CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C177 Injuries

C177 Injuries

Seeing how Jian Rui did not give her face, Qin Tian's expression also turned cold.    


She took two steps forward and reached out to grab Jian Rui's lower chin, "Stupid girl, aren't you afraid that I will throw you into the fire pit like your brother?"    


It was fine if Qin Tian did not mention this matter, but once she did, Jian Rui instantly became angry, "Damn pervert, if you have the ability, throw me in. How long do you think you can escape? No matter where you escape to, the law will punish you!"    


" Your words are quite dignified. " Qin Tian smiled viciously and said, "Don't tell me it was your fake mother who taught you."    


"You are not allowed to say bad things about my mommy!" Jian Rui stared with her big round eyes and scolded, "My mommy is a thousand times, ten thousand times better than you. You are not even qualified to carry her shoes!"    


"You are quite good at talking." Qin Tian increased her strength and pinched Jian Rui's chin. She sneered and said, "Wait till I pull out your tongue and see what else you can say."    


Jian Rui coldly snorted and said, "Other than scaring a child, what other abilities do you have?"    


"Damned girl, do you think that I really do not dare to pull out your tongue?" Qin Tian fiercely laughed and said, "Don't forget, I dare to tie up your mother and dare to blow up your brother. Why wouldn't I dare to pull out your tongue?"    


"You are not allowed to mention my brother!" Jian Rui's eyes were filled with blood as she said, "You are not worthy to mention him!"    


"You are so angry?" Seeing Jian Rui like this, not only did Qin Tian not get angrier, but she also seemed to be satisfied with some kind of evil fun and laughed lightly, "I am going to say your brother. What can you do to me?"    


Jian Rui stared at Qin Tian hatefully. In front of her eyes flashed Jian Yi's scarred face and his lonely figure sitting in the wheelchair. Tears unconsciously flowed down.    


"Are you crying?" Qin Tian looked at Jian Rui's tears and smiled happily. "Cry. The louder you cry, the happier I am!"    


Jian Rui stared at Qin Tian and clenched her teeth. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and bit towards Qin Tian's finger.    


"Ah!" Qin Tian screamed. She did not think that Jian Rui, who had her hands and feet tied up, would still have the strength to fight. At this moment, her hand was tightly bitten and she could not break free for a moment.    


"Stupid girl, let go of me!" Qin Tian scolded as she pulled out her other hand and slapped Jian Rui's face.    


A palm print immediately appeared on Jian Rui's face and she tilted her head.    


But even so, Jian Rui still tightly bit Qin Tian and did not let go.    


At this moment, there was only one thought in her mind, and that was to take revenge for her brother!    


Her ability was limited, but even so, she still had to do her best.    


"Let go! Let go!" Qin Tian's hand was tightly bitten and blood kept flowing out. It was so painful that she could no longer maintain her elegant image and started to scream ferociously.    


She continuously slapped Jian Rui a few times but Jian Rui did not seem to feel the pain and did not let go of anything.    


In the end, it was Qin Tian's subordinates who rushed over. They kicked Jian Rui in the stomach and kicked her along with the chair to the ground before saving Qin Tian.    


But after struggling out of Jian Rui's mouth, Qin Tian found that a piece of flesh was bitten off from her hand.    


"You, damn lass, you actually dare to bite me!" Qin Tian angrily pointed at Jian Rui who was on the ground and scolded.    


Jian Rui fell to the ground. Her small face was full of blood, but she smiled unusually happily.    


When her eyes saw Jian Rui's pair of eyes, Qin Tian was suddenly stunned and froze there.    


That pair of eyes was really too similar to Jian Haixi and the "dead" Jian Yi.    


"You, you..." Being stared at by Jian Rui's eyes, Qin Tian felt a slight chill on her back for the first time.    


"Someone come!" Qin Tian's voice was trembling, "Lock her up!"    


"Yes, sir." The subordinate standing at the side walked forward and carried Jian Rui along with the chair up to the second floor.    


Wait. After the person left, Qin Tian stared at the bloodstains on the ground and was unable to react for a long time.    


On the other side, not long after Ning Jiwei left Mo Family, he received a call from Jian Yi.    


"Daddy, we have checked all the cameras near Qin Tian's residence and found that Rui was taken away by her. They have not left yet."    


"Alright, I understand." Ning Jiwei's eyes were cold. He drove the fastest. "Yi, continue to monitor. I will be there soon."    


After hanging up the phone, Ning Jiwei called Yue Feng again. "The first step of cooperation. Help me save my daughter and catch Qin Tian."    


Yue Feng sighed awkwardly. "Young master, I am duty-bound to help you save little miss. But if you and Qin Tian fight at this time, it is equivalent to you falling out with her. Are you ready?"    


"Don't worry." Ning Jiwei said coldly, "After saving Rui, I will go back with you."    


In Iceland, Jian Haixi looked at the study suspiciously. Jian Yi and Dou Ming had been in there for a long time. She had called him a few times but was stopped by Jian Yi with the excuse of being busy.    


Seeing Dou Ge who specially moved a chair to sit in front of Jian Yi's door, Jian Haixi was even more baffled.    


After thinking for a while, she held two glasses of fruit juice and walked towards Jian Yi's room again.    


As expected, before she could walk to the door, she was stopped by Dou Ge.    


Jian Haixi frowned and asked, "What on earth are they doing?"    


Dou Ge said expressionlessly, "They are busy. They are not going to eat dinner first."    


"You can't not eat." Jian Haixi gestured for him to look at the fruit juice she was holding and said, "I just squeezed fresh fruit juice."    


Before she finished speaking, Dou Ge took the juice and drank it. He drank it as he said, "It tastes good, thank you."    


Jian Haixi paused and said, "Do you think you can stop me like this?"    


Dou Ge nodded. "Of course. It's very simple for me to stop you."    


Jian Haixi smiled and put the fruit juice tray back into the kitchen. She walked to Jian Yi's door again and said to Dou Ge, "Yi would never hide anything from me. Even if he and Daddy discussed the matter of Mo Family. He wouldn't be so mysterious. The only explanation is that this matter is related to me. This matter might cause me to feel sad or nervous and lose control of myself. "    


Dou Ge's expression changed slightly, but he still didn't say anything.    


Jian Haixi continued, "In this world, there are many areas that I am not good at, but there are not many things that can make me panic and lose control of myself. There are only a few people who can make me sad."    


Dou Ge avoided her gaze and did not speak. He was good at fighting, but he was not good at lying.    


Jian Haixi stared at Dou Ge and said, "I have already called my brother, Ji Wei and Rui. My brother was normal, but Ji Wei and Rui did not answer the phone. Ji Wei was very capable, so it was not likely that something would happen to him. Then there is only one explanation left."    


Dou Ge coughed awkwardly twice and said, "You just have to wait patiently."    


"So it really means that something happened to Rui." Jian Haixi only confirmed her guess when she saw Dou Ge's reaction.    


Dou Ge was stunned for a moment. Only then did he know that he had fallen into Jian Haixi's trap. He hurriedly said, "Anyway, you can't help even if you go in. I see that they are going smoothly. You just wait outside."    


Jian Haixi said, "I may not be able to help much, but my daughter is in danger. I can't wait here in peace. I want to see them with my own eyes. Even if I can't do anything, I want to know everything about her! "    


Dou Ge wanted to persuade her again, but when he saw Jian Haixi's teary eyes, he only sighed slightly.    


Jian Haixi looked at him and reached out to push the door open.    


Dou Ge originally wanted to stop her, but his fingers moved, but he still did not reach out.    


Jian Yi had just called Ning Jiwei when he heard the door ring. Jian Haixi stood at the door with a cold face.    


Jian Yi was stunned. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at her.    


"You don't need to worry about me first." Jian Haixi walked to his and Dou Ming's side and asked, "Where is Rui?"    


Jian Yi did not dare to hide it anymore and honestly said, "Rui was taken away by Qin Tian. Now she is at Qin Tian's residence. I have been monitoring them and did not see them come out."    


Jian Haixi pursed her lips and tightly clenched her hands by her side.    


His son had already been injured like this by Qin Tian and she still wanted to make a move on Rui?    


"Don't worry." Seeing Jian Haixi like this, Jian Yi held her hand and said, "We have already sealed off Qin Tian's residence. Daddy has also rushed over with his men. Rui will definitely be fine."    


Jian Haixi nodded and said, "Okay."    


Dou Ming looked up and said, "My boss is here."    


Jian Haixi quickly looked at the screen and saw that Ning Jiwei's car was parked nearby.    


Just as his car stopped, an alarm sounded around Qin Tian's residence.    


Jian Yi frowned and connected to Ning Jiwei's headphones. He said, "Daddy, there is an alarm system here. They should have heard it by now."    


Ning Jiwei's voice came out. Jian Haixi could hear the coldness in his voice.    


"Keep a close eye on Qin Tian's movements. If she runs away, keep an eye on the east, west, and north roads. Only let her run south."    




Hearing Ning Jiwei's order, Jian Yi and Dou Ming quickly began to make arrangements.    


At this point, they could no longer stop Qin Tian from escaping, but they could control which direction she wanted to run to.    


After discussing with Jian Yi, Ning Jiwei walked towards the villa and contacted Yue Feng, asking his men to guard the south intersection.    


In the villa, Qin Tian's first reaction after hearing the alarm was to escape.    


Just like last time, even if she ran away, Qin Tian still had to do something.    


Last time she killed Jian Yi. This time, she naturally would not let go of Jian Rui who hurt her.    


Holding a time bomb, Qin Tian walked to the room where Jian Rui was imprisoned. She originally wanted to personally tie the bomb on her body, but looking at Jian Rui's eyes, Qin Tian did not even have the courage to approach her.    


Only when she exited the room did Qin Tian take a deep breath and return to normal.    


She handed the bomb to her subordinate and instructed, "Tie this on her body and set it as a three minute countdown."    




After giving these instructions, Qin Tian quickly ran out of the villa.    


At this time, Ning Jiwei's subordinates had also arrived at the place. Everyone split up and entered the villa and began a carpet search.    


The moment Ning Jiwei entered the villa, he shouted loudly, "Rui! Where are you?"    


He believed that Qin Tian and the others would be in a hurry to leave at this time. There would not be many people looking after Jian Rui. As long as Jian Rui could make a sound, he would immediately find her location.    




Ning Jiwei shouted as he searched the rooms one by one.    


Jian Rui was tied up with a bomb and her mouth was wrapped with tape. Her hands and feet were tied up again. She was like a tied up dumpling and could not use any strength at all.    


Mo Tong did not expect that he would go through so much trouble to send Jian Rui away, but in the end, they were all waiting for Ning Jiwei's help in the same way.    


However, unlike Mo Tong, Jian Rui did not suffer too many injuries. Even if she could not move her hands and feet and could not make a sound, there was more than one way to let Ning Jiwei know of her existence.    


Ning Jiwei and the others were searching the room when suddenly someone shouted, "Stop!"    


The moment he said that, Ning Jiwei and the others immediately stopped.    


One of them. A short man put his ear on the ground. He was sent by Yue Feng to help Ning Jiwei. He was a strange man.    


When everyone was searching the room, he was the only one lying on the floor of the living room. He pressed his ear against the floor to listen to the sound.    


"Did you hear that?" Ning Jiwei asked nervously.    


The short man nodded and pointed to the second floor. "The room in that direction."    


Ning Jiwei followed the direction he was pointing at and quickly rushed over. The others continued to search just in case.    


In the room, Jian Rui repeatedly knocked her head on the ground. This was the only power she could use.    


She was about to knock her head on the ground when the door suddenly opened from outside. Ning Jiwei's figure appeared at the door.    




The first time he saw Jian Rui in the room, especially when he saw that her face was covered in blood and that she kept hitting her head, Ning Jiwei's heart ached.    


Ning Jiwei quickly went forward and pulled off the tape on Jian Rui's mouth, coaxing her, "Rui, don't be afraid. I'm coming."    


"Daddy!" Jian Rui, who had been forcing herself to be strong, cried when she saw Ning Jiwei. "Daddy, be careful. I have a bomb on me."    


"I'm not afraid." Ning Jiwei touched Jian Rui's messy hair and said, "I can handle it. Just bear with it for a while."    


Jian Rui nodded and obediently lay there waiting.    


Fortunately, Qin Tian did not use any complicated bombs this time. Ning Jiwei easily dismantled the bomb. After that, he carried her and ran out for a moment, and at the same time, informed everyone to leave this place.    


Three minutes later, the entire villa was illuminated by the light of the fire.    


Two explosions within a day, the Mo Family was destined to be unable to hide anymore.    




In the Iceland, the moment she heard Jian Rui's voice, Jian Haixi finally relaxed her strength and took two steps back.    


"Be careful." Dou Ge reached out in time to support her, saving her from falling down.    


Jian Yi was still talking to Ning Jiwei. "Daddy, we have followed your instructions and controlled three directions. Qin Tian is now fleeing south."    


"Okay." Ning Jiwei carried Jian Rui into the car and instructed the short man, "Lead the people north. If nothing unexpected happens, you should be able to meet up with Yue Feng there. You must catch Qin Tian."    


"Yes, young master." The short man received the order and immediately led his men to the north.    


In the car, Ning Jiwei worriedly helped Jian Rui wipe the blood on her face. Jian Rui smiled and said, "Daddy, don't worry. This blood is not mine, but Qin Tian's."    


"Is that so?" Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "Rui, you are so powerful. You can actually hurt Qin Tian."    


"Of course. I want to take revenge for my brother!" Jian Rui said.    


Ning Jiwei took off his headset and turned Mike on. He handed it to Jian Rui and said, "Then you can tell your brother yourself."    


Jian Rui was stunned. Only now did she know that Jian Yi had been listening to them.    


Taking the headset, Jian Rui shouted in a daze, "Brother?"    


Jian Yi's voice was a little choked up.    


He had never been so excited about being called "big brother."    


"Big brother, let me tell you. I bit that Qin Tian so hard that she didn't even dare to get close to me." Jian Rui smiled and said.    


Jian Yi opened his mouth and wanted to say a few words to praise her, but his throat felt terrible. As long as his voice came out, there would be a sobbing sound.    


"Big brother?" Jian Rui did not hear Jian Yi's voice and called out in puzzlement.    


"Yes." Jian Yi replied, "Let Mommy talk to you, okay?"    


"Mommy..." Jian Rui was stunned. Ning Jiwei, who was beside her, was also stunned. He did not expect Jian Haixi to be beside him.    


"Mommy?" Jian Rui called softly.    


Jian Haixi held back her tears and tried her best to smile as she said, "I heard it all. Rui, you are awesome!"    




When she heard Jian Haixi's voice, Jian Rui's tears that she had been enduring all this time suddenly surged down.    


She could be afraid that Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi would be worried and pretend to be strong, but when faced with Jian Haixi, she could not hide her grievance and fear.    


"Mommy, I miss you so much..."    


Hearing her daughter's cry, Jian Haixi wiped her tears and said, "Rui, be good, don't cry. I also miss you. We can meet soon, right? "    


Jian Rui nodded and said, "I will never leave you again."    


"Alright. After this meeting, our family will not be separated anymore." Jian Haixi softly coaxed.    


The mother and daughter talked for a long time until Jian Rui could not take it anymore and fell asleep. Only then did they hang up the phone.    


Ning Jiwei took the headset and said, "Rui is asleep. I will take her to the hospital now."    


Jian Haixi asked worriedly, "Are you sure she is not hurt?"    


"It seems that only her face has traces of being hit. There are no abnormalities in other places." Ning Jiwei said, "I will send her to the hospital for a check-up now. I will tell you the results as soon as possible."    


"Okay." Jian Haixi nodded. Just as she was about to hang up the phone, she heard Ning Jiwei stop her.    




"Hmm?" Jian Haixi saw that he called out her name and did not say anything. She could not help but ask, "What is it?"    


Ning Jiwei's throat rolled. He wanted to tell her about the Mo Family, but the timing was not good. He could only say in silence, "It's nothing. I will take good care of Rui. Don't worry too much."    


"I know." Jian Haixi said,, "I have never doubted your ability."    


After hanging up the phone, Jian Haixi looked at Jian Yi, who had secretly shed tears, and reached out to hug him. "It's fine. Yi, don't be afraid."    


Jian Yi buried his head in Jian Haixi's arms and cried, "It's the Mo Family. They are all people of the Mo Family. I will not let them go."    


Jian Haixi rubbed Jian Yi's head and said, "We will settle accounts with them one day."    


Looking at the mother and son, Dou Ming gave Dou Ge a look and got up to walk out.    


He walked two steps and saw Dou Ge still standing there. He could not help rolling his eyes and pulled Dou Ge's arm out.    


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