CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C199 Cousin Has Arrived

C199 Cousin Has Arrived

After discussing with Luo Er, Jian Haixi went to Dou Ge and told him her plan.    


Dou Ge nodded and said, "I have no objections. I am just worried about your safety."    


"It's fine. The people of Suen Family don't know me." Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Luo Er has already prepared the identity information for me. Even if the Suen Family wants to find out the problem, it will take some time. When they find out, the matter on our side has already been settled. "    


Dou Ge thought for a while and said, "I will arrange for people to guard the surroundings of your residence. If there is any situation, I will know immediately."    


"Alright, then I will have to trouble you." Jian Haixi smiled and thanked him.    


Dou Ge looked at her and said meaningfully, "You don't have to be so polite with me. Protecting you is my responsibility and also what I want to do."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. She opened her mouth and did not know what to say. She could only smile awkwardly.    


After Dou Ge said that, he went out to prepare.    


Jian Haixi looked at his figure and sighed.    


When she was young, she always felt that being liked was a very happy thing, but when she grew up, she knew that being liked by the person she liked was the happiness.    


"Mommy, what's wrong with you?" Jian Rui came out from behind Jian Haixi and said with her eyes wide open.    


Jian Haixi looked at her obedient and sensible daughter and smiled in relief, "I'm fine."    


Jian Rui hugged Jian Haixi's thigh and said, "Mommy, we are only separated by a big river from big brother. In the future, can I take a boat to big brother's house to visit?"    


Jian Haixi was amused by her daughter's words. She hugged Jian Rui and said, "You just came here and you want to find your big brother. Do you also want to go to Daddy's new house to take a stroll?"    


Jian Rui naughtily stuck out her tongue and said, "I do have this idea, but I cannot say it all at once."    


Jian Haixi looked at her daughter in surprise and asked curiously, "Did your brother teach you this?"    


Jian Rui shook her head and said, "Big brother does not care to study these things. This is what I learned from reading books."    


Jian Haixi was puzzled, "What books are you reading? How come I don't know?"    


"I was reading on my phone." Jian Rui hugged Jian Haixi's neck and said," You guys have worked so hard. I also want to help, but I am not as smart as brother and Mo Tong. I can do too little. "    


Hearing her daughter's words, Jian Haixi's heart felt warm. She hugged Jian Rui and coaxed, "You just need to do what you like."    


"This is what I like to do." Jian Rui said.    


Jian Haixi was touched and hugged her daughter. After a long time, she said, "If I have to leave for a few days, can you take care of yourself?"    


"Leave?" Jian Rui was stunned. She looked up at Jian Haixi and said, "Where are you going? Are you going to find Daddy and brother?"    


"No." Jian Haixi shook her head and said, "I am going to Ms Luo Er's house to help for a few days."    


Jian Rui suddenly understood and nodded her head.    


Jian Haixi said, "Ms Luo Er and Uncle Luo have helped us so much. Now that they are in trouble, should we also help them?"    


Jian Rui pouted her lips and hugged Jian Haixi's neck tightly, "How long are you going to go for? I will be afraid by myself."    


Jian Haixi stroked her daughter's cheek and said, "I will not let you stay at home alone. Ms Luo Er will come over to play with you. Uncle Dou Ge is also there."    


Jian Rui said, "You have to call me every day. Otherwise, I will miss you very much."    


Jian Haixi hugged her tightly and promised, "I promise that I will call you every night."    


Jian Rui choked and nodded. When she thought that she was going to separate from her mommy again, she could not help but tightly hug Jian Haixi's neck, unwilling to let go.    


For the whole day, Jian Haixi was accompanying Jian Rui. Only when she fell asleep at night did Jian Haixi let out a sigh of relief.    


The next morning, at Luo Er's house.    


Hao Lee and Suen Yao indeed came over early in the morning. This time, they did not bring any fruits but a few pots of flowers.    


Hao Lee instructed the servants to help to place the pots all over the living room as she smiled and said to Suen Yuqin and Luo Er, "Sister, I have long said that the arrangement here is too monotonous. After I went back to discuss with Ping yesterday, he had people transport these expensive flowers from all over the country overnight. I placed them in the living room as decorations to make you feel better."    


Suen Yuqin frowned slightly and looked at the flowers and said coldly," I can go to the garden to see the flowers. Why did you cause so much trouble? "    


"Of course it is different." Hao Lee smiled and said, "You can only see it when it's close to you."    


"These are heavy. You must accept them." Suen Yao said.    


Suen Yuqin looked impatient, but she did not know how to refuse. She could only watch helplessly as those people placed flowers everywhere.    


Noticing Suen Yuqin's expression, Hao Lee and Suen Yao revealed a smile of success.    


They naturally did not care whether Suen Yuqin liked these flowers or not. They only needed to send them in.    


Seeing that the flowers were arranged, Hao Lee smiled and said, "It's done. What do you think? Do you think that the living room is a lot brighter?"    


Suen Yuqin frowned. She felt that these bright red flowers did not match her living room.    


But she was not good at handling such matters. Especially when she thought about the matter of Luo Meng and the Suen Family. She couldn't let Suen Ping know about it yet, so she didn't know how to reject it.    


Just as Suen Yuqin was worrying about what to do, a sneeze suddenly came from upstairs. Luo Er covered her nose and said, "What is this smell? It's so choking."    


Hao Lee looked at Luo Er who was walking down from upstairs and said with a smile, "Luo Er, this is a flower that your uncle and I specially sent to your house. Do you like it?"    


"What is this?" Luo Er looked at those gaudy colors in disgust and directly said, "Who allowed you to move them in?"    


Hao Lee's face stiffened and did not know how to reply.    


Suen Yao angrily said, "Luo Er, what are you saying? My mom is your elder and we came here to send flowers out of good intentions. What is your attitude?"    


"What's wrong with my attitude?" Luo Er sneered, "I beg you to give me flowers? I don't know what you guys are thinking."    


Suen Yao was so angry that she choked and almost could not hold back and went forward to fight with her.    


Jian Haixi smiled and pulled Luo Er back, "Luo Er, you cannot be rude. They are guests, how can you talk to them like this?"    


Luo Er snorted proudly, "Cousin, but I don't like flowers."    


Suen Yao frowned and looked at Jian Haixi who suddenly appeared and asked," Who is this? "    


"Didn't you hear her call me cousin?" Luo Er intimately hugged Jian Haixi's arm and proudly introduced, "This is my cousin. She has nothing to do with you."    


Hao Lee's eyes narrowed and then she smiled and said to Suen Yuqin, "So it is a relative from brother-in-law."    


Suen Yuqin nodded and said, "Yes."    


Hao Lee choked and seeing that Suen Yuqin did not have the intention to say a few more words, she could only turn her head and look at Jian Haixi with a smile and ask, "What is your name?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Hello, I am called Luo Sheng. I took advantage of the summer break to come over and play with Luo Er for two days."    


Hao Lee asked, "Where is your university?"    


"Aunt, aren't you asking too many questions?" Luo Er impatiently said, "My cousin is a guest that I invited and not a criminal that you need to interrogate."    


The smile on Hao Lee's face became uglier and uglier. She forced a smile and said, "Luo Er, I am only concerned about you and Luo Sheng."    


Luo Er coldly snorted and turned her head to ignore Hao Lee.    


Jian Haixi smiled and nodded, "Thank you for your concern."    


Hao Lee smiled and said, "Luo Er, you should learn from your cousin."    


"Do you have anything else? If you have nothing to do, you can leave." Luo Er said in a deep voice, "Take these flowers away from me. I don't like them."    


Hao Lee's face stiffened and the smile on her face disappeared.    


Jian Haixi secretly pulled Luo Er's hand and said with a smile, "I actually feel that these flowers are pretty. This is a token of appreciation from uncle and aunt."    


Hao Lee quickly smiled and said, "If we move the flowers back, your uncle will blame us for not doing well."    


Luo Er wanted to continue but Jian Haixi stopped her. Jian Haixi turned her head and smiled at Hao Lee, "Aunt's good intentions were originally not wrong."    


Jian Haixi smiled as she walked down the stairs and said, "If you place these flowers here, they will block the balcony window."    


Hao Lee was stunned for a moment and said, "I am just giving flowers. I did not think so much."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "I know you guys are kind, but some people might not think so."    


Suen Yao frowned and said angrily, "We sent flowers with good intentions. Could it be that we were wrong?"    


Hao Lee glared at Suen Yao and turned to Jian Haixi and said, "Luo Sheng, continue."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Some people will say that you used the name of the gifts to destroy the Feng Shui here."    


"Nonsense!" Suen Yao angrily said,, "Are they saying that we want to harm people?"    


Jian Haixi smiled but did not say anything. She only looked at Hao Lee and said, "I am just saying this from the perspective of a bystander."    


Hao Lee frowned and thought for a while. She hesitated for a moment and said, "Since you have said so, then let's move the flowers back."    


Suen Yao still wanted to speak but Hao Lee glared at her and said, "Shut up!"    


Luo Er saw Hao Lee lead a group of people to move the flowers away and she almost laughed out loud, "Thank you all for your hard work! Next time you guys don't carry such heavy things over."    


Suen Yao wanted to speak but was stopped by Hao Lee. Hao Lee scolded, "Quickly work!"    


Suen Yao gritted her teeth and unwillingly helped carry the flowers away.    


When they were outside, Suen Yao asked, "Mom, why did we bring these back? This way, Dad can't eavesdrop on their conversation."    


"Shut up!" Hao Lee scolded.    


Suen Yao paused. She felt wronged and said, "But why should we move the flowers back? Just because of the few words that Luo Sheng said?"    


Hao Lee said with a gloomy face, "We are here to express goodwill. We must be careful."    


Thinking of Suen Ping who had lost his temper, Suen Yao subconsciously trembled.    


Hao Lee sighed and said, "I will go and say it."    


"It's all that Luo Sheng's fault." Suen Yao was unwilling to accept it.    


Hao Lee narrowed her eyes and said, "When I go back, I will tell your father about her. I want him to investigate her background."    


Xiang City's number one teahouse.    


Ning Jiwei poured a cup of tea for the noble woman in front of him and said, "Thank you for helping me."    


Great Grandmother, who was opposite Ning Jiwei, had a head full of white hair and wore gold-rimmed glasses. She looked at Ning Jiwei kindly and said, "I am good friends with your mother Fu Xiang. Later she retired. I can't discuss clothing designs with her anymore. Now that you have found me, of course I will help you without hesitation. "    


" I don't know what to say. I'm very grateful to you. " Ning Jiwei said sincerely.    


Catherine smiled and said, "I know you are a businessman and businessmen value profits. But if you really want to thank me, Please promise me that this competition must be fair and just. I hope you can find the best designer. "    


" Of course " Ning Jiwei raised his teacup and clinked it with Catherine's. "This is my promise to you."    


Catherine looked at Ning Jiwei who looked somewhat similar to Fu Xiang and slowly smiled.    


After Ning Jiwei and Catherine finished chatting and he personally sent her to the hotel, he drove back to the Mo Family.    


But what he did not expect was that there was still a show waiting for him in the Mo Family.    


Just as he returned home, Yue Feng came over and invited him to the living room.    


Ning Jiwei raised his eyebrows and asked, "Is something the matter?"    


Yue Feng vaguely said, "There are guests coming. You need to see them."    


Ning Jiwei frowned and said, "Which family are they from?"    


It must be those families from Xiang City. Otherwise, Mo Wanshaan would not have called him over.    


Yue Feng replied perfunctorily, "It's the Tong Family."    


Ning Jiwei recalled the information about the Tong Family. He nodded and stood up, "Alright."    


Yue Feng heaved a sigh of relief. He wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.    


Ning Jiwei saw his movements and narrowed his eyes. Ning Jiwei became alert.    


He could naturally tell Yue Feng was hiding something, but no matter what it was, he would know when he went over to take a look.    


In the living room, Mo Wanshaan was chatting happily with Tong Zhaoyang. Zhao Yi also occasionally talked to Jia Minnzhi.    


Mo Wanshaan looked at Tong Si, who was sitting beside him, with satisfaction. He turned to Tong Zhaoyang and said, "I didn't expect you to give birth to such a beautiful girl."    


Tong Zhaoyang laughed and said, "This is all because of my wife."    


Mo Wanshaan said, "Luckily Tong Si doesn't look like you."    


Tong Zhaoyang waved his hand and said, "Si is not worried about not being able to get married."    


"With Si's appearance and knowledge, of course she would not be unable to get married." Mo Wanshaan said meaningfully.    


Hearing Mo Wanshaan's words, Tong Si blushed and lowered her head with a smile.    


Mo Xiuyu was also sitting at the side and did not say anything. He looked at the harmonious scene with ridicule.    


He did not know how Ning Jiwei would deal with this situation.    


Mo Xiuyu couldn't help looking forward to Ning Jiwei's arrival.    


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