CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C398 She Was a Woman

C398 She Was a Woman

Mike did not immerse himself in his emotions for too long. After he calmed down, he followed Jian Haixi's suggestion and contacted the finance and other person-in-charge of his company to transfer all the assets that could still be transferred.    


However, they were still a step too slow. The finance department told Mike. Some of the gold chains had been cut off, and the partners had finally made the contract. Some of the contracts that had already been negotiated but had yet to be signed, the other party had even found all sorts of strange excuses to reject the cooperation.    


Mike did not say much about this. When the phone call had not been connected, he had already expected this result.    


Mi Kai frowned and sighed. "I thought that Lin Meng would show some mercy to his son. I didn't think that he would really turn hostile and not recognize people. He didn't even give people a chance to breathe."    


Qin Zhixu nodded and said, "But it's not surprising. If Lin Meng didn't have the courage to support the family head of Davis, it would be strange."    


Jian Haixi waited for Mike to finish the phone call and said to him, "Follow me upstairs to find Yi and Dou Ming. Ask them to help you investigate the situation of your company and the news of your friend."    


"Okay." Mike nodded and stood up.    


Jian Haixi thought for a moment and said to Mi Kai, "I think you and Ke Er should go back home. Even if Davis and Ke Er want to force a marriage, they won't go to your house to snatch people away. You guys go back and take a look. At least know what the situation in Mi Family is like now. "    


"En, I understand." Mi Kai nodded and looked at Mi Ke'er. "Ke Er, if you don't want to go back, you can stay."    


He knew that after Mi Ke'er experienced today's ups and downs, she definitely wanted to stay with Mo Feng now.    


Mi Ke'er hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Mo Feng and said, "Mo Feng, I'll go home with my brother first, then I'll come and find you tomorrow, okay?"    


"Okay." Mo Feng nodded.    


"Then..." Mi Ke'er sniffed and said, "If I can't come, can you find me?"    


"Go." Mo Feng still did not hesitate to say one word, but it successfully made Mi Ke'er laugh with tears in her eyes.    


Mi Ke'er turned her head to look at Mi Kai and said, "Brother, I will go back with you. I am also a part of the Mi Family. I cannot only be protected by you guys at this time. I also want to know the situation at home. I will contribute to our family. "    


Mi Kai looked at his sister with a gratified expression. In the past, the siblings did not care about the Mi family business people, but it was precisely because of this predicament that they quickly grew up.    


Mi Kai and Mi Ke'er returned to the Mi Family. Qin Zhixu and Mo Feng also went upstairs, waiting for Jian Yi and Dou Ming to investigate the situation.    


When Jian Haixi went upstairs, Jian Yi and Dou Ming were still investigating Tali Linna with Ning Jiwei, so she and Mike were waiting by the side.    


After Dou Ming finished his investigation, Jian Haixi told him about Mike's situation.    


Dou Ming nodded and said, "Then I will first investigate that person's situation. Later, let Yi investigate the company's situation."    


Mike clenched his fists and said, "His name is Shui Bingling. He is 24 years old this year. He is 1.72 meters tall."    


"Shui Bingling..." Jian Haixi and Qin Zhixu looked at each other and immediately felt that this name was a little strange.    


Why did it sound like a girl's name?    


However, they did not say these words out loud. They could not judge anything by just the name.    


But very quickly, Dou Ming's investigation stunned everyone.    


Dou Ming followed the information given by Mike and checked. He frowned and said, "I found a person called Shui Bingling, but she... is a woman."    


"What?" Mike was shocked and said, "That's impossible!"    


Dou Ming turned the computer over and let Mike look at the picture on the screen. He said, "She changed the fake information."    


Mike stared blankly at the girl with braids and a floral skirt on the screen. He felt as if he had been struck by lightning.    


"How... How is this possible?" Mike's eyes were filled with disbelief, but the person was clearly that person. It was right in front of him, and he had no choice but to believe it.    


Jian Haixi sighed and patted Mike's shoulder with sympathy.    


Just from what Mike said downstairs, Jian Haixi could tell that Mike had some subtle feelings towards this person called Shui Bingling.    


Now that a man had become a woman, it could be imagined how disillusioned he would be to Mike.    


Dou Ming continued, "I found out that she got into a car in the afternoon and is now in... a house in Python Mountain Community."    


Mang Mountain Community was a famous wealthy district in Xiang City. When Mike heard this name, he immediately reacted and said through gritted teeth, "My parents live there. Before I came to Xiang City, they wanted me to live with them."    


"So..." Qin Zhixu looked at Mike and asked, "This Shui Bingling... Miss, are you going to save her?"    


He emphasized the word "Miss" to remind Mike to think it through again.    


It was actually not a big deal if a person was not saved. At most, Davis and his wife would just threaten and entice a little girl. They would not really do anything to a little girl.    


But if they were saved, then they would have to take responsibility for it. After all, although Mike did not say it, they could see that he and Shui Bingling were somewhat ambiguous.    


Otherwise, they would not flirt with her. If they flirted, they would have to take responsibility.    


Jian Haixi thought for a while and hesitated. She said to Mike, "Actually, if you have not thought it through clearly, we are not in a hurry. You can make a decision tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."    




Just as Jian Haixi finished speaking, she heard Mike say, "We must rescue him as soon as possible."    


Hearing his resolute words, Jian Haixi and Qin Zhixu looked at each other and somewhat understood.    


Mike pursed his lips and said, "He... She was timid and scared by my parents. She will definitely panic and be afraid. This matter is my business, it has nothing to do with her to begin with... So she shouldn't have to bear those things because of me. Let's save him first. As for the other things... we'll talk about them later. "    


Jian Haixi nodded and did not say anything. She just turned her head and said to Dou Ming and Mo Feng," Can I trouble you two to make a trip tonight? "    


Mo Feng and Dou Ming both nodded and said, "No problem."    


Mike sat by the bed with his hands in the hair room. Even if he knew that Mo Feng and Dou Ming went back to save Shui Bingling, he was still worried.    


Jian Haixi comforted him, "Don't worry. With Dou Ming and Mo Feng's ability, they will definitely be able to save her."    


Mike nodded absent-mindedly and did not say anything.    


After Jian Yi finished dealing with the matter, he helped Mike investigate the company's financial situation.    


Jian Haixi thought for a while and walked out of the room to give Ning Jiwei a call.    


Ning Jiwei already roughly knew about Mike's matter, so when he received Jian Haixi's call, he was not very surprised.    


Jian Haixi simply told Ning Jiwei her thoughts.    


After listening to Jian Haixi's words, Ning Jiwei smiled and said, "We really have a tacit understanding."    


"Hm?" Jian Haixi was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?"    


Ning Jiwei said, "Even if you and Mike do not plan to fight against Davis' family, I probably will not do nothing."    


Because David had already joined hands with Soong Wei, no matter how much Lin Meng and Aysa knew about David, at least there was definitely something wrong with the strength of the Davis Family behind David.    


Jian Haixi also thought of the Soong Wei she saw at the dinner party today, so she asked, "Have you investigated? Soong Wei really intends to work with Davis' family?"    


"It's not that simple." "There's also Tong Si's matter," Ning Jiwei said.    


"Tong Si?" The more Jian Haixi heard, the more confused she became. She naturally did not have a good impression of Tong Si. "What does this have to do with Tong Si? Isn't she Soong Wei's person?"    


Ning Jiwei hesitated for a moment and told her about the email Tong Si sent to him previously, as well as the matter of asking him and Gu Chenyi for help today.    


After Jian Haixi heard Ning Jiwei's words, she remained silent for a long time and did not say anything.    


Ning Jiwei thought that she was angry and quickly said, "Haixi, I know Tong Si bullied you before. If you are unhappy in your heart, I will not..."    


"No." Jian Haixi interrupted Ning Jiwei and said, "I am not unhappy, really. Other things aside, just what Soong Wei and David did to Tong Si today. Same thing. As a woman, I can't hate her. If you and Chen Yi really didn't save her because of the conflict between Tong Si and me, I would be really angry. "    


Hearing Jian Haixi's words, Ning Jiwei heaved a sigh of relief and said," Haixi, thank you for understanding me. "    


Jian Haixi's lips twitched, but separated by the electrical waves, Ning Jiwei could not see that Jian Haixi's face and eyes did not have the slightest hint of a smile.    


The two of them communicated with each other about the Davis Family's method and Tali Linna's matter before hanging up.    


Jian Haixi held the black screen phone and turned around to return to her room. However, she suddenly felt that the house she was in was so stuffy that she could not breathe, so she turned around and went to the balcony.    


The weather gradually became cold and the cold wind blew against her face, extinguishing the spark in Jian Haixi's heart.    


"What are you thinking about?"    


Qin Zhixu came out with a crutch and stood beside Jian Haixi. He said, "I saw you come out just now. What's wrong? Are you unhappy?"    


Jian Haixi shook her head and pursed her lips. She did not say anything.    


She did not speak, so Qin Zhixu did not ask. He just stood on the balcony with her and blew the wind.    


"After Yu Qing left, I have always missed her." Qin Zhixu opened his mouth and said that it was his own matter.    


"I know that she has been working very hard to help me. She helped JOJO deal with the company's matters. Help me take care of my grandfather at home. I am very grateful to her. I also feel very guilty. Other than that, I don't know what else I can do for her. "    


Qin Zhixu smiled bitterly and said, "She was sick a few days ago. She called me in a daze and cried, saying that she missed me so much. But what I can do is just hold my phone and listen to her cry. I can't go back and stay by her side, and I can't promise her when I will go back. The next day after she wakes up, she chats with me as if nothing has happened. But I know that there is a small crack between us. As time passes, this small crack will become bigger and bigger. This is unavoidable and also something we must face. "    


Jian Haixi turned her head and looked at Qin Zhixu, "What do you want to say to me?"    


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