CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C741 Wake up

C741 Wake up

While everyone was looking for Jian Haixi and Dou Ge, Jian Haixi, who had been unconscious all night, finally woke up.    


"Haixi, are you awake?" Dou Ge's voice was so hoarse that it could not be described. Jian Haixi frowned and moved slightly. She felt pain all over her body from head to toe.    


After enduring the waves of dizziness in front of her, Jian Haixi only propped herself up after a while.    


She blinked her eyes. There was some dim light in front of her eyes.    


"Dou Ge?" Jian Haixi stretched out her hand in his direction.    


Without any error, she accurately grabbed his arm.    


"Haixi, your eyes..." Dou Ge was happy, but Jian Haixi shook her head and said, "It has not recovered yet. I can only see a blurry shadow."    


Dou Ge calculated the time and said, "Mi Kai said your eyes will recover in a few days. It is true."    


Jian Haixi, however, could not be happy. "Where are we?"    


Dou Ge sighed and said, "At the bottom of the cliff."    


Jian Haixi frowned and thought about what happened last night. She lost her footing and fell down, but why did Dou Ge...    


After a pause, Jian Haixi also sighed and said, "Why do you need to do this? Just come and find me when it is dawn."    


Dou Ge smiled lightly and did not say anything.    


How could he watch her fall off the cliff without doing anything?    


How could he not be sure if she was dead or alive and wait for dawn?    


However, he did not intend to tell Jian Haixi these words, and Jian Haixi did not ask again.    


"Is the road at the bottom of the cliff easy? We have to hurry up. We don't know how it is up there." Jian Haixi was a little anxious. If the others could not find her and Dou Ge, she was afraid that they would go crazy.    




Dou Ge opened his mouth and hesitantly said, "I may not be able to bring you up..."    


Jian Haixi was stunned and immediately asked, "What do you mean by this? Are you hurt?"    


As she spoke, she quickly reached out her hands to touch Dou Ge's body and urgently asked, "Where are you hurt? Is it serious? Why didn't you tell me earlier that you should have woken me up earlier..."    


She was too anxious and her eyes were not working properly. Her hands randomly touched and soon she heard Dou Ge's gasp.    


At the same time, she also felt a chill from her palm.    


"Your leg..."    


"It's nothing, just a small injury." Dou Ge did not want to scare her, so he only smiled and said, "I lost some blood, I have already bandaged myself. It's just that I can't walk for now, so I can't take you away. Sorry..."    


Jian Haixi's nose slightly ached," What are you sorry for? It was me who accidentally fell down and even implicated you to come looking for me to save me like this. You even said sorry to me. How can I bear this? "    


"I..." Seeing Jian Haixi about to cry, Dou Ge was a little anxious and clumsily explained, "Sorry, I don't know how to talk. I didn't mean that..."    


"You still want to apologize?"    


"Uh... Then I won't apologize anymore, I won't say anymore." Dou Ge quickly said.    


Jian Haixi sniffed and asked in a muffled voice, "Tell me honestly, how are your injuries?"    


"It's not very serious, just a small injury..."    


"Dou Ge!"    


Jian Haixi was furious. Although she could not see, she still stared with her big round eyes and threatened, "How dare you lie to me. I will leave now and never talk to you again."    


"This..." Dou Ge looked around and said, "The road here is not easy to go up, and you cannot see clearly. You cannot walk by yourself..."    


"Dou Ge!" Jian Haixi saw that he was still worried about how she walked and was so angry that she immediately stood up from the ground.    


Standing in such a hurry, Jian Haixi could not help but feel dizzy. It was also because of this standing that made her suddenly cut off her four limbs. It was so painful that she probably got scratched.    


But the most painful part was still her head. She did not know if it was when she fell down that she knocked on her head. It was as if there were hundreds of seals in her head and it was buzzing with pain.    


In addition, she had been wearing headphones since yesterday's operation. She had already passed the time limit set by Mi Kai. Now, her eardrums also hurt along with her head.    


Jian Haixi held her head and staggered a few steps before she managed to stabilize herself.    


Dou Ge did not expect her situation to be so bad. He quickly reached out to support her and urgently said, "Haixi, what happened to you? Don't worry, sit down first and then talk..."    


Jian Haixi did not wait for him to finish speaking before she pulled his hand away and coldly asked, "Tell me, how serious are your injuries? If not, I will leave now."    


How could Dou Ge watch her leave in such a state? He hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, okay. I will tell you. Sit down first."    


Jian Haixi then sat down again.    


Dou Ge looked at his twisted legs and then carefully looked at Jian Haixi. He said, "My... legs are broken..."    


"What?" Jian Haixi was shocked and her face instantly turned white twice.    


Dou Ge was afraid that she was too worried, so he quickly said, "But don't worry. You can just pick it up when you go back. My legs have also been broken before. Look, I am also fine now. This small injury is nothing to me... "    


Before he could finish his words, Dou Ge stopped.    


Because he saw the person in front of him cry.    


Jian Haixi did not expect Dou Ge to be so seriously injured. No wonder he said he could not bring her up.    


She felt it was strange. With Dou Ge's character, if his injuries were not really serious, he would not let her stay at the bottom of the cliff no matter what.    


Jian Haixi's heart was filled with all kinds of emotions. She knew that Dou Ge was good to her and he had always known about it. But she did not expect him to do it to such an extent. Like this... He risked his life to save her.    


At this moment, Jian Haixi couldn't even say "thank you."    


"Thank you" was too light. It could not express her gratitude and guilt towards him.    


"Sigh..." Dou Ge sighed and reached out to help Jian Haixi wipe her tears. He gently said, "I didn't say it because I was afraid you would worry. Don't cry. This is really just a small tickle to me."    


Jian Haixi was not a weak woman. She knew that crying at this moment could not solve the problem, so she wiped her tears and asked, "What should I do? Should I help you fix your broken leg first?"    


Dou Ge was afraid that if he said something like "no need," Jian Haixi would really be angry with him, so he could only say, "There are no branches or wood here that can be used as the deck. It is inconvenient for us to move. We can just use cloth to fix it first. "    


Jian Haixi looked around and could only vaguely see some light and vague shadows. "Where are we?"    


"In a cave." Dou Ge said, "Last night when I found you, you had already fainted. I could not take you away, so I could only hide here and rest."    


After all, he could not be sure whether the person who came down to find them first was an enemy or a friend.    


Jian Haixi asked again, "Then can you see outside? Can you see which side has more branches? I will go and pick them up."    


" Haixi, your eyes... " Dou Ge did not want Jian Haixi to take the risk. What if she ran into enemies on the way and he was not by her side?    


"It's okay. Tell me first." Jian Haixi had already stood up and said, "If you don't tell me, I will go look for them myself."    


Dou Ge sighed. No one could change Jian Haixi's decision. He knew that if he kept in a stalemate, she could really go out and search blindly with her eyes closed. So he could only compromise, "On the left, we fell from the left last night. We were lucky that it wasn't too shaky over there. In addition, there were some crooked trees that slowed down our falling momentum, which allowed us to survive. "    


"Alright then, I'll go to the left and look for it" Jian Haixi nodded and walked out without hesitation.    


"Wait." Dou Ge pulled her sleeve and handed the remaining dagger to Jian Haixi. "Take this with you to protect yourself. Just search around. Don't go far. If you hear a sound, don't care about anything and immediately run back, understand?"    


" Mm, don't worry. " Jian Haixi smiled at him, turned around, and slowly walked out of the cave.    


Dou Ge watched her walk away and thought for a while. He dragged her injured and slowly moved to the entrance of the cave.    


He was still worried and had to watch her in his line of sight.    


Jian Haixi left the cave and slowly walked to find her.    


She tried her best to lean against the mountain wall and support the mountain wall with one hand. This way, her dizziness could be alleviated and the direction would not be wrong.    


There were many rocks that tripped and fell under her feet. Jian Haixi was tripped several times and then got up again.    


She did not feel tired. After all, she was already used to this kind of small matter.    


During this period of blindness, although she was almost always by her side, that was only almost there.    


There would always be times when there was no one by her side, and there would also be times when the feet of the table corner bed would hit her.    


At first, Jian Haixi felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, but later on, she got used to it.    


She told herself that if she could not even endure the most basic level of blind people, then how could she overcome so many difficulties after that?    


There were still so many people relying on her. It was she who brought everyone out. If she did not stand up, how could everyone trust her?    


It was this belief that supported her until today, step by step.    


After falling again, Jian Haixi rubbed her aching knees and was about to get up to continue when she suddenly heard the sound of a tree branch. She followed the direction where her feet were stepping and indeed found a long and slender tree branch for her.    


Jian Haixi did not care about the injuries on her body and laughed happily.    


She got up and used one hand to touch the mountain wall and the other to use the tree branch as a blind wand. She swept around to find if there were any tree branches beside her and could help her distinguish if there were any big obstacles in front of her.    


With this tree branch, Jian Haixi's search path became much easier.    


Thinking that Dou Ge's leg could be saved, Jian Haixi's heart was happy and light, but she did not know how much pain Dou Ge felt when he saw this scene.    


He watched Jian Haixi fall and get up again and again, watching her get injured and take risks to help him find the tree branch.    


Several times, he wanted to call her back, but he knew that even if he did, she would not come back.    


So he could only pretend not to see and could only pretend not to make a sound.    


Dou Ge leaned against the mountain wall and closed his eyes slightly.    


Other people only said that he had paid too much to Jian Haixi, but if they had seen Jian Haixi who was constantly fighting for him, they would not say so.    


For the figure who kept falling and standing up, even if it was ten thousand more times, Dou Ge would not hesitate to jump down from the cliff to follow her.    


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