CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C174 A Storm Is Coming

C174 A Storm Is Coming

After a while, Wan Yuqing came back with the evidence. She said to Qin Zhixu and Jian Rui, "The people who chased out just now came back, but they did not catch up to her. They said a car suddenly rushed out of the street. They were all lightly injured."    


Qin Zhixu frowned and said, "So she has accomplices? Are the injured people all right? "    


Wan Yuqing shook her head and said, "JOJO will stay there to deal with it. He asked us to take the things and leave first."    


Qin Zhixu nodded and said, "Let's go. I will send you guys off."    


The three of them walked out. Qin Zhixu originally wanted to send Jian Rui home first, but just as they walked out of the door, he saw Ning Jiwei driving a car over.    


"Daddy!" Jian Rui's eyes lit up when she saw Ning Jiwei, and she quickly ran over.    


Ning Jiwei opened the car door and got out of the car. He picked her up and looked at her carefully. He asked, "Did you get scared?"    


"A little bit, but I am very strong. Daddy, you don't have to worry." Jian Rui patted her chest and said.    


Ning Jiwei touched his daughter's head with relief. He held her and walked towards Qin Zhixu and Wan Yuqing.    


Qin Zhixu said, "Why did you come so quickly?"    


Ning Jiwei said, "I was on my way here to see Rui shoot."    


"Unfortunately, there was an accident today." Jian Rui pouted and said.    


"It's alright." Ning Jiwei smiled and comforted his daughter, "I will come to see you take pictures some other day."    


"Then it's a deal!" Jian Rui finished pulling the hook with Ning Jiwei with a smile. She turned around and pulled Wan Yuqing over to Ning Jiwei and said, "I forgot to introduce you. Daddy, it's all thanks to Sister Yuqing this time. Otherwise, I would be in trouble."    


If not for Wan Yuqing, Jian Rui would have been the one in the dressing room at that time.    


Ning Jiwei looked at Wan Yuqing and said," Thank you. Are you hurt? "    


Wan Yuqing shook her head and said, "I'm fine. I should thank Rui. She saved me."    


Ning Jiwei lowered his head and looked at Jian Rui. Jian Rui smiled and scratched her head. "The anti-wolf spray that Mommy prepared for me earlier worked."    


Qin Zhixu handed the thing in his hand to Ning Jiwei and said, "You should take this thing back and study it."    


Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "Okay, then I will take Rui away first."    


Qin Zhixu looked at the thing in Ning Jiwei's hand and said, "If there is a result, tell me."    


He had some guesses in his heart. Because of that guess, he did not dare to investigate this matter by himself.    


After Ning Jiwei left, Qin Zhixu looked at Wan Yuqing and said, "I will send you back."    


Wan Yuqing nodded with a red face and followed Qin Zhixu into the car.    


When the car started, the two of them felt a little awkward.    






Both of them opened their mouths at the same time, then they were both stunned.    


Wan Yuqing's small face became even redder, and Qin Zhixu was also somewhat helpless.    


He turned his head to look at Wan Yuqing who had lowered her head and did not speak. He coughed dryly and said, "You first."    


Wan Yuqing said softly, "Thank you for sending me home."    


Qin Zhixu smiled and said, "No matter what, we can be considered friends. Isn't it normal for me to send you home? You don't have to thank me so solemnly."    


At the traffic light intersection.    


Wan Yuqing looked up at him and said, "Mr Qin, what did you want to say just now?"    


Qin Zhixu pursed his lips and looked at Wan Yuqing and said, "Did you get scared today?"    


Wan Yuqing was stunned and the nervous feeling in her heart appeared again. She quickly shook her head and said, "It's okay. Rui and JOJO are here. I am fine."    


Qin Zhixu heard her mention JOJO and was silent for a moment. The impulse in his heart just now was forcefully suppressed.    


He nodded faintly and said, "That's good."    


The green light lit up and the car continued forward. No one in the car spoke again.    


At Mo Tong's house.    


Butler stared coldly at Mo Tong, who had just entered the house, and said, "I heard that you did something good?"    


Mo Tong pursed his lips and said, "That person blocked my way. I was just passing by."    


Butler sneered twice and looked at Mo Tong. Then he turned around and went upstairs. "Come with me."    


Mo Tong's hand, which was hanging by his side, clenched into a fist and followed Butler upstairs.    


In the cottage on the second floor, Mo Tong had just walked in when the door behind him closed.    


Butler took out a long ruler and mercilessly hit Mo Tong's back.    


When the ruler fell, Mo Tong shook violently. He took a step forward and quickly stood back.    


Clear sounds were heard one after another. If others did not know, they would think that this place was knocking on something, but they did not know that this was a different kind of "education."    


Butler coldly scolded him, "Did I let you go to the First Primary School to go to school because I wanted you to be happy to help others?"    


Mo Tong did not speak, but Butler hit him, "Answer me!"    


"No, not me." Mo Tong said with a trembling voice.    


"Then what did I tell you to do?"    


Mo Tong gritted his teeth and said, "You asked me to make friends with Jian Rui and find out her father's background and means."    


"Okay, so you remember all of it." Butler sneered and said, "But what did you do? Apart from saving Jian Rui and Gu Xiaomian, what other useful information did you bring back? I originally thought that you would be able to get more information from their house last time, but you were so stupid that you didn't even realize anything! How did I teach you all these years?"    


" I'm sorry. " Mo Tong said in a low voice.    


"Sorry?" Butler became even angrier when he heard that. "What I need is your apology? I didn't even pick you up today to give you a chance to come back in Jian Rui's car. But what about you? If you can't even do such a small thing, what can I expect you to do?"    


As Butler spoke, the ruler in his hand fell on Mo Tong's body again and again.    


Mo Tong stood there in a daze, enduring the pain and not saying a word.    


Butler only stopped when he was tired. He threw the ruler away and said coldly, "Don't think about eating tonight. Stay here and reflect on yourself."    


After saying that, Butler walked out of the room and locked the door from the outside.    


Mo Tong breathed a sigh of relief and fell to the ground.    


He knew that this meant that today's "punishment" had ended.    


He reached out and touched his own back. There was something sticky on his back, but Mo Tong did not care. He tiredly leaned to the side and looked at the small window on the wall.    


In the entire dark room, only the small window could penetrate a little bit of moonlight.    


Mo Tong remembered the day Jian Rui and Ning Jiwei came to the house. They asked him if he wanted to leave this place and live with them.    


Actually, he was willing at that time, but he refused.    


He could not leave. He had not yet repaid the kindness of raising his parents, so he could only stay.    


He could not leave. If he left, his parents and Butler would focus all their attention on Jian Rui. At that time, she would be in even more danger. If he stayed here, he could at least help her a little.    


Mo Tong's mind was filled with random thoughts. Then, he slowly fell into a deep sleep.    


In a certain villa in the outskirts of the city, there were people who were also being punished in different places.    


A loud slap was heard.    


Sung Lan covered her face and fell to the ground. She looked at Qin Tian in fear and said, "Give me another chance. I will definitely succeed."    


Qin Tian smiled coldly and said, "I will give you another chance? Do you think that opportunities are like cabbages in the market? You can get it if you want it?"    


" Me. " Sung Lan cried and said, "I almost succeeded but I did not expect Jian Rui to be there."    


Qin Tian laughed and said, "So you are telling me that you can't even deal with a seven year old little girl?"    


Sung Lan covered her face and lowered her head and did not dare to speak. Qin Tian looked at her ugly face in disgust. She said disdainfully, "I originally thought that keeping you would be useful but I did not think that you would not even be able to help with this little help. You are really trash!"    


Sung Lan gritted her teeth in her heart, but if she did not follow Qin Tian, it would be difficult for her to even live.    


So Sung Lan knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing and begging, "I really know my mistake. I beg you to give me another chance and let me atone for my crimes."    


"Is that so?" Qin Tian squatted down and lifted Sung Lan's chin with her index finger. She carefully sized her up and said, "Perhaps, you can really help me one more time."    


Today, everyone did not have a smooth day, but George and Yang Yaru were doing well.    


After the initial interaction, the two of them gradually understood each other's tempers and got along more and more happily.    


Furthermore, both of them were young and active people. No matter whether it was work, food, or entertainment, they could basically have a tacit understanding and chat.    


George originally thought that he would not be able to persist for two or three days in this bet, but he did not expect that the days he spent with Yang Yaru every day were not difficult to bear. On the contrary, after a few times, he began to look forward to getting off work every day.    


On this day, the two of them agreed to go to the movies together. According to Yang Yaru's request, George queued up and bought tickets. He also bought the standard popcorn and Coke for the movies.    


Yang Yaru hugged the popcorn and took out a wet towel to help George wipe the sweat on his forehead. She smiled and said, "How do you feel?"    


George sighed with emotion and said, "I feel so good to have money!"    


They could have easily booked the place to watch the movie, but they came here to squeeze and squeeze. They did not feel any beauty other than rubbing each other's sweat.    


Yang Yaru shook her head in amusement and said, "Young Master, you have been away from the life of ordinary people for too long."    


George raised his eyebrows and looked at her. He smiled and said, "I am already experiencing the life of ordinary people."    


Yang Yaru cast a sidelong glance at him and said, "I am helping you."    


"Yes." George smiled dotingly and said, "The movie is about to begin. Can we go in now?"    


Yang Yaru lifted her chin and passed the popcorn to him. She instructed, "Take it."    


"Okay, okay." George said eagerly.    


They were watching a horror romance film.    


Yang Yaru's eyes were wet when she saw it. George, who was beside her, said indifferently, "This is not true at all."    


Yang Yaru glared at him and said, "You shut up. I am touched. Don't ruin the atmosphere."    


George looked back and said in a low voice with a smile, "You are the one who ruined the atmosphere. Who has a girlfriend as fierce as you?"    


Yang Yaru was stunned. She followed his gaze and looked back. She saw that the couple behind them had already kissed.    


"How is it, girlfriend? Do we want to kiss?" George said ambiguously.    


Yang Yaru blushed. She looked at George, bit her lips, and cursed, "rogue!"    


After saying that, she did not dare to stay any longer. She quickly got up and left the viewing hall.    


Yang Yaru walked to the vent outside and stopped panting. One of her hands kept fanning the wind.    


Just now, it was really too "dangerous" for her. If it was not for her self-restraint coming out early, she was afraid that she would not have been able to get out of George's temptation. If that really happened, she would have lost face.    


After a while, Yang Yaru finally calmed down.    


She looked left and right. Just as she was wondering why George had not come out, she suddenly turned her head and saw George standing behind her. He was leaning against the wall and looking at her with a smile.    


"When did you come out?" Yang Yaru pointed at George and asked with a stutter.    


"When did I come out?" George smiled and said, "I have arrived long ago. I have been watching you here."    


Yang Yaru opened her mouth. She was stunned and did not know what to say.    


George looked at her and sighed. He walked forward and touched her head. He said, "Silly girl, why are you so stupid?"    


His words made Yang Yaru's nose slightly sour. She lowered her head and said, "What else? What else can I do?"    


George looked at her and reached out to hold her hand. "Let's go home."    


Yang Yaru blankly let him pull her through the crowd and through the streets. When she heard him say "go home," tears immediately flowed out of her eyes.    


George acted as if he did not see her tears and said with a smile, "When we go back later, we still have to call it supper. You even ate the popcorn. I am still hungry."    


Yang Yaru followed him as she reached out to wipe her tears, like a child who had been wronged and was finally protected by an adult.    


When they reached the car, George opened the door and was about to get into the car when he suddenly felt a force in his hand. He was forced to turn around.    


Yang Yaru's eyes were red as she stared at George and said, "George, why are you so bastard?"    


"Did I?" George said innocently, "I have been working hard to be an excellent boyfriend."    


Before he could finish, Yang Yaru kissed him.    


It took George a long two seconds to realize that he had been forcefully kissed.    


He lowered his head and looked at her in his arms. He blinked and hesitantly reached out his hand. He originally wanted to push her away, but the moment he touched her, he hugged her and kissed her deeply.    


After an unknown amount of time, the two of them slowly let go of each other.    


Yang Yaru's face was red as she leaned against George's chest. When she heard the similarly rapid breathing from his chest, the corners of her mouth slowly turned into a smile.    


George awkwardly cleared his throat, opened the car door and said, "Let's go back."    


"Yes." Yang Yaru replied in a low voice.    


The two drove home. When they arrived downstairs, George encountered another problem.    


Should they go up or not?    


Yang Yaru did not make things difficult for him this time. She waved her hand and said goodbye before turning around and entering the neighborhood.    


Looking at Yang Yaru's back, George's mind was filled with the feeling of kissing her just now. After struggling for half a minute, George decisively got off the car and followed her.    


Yang Yaru cast a sidelong glance at him and said, "I thought you were going to leave."    


George coughed dryly and said, "To be honest, I thought so too. But plans cannot keep up with changes, so..."    


Yang Yaru secretly held his hand and a sweet smile hung on her face.    


"What do you want to eat later?" Yang Yaru asked.    


"Anything, including instant noodles." George said.    


Yang Yaru looked at him in surprise and smiled. "Is instant noodles really okay? I thought you wouldn't eat these mortals' food."    


"I have no choice. I can only adapt to life." George smiled and shrugged.    


As the two were talking about supper, the phone in George's pocket suddenly rang.    


He took out the phone and looked at it. It was an email.    


Yang Yaru inadvertently took a look and asked in puzzlement, "What is this? Is it a trash email? Look, the signature is a bunch of random codes."    


George pursed his lips and stopped his footsteps. "It's not trash mail."    


Seeing him stop, Yang Yaru was stunned for a moment and asked, "What's wrong, George?"    


George shook his head and patted her on the shoulder. "You go up first. I have something to take care of."    


Yang Yaru was stunned. Seeing the unusual seriousness on his face, she nodded and said, "Okay, I will wait for you."    


George nodded. He leaned against the wall and opened the email.    


Yang Yaru looked at him. In her heart, she wanted to say that her home was only a few meters away from them. He could go home and see again.    


But when she opened her mouth, she still did not say that.    


At the last moment before entering the door, Yang Yaru looked back at George again. He did not have the slightest intention of entering.    


After closing the door, Yang Yaru's heart was filled with disappointment.    


On the other side, George looked at the contents of the email and was shocked there.    


He knew about the existence of Mo Family and also knew that Ning Jiwei had recently gotten into trouble, but he never would have thought that the family would actually take action against her.    


After quickly browsing through the email, George turned around and rushed downstairs without thinking. He took out his phone and dialed a number. "Order me a plane ticket to Switzerland immediately. I want the fastest flight. Also, inform the people in Switzerland and rush over to help immediately! "    


After hanging up, George's phone rang again. It was Yang Yaru who sent him a WeChat message: I've prepared instant noodles. I'll wait for you.    


George paused for a moment, pursed his lips, and replied to her. Then, he turned off his phone.    


In the room, Yang Yaru looked at the "I'm sorry" on WeChat and cried.    


At the same time, Ning Jiwei also received a message.    


After learning that someone from Mo Family had rushed to Switzerland, he immediately called Yue Feng to inquire about the situation.    


Yue Feng was puzzled. "Young master, as long as they don't make a move, I can only follow them secretly, but I have no right to stop them from going to Switzerland."    


Ning Jiwei said coldly, " What if I go back?"    


Yue Feng immediately said, "You are the old master's child, you naturally have the right."    


" Alright. " Ning Jiwei instructed, saying, "The plan is in advance, you can make your move now."    


"Yes, sir!"    


As soon as he hung up the phone, Ning Jiwei received a call from Jian Yi.    


It seemed like he had also received the news that the Mo Family had gone to Switzerland.    


"What do you think?" Ning Jiwei asked.    


"Daddy, I discussed it with Dou Ming and thought it might be a smoke grenade." Jian Yi said, "If they really want to fight, why would there be such a big commotion? So I think they must have other targets. "    


Ning Jiwei nodded and said, "The possibility is very high, but we have to be careful in Switzerland. Tell the brothers in the group to prepare the information in Switzerland and not expose any flaws. "    


After discussing the detailed plan with Jian Yi, Ning Jiwei hung up the phone.    


It was late at night. Ning Jiwei stared at the stars outside the window. His heart was heavy.    


This time, the storm was really coming.    


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