CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C580 A Double Act

C580 A Double Act

After Qi Er left, Zhuo looked at Jian Yi and didn't say anything for a long time.    


Under Zhuo's gaze, Jian Yi slowly lowered his head and remained silent.    


"Dong, can you really not hear me?" Zhuo asked in a deep voice.    


Jian Yi stiffened slightly, and his lowered head didn't raise up.    


Zhuo narrowed his eyes and said, "I only asked you this once, who are you? Did you really lose your memory or are you hiding something? Is your deaf and mute real or are you pretending? "    


Jian Yi's small hands were tightly held by his side. Cold sweat broke out on his back. Zhuo's powerful aura made him not dare to move at all. He was afraid that a slight movement would betray him.    


He did not want to lie to Zhuo, but they had only known each other for a few days. If he told Zhuo the truth at this moment, he was afraid that he would die in Zhuo's hands in the next second.    


Of course Jian Yi didn't want to die. He was only a few years old, and his mommy was still waiting for him to save her. He absolutely couldn't die here!    


Jian Yi's mind was in a mess for a moment, and he just kept his head down and did not look up.    


Zhuo looked at him like this, and stretched out his hand to touch his head slowly.    


Under his big hand, Jian Yi still didn't look up.    


"Heh." Zhuo chuckled and moved closer to Jian Yi's ear. He said in a low voice, "Dong, if you really can't hear me, then you should raise your head when you feel me touching your head."    


Jian Yi's heart was instantly shocked. Oh no, he had forgotten this because he was too panicked!    


Zhuo's face turned cold. His palm slowly slid down to Jian Yi's neck, then slowly grabbed Jian Yi's neck. He used a little force to force Jian Yi to look up.    


"Tell me, who are you?" Zhuo asked in a cold voice.    


Jian Yi met Zhuo's eyes. In a flash, he blinked and took something out of his pocket.    


Zhuo originally thought that he still had some hidden weapon, but when he looked down, it was a newly made grasshopper.    


Looking at the grasshopper, Zhuo's eyes froze for a moment.    


Jian Yi did not say anything. He just handed the grasshopper forward and placed it on Zhuo's leg, then closed his eyes.    


Forget it. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to wait for Mo Jue to save him.    


Zhuo's fingers trembled slightly when he saw Jian Yi's fearless look. The grasshopper placed on his knee seemed to have a heat that made his legs heat up and numb.    


He stared at Jian Yi for a long time. He took a deep breath and let go of his hand. "I don't care who you are. I don't care about what happened to you in the past. But remember, this is the only time. If you become Dong in the future, you will still be my brother. But if you don't just become Dong, I will kill you with my own hands."    


After saying that, Zhuo stood up and walked out without looking back.    


That grasshopper fell from his leg and slowly, soundlessly fell to the ground.    


Jian Yi looked at the grasshopper and then slowly squatted down. He picked it up from the ground and gently patted the dust on it. He carefully tightened his pocket.    


"I'm sorry..." Jian Yi muttered.    


He apologized not because he had lied to Zhuo, but because he was destined to let Zhuo down.    


Because he was destined to not be willing to just treat Dong as his friend.    




After Zhuo came out, he kept walking towards Tali Linna's room.    


He walked to the door of Tali Linna's room. He thought that Qi Er was already there, but he didn't expect Qi Er to still be standing in the corridor.    


Zhuo was stunned and asked, "You haven't gone in yet?"    


"I guessed you would come." Qi Er looked at him with a complicated look and said, "So I am waiting here to see Eldest Sister with you."    


Zhuo was slightly stunned and said in a low voice, "Thank you."    


Qi Er waved his hand and said, "You don't have to say it like this. Think about what you should do. Is it worth you to take such a risk for a strange child?"    


Zhuo clenched his fist and pursed his lips without saying anything.    


Qi Er sighed and said, "Forget it. I won't say anything. Let's go."    


Zhuo nodded and the two of them walked towards Tali Linna's room.    


Ha Mu saw the two of them arrive and entered to report before leading them in.    


Tali Linna saw the two of them enter together and could not help raising her eyebrows, "Why did you come together?"    


Zhuo lowered his head and knelt down without saying a word.    


Tali Linna looked at him playfully and said with a smile, "Zhuo, what are you doing?"    


Zhuo did not speak and only lowered his head.    


"Huh, why? Are you mute too?" Tali Linna said with a cold smile.    


Zhuo lowered his head and said, "Zhuo is in the wrong. Please punish me."    


"In the wrong? What is wrong with you?" Tali Linna lazily leaned against the sofa and said, "Tell me and I will consider how to punish you."    


Zhuo pursed his lips and did not speak. Qi Er, who was beside him, said, "Big sister, isn't it because of Dong?"    


"Dong?" Tali Linna shifted her gaze to Qi Er and asked, "I asked you to go and treat Dong. Why did you bring Zhuo here?"    


"Tsk." Qi Er twitched his mouth and said, "That kid said there was no problem, so there was no problem. Even if there was a problem, there was also a problem."    


"Don't play riddles with me." Tali Linna said impatiently, "If there is anything, say it quickly."    


"Yes." Qi Er responded, then rolled his eyes and pointed to the chair with a smile. "Eldest Sister, allow me to sit down and drink a cup of water first?"    


Tali Linna frowned and impatiently acknowledged.    


Qi Er walked over and sat down. He minded his own business and drank the water, ignoring Zhuo who was still kneeling beside him.    


After drinking the water, Qi Er stretched and said, "Big sister, this Dong is not an ordinary person. I can't even tell if he is deaf or mute."    


"Huh?" Qi Er's first sentence was like a bomb, making Tali Linna squint her eyes.    


Zhuo, who was kneeling on the ground, also froze because of Qi Er's words and did not dare to move his back.    


"What do you mean?" Tali Linna looked at Qi Er and asked coldly, "Can't you see that he is really deaf and mute?"    


Qi Er shook his head and said, "There are no obvious physical defects, but his experience is very likely to cause this result, so I can't say anything based on the physical defects."    


"Experience?" Tali Linna remembered Jian Yi's injuries and said in a deep voice, "You mean the injuries on his body?"    


"Yes." Qi Er nodded and said, "Those are wounds that only appear after experiencing an explosion. Although it seems to have faded a lot, I am starting to see through it."    


Tali Linna's face darkened and said, "What else do you have? Continue."    


"Yes." Qi Er said, saying, "I carefully examined the wounds on Dong's body and found that it was a large scale injury. It was caused by a huge explosion. This kid must have experienced a very terrifying disaster and escaped death. Furthermore..."    


Qi Er paused and looked at Tali Linna." Although I don't know if he is really deaf or mute, I am certain that his left eye is blind. "    


"Blind?" Tali Linna remembered how she saw Jian Yi and asked, "Are you sure? I didn't see it."    


Qi Er said. "Not to mention Big Sister, most people wouldn't be able to see it, because he pretended to have an imitation eyeball."    


"Huh." Tali Linna lightly laughed and said, "Looks like we really accidentally picked up a treasure."    


She could understand the rest even without Qi Er's explanation. Jian Yi was so young, and he had experienced explosions and installed imitation eyeballs. If it were not for his family background, how could he have experienced all these?    


Qi Er thought about it and said, "Big sister, I think this kid is too evil. Let's not waste our energy on him. We might as well make the first move and kill him."    


"Big sister, don't!" Zhuo, who had been kneeling and did not speak, suddenly spoke.    


Qi Er sneered and said, "I thought you would keep silent."    


He turned to look at Tali Linna and said, " Eldest Sister, Don't bother with Zhuo. He's just stupid. He doesn't understand the importance of this matter. What if that kid breaks our plan? "    


" He's only six or seven years old. What can he do to ruin our plan? " When Qi Er said those words, not only was Tali Linna not persuaded by his words, she even said impatiently.    


Qi Er rolled his eyes but did not show it on his face. He continued, "But Eldest Sister, what if he secretly tells others about us? What if..."    


"How can there be so much?" Tali Linna glanced at him and turned to point at Zhuo and said, "Besides, didn't Zhuo also give an order? If there was really a possibility, just let Zhuo take care of it. Right, Zhuo? Don't tell me you can't take care of it. "    


Zhuo was startled and quickly lowered his head." Thank you for Big Sister's trust. Zhuo swears with his life that he will take good care of Dong and won't let him do anything that will harm Big Sister. "    


"Yes." Tali Linna nodded lazily and said, "That's enough. You guys can go down."    


Qi Er was stunned and asked curiously, "Sister, that's enough? You don't need to see Dong again. You don't need to ask him?"    


"Chi." Tali Linna sneered in disdain, "A kid who hasn't even grown all his hair, is it worth me to ask him again and again?"    


Qi Er was slightly stunned, "What Big Sister said is right. Then why don't I poison him..."    


"You dare!" Before Qi Er could finish his words, Zhuo warned him.    


Qi Er shrunk his neck in fear and looked at Tali Linna. "Sister, look at him."    


Tali Linna smiled and said, "That's enough. Zhuo treasures his little brother. Don't be naughty. He's just a child. It won't be too late to deal with him when he has problems."    




Hearing Tali Linna's words, Qi Er and Zhuo both stopped and lowered their heads respectfully.    


The two of them got up and left. Ha Mu looked at Tali Linna with puzzlement and asked, "Big sister, are you really going in the direction of that Dong?"    


Tali Linna restrained the expression on her face and said, "There is nothing to worry about. Even if he has some problems, it will not be a problem. He is just a little kid. Even if he can fly, it is no different from losing wings in my hands. Even if he has great ability, what can he do? "    


" Big Sister is right. " Ha Mu said.    


Tali Linna looked in the direction of the door and snorted coldly without saying anything.    


Jian Yi was the soft spot that she had prepared for Sha Zhi. She would definitely stay behind.    


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