CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C446 Almost Missed

C446 Almost Missed

After Soong Wei left, Hu Jing returned to her room.    


Soong Mu looked at his son and wife leaving and felt aggrieved and angry in his heart.    


He stomped his feet and turned around to go to the bedroom.    


When he reached the door, Soong Mu wanted to push the door open and enter, but he found that the bedroom door was locked by Hu Jing.    


Soong Mu was even angrier. As he knocked on the door, he shouted angrily, "Hu Jing, what are you doing? Open the door for me!"    


The bedroom was silent. Hu Jing did not answer, nor did she come over to open the door for him.    


Soong Mu was so angry that he started kicking the door. "You're not opening it, are you? Do you think I have no other way to open the door because you locked the door behind you? If I can't open it, I'll call the Lockpicking Company. I won't be the only one to be embarrassed. And you!"    


Across the door, Hu Jing sat on a chair. When she heard Soong Mu's words, her heart turned cold.    


At this time, this man's words were not an apology, but a threat to her with his face.    


Hu Jing sneered, "If you have the ability, just call the Lockpicking Company over. At this point, do you think I will care about my face?"    


Soong Mu heard Hu Jing's voice and roared, "What do you have to say that you can't open the door and talk properly? Must you lock the door? Now that such a big thing has happened at home, why don't you quickly think of a way to deal with it? Why are you still throwing a tantrum here?"    


"I'm throwing a tantrum?"    


Hu Jing's stomach was originally filled with despair and sadness. After all, she did not know how long had passed. Now, she did not even have the mood and strength to argue with Soong Mu.    


However, when she heard that Soong Mu blamed all of this on her "throwing a tantrum," Hu Jing's "anger," which had already died, was completely ignited by Soong Mu and woke her "corpse."    


She rushed over and pulled open the door.    


Soong Mu was kicking the door with his foot when Hu Jing suddenly opened the door from the inside. She stepped on air and pounced forward.    




When he saw that he was about to fall to the ground and eat sh * t, Soong Mu panicked and subconsciously stretched his arm towards Hu Jing. He wanted to pull her to prevent himself from falling.    


However, he did not expect that at this critical moment, Hu Jing actually did not stretch out her hand to grab him and not say anything. Instead, she sneered and took a step back.    


Soong Mu's hands did not grab anything. Finally, with a "bang," he fell to the ground.    


Hu Jing stood by the side and calmly looked at the defeated Soong Mu. She sneered and did not say anything.    


In fact, a grown man would not have felt much pain if he had only fallen to the ground. However, Soong Mu's face was facing down to the ground, so he was grimacing in pain when he fell to the ground.    


When he got up from the ground, Soong Mu's eyes were still seeing stars.    


He covered his nose from the fall and stared at Hu Jing. "What are you doing?"    


"Me?" Hu Jing raised her eyebrows and sneered, "What's wrong with me?"    


"You still have the nerve to say it." Soong Mu was so angry that he trembled, "You deliberately harmed me, right? I didn't even open the door and didn't say anything, causing me to kick the air and fall down. You didn't even try to help me up. Do you want to see me go out and fight? Is this your revenge on me? "    


" Revenge? "    


Hu Jing sneered and said, "Soong Mu, you just fell. Where did you fall? You don't even have a scratch on you. How dare you yell here? If making you fall is revenge, don't you think my hatred towards you is too light."    


" You... "    


Soong Mu was stunned. He looked at Hu Jing who only had ridicule and no feelings on her face and his heart paused. "You hate me?"    


Hu Jing saw him in a daze, and the corners of her mouth became even wider. "Is there such a surprise? Shouldn't I hate you?"    


Soong Mu frowned and said, "Just because of what Wei said just now? What I said is all in the past. Why are you still pestering me? "    


"Soong Mu!" Hu Jing roared angrily, and said, "It was clearly you who did something wrong, but you still dare to boast shamelessly here?"    


"How can I boast shamelessly?" Soong Mu was not angry and said, "Why don't you say that after so many years, I have done so many things for this family. When I was working hard to support the family, why didn't you hate me? Now, I have only made a mistake that all men in the world would make. How dare you say that you hate me? Hu Jing, don't you think that you have gone too far?"    


"I have gone too far?"    


Hu Jing was convinced by Soong Mu's ability to distort black and white. She was so angry that she trembled. Pointing at Soong Mu, she scolded, "Soong Mu, why didn't I realize before that you were such a shameless person? When you worked hard for this family in the past, did I have nothing to do? Did I not give birth to children for you, or did I not work for this family? "    


After a pause, Hu Jing laughed sarcastically," You still have the nerve to say that you only made a mistake that all men in the world would make. Could it be that all men in the world are like you, with illegitimate children flying everywhere outside? "    


"I..." Soong Mu was embarrassed by her sarcasm. He straightened his neck and said, "How do you know that they are not? Maybe they were just not discovered by their families. If Wei did not expose this matter today, you would not know it for the rest of your life. In the end, this is all Wei's fault."    


Hu Jing was so angry that her vision went black. She staggered a step and reached out to support the dressing table before she could stabilize herself.    


She raised her head and looked at the greedy and lecherous man in front of her, who did not have any ability at all. She was so angry that she grabbed the cosmetics next to her hand and threw them at him.    


"Get lost. I don't want to see you again. Get out!"    


Hu Jing cursed as she threw the cosmetics away. She was holding onto something to throw away with her essential lipstick.    


At first, Soong Mu was still hiding, but later on, more and more things flew over. Many of the lipstick covers were broken halfway, and various colored lipstick smashed on his clothes. He was embarrassed and humiliated.    


"Are you done messing around?"    


Soong Mu could not bear it anymore. He stepped forward and kicked Hu Jing's dressing table to the ground. He reached out and grabbed Hu Jing's shoulder and pushed her onto the bed.    




Hu Jing was not prepared for him to suddenly make a move. She fell onto the bed.    


Although the bed was soft, this fall would not hurt her or anything. But Hu Jing was old and her body was poor. This fall even twisted her waist.    


She fell on the bed in pain. She held her waist with one hand and pointed at Soong Mu while crying. "Soong Mu, you dare to fight with me?"    




Soong Mu looked guiltily at her and said, "When did I attack you? I only pushed you lightly. You fell because you were not careful."    


"You... Soong Mu, you beast, you are not human!" Hu Jing cried and shouted, "When Wei comes back, I will definitely tell him."    


When Soong Mu heard Hu Jing's words, his face changed immediately. He went forward and grabbed Hu Jing's wrist," I already said that I did not hit you. Why did you tell Soong Wei? "    


He grabbed too hard. Hu Jing's entire hand was grabbed until it was filled with blood. She cried out in pain, "Beast, let go of me, let go!"    


"Don't tell Soong Wei, don't tell Soong Wei!" Soong Mu roared with a red face and a thick neck.    


Hu Jing sneered, "Soong Mu, are you afraid?"    


"What nonsense are you talking about?" Soong Mu roared.    


"I say, are you afraid that Wei will know that you have attacked me?" Hu Jing looked at Soong Mu with ridicule and said, "You are selfish and have no ability. The reason why the Soong Family was able to be where it is today. It was all because of Wei. Speaking of Wei, his personality was really like yours. He's just as greedy, lecherous, and selfish."    


Soong Mu gritted his teeth and held Hu Jing's hand even tighter. "What did you say?"    


Hu Jing endured the pain on her wrist and laughed sarcastically. "But Wei is a little stronger than you. He is more capable than you. He is even more ruthless than you. So he can do anything you can't. You are unwilling, but you have to rely on your own son to make a living. In this family, the only one who can make Wei give in is me. So you are afraid. You are afraid that I will tell Wei. Afraid that I will make Wei teach you a lesson for me, right?"    


"You shut up, you shut up!"    


Soong Mu was driven mad by Hu Jing. He did not care about Hu Jing and grabbed Hu Jing's neck with both hands.    


Hu Jing had already twisted her waist, so she naturally could not dodge in time. She was completely grabbed by Soong Mu's neck and trapped on the bed.    


"Oh... Let me go, let me go..." Hu Jing grabbed Soong Mu's arms and shoulders with both hands, but that bit of strength was not enough for Soong Mu who was in a rage.    


Soong Mu had obviously lost his reason at this moment. His eyes were red, and he desperately pinched Hu Jing's neck and shouted, "I told you to shut up, didn't you hear me? Don't tell Soong Wei, don't tell him anything!"    


"Let, let go..."    


Hu Jing struggled harder and harder. Her face gradually turned green and purple, and her eyes were rolling.    


"Don't say, don't say..."    


Soong Mu's lips moved and he entered a crazy state. He did not even realize the consequences of his actions at this moment.    


At this moment, Hu Jing's phone, which was placed on the bed, suddenly rang.    


The ringtone of the phone rang throughout the entire bedroom, causing Soong Mu, who was in a rage, to shudder.    


At the same time, the nanny ran up from downstairs with her phone raised and shouted, "Master, Madam, Young Master called and said... Ah!"    


Before she could finish, the nanny suddenly shouted in fear.    


Her shout completely woke Soong Mu up.    


Soong Mu's whole body trembled. He looked at Hu Jing, whose neck was grabbed by him, and retreated as if he had been struck by lightning.    


"Madam, Madam!"    


The nanny quickly ran over to help Hu Jing up. "Madam, how are you? Do you need an ambulance?"    


"Cough, cough, cough..." Hu Jing violently coughed as she breathed in the air.    


"Madam..." The nanny was so scared that tears flowed out.    


Soong Mu stared at Hu Jing and his entire body trembled in fear.    


Just now, he almost killed his wife!    


Although he did not love Hu Jing, he had never thought of killing her.    


After all, Hu Jing was Soong Wei's mother. If Hu Jing died, Soong Wei would definitely not let him go.    


"Hu, Hu Jing..."    


Soong Mu called out in a low voice and extended his hand tentatively.    


"Ah! Ah!" Hu Jing saw that he wanted to get closer and screamed in fear. She hugged the nanny tightly and said, "Go away, go away!"    


The nanny hurriedly protected Hu Jing and turned to Soong Mu and said, "Master, you should go out first."    


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