CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C503 Trust

C503 Trust

Jian Haixi smiled and rejected him, "No need to trouble me. Actually, I have almost finished shopping. I will go back now."    


Dou Minn and Dou Dou were both stunned at the same time. They looked at Jian Haixi with complex emotions in their eyes.    


Dou Minn did not expect Jian Haixi to reject her. After all, Jian Haixi had just arrived at Dou Family and she needed her help no matter what. As long as Jian Haixi had some concerns, she could only be polite to her.    


Dou Dou was clear that the words that he said for Dou Minn earlier had offended Jian Haixi.    


No, it should be said that Jian Haixi was not unhappy. She had just put him out of the scope of trust.    


Dou Dou gritted his teeth and said to Jian Haixi, "Ms Haixi, I will send you back..."    


"No need." Jian Haixi waved her hand and said, "Qiao Zheng will accompany me. Don't you guys have something to say? Go ahead."    


After saying that, Jian Haixi did not wait for Dou Dou and Dou Minn to respond. She gave Qiao Zheng a look and turned around to leave.    


She could see Dou Minn's hostility and Dou Dou's dilemma in the middle.    


If it was in the past, Jian Haixi might have held back a little or used a more euphemistic way to deal with this matter.    


But now she was thinking about how to deal with Tali Linna and her power, and how to protect the people she cared about from harm.    


At the moment of life and death, how could she still have the mood to care about these small disputes?    


Being able to treat Dou Canghai and Nan Yan politely on Dou Ge's account was Jian Haixi's manners, and also the limit of what she could tolerate and do.    


Seeing Jian Haixi's figure leaving, Dou Minn coldly snorted and said, "You think too highly of yourself. Do you think this is Xiang City?"    


Dou Dou looked at her and coldly said, "Dou Minn, you think too highly of yourself. Don't you think too little of her?"    


"What did you say?" Dou Minn said coldly.    


Dou Dou pursed his lips and looked at Dou Minn's stubborn face. He shook his head with a mocking smile and said, "Sister Min, I see that you took care of me in the past. I have told you more than once not to provoke her. But you refused to listen. Since that's the case, why don't you give it a try? Let's see if Young Lord is siding with you or Jian Haixi."    


After saying that, Dou Dou did not say anything else and turned around to chase after Jian Haixi.    


He still had to apologize to Jian Haixi. It would not be a small matter if Jian Haixi did not trust him in Dou Family from now on.    


Seeing Dou Dou running after her, Dou Minn gritted her teeth and said hatefully, "It is just based on one face. What is there to be proud of?"    


Jian Haixi returned to her room and just as she sat down, she saw Dou Dou rushing over and kneeling on the ground when he saw her.    


Jian Haixi was stunned and asked, "What are you doing?"    


"Ms Haixi, I really wanted to help Sister Min just now, but this doesn't mean that I have disloyalty towards you. I hope you don't misunderstand." Dou Dou explained.    


Jian Haixi paused and raised her hand to Qiao Zheng. Qiao Zheng understood and moved the chair over.    


"You sit first." Jian Haixi pointed to the chair and said to Dou Dou.    


Dou Dou complied and sat down.    


Jian Haixi looked at him and said, "Dou Dou, you are a very smart child. Then guess what my purpose of coming here is?"    


Dou Dou was stunned for a moment and said, "Cooperate with Dou Family to get rid of Tali Linna."    


This was something that everyone in Dou Family knew.    


"That's right." Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Then do you think Tali Linna is an easy opponent to kill?"    


Dou Dou shook his head. Many years ago, Dou Ge had defeated Tali Linna. At that time, everyone thought she was dead, but they did not expect her to rise again after hiding for so many years.    


Compared to other powers, Tali Linna's power might not be the greatest, but it must be the most terrifying.    


"Since such a powerful opponent is eyeing us covetously, how can I still have the time to care about other things?" Jian Haixi said.    


Dou Dou was slightly stunned and said apologetically, "Ms Haixi, I'm sorry. Sister Min actually..."    


"I don't care what she thinks, nor do I care." Jian Haixi raised her hand to interrupt Dou Dou's words and said gently, "My family is currently under threat of life. My purpose of coming here is to get rid of this threat. Protect them and live on. Besides this purpose, I don't care about anything else. "    


Dou Dou was stunned for a moment and asked hesitantly," Then if Sister Min offends you in the future... "    


"As long as she doesn't delay my matters, I won't fuss over some small matters. But if she is betraying me, I won't turn a blind eye to it. " Jian Haixi looked straight at Dou Dou and said, "Dou Dou, I am not a kind person. I hope you understand this."    


Dou Dou paused and quickly lowered his head to reply, "I understand Ms Haixi."    


"If you understand, then go back." Jian Haixi said.    


Dou Dou stood up and walked to the door but stopped again. He turned around and looked at Jian Haixi and asked, "Ms Haixi, are you... You won't believe me?"    


Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Will you believe me, Dou Dou?"    




" Don't rush to answer. " Jian Haixi interrupted Dou Dou and said, "Trust is mutual, and there are numbers. We will not be stingy with this kind of trust in unimportant daily life. But when it comes to the matter of reliance on one's life, we cannot allow any mishaps to occur. "    


She couldn't possibly trust Dou Dou for no reason. After all, from the current situation, if there was something that needed to be decided, Dou Dou would definitely choose Dou Minn and not her.    


She did not like the feeling of being betrayed at all times.    


So even if she had no objections to Dou Dou, she would not hand it over to him in big matters.    


Just like how Dou Dou wouldn't trust her now.    


Dou Dou was stunned for a moment when he heard that. He nodded at Jian Haixi deeply before turning around and leaving.    


He understood what Jian Haixi meant, so he did not insist on explaining.    


After Dou Dou left, Qiao Zheng looked at Jian Haixi, wanting to say something, but stopped himself.    


Jian Haixi looked at him and smiled, "Brother Qiao, say what you want to say."    


Qiao Zheng hesitated and said, "Miss, why does the Dou Family not look so peaceful?"    


"Everything is the same." Jian Haixi said, "Any large family, as long as there are more people, they will naturally have their own thoughts."    


Qiao Zheng puckered his lips and said, "There is no Qiao Family."    


As soon as he finished speaking, Qiao Zheng suddenly stopped talking.    


Because he remembered that when Jian Haixi's mother, Qiao Sui, was still around, the Qiao Family was not so calm.    


The reason why the Qiao Family was harmonious now was because Qiao Sui was no longer around. Qiao Qinghee's wife had already passed away, and Jian Haixi did not participate in the competition for resources in the Qiao Family. That was why no one in the Qiao Family had any objections about accepting Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi saw that Qiao Zheng was silent and could roughly guess what he had thought of. She did not say much about this matter. She just smiled and said, "Brother Qiao, there is no need to mention today's matter to Dou Ge."    


Qiao Zheng was stunned for a moment and said, "Then isn't there no way to resolve Dou Minn's matter?"    


Jian Haixi shook her head and said, "I think Dou Ge will naturally solve it. We don't need to meddle in other people's domestic affairs."    


"Yes, Miss." Qiao Zheng replied.    


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