because of love that he had always respected her. It was also because of love that he would rather endure this heart-wrenching pain so that Niu Juan could have a better life in the future.    


She felt that there was a burning gaze staring at her. She could no longer fall asleep, so after rolling her eyes, she opened her eyes. At one glance, she saw Old Master Tian, who was standing beside the sofa and staring at her.    


"You …"    


"Let me bring you something."    


Old Master Tian leaned to the side to avoid eye contact with Niu Juan. He poured her a glass of cold water from the table and said, "Have some."    


The smell of alcohol on Niu Juan's body and the wine bottles on the table that were lying on the floor made Old Master Tian guess that they drank a lot last night.    


His heart ached for Niu Juan because of him, who was unworthy of her, and he had turned himself into such a state.    


Niu Juan took the cup with a wry smile on her lips. "Thank you."    


After Niu Juan thanked him, the two of them suddenly quieted down. The two once intimate friends had now become strangers who were most familiar with each other.    


Even a greeting from him felt a little awkward.    


But no matter what, since he had come, things between them could not be delayed any longer.    


"I've brought all your things."    


Old Master Tian gritted his teeth and looked at Niu Juan. Since they had already reached this stage, they could only cut through this mess. The longer they dragged on, the more painful it would be for Niu Juan.    


Niu Juan felt as if she had heard a funny joke and didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "So, you want to break up with me?"    


They had been together for so many years. He really did not expect Old Master Tian to do this, directly bringing her stuff over. Was he so impatient to drive her away?    


Had all these years of love, their youth, become so worthless in the matter of marital discord? Niu Juan suddenly felt powerless. She felt like she had been blind all these years to actually believe in such a person without clarifying the matter between them. How could there be such a reason in this world for Old Master Tian to let her go with her luggage!    


"Old Master Tian, what exactly do you mean?"    


Seeing Old Master Tian remain silent, Niu Juan became even angrier. If there was anything she could argue with, she could not bear it and kept quiet. Such a cold attitude would only increase the irritation between them.    


"Niu Juan, yesterday, I called you. It was Shen Heng who answered, he said that you slept at his place, and I know you are not a casual person, so I thought, are you, have already decided to be with Shen Heng. Since this is the case, I will completely respect your choice, so, I brought your things here …"    


After Old Master Tian hung up the phone yesterday, he thought over and over for an entire night before he finally made this decision. He only wished for Niu Juan's happiness. As for anything else, he didn't care about it anymore.    


The moment he realized that he was about to die, he finally realized that he was so reluctant to part with it. It turned out that only when he lost it would he understand what he wanted even more clearly.    


If he didn't have this phone call, he would have thought that he would be able to control himself well. But now, he wouldn't be deceiving himself, he couldn't bear to part with it, his heart was aching, but he had to act as if everything was acceptable. He wanted to preserve the last bit of his dignity.    


Old Master Tian's words made Niu Juan a little confused. She was drunk and fell asleep here. When did Old Master Tian make the call and when did Shen Heng pick up the phone?    


All of this seemed a little strange.    


However, Niu Juan understood the meaning behind his words, "You suspect that I slept with Shen Heng last night?"    


Old Master Tian was stunned. He didn't expect Niu Juan to say it so straightforwardly. However, he couldn't refute this fact.    


She was a girl, yet her phone was received by another man in the middle of the night. Wasn't this proof of intimacy between them?    


"You bastard!"    


Niu Juan stomped her foot angrily and raised her hand to slap him, but she couldn't stop Old Master Tian's red eyes from turning red. She could only retract her hand hatefully, "Are you blind? Didn't you come here while I was lying on the sofa?"    


Was Shen Heng not by her side?    


"If you want me to break up, then let me break up. It's not like I can't live without you. There's no need to be so thick-skinned as to pester you to the point of not letting you go!"    


Niu Juan was angry and anxious. She was too lazy to explain herself to someone who doubted her. She just gritted her teeth and sat down on the sofa angrily without saying a word.    


"Old Master Tian, what nonsense are you talking about? Shen Heng is Ye Zichen's boyfriend, are you trying to break them up by saying that?"    


He bit Pei Yichen's hand, forcing him to let go of his hand and rushed down the stairs, pointing at Old Master Tian with his trembling fingers. This was the first time Old Master Tian found out that he was being too outrageous.    


Luckily, they all felt that Niu Juan had found a love that belonged to them!    


"Shen Heng is at home. I called him out to confront me, is that kind of nonsense?"    


As Xia Chen spoke, he waved his hand for Pei Yichen to go get someone.    


Pei Yichen did not dare to disobey his wife's orders, so he immediately knocked on Shen Heng's room. After opening the door, he found Leaves was sleeping soundly on Shen Heng's bed, while the computer on Shen Heng's table had not returned to its work page. Obviously, this guy had been working overtime last night!    


"You picked up Old Master Tian's call yesterday?"    


Pei Yichen raised his eyebrows. Shen Heng had always been clean and honest, this was the first time someone said that he …    


Shen Heng nodded in confusion, "Yes, I just settled the leaves down when I came back. I wanted to cover Niu Juan with a thin blanket, so I picked up the phone from Old Master Tian. Niu Juan even vomited all over me."    


As he spoke, Shen Heng pointed at the dirty clothes in the corner, which still smelt fishy.    


When Shen Heng arrived at the living room and heard Old Master Tian's explanation, he told the story helplessly. Old Master Tian looked at Niu Juan's clothes and saw that there were still some stains on her clothes. He immediately understood that Niu Juan had been wrongly accused.    


He thought that Shen Heng was responsible for what Niu Juan and Shen Heng did after they drank too much. That was why he packed up Niu Juan's stuff. However, after knowing the truth, he suddenly felt speechless.    


Niu Juan gave Old Master Tian a fake smile and said, "Alright, what else do you have to say?"    


"Sorry, I …"    


Old Master Tian was instantly speechless when he saw Niu Juan's gaze. This matter was indisputable; it was his fault.    


"Niu Juan, I'm sorry. I know I was wrong. As long as you can forgive me, I'll promise you anything!"    


The joy of recovering from a loss almost made Old Master Tian make up his mind in an instant!    


When he guessed that Niu Juan and him had reached the end, he was in a torturous state. Now, knowing that things were not as he had imagined, he only had one thought in mind: Marry Niu Juan and spend the rest of his life together!    


She was obviously very angry and wanted to teach Old Master Tian a lesson, but the moment he admitted his wrongs, she could not say any harsh words, and all thoughts of punishing him were thrown to the back of her mind!    


Niu Juan felt as if she was poisoned by Old Master Tian's poison. Other than being with him, there was no cure for her!    


"Then... What about your daughter? "    


Although Niu Juan didn't really care about this child, she was still a bit worried when she thought about how much Old Master Tian cared about this child. She didn't know if Old Master Tian would treat his child badly just because he had to take care of his daughter after she was born.    


A living person could never compete with a dead person.    


"She has always been very sensible. I believe that if we communicate properly, we should be able to understand each other."    


Old Master Tian looked at Niu Juan seriously as if she was making a promise. He said in a serious tone, "Juan'er, believe me, I will solve this issue for sure. As long as you are willing to marry me, it's fine. Promise me, and don't leave me, okay?"    


He had already made up his mind that he couldn't do without Niu Juan. If he could, he would rather write Niu Juan's name in his account book and let her become his most intimate person!    


She knew her own heart better than anyone else. She loved Old Master Tian so much that she couldn't wait to never separate with him. Therefore, she wouldn't reject Old Master Tian's proposal!    


At this moment, she was especially grateful to Summer and Leaves for encouraging her, thanking them for their arrangements. She was finally going to marry her own love!    


"I will give you time. I will wait for you. We will never separate again. No matter what happens, I hope that both of us will face it together!"    


Old Master Tian hugged him tightly in his arms, as if hugging the whole world, he cherished him greatly, "Fine, I'll listen to you from now on. If you tell me to go east, I won't go west. If you tell me to sweep the floor, I won't dare to wash my clothes!"    


Summer looked at the two tightly hugging each other, and her eyes couldn't help getting moist. The big matter in her heart had finally been solved.    


Thinking that he was going to get the results of the examination tomorrow, the heart of the summer, for some unknown reason, felt a pinch.    


This beautiful scene would definitely become a nostalgic memory in her life.    


"What's wrong?"    


Any small emotion in summer couldn't escape Pei Yichen's eyes. She was only depressed for two seconds, but Pei Yichen could already see it.    


Summer couldn't help but laugh. She stretched out her hand to grab his hand that was previously covering her. Her slender and soft fingers rubbed the imprint left behind by him as she silently cursed herself for not being a good person. How could she be so ruthless towards her husband!    


It was an absolute sin!    


"Chen, does it hurt?"    


Summer looked up and blinked her innocent eyes, as if she hadn't been the one to bite him a few minutes ago.    


Pei Yichen was a spoiled brat. He rubbed Xia's hair with his other hand and said, "Give me a kiss and it won't hurt."    


Xia Keke pursed her lips. This guy was trying to take advantage of her all the time!    


How could she kiss Pei Yichen in front of so many people!?    


Pei Yichen blinked innocently at last summer's look of disdain. This victim was clearly him, why did she feel wronged in the summer?    


"Don't think too much about it. I mean, saliva helps heal wounds."    


Pei Yichen's voice was low as he bent down to lightly provoke Xia Xinyan, his face instantly turned red, all the way to the tip of his ears were dripping blood, causing Pei Yichen's throat to tighten. He couldn't help but lick his lips.    


Summer rolled her eyes at Pei Yichen with a clear warning. She swore that if Pei Yichen continued to provoke her, she would definitely let Pei Yichen sleep on the sofa tonight without any hesitation!    


After Pei Yichen received the warning from his wife, he immediately became obedient and decisively shut his mouth. Anyone can offend this woman, but not his wife.    


Seeing him act so obediently, Xia Xia couldn't help but laugh, "Can I not go to work today?"    




Pei Yichen raised his eyebrows. Such words rarely come out in the summer. Didn't she, a little money grubber, urge him to work early and earn money early every day?    


Why is it so abnormal today?    


Pei Yichen had a hunch that something happened in the summer!    


However, his wife knew that summer was a very smart woman. If there was something that she was determined to hide from him, it wouldn't be easy to pry it out of her.    


"Did something happen?"    


Pei Yichen knew that it wasn't easy to trick people into talking, so he directly asked.    


Xia Zhi was momentarily stunned, and her heart started pounding rapidly. She didn't even know how to reply to that, to avoid revealing any flaws.    


Pei Yichen saw her hesitation and was even more sure that there was a reason behind it. "Are you hiding something from me?"    


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