CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C40 If My Father Had a Fiancée.

C40 If My Father Had a Fiancée.

Jian Haixi's heart was in a mess. She was thinking about what she had said in the morning. She could not help but think of some of the details from last night and her small face immediately turned red.    


"What's wrong with you? Do you have a fever?" Jian Yi asked with concern.    


"Why is your face so red?" Jian Rui also hugged Jian Haixi and asked.    


"I'm fine."    


Jian Haixi realized that she was actually thinking about these things in front of the children. She felt embarrassed and embarrassed in her heart. She quickly got up, covered her face, and ran to the bathroom. "I'm too hot. I'm going to wash my face."    


Jian Haixi covered her face and ran away in panic. Only Jian Yi and Jian Rui looked at each other.    


"Mommy is shy?"    


"Is our mom embarrassed?"    


The two of them spoke and nodded at the same time. "She's very strange!"    


Just as the two children were guessing what happened to Jian Haixi, Jian Haixi's phone on the sofa suddenly lit up.    


Jian Rui curiously picked up the phone and clicked on it. Actually, she did not need to specifically open WeChat because Jian Haixi's phone's page had always been on WeChat.    


"I'm very good. How about you?"    


Jian Rui pointed at the new message that she had just sent over and read it. Then she excitedly said to Jian Yi, "Look, I know all of these words!"    


Jian Yi glanced at the chat box and smiled as he pointed at the profile picture and asked Jian Rui, "Do you know who this person is?"    


Jian Rui shook her head. "I don't know. I have never seen him before."    


Jian Yi smiled slyly and threw his phone away. He got up from the sofa and ran into the study room.    


"Where are you going?"    


Jian Rui saw him run into the study and followed him like a small tail.    


Jian Yi took out his phone from the study and turned to look at Jian Rui who was following him. He pushed her out of the door.    


"You go out first."    


"No, what do you want to do? Can you tell me?" Jian Rui hugged Jian Yi's arm and said coquettishly.    


Jian Yi shook his head, "I can't tell you this right now. But I promise you that I will tell you when you need to know. You go out first."    


"I don't want to!" Jian Rui held the door frame tightly and refused to go out.    


Jian Yi rolled his eyes and deliberately scared her. "If you don't listen, I will tell Mommy that you bit Gu Ruanruan today."    


Jian Rui was so scared that she immediately ran out. She did not forget to push on the door frame and said, "You are a bad brother!"    


Jian Yi looked at her helplessly. "I am not a bad brother. You bit Gu Ruanruan's arm until it bled."    


Jian Rui pouted and stomped her foot. "You can't say anymore! Be careful that Mommy heard you! "    


Jian Yi smiled. "If you listen to me, I won't tell Mommy about you."    


Jian Rui patted her head and said, "I have always listened to you. If you let me out, I will come out. Don't mention about Gu Ruanruan. If you didn't say it just now, I would have forgotten to bite him today."    


She had forgotten.    


Jian Yi remembered the print on Gu Ruanruan's arm. He held his forehead and shook his head. "How could you forget such a big thing?"    


The Gu family was in a mess right now. To be precise, Gu Ruanruan had been making a fuss.    


The reason was very simple. He found that the wound on his arm, which Jian Rui had bitten, had been bandaged. He wanted to tear it apart.    


"I don't want to wrap my arm. Hurry up and take this off." Gu Xiaomian pointed at his chubby arm and said in a spoiled manner.    


Gu Chenyi sat on the sofa and looked at the newspaper, ignoring him. He had long gotten used to his son's foolish behavior.    


"Dad!" Gu Xiaomian saw that his father ignored him, so he pouted and climbed onto the sofa. He pulled Gu Chenyi's sleeve and said, "Dad, listen to what I'm thinking. You can't be so heartless. This tooth mark is the proof that Rui likes me. You can't wrap it up so cruelly!"    


Gu Chenyi was speechless. Gu Chenyi regretted bringing his son to Hawaii. He only stayed there for a few days and it was very dark. His body was as fat as a chocolate cake.    


His stupid son also lied to Jian Rui. He said that he had evolved into a body made of chocolate. Anything he ate would taste like chocolate. He even forcefully invited Jian Rui to bite him.    


Jian Rui was dumbfounded. She really took a bite of him. When she bit him, she did not hold back at all. It was only when Gu Xiaomian cried and his arm was bleeding that she smacked her lips and said that he was lying. It wasn't chocolate at all.    


Thus, there was the result now.    


"Son." Gu Chenyi looked up at Gu Xiaomian, who was pulling his sleeve, from the time he was reading the newspaper. He said earnestly, "Did you lose all your intelligence by sunbathing in Hawaii? Do you have rationality and shrewdness? This tooth print is not proof that Jian Rui likes you, but proof that she likes chocolate."    


Gu Xiaomian was unhappy and said unhappily," Then our family originally sells chocolate. Rui likes chocolate, that is the same as liking me! "    


Gu Chenyi glanced at him. "At this time, your brain is working pretty fast."    


"I don't want to cover my arms!" Gu Xiaomian kicked around.    


Gu Chenyi shook his head. He no longer had any hope for his son's intelligence.    


"Help me remove the bandage on my arm."    


Gu Chenyi's son was dumbfounded. Gu Chenyi could only say, "You don't have to worry. Rui loves you so deeply. This little bandage will not affect her love. Wrap it well. When the wound is healed, the scar will be even more beautiful. "    




Gu Xiaomian finally became happy again when he heard that.    


His silly look made Gu Chenyi sigh again.    


At this time, there was a knock on the door. A gentle male voice came from outside the door, "I'm back."    


Gu Xiaomian heard this voice and jumped off the sofa and ran to the door.    


"Father Little Dad!"    


Yun Ling squatted down and picked Gu Xiaomian up. He smiled and rubbed Gu Xiaomian's head. "Do you miss me?"    


"Of course I miss you!" Gu Xiaomian smiled slyly. He pointed at Gu Chenyi and said, "But dad misses you more!"    


"Little friend!"    


Yun Ling smiled and flicked his forehead. He looked up at Gu Chenyi, who was also looking at him on the sofa, and his lips curled into a gentle smile.    


"You're back?"    


"I'm back."    


At night, Jian Haixi told Jian Yi and Jian Rui a good night story as usual. Before Jian Haixi could finish a story, Jian Rui was already lying on the bed sleeping soundly.    


Jian Haixi wiped the saliva from her mouth and said to Jian Yi who had not slept yet, "Do you still need to go online for lessons later?"    


Jian Yi thought for a while and shook his head, "I am not going to class today. Go to sleep, don't worry about me. I'll go to sleep in a while. "    


" Okay. " Jian Haixi knew that he was a child who did not need to worry. She did not nag much and only told him to rest earlier before leaving.    


After Jian Haixi left, Jian Yi tossed and turned and could not fall asleep. His mind was filled with the news of Ning Jiwei that he had found online.    


Jian Yi did not know about this in the past. Now that Jian Yi knew that he was his father, he could not act as if nothing had happened.    


Especially after he found out about Ning Jiwei's family situation, he found out that Ning Jiwei's family situation wasn't good.    


As the youngest son of Ning Family, Ning Jiwei hadn't had sex with his mother because he was weak and sickly. Xu Hui had lived together with him. Therefore, the relationship between Xu Hui and him was quite bad. She always leaned towards her eldest son, Ning Jikang. According to the investigation, Ning Jiwei respected two people the most. One was his father, and the other was his old minister.    


To Ning Jiwei, perhaps compared to Ning Fubaang, the old minister could give him more of the feeling of a father.    


Jian Yi suddenly had an impulse to meet this old minister. He had never received the love of a father. Now he really wanted to know what kind of person this person who gave his father the love of a father was.    


Jian Yi could not sleep, so he simply got up. He picked up his phone and typed Ning Jiwei's WeChat number on his WeChat. When he saw Jian Haixi's WeChat, he had already memorized Ning Jiwei's phone number.    


He added her as a friend. The note he left behind was the special code name between him and Ning Jiwei. He was Little hacker, and Ning Jiwei was Big hacker.    


Soon, Ning Jiwei passed his message. He sent a surprised emoticon.    


Jian Yi replied with a smiling emoticon.    


Ning Jiwei sent another message: It's not good to stay up late at such a young age.    


Jian Yi sighed and replied, I didn't mean to stay up all night. I can't sleep because I have something on my mind.    


This time, he replied very quickly, You are a child, you have nothing on your mind.    


Jian Yi pouted and sent two humph emojis: I am going to find my father.    


Ning Jiwei was silent for a while. He had heard Jian Yi talk about the situation at home before, so he was not surprised. After all, no matter how talented he was, he was still a child. He yearned for fatherly love.    


He thought about it and sent a message: Do you need my help?    


Jian Yi replied, I should need your help in the future. I don't want it now. But I have a question for you.    


"Go ahead." Ning Jiwei replied.    


"If my father had a fiancée, would I still be able to find him?"    


Ning Jiwei did not reply to this question for a long time. After a long time, he sent a message. "You'd better ask your mother what she thinks."    


When Jian Yi saw this message, he covered his mouth and laughed. He thought for a while and replied, My mother and my father are very close.    


In the end, he even added an evil smile emoji symbol.    


Ning Jiwei's reply was also very simple: Then what you said is nonsense.    


Jian Yi curled his lips and said, Uncle Big Hacker, I am a child. You cannot swear at me.    


Ning Jiwei looked at him and laughed. He sent a thoughtful expression and said, If you didn't say it, I would have forgotten that you are a child.    


They chatted for a long time. Ning Jiwei urged, You should go to sleep, little friend. Good night.    


Jian Yi also replied with a good night. Then he silently added "father" after saying this in his heart.    


Jian Yi hugged his phone and went to sleep with satisfaction. Ning Jiwei, on the other hand, was still sitting on the sofa in the hotel and looking at the chat logs between him and Jian Yi.    


His curiosity towards Jian Yi was getting bigger and bigger. From the moment Jian Yi helped Jian Haixi cheat on the company's surveillance cameras, Ning Jiwei had wanted to investigate his background. But Jian Yi stopped him.    


He simply said that he did not want others to investigate him. If one day Ning Jiwei wanted to know, Jian Yi would tell him personally.    


This was the first time Ning Jiwei had met such an interesting little friend, so he might as well stop investigating.    


However, his curiosity was getting stronger and stronger as he interacted with Jian Yi. He was especially curious about what kind of mother would nurture such a talented child like Jian Yi.    


Ning Jiwei looked at their conversation records and shook his head with a smile. He knew that it would take a long time for his curiosity to be satisfied.    


Ning Jiwei put down his phone and turned on the computer. Before he could start working, he received an email. It was filled with the media company's background that reported his scandal.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the name on the email and made a call with a sneer on his face. He ordered coldly, "I don't care what method you use. Before 12 o'clock, I want all the news about this scandal to disappear. "    


At this time, the clock in the room showed that it was already 11: 30 PM.    


In one night, all the rumors that were against Jian Haixi were cleaned up. The rumors and rumors that filled the internet had also disappeared without a trace, as if they had never appeared.    


When Jian Haixi woke up in the morning, the first thing she did was to open her phone and WeChat. The moment she opened it, she saw the WeChat that Ning Jiwei sent him. It was just a simple expression of a good night on the moon. But this made her heart extremely calm.    


She looked at the time again. He actually sent her a message at three or four o'clock in the morning.    


Jian Haixi frowned. He slept too late last night. Was he that busy at work?    


But when she scrolled down Xie Nuan's WeChat, she knew why Ning Jiwei was so busy.    


The messages Xie Nuan sent were the same as her busy personality. She sent a lot of messages at once.    


"My God! Hurry up and look on the internet. All the rumors about you and Director have disappeared!"    


"It must be Director who did this!"    


"All these rumors have disappeared overnight! Director is too handsome!"    


"Haixi, Director is not interested in you, is he? He is simply too domineering and too handsome! "    


Jian Haixi flipped from top to bottom, and only then did she roughly understand what was going on. She closed WeChat and opened the web page. Sure enough, the heated rumors yesterday were all gone. Regardless of whether it was the videos or the photos, they all disappeared without a trace.    


It turned out that he had been busy all night for this matter.    


The corner of Jian Haixi's mouth could not help but raise a trace of a smile. She picked up her phone and typed "Thank you," but hesitated when she was about to send it.    


She did not want to think too highly of herself first.    


Jian Yi received a lot of messages early in the morning. The hackers that he had personally created were all discussing about Ning Jiwei.    


After all, although Ning Jiwei's actions were secretive, it still couldn't escape the eyes of these hackers. Furthermore, Jian Yi had previously ordered them to spread the news, so everyone must have had different guesses about Ning Jiwei's actions.    


It can fly: Do you think Ning Jiwei wants to make a move on our boss?    


Wahaha: Sh * t, your thoughts are jumping too much. He just suppressed his scandal.    


It can fly said, I'm not dog sh * t.    


Follow the boss and we'll have meat to eat: Then what should I call you? Should I call you father?    


It can fly: Good son!    


Follow the boss and we'll have meat to eat: Go to hell!    


Second most handsome man: Let's restart this topic. I also feel that Ning Jiwei's actions this time are not simple. There were also rumors about him in the past, but he had never cleaned up all the news overnight.    


Cloaked general: If Ning Jiwei intends to enter the Internet, then he is definitely a formidable opponent that cannot be underestimated.    


Second most handsome man: Although we are not afraid of him, if Ning Jiwei wants to make a move against our Network Empire, we should make preparations as soon as possible.    


It can fly said, I agree.    


Wahaha asked, How are we going to prepare? We'll deal with him first?    


Follow the boss and we'll have meat to eat said, He hasn't dealt with us yet.    


Cloaked general: Where's boss? Is he up yet?    


Second most handsome man: Boss, are you awake?    


Jian Yi flipped through the messages for a while before he finished reading them. After reading them, he smiled.    


Others did not know why Ning Jiwei treated the gossip so abnormally, but he knew that Ning Jiwei did it to protect his mommy.    


Jian Yi saw that everyone in the group was calling him, so he calmly pressed a few words.    


Handsom: No one is allowed to attack Ning Jiwei.    


Wahaha: Why? Could it be that you have taken a liking to him?    


Follow the boss and we'll have meat to eat: Isn't your little darling me?    


It can fly: Can you guys be more serious?    


Cloaked general: Boss, do you have a reason? You have always been swift and decisive, but you have shown mercy to Ning Jiwei a few times.    


Jian Yi touched his nose. He felt that if he told these guys that Ning Jiwei was his father, they would probably go crazy.    


Great General, no matter what, you are not allowed to make things difficult for him in the future.    


Second most handsome man: Do you want to buy Ning Jiwei's property?    


Wahaha: You are interested in real estate?    


Jian Yi was speechless. He smiled and shook his head to reply with a few words.    


Handsom: Nothing. But he is a very special person to me.    


Just as the group exploded because of Jian Yi's words, Jian Rui ran in with a pale face. She hugged Jian Yi's arm and shook it as she whispered, "Mommy is sick!"    


Jian Yi frowned and asked nervously, "Is she sick? What's going on?"    


He was about to get out of bed, but before he could get down, Jian Rui said again, "Mommy actually made a large table of breakfast, and she even allowed me to eat chocolate! Do you think Mommy is crazy? "    


Jian Yi's mouth twitched, and he knocked Jian Rui's head. "Rui, you are really stupid! Mommy is very happy. Mommy made delicious food for you. You actually cursed Mommy for being crazy?"    


Jian Rui pouted and said, feeling wronged, "But Mommy is very abnormal. In the past, Mommy also had times when she was happy, but she never allowed me to eat chocolate in the morning."    


As she said that, Jian Rui paused, smacked her chin, and said with a smile, "But it is so wonderful that I can eat a sweet chocolate in the morning!"    


"You're a foodie!"    


Jian Yi could not do anything to his sister. He went out to help Jian Haixi do housework, but he walked to the kitchen door. She was wearing an apron, and she was humming a song as she cooked. She was still beating rhythmically under her feet.    


Mommy was really happy!    


Jian Yi stood at the door and quietly looked at Jian Haixi's happy expression. The corner of his mouth curled up into a smile, and his heart became even more determined to help his parents be together.    


In Ning Jiwei's office, Zuo Li sat on the sofa at the side and swiped his phone. He smiled and said, "Ji Wei, you are really fast. As expected, I can't find anything about what happened last night on the internet anymore. With your method, I really can't explain how this is the first time you've dealt with something like this. "    


Ning Jiwei slightly raised his eyelids. After a while, he smiled and said," This is not the first time. "    


Zuo Li blinked and suddenly realized something. "You are talking about the thing from a few years ago, right?"    


Ning Jiwei did not say anything. Zuo Li thought of the incident from a few years ago and felt emotional for a moment.    


"Back then, everyone thought you had sex with sister-in-law. This news spread like wildfire. But in the end, this news was suppressed after just one day. At that time, your reputation was already out."    


Ning Jiwei seemed to have thought of the past as well, and there was a hint of melancholy in his eyes.    


Zuo Li looked at his expression and asked, "Did you find that person from back then?"    


Ning Jiwei smiled slightly. He took a piece of paper from the side and showed it to Zuo Li. "I recently found out that she seems to have returned to the country."    


"Then do you still want to continue looking for her?" Zuo Li asked curiously.    


Ning Jiwei was silent for a moment and asked, "Do you think there is a need for me to look for her?"    


"I don't know if you need to find her."    


Zuo Li said and took out a picture from his phone for Ning Jiwei to see. "But I think you and Haixi are a good match. You clearly have a good woman by your side. Why do you still want to find a so-called stranger who can give you a familiar feeling?"    


Ning Jiwei looked at the photo of him and Jian Haixi. He thought about Jian Haixi's appearance when she was in his arms and did not say anything for a long time.    


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