CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C427 Four Cute Things

C427 Four Cute Things

When Dou Ming and Jian Haixi were rushing to the Qiao Family, the old mansion was filled with cheers.    


Qiao Qinghee looked at the four cute children standing in front of him and laughed so hard that the wrinkles on his face were stacked together.    


Not only Qiao Qinghee, but Qiao Jing and the others also looked at Jian Rui and the other three. All of their hearts melted when they saw them.    


Qiao Lei even exaggeratedly wiped his tears and said, "Our old Qiao Family finally has fresh blood! I'm finally not the youngest! "    


For so many years, as the youngest in the family, he had to lower his head and call people "elders" whenever he saw them. In front of George and Qiao Ya, he was even bullied until he became a coward.    


Now that the fourth generation had come, he finally "made a wife through hard work" and no longer had to be the youngest junior.    


Gu Xiaomian looked at Qiao Lei who was crying and asked Jian Rui in puzzlement, "Rui, why is your little uncle so excited to see us?"    


"I don't know either." Jian Rui bit her finger and her big eyes were confused, "Maybe he... has a lot of emotions?"    




Qiao Lei's heart was touched by Jian Rui's words and the fire was extinguished.    


George smiled and patted Qiao Lei's shoulder. "Little brother, don't be happy too early. Have you never heard of pampered pets from different generations? Trust me, in the future, your position in our family will only be lower."    


Qiao Lei opened his mouth wide and was about to refute when he saw Qiao Qinghee, the head of their family, take out their family treasure. He just laughed and said to Jian Rui, "Rui, come, come. This is the gem necklace passed down from grandfather's grandmother. Come and put it on for you. "    


Qiao Lei's jaw dropped to the ground in shock. He pointed at the gemstone necklace and said, "Then, that..."    


Qiao Qinghee did not even take this out when he recognized Jian Haixi.    


George was not surprised. He only looked at Qiao Lei with sympathy and said, "Now you understand the reality. No one can shake your position in our family. Don't worry."    


Qiao Lei wanted to cry but had no tears. He did not want to be at ease!    


Jian Rui tilted her head and looked at the gemstone necklace. She said to Qiao Qinghee with some difficulty, "But it is so heavy. If Rui wears it every day, she will be suppressed by it until she is not tall."    


"Uh..." Qiao Qinghee was stunned and immediately said decisively, "Okay. Grandfather will keep it for you first. When you want to wear it, take it out, okay?"    


" En, thank you, grandfather. " Jian Rui said obediently.    


" No need to thank me, no need to thank me. It's fine as long as Rui likes it. Come, come, give Grandfather a hug ~" Qiao Qinghee smiled and waved his hand. His tone was like a big grey wolf lying to a child, and Jian Rui was that little red hat.    


Jian Rui looked at Qiao Qinghee and obediently walked over. She reached out and pulled his hand. "Rui is very heavy. It was too hard for Grandfather to carry Rui. Rui just need to hold Grandfather."    


"Oh my, my darling, you are really sensible..."    


Looking at Qiao Qinghee who was completely captured by Jian Rui, the corner of Qiao Lei's mouth twitched and he turned to look at George. "Brother, you have long guessed that this old man would be like this, right?"    


What "be careful of my darling"? Qiao Qinghee had never been so "disgusting" to these grandsons before.    


George smiled and didn't say anything. If he didn't know that Qiao Qinghee would be captured by Jian Rui, then it was purely based on his experience.    


Yan Mei was busy helping the children tidy up the room. Yang Yaru pulled Mo Xiuqian and Mo Tong and said, "The two of you don't need to stand. Quickly sit down. I will go and get whatever you want to drink."    


Mo Xiuqian shyly said in a low voice, "Thank you, there is no need."    


Suddenly leaving that terrible environment and changing to a brand new place, Mo Xiuqian's entire person had not yet changed, so when faced with the enthusiastic Qiao Family people, she did not know what to do.    


Yan Mei came down from upstairs. The few children's rooms were already tidied up yesterday. She just wanted to go and see if there was anything she wanted to add.    


Mo Tong sat on the sofa and stared in the direction of the door.    


Jian Haixi had not come yet.    


Yan Mei walked over and looked at the quiet little boy. She smiled and walked to him and asked, "You are Mo Tong, right? Where are your luggage? Auntie will help you carry it up."    


Mo Tong was stunned. He looked at the elegant and kind Yan Mei in front of him and shook his head. "Thank you Auntie. I don't have any luggage."    


"No luggage?" Yan Mei was stunned for a moment, but she quickly recovered her smile and said, "It doesn't matter. Everything in the house is ready. In the future, if you want anything, we can just buy something else."    


Mo Tong still shook his head. "Auntie, you don't need to trouble me. I don't live here. In a while, I still have to follow uncle back to Mo Family."    


"This..." Yan Mei was stunned. Qiao Zhen and Qiao Jing, who were sitting next to her, were also stunned.    


Not staying here?    


"Then why did you come here today?" Yan Mei tactfully asked, "Are you here to send Rui off?"    


"Yes." Mo Tong nodded and looked in the direction of the door. He said, "I want to see Auntie."    


Yan Mei and Qiao Zhen looked at each other and understood.    


So this child came for Jian Haixi.    


Qiao Zhen looked at Mo Tong. He liked this quiet and steady child very much. "In the future, when you want to come and stay, just call someone to tell you. This place will always welcome you."    


"Thank you, Uncle." Mo Tong politely thanked him.    


The children had a good time with their parents, but there was one person who had been neglected.    


That was Ning Jiwei.    


Because of what Jian Haixi said yesterday, the people of Qiao Family had some opinions about Ning Jiwei. So now when he was sitting on the sofa, no one came to talk to him.    


Yang Yaru looked at Ning Jiwei and brought a cup of water to him. She said, "Director, have some water."    


"Thank you." Ning Jiwei took the glass of water and said.    


Yang Yaru shook her head and whispered to Ning Jiwei while she was bending over, "The old man is a person with a hard face and a soft heart. You just need to be a little soft in a while. He will not make things difficult for you."    


"Don't worry, I am fine." Ning Jiwei smiled and said.    


"Yaru, what are you doing? Quickly come over and sit over here." Qiao Qinghee saw Yang Yaru pouring water for Ning Jiwei. He could not help but snort and say, "You are my granddaughter-in-law. Who would dare to ask you to pour water for him?"    


Yang Yaru did not know whether to laugh or cry. She walked over and said," Grandfather, actually Director... "    


"You don't need to say good things for him." Qiao Qinghee snorted and said, "I have eyes. I can see."    


Yang Yaru sighed helplessly.    


Jian Rui, who was sitting beside Qiao Qinghee, tilted her head and pulled her hand out of Qiao Qinghee's big hand. She also stood up from the sofa.    


"Rui, what happened to you? What do you want?"    


Seeing Jian Rui stand up, Qiao Qinghee's cold face immediately turned into a smiling face.    


Jian Rui frowned, looked at Qiao Qinghee and asked, "Grandfather, why don't you let me drink water?"    


Fine, he started to protect his father.    


Qiao Qinghee heard Jian Rui's words and immediately smiled flatteringly, "Rui misunderstood. How could Grandfather not let him drink water? Our family doesn't lack that water. It's your father who doesn't want to drink it."    


Jian Rui rolled her eyes and pointed at her own nose and said to Qiao Qinghee, "Grandfather, do you think Rui is a fool?"    


"Uh..." Qiao Qinghee choked. Before he could think of a way to make himself sound better, Jian Rui had already widened her eyes and said, "Grandfather doesn't like me, Daddy, then Rui shouldn't like Grandfather either."    


Finishing, Jian Rui snorted and ran to Ning Jiwei with her fishtail braids. She hugged his arm and said, "Daddy, Rui wants to go home with you."    


Go back to Mo Family?    


That was not possible!    


It was not easy for Qiao Qinghee to see Jian Rui, so why would he let her go back?    


"Then what? Rui, you really misunderstood. It's not that I don't like your father." Qiao Qinghee hurriedly said.    


"Really?" Jian Rui pouted. "Then grandfather said you like me, Daddy?"    


"No..." Qiao Qinghee was halfway through his sentence. He looked at the little face of his great-granddaughter and immediately said awkwardly, "Yes, you like it, right?"    


Jian Rui heard this and stretched out her hand towards Qiao Qinghee. "Then stretch out your hand and shake hands with me, Daddy, and I will believe you."    


Shake hands?    


Qiao Qinghee's face instantly darkened, and his face was filled with three big words, "Unwilling."    


"Hmm?" Jian Rui widened her eyes and said," Hurry up. "    


"Okay, okay, okay. Just shake hands." In order to let Jian Rui stay, Qiao Qinghee compromised for the first time in his life. He reached out his hand and shook Ning Jiwei's hand.    


Jian Rui grabbed their hands and said happily, "That's great. We have to get along well in the future. Otherwise, I will be in a difficult position."    


Qiao Lei looked at Qiao Qinghee and felt that the image of his grandfather had disappeared.    


"Is this still our old man?" Qiao Lei couldn't believe it.    


George nodded, "100% original. It is indeed the old man."    


Qiao Lei let out a long sigh. Life had not begun yet, but he had a feeling that the following days would come.    


He estimated that even if these brats turned the house upside down in the future, Qiao Qinghee would not blame them. Instead, he would find a ladder for them.    


While the family was arguing, the nanny walked over and reported with a smile, "Miss Haixi has arrived."    


"Haixi is here?" When he heard Jian Haixi arrive, Qiao Qinghee immediately said happily, "Quickly let her in."    


On the other side of the sofa, Mo Tong had already stood up and looked at the door excitedly.    


Not long after, Dou Ming supported Jian Haixi and slowly walked in.    


Yang Yaru saw this and quickly went forward to help support Jian Haixi, "Haixi, you are injured?"    


"It's nothing, a small injury." Jian Haixi did not mind and said.    


"Mommy!" Jian Rui ran over and pulled Jian Haixi's sleeve to look behind her, but she still did not see Jian Yi.    


"Mommy, where's brother?" Jian Rui asked doubtfully.    


Jian Haixi pulled Jian Rui over and said, "Your brother is temporarily unable to come but he said that he sent something to your email and told me to tell you to look at it."    


"Mail?" Jian Rui was stunned. She took out her phone and went to check her email. She did not care about the matter of Jian Yi standing her up for the time being.    


Jian Haixi was relieved. When she looked up, she saw Mo Tong carefully standing not far away and looking at her. He wanted to come over but looked a little scared.    


Jian Haixi smiled and waved at him. "Tong, come here."    


Hearing her call him "Tong," Mo Tong's eyes lit up and he quickly ran over.    


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