CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C376 Not Dancing with Snakes and Mice

C376 Not Dancing with Snakes and Mice

At the same time Mo Xiuqian sent the message, a notification sound suddenly rang out in Ning Jiwei's room.    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment. She looked at the computer that suddenly lit up with a red light and turned to look at Ning Jiwei. "What's going on?"    


Ning Jiwei narrowed his eyes and said in a deep voice, "It's nothing. It's a small matter. You don't have to mind."    


Jian Haixi was full of suspicion. She originally wanted to ask again but Jian Rui could not sit still and squeezed between the two of them.    


Jian Haixi did not continue this topic in front of her daughter.    


She believed that since Ning Jiwei said it was nothing, it meant that the matter was definitely under his control.    


Jian Rui squeezed between Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi and played her hands and feet excitedly, "Yay ~ This is great! Finally, I can sleep with Daddy's mommy!"    


Her movements were unpredictable. She accidentally touched Ning Jiwei's wound.    


Jian Haixi heard Ning Jiwei gasping, and quickly carried Jian Rui to the other side of her.    


"How is it? Are you hurt?" Jian Haixi lifted the blanket and hurriedly wanted to check Ning Jiwei's injuries.    


Ning Jiwei held her hand and said, "I'm fine. I just touched a little bit."    


Jian Haixi frowned slightly and said, "No, I will only feel relieved after I see it."    


As she spoke, she lifted the blanket without any explanation.    


Ning Jiwei allowed her to look at the injury on his leg and smiled, "I have already said that it is alright."    


Jian Haixi did not listen to him. Instead, she carefully looked at the bandage on the wound. After making sure that it was not injured, she let out a sigh of relief and covered Ning Jiwei with the blanket again before lying down.    


"Daddy..." Jian Rui lied on Jian Haixi's body. She looked up at Ning Jiwei and said, "I'm sorry, Daddy. Rui did not do it on purpose."    


"It's fine." Ning Jiwei smiled and rubbed his daughter's head. "Even if you did it on purpose, Daddy would not be angry with you."    


Jian Rui pouted and said, "Rui knows Daddy will not blame me, but I will blame myself."    


Jian Haixi reached out and pinched her daughter's little nose. "Alright. What about you? You will obediently lie on Mommy's side tonight and you are not allowed to go in the middle, okay?"    


" Oh. " Jian Rui obediently nodded her head and shrank into Jian Haixi's embrace and closed her eyes, "Mommy, can Rui listen to the story?"    


Jian Haixi could not help but laugh, "There is no story. How about Mommy sing you a lullaby?"    


"Okay." Jian Rui smiled and hugged Jian Haixi even tighter, "As long as Mommy is around, no matter if it is singing or telling a story, Rui would like to hear it."    


On the other side, when Ning Jiwei heard that his daughter was so good at talking, he did not want to be outdone. He slightly leaned his head on Jian Haixi's shoulder and said, "As long as my wife is by my side, whether it is singing or telling stories, it does not matter. Even if I don't do anything, I will be happy too."    


"Oh my, Daddy is so mushy!" Jian Rui could not stand it and rubbed her arms.    


Jian Haixi blushed and glared at Ning Jiwei. She held her daughter with one hand and locked her fingers with Ning Jiwei with the other. She slowly started to sing the cradle song.    


It was late at night and the family of three slept like this. They slowly fell asleep under Jian Haixi's soft singing.    


On the other side, Mo Xiuqian, who was no longer as noisy as Jian Rui and had successfully completed her task, could not sleep no matter what. She stared at the ceiling until dawn.    


- -    


The next morning, Jian Haixi and Ning Jiwei woke up early.    


The two of them looked at each other and then looked at their daughter who was sleeping soundly. They could not help but curl their lips.    


Jian Haixi whispered, "I will get up first. You take your daughter and sleep for a while more."    


Ning Jiwei nodded.    


Jian Haixi got off the bed quietly and went to prepare breakfast for everyone.    


She thought that she had woken up early enough, but she did not expect to see a person who woke up earlier than her when she just went downstairs - Mo Xiuqian.    


Seeing the little girl sitting quietly in the corner of the sofa without saying anything, Jian Haixi was stunned and walked over.    


"Xiu Qian?"    




Mo Xiuqian jumped up in fright when she heard Jian Haixi's voice.    


She did not expect that the other party would be like this. Jian Haixi smiled awkwardly and said, "Sorry, I scared you."    


"No, it's nothing." Mo Xiuqian quickly shook her head and did not dare to look at Jian Haixi directly, "Good morning Auntie."    


"Hello." Jian Haixi did not notice the other party's strange behavior and thought that she was just shy and introverted, so she smiled and said, "Why are you up so early? Are you hungry?"    


"Oh..." Mo Xiuqian did not know what to say and could only reply perfunctorily.    


Jian Haixi reached out her hand to touch her hair and said, "Then wait for a while. Auntie will go and make breakfast for you now."    


Pausing, Jian Haixi looked at Mo Xiuqian's hair and said, "Auntie will comb your hair later."    


Mo Xiuqian was slightly startled and looked up at Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi smiled at her and turned to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.    


She also did not specially prepare any complicated dishes. After all, there was still the nanny who was busy there.    


Jian Haixi only prepared some egg rolls and egg porridge, and after it was done, she first served some to Mo Xiuqian.    


"Quickly eat." Jian Haixi pushed the egg roll in front of Mo Xiuqian and gently said.    


Mo Xiuqian stared at the porridge and the pancake in front of her and was stunned for a while before she blankly picked up the chopsticks and slowly ate it.    


Jian Haixi looked at her like this and only thought that she had been mistreated by Mo Sheng for a long time. She could not help but feel a little more tender towards this child in her heart.    


"Why?" Mo Xiuqian bit her lips and looked up at Jian Haixi and asked, "Why are you so good to me?"    


Jian Haixi paused and smiled, "Must there be a reason?"    


Mo Xiuqian looked at Jian Haixi in a daze and the expression in her eyes changed.    


Jian Haixi waited for her to finish eating and then took a comb to help her comb her hair carefully.    


The morning sun shone through the window and Mo Xiuqian felt the warmth of Jian Haixi's palm that pierced through her hair. In her heart, it was the first time that she yearned for her mother.    


But at the same time, a strong sense of self-blame and guilt filled her heart.    


Jian Haixi saw that Mo Xiuqian did not dare to talk to her and thought that this child did not like to be intimate so it was not good to be overly intimate.    


After helping Mo Xiuqian comb her hair, Jian Haixi originally wanted to go upstairs to wake her daughter up but before she could go upstairs, she heard a knock on the door.    


Jian Haixi was stunned and somewhat puzzled. Who could it be this early in the morning?    


The one who would come to this place should be Mo Wanshaan.    


As she guessed, Jian Haixi did not dare to delay and quickly went forward to open the door.    


Outside the door, Mo Sheng stood with a smile. The moment he saw Jian Haixi, his eyes flashed with a touch of amazement.    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and glanced at Mo Sheng from top to bottom.    


She had never seen Mo Sheng before, but she also knew that Mo Wanshaan's legs were not good. He was sitting in a wheelchair.    


But the man in front of her was obviously very healthy.    


Jian Haixi frowned slightly, looked at Mo Sheng and asked, "Who are you?"    




Before Mo Sheng could answer, a loud noise came from behind Jian Haixi.    


Hearing the sound, Jian Haixi hurriedly turned her head and saw Mo Xiuqian, along with the chair, fall to the ground.    


The solid wooden chair smashed onto the floor, making a huge sound.    


Gu Chenyi and the others who were awake upstairs but had yet to go downstairs heard the sound.    


Jian Haixi was stunned and did not care about Mo Sheng. She quickly ran over and helped Mo Xiuqian up.    


"How is it? Are you hurt anywhere?" Jian Haixi asked nervously as she sized Mo Xiuqian up.    


Mo Xiuqian did not say anything. She just stared at Mo Sheng, who had walked into the house, and her body could not help but tense up.    


Jian Haixi pulled her hand and discovered that her hand was cold and her small face was also deathly pale.    


Jian Haixi's face darkened. She turned to look at Mo Sheng and slowly stood up. She said in a deep voice, "You are Mo Sheng."    


It was a statement and not a question.    


Mo Sheng smiled and looked at Jian Haixi with more satisfaction. "I have long heard that Miss Jian is beautiful, intelligent, and wants to be strong, but I have never met her before. I finally met her today. Indeed, Miss Jian is just like the rumors, causing this Mo to be stunned. "    


Jian Haixi frowned deeply, not understanding what Mo Sheng meant by these words.    


She had never dealt with Mo Sheng face to face before. In the past few times, she was either hunted down or framed.    


Therefore, when facing Mo Sheng, Jian Haixi's vigilance instantly rose to the peak.    


She held Mo Xiuqian's hand tightly and hid her behind her, while she quietly retreated.    


Mo Sheng saw her movements and the corner of his lips curled up. "Miss Jian seems to be very afraid of me."    


Jian Haixi glared at him and said, "Shouldn't it be? Humans disdain to dance with snakes and mice. I naturally have to have the self-awareness of a human and stay away from you."    


Mo Sheng narrowed his eyes and the smile on his face disappeared. "Miss Jian is indeed eloquent."    


Jian Haixi coldly snorted and pulled Mo Xiuqian to the side of the stairs.    


Mo Sheng turned to look at Mo Xiuqian who was behind Jian Haixi and waved at her, "Xiu Qian, come here."    


Mo Xiuqian suddenly froze and her footsteps stopped.    


Jian Haixi was afraid that he would bully the child and reached out to hold Mo Xiuqian in her arms, "Xiu Qian, don't be afraid. Auntie is here and will not let him bully you."    


After saying that, Jian Haixi looked up at Mo Sheng and said, "If you have nothing to do, go back to your own house. We don't welcome you here."    


Mo Sheng smiled coldly and looked at Jian Haixi and said, "Miss Jian, you may not understand me very well. I am a person who is soft but not hard. The more you ignore me, the more interested I will be."    


Hearing his words, Jian Haixi did not hide the disgust on her face and said coldly, "Can't you just say that you are a pervert?"    


Mo Sheng froze and the expression on his face gradually became distorted.    


"Pffft ~" A soft laugh came from behind. Gu Chenyi stretched his body and went downstairs to Jian Haixi's side. He patted her shoulder and said, "Haixi, as the saying goes, you can't see through it. You said it so directly. Where would you put Mo Second Master's face? "    


Seeing Gu Chenyi come down, Jian Haixi immediately heaved a sigh of relief in her heart.    


She was really nervous when she suddenly faced this abnormal Mo Sheng.    


Gu Chenyi looked at Mo Sheng and said, "Last time Mo Second Master came here, he left two surveillance cameras here. I wonder what Mo Second Master is going to give us today."    


Mo Sheng snorted coldly and said, "Don't be a petty person. I am just here to see Miss Jian."    


"No, I don't need it." Jian Haixi did not wait for him to finish and quickly said.    


Gu Chenyi shrugged and said, "Did you hear that? Our Haixi doesn't need you to visit her, so take care of her. We won't be sending her off."    


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