CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C667 Unless

C667 Unless

That night, according to Ning Jiwei's instructions, Jian Yi started to contact Sha Zhi, but he didn't expect Sha Zhi to only reply to his message at noon the next day.    


At this time, Sha Zhi had just come out of Tali Linna's room and was still in a state of shock and chaos.    


Actually, even if Jian Yi did not look for her, she would still look for Jian Yi.    


Because other than Jian Yi, Sha Zhi did not know who else she could discuss with about this matter.    


"Dong, I am afraid." This was the first sentence Sha Zhi sent over.    


Jian Yi saw this message and immediately had a bad feeling. He quickly asked, "What happened?"    


Sha Zhi secretly went to Tali Linna's room and told him about the photo frame that she found inside.    


After hearing Sha Zhi's words, Jian Yi almost subconsciously wanted to tell her what he heard, but when he thought of Ning Jiwei's words, he calmed down.    


"Dong, what should I do?" Sha Zhi asked.    


She did not know what to do. She needed someone to pull her out of that terrible darkness.    


Jian Yi hesitated for a moment and said, "Sha Zhi, this matter is not easy for us children to resolve. If you accept it, I want to ask Daddy and Uncle Mo to help. I guarantee that they are trustworthy and will not hurt you. Is that alright?"    


This time, there was no reply for a long time.    


After about ten minutes, Sha Zhi replied, "I believe you. Dong, please help me."    


"Don't worry, I will definitely help you." After Jian Yi typed these words, he immediately told Ning Jiwei about this matter.    


After Ning Jiwei rushed over, he personally communicated with Sha Zhi. Sha Zhi had seen him before and knew that he was Jian Yi's father. She trusted him quite a bit, so she told the truth, "Uncle Ning, I am very scared. I don't know what to do."    


Thinking about that little girl who was only a few years old, Ning Jiwei could not help but sigh and say, "Sha Zhi, I want to tell you three things. You need to remember them. First, be brave. Don't be afraid. At the moment, there is no one around you to protect you. Fear will only bring you closer to danger, other than that, there's nothing else you can do. So you need to take a deep breath and suppress all your fears and fears to the bottom of your heart. Try your best to keep calm, no matter what happens, don't panic. Only by doing so can you be rational enough to deal with any possible problems that may arise. Do you know? "    


"I know, but... is this all I can do?" Sha Zhi asked. She had already restrained her emotions. Otherwise, she would not be able to tell Ning Jiwei about this at this moment. It was just that she did not know how long her restraint and courage could last.    


"Next, I want to say the second point." Ning Jiwei quickly typed, "Sha Zhi, leave Tali Linna."    


"I still don't know the truth." Sha Zhi replied, "Uncle Ning, she raised me for a few years. I have always regarded her as my own mother. I can't leave her so easily."    


Jian Yi watched Sha Zhi's reply from the side. He worriedly grabbed Ning Jiwei's sleeve and said, "Daddy, what should we do?"    


Ning Jiwei thought for a moment and replied, "Sha Zhi, you have to know that the premise of knowing the truth is that you have safety and freedom. In fact, you already have doubts and guesses in your heart and continue to stay there. You do not have more channels to obtain what you want to know, and your life will be in danger. I hope you leave as soon as possible, and we'll send someone to pick you up. After you're safe, you'll be able to find out the truth. If you really care about the truth, then you should leave now."    


Sha Zhi looked at Ning Jiwei's words, especially the last sentence, which made her fall into deep thought.    


Her previous logic was to find out the truth and then consider whether to leave or not.    


But now Ning Jiwei told her that only by leaving Tali Linna could she find out more truth.    


Although the two methods were different, Ning Jiwei's words gave Sha Zhi another possibility that was full of hope.    


Leave and investigate the truth...    


Sha Zhi hesitated for a moment and typed on the keyboard, "But my mother... She is coming back soon. How can I leave?"    


Ning Jiwei said, "As long as you want to leave, we will go and pick you up."    


"I..." Sha Zhi hesitated and said, "I want to leave, but mother..."    


"These are not problems." Hearing that Sha Zhi was willing to leave, Ning Jiwei heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Tonight we will go and pick you up."    


"Today, tonight?" Sha Zhi was stunned. She did not expect Ning Jiwei to come and pick her up so quickly.    


Ning Jiwei said, "Tali Linna will be back soon. We do not have time to hesitate."    


Sha Zhi thought about it and said, "Okay, I will go with you."    


Jian Yi quickly instructed, "Sha Zhi, you must wait for us."    


"Yes, I will wait for you guys." This was Sha Zhi's last reply.    


After ending the conversation, Jian Yi looked at Ning Jiwei and said, "Daddy, what should we do?"    


Ning Jiwei reached out his hand to rub Jian Yi's head and said, "Don't worry. We will go and find your Uncle Mo and Uncle Dou now. Daddy can save you, and of course he can also save Sha Zhi."    


"Yes." Jian Yi's eyes lit up when he heard Ning Jiwei's words. He nodded heavily.    




Although they had agreed to pick Sha Zhi up at night, they had made a difficult decision when it came to the specific plan.    


Dou Ge advocated a direct action, "If you want me to say it, we can just go there directly. Just like how we saved Yi, we can use the calabash to save Sha Zhi as well."    


He knew the inside story, so he felt a lot of heartache for Sha Zhi. It would be best if he could save her.    


Mo Jue, on the other hand, had an opposing opinion. He looked at Dou Ge and asked, "Directly go there? How should we go there directly? It had been two days since Yi was rescued. Who knew what had happened to Tali Linna? Do we need time to re-observe the base? Do we need time to set the route? Alright, as you said, nothing will change. We'll follow your example and try to save her, but can you guarantee that Sha Zhi is telling the truth? If she tells us half a word, we'll have to break it all. "    


" Sha Zhi will not lie to us. " Jian Yi rushed to Dou Ge before he looked at Mo Jue and said, "Uncle Mo, Sha Zhi will not lie to me."    


Mo Jue paused and reached out to rub Jian Yi's head. "Yi, Uncle Mo did not say she lied to you, nor did he say he would not save her. It is just that we need to plan this matter properly, right?"    


Jian Yi frowned and looked up at Ning Jiwei.    


Ning Jiwei thought for a while and said, "According to the news we got today, Tali Linna hasn't reached the base yet. She might arrive tomorrow morning as soon as possible."    


"Yes." Jian Yi nodded and said, "According to the time of the road I took before, it is like this."    


Mo Jue's brows raised, and the corners of his mouth held a slight smile as he said, "But why do I feel that it's so strange? Tali Linna did not take any action after such a big thing happened. Secondly, she did not rush back day and night and just led the large group back as per usual? "    


"I also feel that it is strange." Ning Jiwei rubbed his finger against his belly and said in a low voice, "Unless something has already happened, it's just that we don't know."    


After saying this, the few of them became silent.    


What exactly happened? Tali Linna might have already started moving, but they had not discovered it yet.    




Ning Jiwei and Mo Jue looked up at the same time and said in unison, "We have been exposed!"    


Tali Linna could not be so calm, unless she already knew their location and had people get close to them.    


"It is impossible." Dou Ge frowned and said, "Isn't Sha Zhi the one in charge of Tali Linna's computer operation? She has no reason to help Tali Linna now. How can our position be exposed?"    


"If..." Mo Jue opened his mouth and said, "If Sha Zhi is not the only one in charge of the investigation system?"    


"What? How is this possible?" Dou Ge was shocked and subconsciously denied, "Impossible. All this time we have received news that there is only Sha Zhi by Tali Linna's side. If it is not Sha Zhi, then..."    


Mo Jue said," Sha Zhi has talent and good use, but at the same time, she is also very dangerous. With Tali Linna's suspicious personality, I do not think that she would have 100% trust in Sha Zhi."    


"There may not be many computer experts at this level. If there really is such a person... How can we not know?" Dou Ge couldn't believe this guess. If this guess was true... It would mean that there were new hidden enemies behind them.    


Jian Yi lowered his head and thought for a while. He suddenly said, "Actually... Other than Sha Zhi, Tali Linna also can find a computer expert."    


"What do you mean?" Dou Ge looked at Jian Yi and said, "Yi, you mean there are other experts on the same level as you?"    


Jian Yi looked up at Dou Ge and said, "Uncle Dou, I joined a hacker website before. There are many experts on it, and no one knows who they really are. He only accepted the orders casually. Their tempers are also different. As long as you have money, you might really be able to find someone who is willing to do such a thing "    


" This... " Dou Ge sighed and said, "If this is the case, then wouldn't we be in a lot of trouble?"    


"No." Ning Jiwei continued to say, "Let's not talk about other things. If it was a hacker, it would be a small matter. Don't forget that Yun Zhixiang and the others were still idle. Every day, besides regular maintenance, They are about to get moldy. It's not bad to take advantage of this opportunity to find some work for them. "    


Jian Yi nodded in agreement. "That's right. With them around, although we can't do everything perfectly, It could also serve as a deterrent. There might be a lot of computer experts. But there aren't many people who dare stand opposite of us and oppose us. Unless they're really prepared to become our enemies. "    


Dou Ge was relieved to hear what Ning Jiwei and Jian Yi had said.    


Mo Jue pinched Jian Yi's face and said, "Not bad, kid. Are you so confident in your own people?"    


"Of course." Jian Yi raised his chin and said, "If I wasn't powerful enough, I wouldn't have become friends with Yun Zhixiang and the others. Besides, when Sha Zhi comes, we will have another helper. When the time comes, in terms of computer information, there won't be a team more powerful than us in the world."    


Mo Jue raised his eyebrows and teased, "Yo, the little girl hasn't come yet. Yi, you have already arranged it for her."    


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