CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C165 Gifts

C165 Gifts

Perhaps it was because she had heard too much from her colleagues, or perhaps it was because she had seen Qin Zhixu and Wan Yuqing having a lovey-dovey relationship all morning, Yang Yaru felt even more despondent in her heart than a few days ago.    


She habitually picked up her phone and opened WeChat. The first message on the chat list was still last night, and it was sent by George after he left her house.    


"Yaru, you are a good girl. Thank you for taking care of me that night, and for the tireless explanation these two days. Now that the misunderstanding has been cleared, we will be good friends from now on!"    


Good friends...    


Seeing the last three words, Yang Yaru smiled bitterly.    


She also wanted to be his good friend. Unfortunately, she could no longer return to her original position.    


Closing her eyes, Yang Yaru leaned her head against the back of the chair and looked up at the ceiling.    


"Sister Yang."    


The assistant knocked on the door and came in. She put the folder on the table. He reported to Yang Yaru, "Sister Yang, this is the latest market research data for the collaboration with Maiteng. Please take a look. If there are no problems, I will make a trip to Maiteng. Bring the documents to them and let them take a look. "    


When Yang Yaru heard the two words "Maiteng," she paused and looked down at the folder on the table. She thought for a while and said, "You can go out first. It just so happens that I have to go out for a while. I will bring it to them later."    


" Okay. I will go out first, Sister Yang. "    


Wait. After the assistant left, Yang Yaru opened the file in the folder and pursed her lips.    


Half an hour later, Yang Yaru walked into the Design Department of Maiteng with the document.    


George saw her and was surprised, "Why are you here? You didn't tell me in advance. Is there anything I can help you with?"    


"I can't come here if I have nothing to do?" Yang Yaru lifted her chin and pulled the sofa chair in front of his desk to sit down.    


George pulled his legs back from the table and smiled. "Of course not. I'm afraid you have something urgent to do."    


George quickly got up and poured Yang Yaru a cup of coffee. Just as he was about to put the coffee on the table in front of Yang Yaru, he saw Yang Yaru reach out and take the cup.    


The moment they touched, there was a slight touch between their fingers. George was stunned, but Yang Yaru acted as if nothing had happened. She took the cup of coffee and took a sip. "I have to say, the coffee here is really good."    


George came back to his senses and said with a smile, "Originally, there was only a water dispenser in this room. Jian Haixi was very thrifty. I bought this coffee machine from my own pocket. And these coffee beans are all my private goods."    


"Is that so?" Yang Yaru raised her eyebrows and asked inadvertently, "Then do you have any other private goods? Do you have time to let me see them?"    


"Of course, but I can't let you see them." George looked at her with a mocking smile and said, "This will lead you astray."    


Yang Yaru proudly raised her head and looked at him provocatively, "Try it."    


George frowned slightly and looked at her. "Why do I feel that you are a little strange today?"    


Yesterday, she had thought of ways to avoid him, but today, she had taken the initiative to ask him to teach her how to smuggle goods. Her change was too big.    


"That is because you have never understood me." Yang Yaru looked at George, her eyes flashing with light. "What I will do is not just business."    


George smiled, picked up the coffee cup in front of him, and clinked it with Yang Yaru. "Then I will ask you to teach me another day."    


"You are welcome. We are all good friends." Yang Yaru took a sip of coffee and said.    


When Xie Nuan pushed the door open and entered, she saw George and Yang Yaru discussing the latest research data harmoniously. She could not help but say in surprise, "Strange. When did your relationship become so good?"    


George coughed twice and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? Yaru and I have always had a good relationship. Our personalities are very compatible..."    


"Wait, wait, wait."    


Before he finished speaking, Xie Nuan interrupted him. She narrowed her eyes and stared at the two of them and said, "The two of you are not together, right?"    


George spat a mouthful of coffee on the desk and angrily shouted at Xie Nuan, "Xie Nuan, compensate me for the new inkstone that I bought!"    


Xie Nuan rolled her eyes and said, "What era is it now? Why are you still setting up an inkstone here?"    


"What do you care? Anyway, you have to clean my inkslab!" George said angrily.    


"I don't want it. It's not like I spat out the coffee." Xie Nuan rolled her eyes and smiled slyly. "Are you feeling guilty?"    


"What am I feeling guilty about?" George said unhappily, "Obviously you are talking nonsense."    


Xie Nuan shrugged her shoulders and looked at Yang Yaru who was calm and composed by the side. She said, "But Yaru did not deny it."    


George was stunned and turned his head to look at Yang Yaru. Sure enough, she did not have any big reaction from hearing Xie Nuan's words until now.    


"Yaru, quickly say it. Quickly say it. Why are the two of you together?" Xie Nuan asked in a gossipy manner.    


Yang Yaru smiled and shook her head, "Nuan, you really misunderstood this time. I came here on official business and did not have any personal reasons."    


Xie Nuan was stunned and looked at Yang Yaru doubtfully.    


Women in love were always very sensitive. Xie Nuan could see the bitterness that made her puzzled from Yang Yaru's smile.    


"Yaru, you..."    


"Nuan, I have finished my business with George. Have you got off work yet? Why don't we sit together?" Yang Yaru interrupted Xie Nuan's words and invited her with a smile.    


Xie Nuan was stunned for a moment and nodded her head. " Oh, okay."    


Seeing that they had discussed the following arrangements just like that, George said somewhat unhappily, "Hey, you guys abandoned me just like that?"    


Yang Yaru smiled and winked at him." Director Qiao, it's best friend time now. "    


Finishing, Yang Yaru waved at him and pulled Xie Nuan out of the office.    


Looking at their backs, George smiled and shook his head.    


After exiting the Maiteng's main door, Yang Yaru pulled Xie Nuan to the coffee shop on the opposite side of the street.    


Xie Nuan looked at her depressed look and knew that her guess was most likely correct.    


But thinking about George who did not notice at all, Xie Nuan could not help but sigh.    


"Nuan, can you not tell Haixi about this matter?" Yang Yaru bit her lips and said in a low voice.    


Xie Nuan was slightly stunned and then nodded her head and said, "Don't worry, I will not tell anyone."    


"That's good, I just..." Yang Yaru smiled bitterly and said, "I am just unwilling to give up just like that."    


Xie Nuan patted her hand comfortingly, "If you want to try then try. It is indeed a pity to give up without trying. But Yaru, don't be too stubborn. There are many good men in this world."    


Yang Yaru looked at Xie Nuan and asked with a smile, "Do you think my relationship luck is not good? Ever since I was young, I have been interested in two people. One was Jian Yi who hid his age and identity. The other man's heart is not with me."    


Xie Nuan said, "Don't think about it. The reason why you are still single now is definitely not because your relationship is not good. It is just that the right person blocked the car on the way to find you and was a little late."    


Yang Yaru smiled and said," With your comforting, I feel much better. I hope that the traffic over there will be smooth. "    


"Don't worry. He knows that there is a beauty like you waiting for him. He will come over even if he walks." Xie Nuan smiled and said.    


- -    


Yun Xiaoxiao left the Ning Family in the afternoon, but did not return to the Yun Family. Instead, she went to a simple teahouse.    


There was a man wearing a tattered cap sitting in the teahouse. He was obviously waiting for someone.    


Yun Xiaoxiao walked over and sat down. She said in a cold voice, "What I told you before, we can start tonight."    


"Little girl, don't worry." The man laughed with a hoarse voice, "The matter that you mentioned is not difficult to say. It is not simple to say that it is simple, but it is also not simple."    


Yun Xiaoxiao frowned and asked, "What is the problem?"    


The man smiled and said, "Miss Yun, you did not say that person was Great-Grandfather of Ning Family. Although the Ning Family was no longer the same as before, it was still very easy for them to kill an ant. If the matter is exposed, the Yun Family will not care about my life or death. What should I do then?"    


Yun Xiaoxiao was slightly startled. She did not expect that in just a day's time, this man had already investigated her background.    


But since the matter had already come to this point, Yun Xiaoxiao did not think about turning back. She took a deep breath and asked, "What do you want to do?"    


"Simple." The man used his index finger and thumb to twist it slightly and said, "As the saying goes, money can make the devil push the mill. As long as I have enough money, I can naturally work for you. "    


Yun Xiaoxiao said angrily, "I have already paid you a deposit previously."    


That man sneered and said, "Miss Yun, you are a reasonable person. Don't you know that the price can be changed at any time?"    


"You..." Yun Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth in anger. If there was another choice, she would definitely leave without looking back.    


But at present, she only had one path left. So she resisted the urge to scold and said to the man, "After the matter is done, the previous price will be increased by another 200,000. Do you want to do it or not?"    


"Deal." The man finished his tea and smiled at Yun Xiaoxiao, "Miss Yun, wait for the good news tonight."    




At 8 PM, Old Master Ning carried the birdcage to the park for a walk as usual.    


However, he did not expect that this time, he almost walked to the territory of the Yama King.    


Not long after he walked out of the house with the birdcage, Old Master Ning was waiting for the red and green lights at the side of the road. Unexpectedly, a large truck rushed over from the opposite side of the road. It did not care that the red lights were still on and rushed towards Old Master Ning.    


Old Master Ning was so scared that he did not even bother to lift the birdcage. He ran back.    


But how could his speed be faster than a large truck?    


With a fierce sound, the large truck hit Old Master Ning.    


Wait! By the time the surrounding pedestrians reacted and called for an ambulance, Old Master Ning had already lost a large pool of blood under his body.    


When Ning Jikang received the call and rushed to the hospital, Old Master Ning had already been sent to the emergency room. The doctor asked him to sign the surgery consent form. The doctor said that the old man's condition was most likely not good.    


Ning Jikang sat in the corridor dejectedly. His eyes were filled with confusion and helplessness.    


If he really had deep feelings for Old Master Ning, it might not be so.    


However, Old Master Ning was the only person in Ning Family who still sided with him. The only reason he could still live so happily was because the old man was supporting him. If the old man really passed away, then his future life would be very difficult.    


Ning Jikang looked at the red light in the emergency room. After thinking for a while, he ran to Ning Fubaang's place on the other floor.    


Ning Fubaang was chatting with Fu Zuoann. When he saw Ning Jikang rushing in in in a panic, he could not help asking, "Why are you here?"    


"Dad, grandpa, he..."    


Ning Jikang cried, "Grandpa was in a car accident and is being treated in the emergency room. The doctor said he may not be able to..."    


"What?" Ning Fubaang was stunned. He immediately got off the bed and asked, "Where is the emergency room? Quick, bring me there!"    


Seeing Ning Fubaang who was in a hurry to follow Ning Jikang, Fu Zuoann wanted to persuade him, but he did not know how to say it. He could only sigh and follow.    


Ning Fubaang and Ning Jikang waited at the door of the operating theater for two hours. Yun Xiaoxiao also rushed over and waited with Ning Jikang.    


Two hours later, the nurse pushed Old Master Ning out. Ning Fubaang quickly went up and asked, "How is my father?"    


The doctor who came out asked the nurse to push the patient into the ward as he said, "The patient's condition is temporarily stable, but it is only temporary. He may go into shock again at any time."    


When they heard the doctor's words, everyone was stunned. Ning Fubaang and Ning Jikang were genuinely sad, but Yun Xiaoxiao's eyes darkened. No one knew what she was thinking.    


After settling Old Master Ning in the ward, Ning Fubaang guarded the old man who was in a coma and refused to leave.    


Fu Zuoann saw this and went forward to advise, "Fu Bang, your body hasn't recovered yet. Why don't you go back first? Anyway, you are all in the same hospital and it doesn't take much time to go back and forth. If there is a situation, you can come back."    


Ning Fubaang shook his head and said, "I will stay here and watch."    




"Old Master Fu, you don't have to persuade me anymore. " Ning Fubaang held Old Master Ning's hand and said painfully, "I am not a good father, and I have not become a good son. Now my father is lying here, how can I leave?"    


Looking at his face, Fu Zuoann shook his head and sighed helplessly. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by Ning Jikang.    


"Old Master Fu, this is after all a family matter of our family. You don't have to worry about it." Ning Jikang looked at Fu Zuoann with a sneer and said, "Of course I will take care of my dad. It's so late, you should go back."    


Fu Zuoann was stunned. He looked at Ning Fubaang, who had no intention of leaving, and could only turn around and leave the ward.    


After Fu Zuoann left, Ning Jikang sat beside Ning Fubaang and cried, "Dad, grandpa is already like this. You cannot ignore us."    


Ning Fubaang sighed and turned to look at his son, whose face was full of tears. He could not bear it. He touched his head and said, "Don't worry. I won't ignore you."    


Hearing his words, Ning Jikang felt relieved in his heart.    


After Fu Zuoann left the hospital, he called Ning Jiwei. After he finished talking about Old Master Ning's condition, he said, "I think your father will probably not go back with me. The Ning Family is like this now. Your father's heart has softened, and Ning Jikang is urging him to go back. He will definitely go back to the Ning Family. "    


After Ning Jiwei heard it, he said, "I know the general situation. I will investigate the cause of the old man's car accident. As for my father, let him go for the time being."    


"It's good that you know." Fu Zuoann paused and asked, "Have you made a decision about the Mo Family?"    


"I will leave after I have settled the matters here." Ning Jiwei said.    


"Haixi's side..." Fu Zuoann said worriedly, "If Haixi knew that you did such a dangerous thing, she would definitely not agree."    


Ning Jiwei paused and said, "I will tell her personally."    




At night, Jian Haixi had just finished massaging Jian Yi when she received a video call from Ning Jiwei. Jian Haixi smiled and picked up the call.    


As soon as the video call connected, Jian Rui appeared in the camera with a smile, "Mommy!"    


Seeing her daughter so energetic, Jian Haixi could not help but smile, "It's so late. Why aren't you guys resting yet?"    


"Because I miss you and brother too much, so I can't sleep!" Jian Rui pouted and said tenderly.    


Jian Haixi cast a sidelong glance at her and said, "Since you miss me so much, why didn't you contact me these two days?"    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue and said, "Mommy, I have a reason for that."    


"A reason?" Jian Haixi smiled and said, "I thought you had too much fun at home and forgot about me."    


"How is that possible?" Jian Rui felt wronged and said, "Mommy, you can't wrongly accuse me. I didn't contact you these two days because Mo Tong lived at home. If he saw my brother, wouldn't he know we were lying?"    


"Mo Tong?" Jian Haixi was stunned and frowned slightly. "Why is Mo Tong at home?"    


Jian Rui scratched her head and explained, "Because Mo Tong's Butler was not at home two days ago, he did not have food to eat. He was very pitiful, so I brought him back. But Butler has already taken him away tonight."    


Jian Haixi nodded and asked, "You did not expose anything, right?"    


"No. I am so smart. How could I expose myself?" Jian Rui proudly raised her head and said, "Mommy, don't look down on me."    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Where is Daddy?"    


"He is by the side. He has been staring at you." Jian Rui smiled slyly and passed the phone to Ning Jiwei.    


The two of them looked at each other through the screen. They felt that it had been a long time since they last met.    


Ning Jiwei's eyes were filled with a gentle smile as he asked, "How have you been recently?"    


"I'm doing pretty well here." Jian Haixi looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "I'm just worried about you guys. Is everything going well at home?"    


Ning Jiwei said, "There are some small problems, but they can all be solved."    


"That's good." Jian Haixi asked, "It will be Rui and Yi's birthday in a few days. When the time comes, you will come over, right?"    


Ning Jiwei nodded and looked at Jian Haixi. He said, "When the time comes, we can reunite."    


"I really hope that after this reunion, we will not be separated anymore." Jian Haixi sighed.    


Jian Yi heard Jian Haixi's words and lowered his head without saying anything.    


He, who had discussed countermeasures with Ning Jiwei, already knew that this reunion was just the calm before the next separation.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Jian Haixi and said, "Don't worry. We will not be separated again very soon."    


Jian Haixi nodded and did not continue this topic. She smiled and asked Jian Rui, "Rui, do you have any gifts you want this time?"    


"Of course!" Jian Rui smiled and said, "I want you to hug me and sleep. I want to play games with big brother and also want to skate..."    


Hearing her daughter's words, Jian Haixi nodded and said, "Okay, I promise that these wishes of yours will be realized."    


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