CEO's Substitute Bride

C219 Your Father Is Pei Yicheng.

C219 Your Father Is Pei Yicheng.

The rugged path was very hard to walk on, but at this time, no one would care about these details.    


Summer was a little sad, Pei Shijie was no longer that flower peacock from five years ago. After five years of settling, his shrewdness had deepened. It seemed like her trip this time was much more dangerous.    


She couldn't help but turn her head back …    


Half an hour later, the electric car drove directly into a house. The fat woman turned around with a smile and said to Summer, "We're here. Your child is safe in the house."    


Regarding this woman's kindness, the summer heart is a little warm, knowing the child is fine, the heart always a little bit more at ease.    


"Thank you."    


Summer whispered her thanks, but the woman didn't even look at her, directly entering the house.    


"Hahahaha, summer is coming. After not seeing you for so many years, if we meet again, you can still give me a nice surprise!"    


Pei Shijie walked out of the room. He had lost a lot of weight. He used to be in high spirits, but now he was withered and gloomy.    


Summer was a little frightened, but the thought of her child made her feel a surge of courage in the soles of her feet.    


"Where are my children?"    


Xia Zhi's voice was calm and indifferent, without a hint of fear in his heart.    


"It's right inside the house. I won't stop you, you go take a look."    


Pei Shijie raised his palm and made a gesture of 'please'.    


Xia Zhi pursed his lips and walked into the house without hesitation.    


The two children were being closely watched. They sat obediently in their chairs, neither crying nor making a fuss. The fat woman who had picked up the summer was serving them two cups of milk.    


"Xiaoye, Xiao Mi."    


Xia Xia's voice was trembling, but he still tried his best to remain calm.    


"Mommy ~"    


Xiaomi was the first to jump off the stool, jumping straight into the embrace of summer.    


Xiaoye followed closely behind. Although he did not directly jump into Xia Zhi's embrace, he still hugged Xia Xia's thigh and his eyes started to turn red.    


They had lived in Sand River Town for so many years, how could they have met with such a situation? The two children were scared, and they were barely holding on.    


Now that he saw his mother, he saw that he had been relying on her all this time. Only then did he finally let go of the string that was always tight and taut.    


"Mommy, there's a bad uncle who wants to capture us. Mommy wants us to run away, but …" "Not far, but a car stopped me and I was taken away by these bad guys. Mommy …"    


Xiaomi tightly hugged Xia Xia's neck, her little face buried in her mother's neck, like a wronged little cat.    


Summer hugged her daughter in one hand and rubbed her son's little head with the other. "Good child, Mummy is here, Mummy is here to take you home."    


Clap clap clap. Pei Shijie couldn't help but laugh, "It's really a touching scene of mother and son meeting each other. However, in the summer, aren't you going to give me the things you brought with you?"    


Summer pulled the two kids to her side. "I'm relieved when I ask you to take me and the kid to the car park on Zhengkai Avenue and get into my own car."    


She had come to save the child. If she couldn't get the child out of this place, she wouldn't be able to be at ease.    


Pei Shijie smiled and took a step forward towards Summer. Summer immediately took a step back with her child. Being too close to this man was too dangerous for her.    


In the summer, Pei Shijie will step closer, in the summer, Pei Shijie will step forward, until, in the summer, there is nowhere to go.    


"Pei Shijie, what exactly do you mean?"    


"It's a deal. Bring me the contract for the transfer of shares from the Morning Star realm, and I'll let the three of you leave. What do you want to do now?"    


Pei Shijie stared at the summer as if he was looking at a fool, giving the summer a bad feeling.    


"What we're saying is, let the child go and give you the document, but the child is still here."    


If she handed the documents over now, then if Pei Shijie didn't let the three of them leave, wouldn't he be letting down Pei Yichen's hard work?    


Pei Shijie smirked, "What do you mean?" Let go of your two children first? "    


Pei Shijie couldn't help but laugh out loud as if he had heard a joke, "It's freezing cold in the sky and earth. If something unexpected happens, then it's really hard to say. Summer, have you thought it through clearly?"    


Although he didn't plan on letting the three leave so easily, if he could get his hands on the equity transfer contract faster, then it wouldn't be bad!    


"I don't care. You can send people and see us out of this place."    


Summer grasped Xiaoye's hand tightly, the child was her greatest strength.    


"Summer, after so many years, you're still so innocent. Do you think that I've been tricked once, and will still be tricked a second time?"    


Pei Shijie couldn't help but feel angry when he thought of what Pei Yichen and this woman had done to him together five years ago.    


If he hadn't believed this woman's words, he wouldn't have to spend five years in hiding!    


"Men, search my body!"    


At Pei Shijie's order, two burly men immediately rushed over, "Summer, tell me, after these two men have touched you once, will your Pei Yichen still want you? "Hrm?"    


Pei Shijie's arrogant expression caught Xia Xia Chen off guard. Even though he knew he wouldn't so easily agree to let the child go, he didn't expect that Pei Shijie would use such a despicable method to humiliate him!    




Summer put the two children on the ground, making a final struggle!    


She quickly took out the dagger she prepared beforehand and placed it on her neck. "Pei Shijie, let me tell you, if you don't let my child go today, I will make it so that you will never get the seal!"    


"The documents are right here, but before my child is safe, even if I were to die, you wouldn't be able to find the seal."    


"Mommy …"    


Xia Xiaomi was terrified. She had never seen her mother act so domineeringly, to her, her mother was gentle and would never do anything extreme. But now, as she watched her mother hold the dagger to her neck, she was afraid …    


Xia Xiaoye pursed her lips and didn't say anything. Her small hands subconsciously held Mummy's hand tightly, not letting go. It was as if the moment she let go, she would lose her Mummy.    


Pei Shijie didn't expect the summer to be so resolute. He couldn't make up his mind immediately. If something bad really happened in the summer and Pei Yichen went all out, then it really wouldn't be a good thing for him!    


"Alright, I'll send you two kids to the highway entrance now. If anything happens to them, then I won't be in charge of them!"    


Pei Shijie stared at Xia Zhi's eyes seriously. It was as if he wanted to see the superfluous emotions from her eyes and wanted to know if there was any conspiracy behind it.    


"I believe that there will be more kind-hearted people in the world. If you send them to the highway entrance, the duty officer there will definitely send my child to the police station. That place will be much safer than your place."    


"Didn't you want to use the three of us to threaten Pei Yichen? "Let me tell you, back then, I raised these two children by myself. I don't have much relationship with Pei Yichen, so their use isn't that great. I alone will be enough to threaten Pei Yichen."    


She was betting in the summer, betting that since Pei Shijie knew about these two children, then he must know that Pei Yichen was chasing her. As long as she could get the child out first, she believed that Pei Yichen would definitely get someone to ensure the child's safety.    


Therefore, this time, her main purpose was to use her own body to exchange for the child. If something really happened to her, she believed that Pei Yichen would take good care of the two children!    


After thinking this through, Xia Chen let out a sigh of relief from the bottom of her heart. Right now, she only wanted her child to be safe and sound.    


"Good, summer, you can be considered the courageous woman that I've met before. Today, I'll let your son and daughter go. As long as I can get my hands on the item, you can rest assured that I'll let you go too."    


Regardless of whether or not he really wanted to let go of summer, at least for now, he sincerely wanted to comfort summer.    


Summer nodded, showing that she believed the man's words. "Okay, I have no objections."    


"You, bring these two children to the highway entrance."    


Pei Shijie pointed at the fat woman who brought the summer with her. She was the one who had the least fighting strength here, so arranging things wouldn't affect the overall situation. As long as the summer was in his hands, everything would be fine.    


"Mommy, I'm not leaving, I don't want to leave you, Mommy …"    


Xia Xiaomi was the first to oppose the summer arrangement. Although she was young, she understood what it meant to be separated like this. She couldn't leave Mommy.    


"Mommy, we can't leave you here alone."    


Xia Xiaoye clenched her fist tightly as she stared at Pei Shijie. The hatred that seeped out of her bones made Pei Shijie frown. As expected of Pei Yichen's son, if he let this child go today, then in the future …    


At this moment, Pei Shijie suddenly changed his mind!    


"Xiaoye, Xiao Mi, you are both the most obedient children, can you listen to your mother?"    


Summer crouched down and hugged the two children in her arms. "Why don't you leave with that auntie first? If any kind people discover you, remember to tell them, your dad, his name is Pei Yichen, he's the CEO of Morning Star Group, as long as they send you two back, your dad will definitely thank them again. If dad isn't here, then you guys just need to find uncle Shen Heng, the uncle that godmother stopped you from running away. He's a good person and your dad's good friend. "    


Xia Xia was afraid that something might happen to the two of them, so she carefully warned them. However, all she got in return were the two children desperately shaking their heads and resisting, tears streaming down their faces.    


"Good girl, Mommy's biggest wish now is for you to be safe. Xiaoye, you are brother, do you need to take care of your sister?"    


Her face turned stiff in the summer. Her education to her children was always based on gentle reasoning, and this was her first time giving them a straight face.    


"Mommy, don't be angry, we will listen to you. We will listen to you …"    


Xia Xiaoye stretched out her hand to wipe away the tears on Xia Xia Zhi's face, but she couldn't control the tears on her own face. He wanted to be good, to let his mother be at ease, to be strong and take care of his sister, but he couldn't control his tears.    


"Be good, you will be the best brother."    


Xia Zhi sniffed with his nose and rubbed Xiaoye's head. "Good, her son is always so sensible. So sensible that it makes her heart ache."    


"Xiao Mi, after leaving the house, you must listen to your big brother. Do not be willful, or do you know?"    


"Mommy …"    


Little Mi sobbed and shook her head like a rattle. She didn't want to be separated from Mommy.    


"Children, Mommy loves you!"    


Summer left a kiss on the child's forehead, "This is Mommy's guardian kiss, so, you will definitely be safe, happy, healthy growth, good, will be fine."    


She was too scared. She was afraid that if she didn't finish what she wanted to say, she wouldn't have the chance to do so. However, how could she finish what she wanted to say with just a few words?    


"If you really can't bear to leave, then neither of you should leave."    


Pei Shijie smiled like a kind uncle, "According to seniority, you two little brats have to call me Uncle. Be good and follow Uncle in the future, you will have some fun."    


"Pei Shijie!"    


Summer frowned and snapped with obvious hostility. Although she was confident that the two children wouldn't waver over these external things, she was able to calm the emotions of the good kids with great difficulty. She didn't want anything to happen to them!    


"Alright, alright, alright. I won't say anything else. I'll arrange for someone to send these two brats off!"    


Pei Shijie acted like he was a good person and easy to talk to. However, he casually looked at the bodyguard beside him and pointed at Xia Xiaoye with his hanging finger.    


That person immediately understood the meaning behind his words and silently retreated out of the room.    


The fat woman sighed and came forward, "Xiaoye, Xiaomi, let's go. Don't let your mom worry about you."    


Children were the most innocent people in this world, and they shouldn't be involved in adult grudges. Therefore, although she couldn't accept Pei Shijie kidnapping two children, she still couldn't say anything after taking his money.    


However, since Pei Shijie was willing to let the two children go, she was definitely willing to do it.    


In the midst of their sobs, Summer tried to hold back her tears. She didn't want the child to worry about her any more.    


Smiling as the children left, she tightened her grip on her heart, only then did she relax a little. It was great that the children could finally be safe.    


"Alright, now let's talk about our matters."    


Pei Shijie stretched out his hand and asked for the document he was carrying in his arms.    


Summer put away the tears, no longer worried about the child, his entire being, a lot calmer.    


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