CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C384 Ask

C384 Ask

"Don't, just apologize." Mike pointed at the door and said, "You should let us have a good meal first."    


Soong Wei paused and said with a stiff smile, "Yes, we will leave now."    


As he spoke, David also stood up. He said goodbye to Davis and his wife and left.    


Soong Wei glanced at Tong Si and Soong Lu and quickly followed David's footsteps with the two of them.    


After they left, the waiter started to serve the dishes. The atmosphere in the room also slowly eased up.    


Mike helped Jian Haixi pick up the food and said with a smile, "Darling, you should eat more. Look at how thin you are."    


As soon as he finished speaking, Jian Haixi had not even spoken when she heard a series of loud coughs from the opposite side.    


Mi Ke'er was eating when she was choked by Mike's words. At this moment, she kept patting her chest to breathe. Her face, which had already turned red, became even redder.    


Mi Kai sighed and poured a cup of water for her. He handed it over and said, "Drink some water to calm yourself down."    


" Yes, yes. " Mi Ke'er quickly took the water. At this time, she really did not care about etiquette or etiquette anymore. She picked it up and gulped it down. It was a long time before she recovered her strength.    


Mido looked at Lin Meng and Aysa awkwardly and said, "Sorry, my daughter is too rude."    


"It's okay. Miss Mi is innocent and innocent. I quite like it." Aysa smiled and said.    


It was fine if she did not speak. When she heard her say "like" herself, Mi Ke'er spat out the water in her mouth again.    


Everyone looked at the dishes that she watered and collectively fell silent.    


Mi Ke'er's face turned red as she stood up and said, "Sorry, sorry, I..."    


She really did not do it on purpose. Who asked Davis and his family to speak so shockingly?    


Aysa and Lin Meng looked at each other and saw displeasure in each other's eyes.    


However, they had high self-esteem, so after taking a deep breath, Aysa still smiled and said, "It's okay. Let's change to another table."    


Aysa called a waiter over. Just as Aysa was about to say to withdraw the table, he heard Mike smile and say, "Mom, how can we waste food?"    


Aysa paused for a moment and looked strangely at the food on the table that could no longer be eaten. He looked at his son and said, "Don't tell me... you want to eat?"    


Mike rolled his eyes and said, "Of course not. But don't forget, Mom, there are people waiting to eat next door."    


Mike winked at the waiter and said, "Go and bring all these to the next door. Tell them we are the ones who treat them to dinner. Then serve us another table according to the original."    


"Yes." The waiter didn't dare to ask any more questions. He only ordered a few people to quickly bring the dishes to the next table.    


While everyone was waiting for the re-cooking process, Aysa looked at Mi Ke'er and said with a smile, "Miss Mi's makeup is quite unique. Has this kind of makeup been popular recently?"    


"Er..." Mi Ke'er was a little stunned. Why was this madam's reaction different from what she imagined?    


In their expectations, as long as Davis and his wife saw her like this, they would definitely not be able to resist immediately cancelling their marriage. But now it seemed that Aysa did not really hate her.    


Mi Ke'er thought to herself, Could it be that she had not done enough?    


Thinking of this, Mi Ke'er changed her sitting posture and placed one leg on the chair. She slammed the table and laughed loudly, "Madam, there is something that you do not know. I hate those ladies wearing light makeup the most. It looks like they did not put on makeup. How can it show that I am an outstanding beauty? Besides, my family is so rich, and my cosmetics are so expensive. Of course, it's a waste not to use it. Only this kind of makeup can match my identity and beauty. "    


No matter how elegant Aysa was, he could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth at this moment. He laughed dryly and said," Miss Mi, indeed... good taste. "    


" Pffft ~ "Mike, who was opposite Mi Ke'er, could not help laughing out loud. He tilted his head and whispered into Jian Haixi's ear," Where did you find this live treasure? "    


Jian Haixi smiled and glanced at him. "I was forced by your family's engagement."    


Hearing Jian Haixi's words, Mike immediately understood and then looked at Mi Ke'er with sympathy.    


Seeing his daughter's performance, Mi Dao and Yang Lan's faces were also burning red.    


Coincidentally, the waiter brought the raw garlic that Mi Ke'er wanted. She did not hesitate to pick up the garlic and eat it.    


That way of eating without any regard for life made everyone feel as if a mouthful of garlic had rushed in front of them.    


Aysa looked at Mi Ke'er who was eating garlic and finally shook his head and gave up the idea of talking to her.    


Before they came here, they originally wanted to compare the girls of Mi Family. If the girls of Mi Family were not bad, then compared to Jian Haixi who had given birth, they would naturally be more willing to form a marriage alliance with Mi Family.    


On the contrary, if the Mi Family could not do it, then in order to let Mike get married and go home to inherit the family property, they could only take a step back and try to accept Jian Haixi.    


Now, it seemed that this young lady from the Mi Family was not suitable for the Davis family.    


Davis and his wife looked at each other and nodded in agreement.    


Seeing their actions, Mi Kai and Mi Ke'er immediately heaved a sigh of relief. They knew that they had passed the test for the time being.    


Lin Meng looked at Mike and Jian Haixi. They were indeed very close to each other. That kind of natural intimacy could not be faked.    


Lin Meng was very clear about his son's personality. It was okay to let him lead people to play, but it was as difficult as ascending to heaven to let him take care of people.    


However, from the series of actions after entering the door today, Mike indeed took care of Jian Haixi very well.    


This made Lin Meng and Aysa pay more attention to Jian Haixi.    


Lin Meng looked at Jian Haixi and asked, "Miss Jian, have you known Mike for many years?"    


"Yes." Jian Haixi looked at Mike, smiled and said to Lin Meng, "We have known him for about seven or eight years."    


Lin Meng nodded and said, "But as far as I know, Miss Jian and Mike have been living their own lives these few years. When did you two get together?"    


It came!    


Mike's heart tightened. He reached out and hugged Jian Haixi's shoulder. Pretending to be angry, he said to Lin Meng, "I say, old man, why are you asking so many questions? You don't care when we are together. Anyway, we are together. Do we have to tell you when we go out on dates, when we kiss, and when we sleep? "    


"Cough cough..." Lin Meng coughed awkwardly. He glared at Mike and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I am just asking about the situation."    


Aysa smiled and said to Jian Haixi, "Miss Jian will not mind, right?"    


"It is okay." Jian Haixi reached out and patted Mike's hand to calm him down while she calmly dealt with Lin Meng and Aysa.    


"Mike and I know each other in the most difficult period of my life. If Mike did not help me in those few years, I might not have the courage to last until now. He has an indispensable position in my life."    


Jian Haixi's words were 99% true, and even Mike was fooled by her.    


From Jian Haixi's point of view, it was not a problem for her to say so.    


But from Davis and his wife's point of view, they treated Jian Haixi and Mike as lovers. To understand Jian Haixi's words in this way, it was another meaning.    


Aysa nodded. He was obviously very satisfied with Jian Haixi's words.    


Mi Dao and Yang Lan looked at Jian Haixi by the side and did not react.    


They did not understand why Davis and his wife still wanted to meet their family since Mike already had a girlfriend.    


Mi Kai and Mi Ke'er, on the other hand, acted like they were eating melons and perked up their ears to listen to Jian Haixi fabricate a story.    


Aysa paused for a moment and asked, "I still want to know when Miss Jian decided to be with Mike."    


Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows and did not answer. Instead, she asked, "I don't know if Sir and Madam have investigated or heard anything?"    




Jian Haixi asking so clearly made Aysa and Lin Meng hesitate for a moment.    


After all, as elders, they had already investigated the other party thoroughly before they had even seen him. Moreover, they had even asked him about the confrontation in front of them when they first met. No matter how one looked at it, this kind of action seemed somewhat offensive.    


However, from Lin Meng and Aysa's point of view, they had no choice but to do so.    


At this time, facing Jian Haixi's question, Aysa hesitated for a moment and said, "We have indeed done some investigations. Of course, this is not against Miss Jian. It was because of a mother's care and love for her son. I hope Miss Jian does not mind."    


"No." Jian Haixi shook her head and smiled, "Please speak clearly, Madam. Haixi will answer all your doubts."    


Seeing Jian Haixi so open and aboveboard, Lin Meng and Aysa were more satisfied with her in their hearts.    


Previously, they were still somewhat worried about Jian Haixi giving birth to the child, but looking at it today, they felt that other than those unchangeable facts, Jian Haixi herself was indeed very outstanding.    


Aysa smiled and said, "It's great that Miss Jian can be so understanding. Then I'll be frank. I found out that Ning Jiwei is the father of the child, and you are also related to him, right?"    


"That's right." Jian Haixi nodded and said, "Isn't this normal? I don't know why Madam is unable to accept it?"    




Aysa was stunned for a moment and did not know how to ask.    


If the child was Jian Haixi's and Ning Jiwei's, then it was normal for them to be in contact.    


However, if there were still feelings between them, there was indeed no news about Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi, so it could only be said that it was a false rumor.    


Aysa and Lin Meng looked at each other. They had already drawn the topic to this extent. If they still asked a girl whether she was on two boats or something, it would be too much.    


And Jian Haixi's attitude was so open and aboveboard, they really could not do anything that was too excessive.    


"Mi Kai laughed and said, "Madam, forgive me for being blunt. There are many things that are not as simple as they seem on the surface. But if they are not real, then the things that are secretly investigated are even more suspicious. If Madam and Sir have any doubts, investigate and inquire. It would be better to use your eyes to look at it. Only then would it be more realistic. Isn't that so? "    


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