CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C183 End

C183 End

Luo Er timidly looked at the short blade on her neck and then at the giant in front of her. She looked at Jian Yi and Dou Ming and said, "The way you welcome me is too unique."    


Only then did Jian Yi and Dou Ming see her. Dou Ming quickly pulled his brother away and said, "Brother, this is my friend Luo Er. She is Uncle Luo's daughter."    


After introducing Luo Er, Dou Ming scratched his head and said to Luo Er in embarrassment, "This is my brother. Sorry, we heard strange footsteps. We thought they were enemies. "    


Luo Er rolled her eyes at him and said, "Then wouldn't you guys look at the surveillance camera first? I was scared to death. "    


Dou Ge said calmly, "It's too late. Watching the surveillance camera takes too much time. We should strike first to gain the upper hand."    


Luo Er choked and turned to Dou Ming and asked, "Is everyone in your family so strange?"    


Dou Ge looked at Dou Ming and nodded at Luo Er. "My brother is indeed a little dull. It has been hard on you guys to be friends with him."    


Luo Er could not hold back her laughter.    


Dou Ming looked at his brother speechlessly and said, "Brother, she said hello, right?"    


Dou Ge frowned and looked at him in confusion. "Really? What's wrong with me?"    


Dou Ming didn't know what to say.    


Luo Er did not know what to say either.    


At this time, Jian Yi said with understanding, "Luo Er, come over now. Is it alright at home?"    


"It's okay." Luo Er waved her hand and walked in front of Jian Yi. She reached out her hand and ruffled his hair. She smiled and said, "Tomorrow is your and Rui's birthday. Of course I have to be there in advance."    


When it came to birthday, Jian Yi also smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you come or not. As long as the gift is delivered."    


Luo Er rolled her eyes at him and said, "How could I not bring a gift? Of course, the gift was prepared for you long ago."    


"What is it?" Jian Yi asked curiously. Dou Ming, who was beside him, also listened carefully.    


Luo Er smiled meaningfully and said to Jian Yi, "It is a very challenging question. Do you dare to accept it?"    


"Of course." Jian Yi said without hesitation.    


The two of them smiled. There were a lot of questions that they didn't need to explain.    


Dou Ming who was standing beside them walked over and said, Dou Ming." Hey, what kind of challenge do you have? Don't forget about me."    


"Don't worry, you won't be able to escape." Luo Er smiled and climbed onto Dou Ming's shoulder. "Besides, there is something you need now."    


"What?" Luo Er's sudden approach made Dou Ming's face turn red. He even started to stutter.    


Luo Er giggled and pointed at the door. "My luggage is outside. Help me move it in."    


"Okay." Dou Ming looked at Luo Er's bright smile and nodded.    


Seeing Dou Ming walk out, Dou Ge said, "Do you have a lot of luggage? I can also help."    


Luo Er was flattered and waved her hand. "No need. I was just playing with him. My luggage has long been arranged by the servants."    


Dou Ge nodded. He looked at Dou Ming who ran out foolishly and suddenly felt very embarrassed.    




On this day, the Ning Family, which had been deserted for a long time, suddenly became lively. The lanterns and decorations in front of the door formed a sharp contrast with the dead silence a few days ago.    


There were also many reporters surrounding them. Although the Ning Family and the Yun Family were no longer the same as before, they were still considered famous families. According to the rumors, there would be an explosive surprise at today's wedding.    


The Fu family.    


Ning Fubaang sat in the courtyard and sighed as he looked in the direction of Ning Family.    


Fu Zuoann walked over and patted his shoulder to comfort him, "You still can't relax?"    


Ning Fubaang shook his head and said, "I just didn't expect that bastard to get married at this time. His grandfather just passed away!"    


"Don't think about it." Fu Zuoann said, "Some people's hearts are made of steel. Even if you use your blood to warm his heart, his heart will still be cold."    


Ning Fubaang sighed heavily and did not say anything.    


Fu Zuoann did not say anything else. He just secretly asked people to prepare sedatives and heart emergency medicine. He was afraid that Ning Fubaang would still be shocked at the wedding.    


The Gu family.    


After handing Gu Xiaomian over to Butler to take care of, Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling sat in the car.    


Gu Chenyi turned his head to look at Yun Ling, who had a serious expression on his face, and asked with a smile, "Are you ready?"    


Yun Ling nodded, "I have been preparing for this moment for a long time."    


"Don't worry, I am here." Gu Chenyi said, "Actually, Ji Wei has already arranged everything. We only need to attend the wedding today and give everyone a big ending."    


Yun Ling smiled and said, "That must be a satisfying ending."    


"Of course!" The two of them looked at each other tacitly and drove to Ning Family.    


The Yun Family.    


Old Mrs. Yun and Yun's father were very excited as they walked around Yun Xiaoxiao, especially Old Mrs. Yun who was very nervous.    


All of her belongings were given to Yun Xiaoxiao.    


"Xiaoxiao, you are going to marry into someone else's house today. I can't bear to part with you." Old Mrs. Yun held Yun Xiaoxiao's hand.    


"Grandma, don't worry." Yun Xiaoxiao smiled and said, "I will live a very happy life."    


Yun's father looked at his smiling daughter and felt a little puzzled.    


Usually at this time, shouldn't the girls say, "I will come back often to visit you?" Why did Yun Xiaoxiao say that she would live a very happy life?    


What about them?    


Thinking about this, Yun's father couldn't help but say, "Xiaoxiao, your grandmother and I can't bear to part with you. Our family can't do without you. Even if you marry, you have to come back often."    


Yun Xiaoxiao smiled and looked at Yun's father. "Dad, don't worry."    


She still did not give a direct answer.    


Yun's father suddenly felt a little nervous.    


Old Mrs. Yun, who was beside him, did not notice anything. In her opinion, The Yun Family had finally been looking forward to this day. As long as today passed... Yun Xiaoxiao would be able to obtain all the resources of the Ning Family. At that time, the Yun Family would be able to regain its former glory.    


When the time was up, Yun Xiaoxiao, accompanied by Old Mrs. Yun and Yun's father, took a carriage to the Ning Family.    


As for the Ning Family, they had already set up the venue. When Yun Xiaoxiao arrived, Ning Jikang couldn't wait to welcome her. He held Yun Xiaoxiao's hand and said affectionately, "Xiaoxiao, I have been waiting for you for a long time."    


Yun Xiaoxiao's face revealed a happy smile. At this moment, she had also waited for a long time.    


Ning Family, she was finally going to become the master of this place!    


Because the Ning Family had just held a funeral ceremony, this wedding ceremony was much simpler. Apart from the master of ceremonies and the servants, there were only a few people who came to attend as relatives and friends. The rest of the people sitting in the guest seats were either passersby or reporters.    


The groom and the bride went on stage to give a speech and then exchanged rings...    


Wait... After the host announced the ceremony, everyone stood up and applauded.    


Outside the Ning Family, Gu Chenyi, who heard the applause, turned to Yun Ling and said, "It seems like they are already married. We can also take the stage now."    


Yun Ling smiled and nodded. He followed Gu Chenyi into the Ning Family.    


As soon as the two of them walked in, the people who were bored a second ago immediately burst into an uproar, especially the reporters who were about to fall asleep. They excitedly took pictures of Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling.    


"President Gu, President Yun, may I ask why you are here for the wedding?"    


"Rumor has it that you two have broken off relations with the Ning Family and the Yun Family. Is this true?"    


"May I ask if you two are here today to congratulate Ning Jikang and Yun Xiaoxiao on their wedding?"    




Sharp questions were thrown out one after another. On the stage, Ning Jikang and Yun Xiaoxiao's expressions also became ugly.    


"What's the matter with these two people?" Ning Jikang said angrily, "We did not invite them. Why are they here to join in the fun? I'll get someone to chase them out."    


"Wait." Yun Xiaoxiao pulled Ning Jikang back and said, "Now all the reporters are staring at this place. If we chase them out, won't it show that we are rude?"    


Ning Jikang asked impatiently, "Then what do you think we should do?"    


Yun Xiaoxiao thought for a moment and said, "Since they are here to attend our wedding, we will treat them as guests and treat them. If we can really ease our relationship with them, our business will be much easier in the future. "    


"You are still the considerate one." Ning Jikang smiled and secretly kissed Yun Xiaoxiao. "My wife is really good."    


Yun Xiaoxiao cast a sidelong glance at him and walked towards Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling with a smile.    


Seeing the female protagonist walk over, the onlookers consciously made way for her.    


Yun Xiaoxiao walked in front of Yun Ling and said with a smile, "Big brother, I'm really happy that you can come and attend my wedding."    


"That's right, that's right." Ning Jikang also followed up and greeted them with a smile, "Those who come are guests. You can sit anywhere you want. Someone come, quickly greet the guest! "    


The two parties looked very harmonious, which shocked everyone.    


Reporter A said in a low voice," It seems like Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling really came to attend the wedding. "    


Reporter B shook his head and said, "I don't think so. President Gu and President Yun don't seem to be so free."    


Reporter C added, "I heard that President Gu has always been magnanimous, but as long as they are President Yun's enemies, He can remember a grudge for the rest of his life, so I think President Gu will never forgive the Yun Family. And he will never sincerely attend this wedding. They must have other motives. "    


"That may not be the case." Another reporter said, "Haven't you heard of one sentence? There are no eternal friends or enemies in the world, especially in the business world"    


Everyone was discussing intensely in private, but Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling were smiling calmly. They did not respond to Yun Xiaoxiao's words, nor did they accept Ning Jikang's hospitality.    


Seeing that the two of them did not speak, Yun Xiaoxiao and Ning Jikang also stood there awkwardly. They did not know what to do. For a moment, the entire hall became quiet.    


"President Gu, President Yun, may I ask if the two of you have specially come to congratulate us today? " In the silence, a daring reporter asked again.    


This time, Gu Chenyi did not ignore him. Instead, he smiled at him and said," Of course. "    


They really came to attend the wedding!    


Gu Chenyi's answer made everyone greatly disappointed, but it made Yun Xiaoxiao and Ning Jikang heave a sigh of relief.    


However, before they could relax, they heard Gu Chenyi continue, "Not only did we come to attend the wedding, we also brought a big gift."    


Big gift?    


Hearing these two words, the reporters' flashlights and recording pens became busy again.    


Their professional experience told them that there would definitely be some hot news next.    


Yun Xiaoxiao's smile froze and she said, "President Gu, why are you so polite? You being able to come is already the best blessing for us. We can't accept your gift no matter what."    


Gu Chenyi's lips curled into a cruel smile. He stared at Yun Xiaoxiao and Ning Jikang with a sinister look and said, "Who said that I am here to give you my blessings?"    


His words shocked everyone present.    


Yun Xiaoxiao's smile could no longer be restrained, "President Gu, what do you mean by this?"    


"Literally." Gu Chenyi said,, "I am here to attend the wedding, but I am only here to give gifts."    


Yun Xiaoxiao and Ning Jikang looked at each other and became alert.    


Yun Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at Yun Ling who had not said anything and said, "Big brother, can we resolve the conflict in private later? Today is my wedding day. You will not be able to bear to publicize our family's ugliness here, right?"    


Her words seemed to be begging Yun Ling, but it was actually also a threat.    


Yun Xiaoxiao's meaning was clearly that as long as Yun Ling dared to act recklessly, she would tell him Yun Ling's secret on the spot.    


Hearing her words, Yun Ling sneered and said, "You can give it a try."    


Yun Xiaoxiao stiffened and her expression became even uglier.    


If it was a head-on clash, of course she would not be able to beat Yun Ling, not to mention that he had Gu Chenyi by his side.    


Ning Jikang said with a cold face, "Since you guys aren't here to bless us, then please forgive us for not welcoming you guys."    


As he spoke, he said to the maids standing on both sides of the hall, "Guards, chase them out!"    


Yun Xiaoxiao did not stop him this time. Although it was very stupid to be enemies with Gu Chenyi and Yun Ling, the current situation was special. She could not let anyone ruin the wedding.    


Although Yun Xiaoxiao did not know the purpose of Gu Chenyi and the others coming here today, her intuition told her that she absolutely could not let the two of them say it out loud.    


Seeing the maids surrounding him, Gu Chenyi was not nervous at all. He only lightly raised his hand and snapped his fingers.    


In an instant, more than ten bodyguards in suits rushed in from outside the Ning Family's gate and easily controlled the Ning Family's maids.    


"You..." Ning Jikang panicked when he saw the bodyguards swarming in. "Who allowed you to come in? Let me tell you, you are trespassing on private property, do you know? I can sue you!"    


Gu Chenyi sneered, "Before you sue them, you should take care of your own matters first."    


"What matter?" Ning Jikang straightened his neck and asked, "I am magnanimous and dare to take responsibility for my actions. Don't speak nonsense and slander me!"    


"Slandering?" Gu Chenyi sneered and took out a transparent document bag. He said to Ning Jikang, "This contains all the evidence. It can prove that you sent someone to kill the fetus in Wenn Qingnuan's womb. Your biological son was killed by his biological father before he was born. It's also you. Half a year ago, you did it for your own future. He killed your own mother, Xu Hui."    




Everyone was stunned when they heard Gu Chenyi's words.    


Although they had a premonition that the influence of today's news would not be small, they did not expect it to be so big.    


At this moment, everyone looked at Ning Jikang with an interrogating look, as well as a trace of fear.    


A person who killed his own mother and son, what else could he not do?    


Even Yun Xiaoxiao looked at Ning Jikang in shock. Although she knew that Ning Jikang was cruel and merciless, she never thought that he would have the heart to kill his own mother.    


"You are talking nonsense!" Ning Jikang pointed at Gu Chenyi in panic and scolded, "Don't slander me here. Don't think that I won't dare to do anything to you."    


"Insult me?" Gu Chenyi smiled slowly and said, "I have submitted all the evidence. The police are on their way here. Wait here for a while and you will know if I am slandering you."    


"I, you..." When he heard that the police were about to arrive, Ning Jikang panicked and even stuttered when he spoke.    


Yun Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "President Gu, no matter what happens, can you please leave this place?"    


"That won't do." Gu Chenyi looked at Yun Xiaoxiao and sneered, "If I leave now, wouldn't Ning Jikang fall into public opinion?"    


The crowd was speechless. Did you not let him fall into public opinion?    


Hearing Gu Chenyi mention his name again, Ning Jikang almost broke down, "Don't speak nonsense anymore. I didn't do anything else!"    


Gu Chenyi suddenly realized. "So, you admit that you did what I said about killing children and mothers?"    


"I didn't!" Ning Jikang denied loudly, but his trembling hands and the cold sweat on his face betrayed him.    


"Don't worry, this is all the news about you." Gu Chenyi smiled, turned to Yun Xiaoxiao and said, "Now, I still have a big gift for you."    


"I don't want it!" Yun Xiaoxiao immediately refused.    


"That won't do." Gu Chenyi said with a smile, "After all, this is the Ning Family. If Old Master Ning's soul knew that the person who killed him had become his granddaughter-in-law, he would probably hate him."    




Everyone was shocked once again. They thought that only Gu Chenyi was a scum, but they didn't expect that Yun Xiaoxiao wasn't a good person either.    


Old Mrs. Yun, who was standing aside, fainted when she heard Gu Chenyi's words. Yun's father took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and sneaked out of the door.    


"Xiaoxiao, you..." Ning Jikang looked at Yun Xiaoxiao in disbelief. "Why? Why did you do that?"    


"I did not..." Yun Xiaoxiao shook her head in panic. "It wasn't me. I didn't do it..."    


Yun Ling looked at Yun Xiaoxiao and said, "We have already handed over all the evidence to the police. There will be people coming to arrest you later."    


Just as he finished speaking, the sound of sirens sounded at the door.    


Once he heard this sound, Ning Jikang turned around and ran without saying a word.    


Gu Chenyi had been guarding against him for a long time. As soon as he moved, he got his bodyguards to catch him.    


Yun Xiaoxiao saw that she could not run away. She panicked and wanted to find Old Mrs. Yun and Yun's father, but she saw Old Mrs. Yun unconscious in the corner of the wall. Yun's father had long disappeared.    


Yun Xiaoxiao was so scared that she collapsed and sat on the ground.    


Yun Ling looked at her and said, "If you do things unjustly, you will die. If you knew this earlier, why would you have done it back then?"    


"I did not do it on purpose. I really did not do it on purpose..." Yun Xiaoxiao cried and shook her head. "It was he who kept rejecting my marriage, that's why I..."    


Yun Xiaoxiao cried as she knelt on the ground and hugged Yun Ling's thigh. "Brother, help me. Help me. I'm your younger sister! We are all children of Yun Family. You can't leave us to die."    


Yun Ling pursed his lips and did not speak. Seeing this, Gu Chenyi pulled him to his back and coldly said to Yun Xiaoxiao, "The crimes you have committed, there will be law to punish you."    


When he said this, a police officer came in and handcuffed the two of them.    


Ning Jikang's face was pale, while Yun Xiaoxiao was crazily crying and struggling, "I don't want to leave. Brother, save me!"    


Yun Ling did not speak. He only watched the police car take the two of them away before his tightly clenched fingers slowly loosened.    


Gu Chenyi looked at him and stretched out his hand to pat his shoulder. "It's the big ending."    


Yun Ling nodded and said, "It's finally over."    


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