CEO's Substitute Bride

C248 Inspiring Niu Juan to Propose Marriage

C248 Inspiring Niu Juan to Propose Marriage

Do you want to be like this for the rest of your life?    


Niu Juan suddenly became clear-headed. It was as if she had considered this question in the past few days. It was just that she didn't want to break the current stalemate.    


She was a woman. In fact, if one thought about it carefully, there was not much time left. She was not someone who could talk about love for a lifetime. She only wanted to live a good life.    


Now, the results were right in front of her. She only needed to take a step forward to get an accurate answer. She did not know if she had anything else to hesitate for.    


Perhaps, it was because he was afraid of losing it …    


Niu Juan sighed. Normally speaking, she should be the one bravely taking that step forward. If she couldn't, then she would be the first one to look down on her in this life.    


"Alright, I'll go!"    


Her friends had already paved the way for her to this point. If she still continued to hide, then that would truly be too much for her!    


When Niu Juan relented, this matter immediately became half done. The three of them started to discuss among themselves about how to raise the success rate to the highest possible level.    


The three of them busily worked inside and outside for a long time before finally being satisfied.    


"Elder Sister Xia Tian, the person who went shopping with Brother Tian sent a message saying that he's heading back!"    


The employee reported the news excitedly.    


"Hurry, hurry, hurry. Put down the curtains and block them!"    


Summer hastily ordered, while Leaves repeatedly checked to see if she missed any details.    


Niu Juan kept stamping her feet nervously. She repeated what she wanted to say to herself repeatedly, but kept rubbing her hands until they were covered in sweat.    


"Miss Xia Tian, the arrangements are ready. Take a look and see if there are any other requirements."    


The staff took out a list and a pen in his other hand. This was their work routine. He read it over in the summer and nodded with a smile, "No, I'll be troubling you today."    


As he said that, he signed his name and passed the form to the staff member.    


Xia Xia felt that if she really did something, she would really have one less thing to do. Finally, she could leave peacefully.    


If the results of her examination weren't good, at least she would be able to recall such wonderful things. Friends, lovers, children … She hoped that they would have a happy and happy life.    


Looking at the beautiful and dreamy decorations of the restaurant, Xia Xin felt that no matter what the result was, those who tried their best wouldn't regret it.    


All that was left was for the two protagonists to take care of.    


Ye He and Xia Chen stared at Niu Juan with an obnoxious smile on their faces. They really wanted to see what kind of state Niu Juan, a strong woman who could remain calm in every situation, would be in when faced with such a situation.    


Summer felt like she could laugh at any moment, trying her best to hold back her laughter, only to be hit by Niu Juan's fist before she became well-behaved.    


"Everyone, get in position. Brother Tian still has another intersection to get to the entrance of the store!"    


The staff at the door announced. Instantly, everyone started to find their seats, some of them holding ceremonial flowers, some of them throwing petals, some of them playing music, some of them taking videos, they were all so excited that they were getting married. They were all nervous and looking forward to it.    


"We're here ~"    


All eyes fell on Niu Juan. Niu Juan quivered, and immediately wanted to escape, but Xia Chen gave her a cheering gesture before pulling Leaves to the side and grabbed a handful of melon seeds.    


Old Master Tian looked at the curtains that were still closed after the opening hours. He frowned. The shop assistant he brought had never been lazy to this extent. This was really weird.    


He pushed the door open and was about to come in to see what was going on.    


However, when the glass door was opened, it was covered by a curtain. It was impossible to clearly see what was going on inside.    


Old Master Tian frowned. Suddenly, his heart thumped. He suspected that something had happened, so he quickly opened the curtain and walked inside!    




What welcomed Old Master Tian was the explosion of fireworks. He was stunned on the spot, baffled by this scene.    


In the rain of petals, Old Master Tian walked towards Niu Juan step by step. He looked at Niu Juan who was standing in the middle of the flowers not far away.    


The entire restaurant was silent. It was as if everyone was saying something to interrupt this young couple. It was like a sin to disturb them.    


Summer and Leaves looked at each other, beaming with joy. Apparently, they were very satisfied with this result.    


Summer made a "OK" gesture towards the sound effects group. After the other party received it, the piano piece slowly spread throughout the restaurant, causing one to be intoxicated. One's heart couldn't help but bubble pink.    


"In the past, I felt that I was very ugly, very fat, and that no one would like me. I felt that I was like a person who was born to be lonely, until I met you."    


Niu Juan thought about her once active blind date, but she was still rejected and teased time and time again. She could not help but feel tears welling up in her eyes. Old Master Tian was the first one to look at her without looking at her appearance.    


"You said I'm very cute, you said I'm the best girl, you said you're willing to cook for me for the rest of your life, you've satisfied all of my delicious food interests, I've thought about you countless times, and in this life, it'll be yours."    


"So, today, I propose to you. Old Master Tian, are you willing to walk into the marriage hall with me. Are you willing for us to be attached to each other for the rest of our lives?"    


She was looking forward to the marriage ceremony with the person she loved, just like all other women. But at the same time, she was also scared, afraid that Old Master Tian never brought it up, perhaps because she had no other choice but to do it. And today, she chose to be the first one to expose her identity, won't she make Old Master Tian hate her?    


Niu Juan stared fixedly at Old Master Tian, waiting for his answer.    


Compared to Niu Juan's nervousness and expectation, Old Master Tian's expression was even more unbearable.    


He had also thought about it. He had been impulsive enough to ask Niu Juan to marry him, and he had also wanted to tell Niu Juan about it countless times. However, he was more afraid that Niu Juan would leave him after she knew the truth.    


He had even thought selfishly that if he did not tell Niu Juan about this, they could be together for the rest of their lives.    


But today, he was unable to escape, unable to hide …    


After a long sigh, bitterness appeared in Old Master Tian's eyes. "I'm sorry …"    


He loved Niu Juan, so some things couldn't implicate him.    


Originally, it was a moving and beautiful marriage proposal, but because of Old Master Tian's words, everyone was stunned and didn't know what was going on.    


Summer and Leaves exchanged a look, both appearing very puzzled. They didn't understand why Old Master Tian was so shy about getting married, especially when Old Master Tian was usually so good to Niu Juan. After so many years, had he never thought of giving Niu Juan a name and becoming the other's legal partner?    


Niu Juan looked at Old Master Tian in disbelief. She didn't understand what he meant, "Wh, why …"    


She had experienced too many rejections and heard too many 'apologies' from others. But why, when she thought her future was with Old Master Tian, did Old Master Tian also want to say these three words to her?    


She didn't want to hear any apology, she wanted an answer. For one reason, she didn't believe that Old Master Tian was usually so nice to her!    


She didn't believe it!    


"You love me, don't you?"    


Facing Niu Juan's questioning and his lover's wounded eyes, Old Master Tian tilted his head slightly, not daring to meet Niu Juan's gaze.    


Old Master Tian's lips trembled. He obviously didn't want to say it like that, but he had too many concerns.    


"I have a daughter who is already in middle school, I …"    


To put it simply, it was like she was sentenced to death for Niu Juan. She felt so much despair that she fell to the ground like a joke. She didn't understand why this was happening …    


"So, what do you take me for? One... Little San? "    


This was the first time in her life that she had ever experienced such a blow. She was so panicked that she didn't know how to face it, yet she had no choice but to face it. This man who treated her so well was actually just a scam from the beginning to the end.    


Old Master Tian stretched his hand and wanted to pull her up from the ground. However, before he touched Niu Juan, he silently took his hand back. The thing he was most worried about came.    


"M.D. You're a king. VIII. Eggs, old. I'll kill you! "    


Ye Zichen had always had a bad temper. He never liked seeing his good friend being cheated like this, so he immediately rushed up and punched Old Master Tian with his healthy hands. This guy was simply toying with other people's feelings!    


When Xia Xia saw that Old Master Tian had a nosebleed from Ye Zichen's punch, he immediately went up to stop Ye Zichen, "Don't be rash first!"    


Leaves struggled and wanted to continue hitting people, but she had to wave to a few shop assistants to stop her. She helped Leaves up from the ground in the summer and felt sorry for Niu Juan. She was such a good woman, why did she keep getting hurt over and over again?    


A beautiful marriage proposal, at this moment, disintegrated and turned into a disaster.    


In the summer, he tried his best to calm himself down. After comforting Niu Juan, he helped her to a chair and then walked in front of Old Master Tian.    


"The child is yours?"    


She would never have thought that Old Master Tian, a seemingly honest man, would already be married and have children!    




Old Master Tian looked at the dispirited Niu Juan and nodded. At this time, lying was useless. He could only put the truth in front of her and respect her choice in summer.    




Xia Chen gritted her teeth. Although she did her best to suppress her anger, after hearing such a definite answer, she still lost all rationality!    


Such a blatant lie was too hateful!    


"And the mother?"    


Xia Ye gnashed his teeth. If Old Master Tian had lied to Niu Juan during their marriage, she really wouldn't have been able to tolerate it!    


Old Master Tian was a bit hesitant and couldn't help but secretly look at Niu Juan. However, what he got instead was the injury in Niu Juan's eyes which made him at a loss, "Child mother, she ran away."    


Old Master Tian's words stunned everyone. It seemed like there were a lot of hidden secrets behind it.    


"What do you mean?"    


Summer frowned. She didn't want Leaves to be impulsive, she just wanted to see if there would be any difficulties. Now, it seems that she did have some unavoidable difficulties. If that's the case, it's not unacceptable.    


Old Master Tian sighed and walked towards Niu Juan. Before he could even get in front of Niu Juan, Leaves was already guarding Niu Juan like an old hen.    




Xia Zhi called Ye Wen over in a low voice. Other people might not be able to get involved in their matters, but all they could do was protect Niu Juan and support her in her decisions.    


Although Leaves was worried, she had absolute trust in Summer, so she hesitated for two seconds before moving away from Niu Juan.    


Summer and Leaves had evacuated the clerks, and the two of them were standing guard not far away, wary of any mishap.    


After the restaurant was quiet, Old Master Tian sighed. He pulled out the chair opposite Niu Juan and sat down.    


"Say it, no matter what you say, I will believe it."    


She felt that she was special and had no future. She clearly didn't need to be so petty and petty, but she couldn't control herself. No matter what Old Master Tian said about how he did, it didn't matter if it was a young mistake or if he was really married but didn't love that woman, she was willing to believe it!    


Old Master Tian's smile was bitter. Hearing Niu Juan's words, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry. For a moment, he felt emotional, but he also felt that he was quite lucky to have met Niu Juan.    


I have a sister who was cheated by others to give birth a few years ago, and was later found by the man's family and forced to commit suicide. After the death of my elder sister, she left a child in my name and that's all in my name.    


Old Master Tian sighed. Some things had been weighing on his heart for too long, so he didn't know how to start. He wanted to tell Niu Juan the truth about himself more than once, but nothing came out of his mouth.    


Now, he finally said it out loud.    


"Other than this child, you know that my family's condition isn't very good and I have a few brothers and sisters. So, it's not that I don't want to propose to you, but, I'm afraid …"    


He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to give Niu Juan the happiness she wanted. He was afraid that the moment he said it, it would be the end for them.    


Because he was uncertain about the future, even though they had lived together for the past few years, he had never stepped over the line.    


He had given Niu Juan enough time to turn back and had always respected the girl he loved.    


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