CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C761 He Went up the Mountain

C761 He Went up the Mountain

Listening to Ning Jiwei's words, Mo Xiujin felt that something wasn't right, but he couldn't come up with an explanation.    


Gu Chenyi smiled as he looked at Ning Jiwei successfully cheating his younger brother. In his heart, he sympathized with Mo Xiuyu.    


After discussing the basic matters, Ning Jiwei left Mo Family and returned to Qiao Family.    


Mo Xiuyu and Gu Chenyi knew that he was concerned about his wife and children, so they didn't stop him.    


It was already late at night when they returned to the Qiao Family. Qiao Qinghee and the others had already fallen asleep.    


Ning Jiwei went to visit a few children first, but Jian Yi and Mo Tong obediently went to sleep. Jian Rui was the only one who had not slept yet.    


Ning Jiwei walked into the room and looked at his daughter who was clearly sleepy but did not sleep. He smiled and asked, "Why hasn't baby slept yet?"    


"Waiting for Daddy. ... Jian Rui said in a childish voice, "Daddy said he would come back. Rui wants to say good night to Daddy before sleeping."    


It was only the first day of reunion. She was afraid that this was just a dream. When she woke up tomorrow, Daddy and mommy would leave again.    


Originally Jian Rui wanted to sleep with Jian Haixi but she knew that Jian Haixi's body was not convenient so she endured and did not disturb her.    


Hearing his daughter's words, Ning Jiwei hugged her with heartache and said, "I'm sorry baby. Daddy did not know that you were waiting, otherwise he would have come back earlier."    


Jian Rui shook her head and reached out to hold Ning Jiwei's finger and said, "Daddy is busy with proper business, Rui will wait obediently."    


Like countless times before, Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi were busy. Jian Rui was always the child who was left behind to wait.    


Ning Jiwei sighed and laid beside her. He hugged her and coaxed, "Then Daddy will tell Little Princess a story. Little Princess will listen to the story and sleep, okay?"    


"No need. Daddy will take care of Mommy." Jian Rui sensibly shook her head and said, "Rui has grown up. She can sleep by herself."    


Ning Jiwei reached out and pinched her face. He smiled and said, "It's okay. Daddy will coax our baby to sleep first."    


Only then did Jian Rui obediently hide in Ning Jiwei's arms. As she listened to his low voice telling the stories that she was already familiar with, she slowly fell asleep.    


After his daughter fell asleep, Ning Jiwei got off the bed quietly and helped her to cover up the blanket and leave the room.    


Jian Haixi had already fallen asleep. When she was half asleep and half awake, she felt a pair of arms approaching her. It carried a familiar and comforting smell.    


In her sleep, she smiled slightly and turned around to lean into his embrace.    


The next day.    


Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi's room door was quietly opened early in the morning.    


Ning Jiwei looked up and saw his daughter, Jian Rui, looking around the door.    


"Daddy, can I come in?" Jian Rui asked in a low voice.    


Ning Jiwei laughed and waved at her. "Baby, why are you whispering? Your mommy can't hear you. If you don't want to wake me up, you already woke me up when you were outside the door. "    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue and ran over," I forgot. "    


Although Jian Haixi could not hear the sound, she also felt Ning Jiwei's movement at this moment. She could not help but ask, "Ji Wei, what's wrong?"    


Ning Jiwei wrote "Rui" on her arm. Jian Haixi smiled and said, "Is Rui here?"    


As she spoke, Jian Haixi stretched out her hand towards the bedside. Jian Rui's small hand immediately grabbed and called out, "Mommy, Rui is here."    


"Rui, come up." Jian Haixi patted the spot between herself and Ning Jiwei.    


" Mmm, okay." Jian Rui nodded and squeezed into the bed between Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi. One hand. She pulled Jian Haixi with the other hand and pulled Ning Jiwei. She said happily, "That's good. Daddy and Mommy are finally by Rui's side."    


Ning Jiwei smiled and pinched his daughter's little face. How could he not say that his daughter was his parents' little jacket? At this moment, his wife and daughter were by his side. Ning Jiwei already felt that he was the happiest person in the world.    


When the door opened again, Mo Tong and Jian Yi appeared at the door.    


Jian Yi looked at Jian Rui and squinted his eyes. He walked over and said, "Daddy, I want it too."    


Ning Jiwei was stunned. "What do you want?"    


"I want to lie in the middle." Jian Yi pointed to the position beside Jian Rui and said.    


Although he rarely acted like a spoiled child and was not as clingy as his sister, he also wanted to lie together with Daddy's mommy.    


Ning Jiwei was slightly stunned. He looked at the abnormal blush on his son's face and smiled as he nodded and said, "Sure, come over."    


Jian Yi walked over and held Jian Haixi's hand first. "Mommy, I'm Yi."    


He had followed Jian Haixi for a while, so naturally he knew how to write and communicate with Jian Haixi.    


Jian Haixi raised her eyebrows. "Yi? Then isn't Tong also here?"    


Jian Yi waved at Mo Tong, who was still standing at the door, and said, "Come here. Mommy is looking for you."    


Mo Tong's face turned slightly red, and he walked over to hold Jian Haixi's hand.    


Ning Jiwei looked at the two children, who were blushing, and said with a smile, "Come here."    


Although he was a little dissatisfied with the distance between him and his wife being so far apart, the three of them were his family's children. Naturally, he could not be biased against them.    


Jian Yi climbed onto the bed and squeezed Jian Rui to lie down.    


In the end, only Mo Tong was left. He seemed to hesitate for a long time before finally lying down with his face flushed red.    


Ning Jiwei reached out and rubbed the hair of the three children. He smiled and said, "Look at the three of you. Although the numbers are different, you look like calabash children."    


"Hehe, then Daddy, aren't you an old calabash?" Jian Rui said mischievously.    


Ning Jiwei could not help laughing. He pinched her cheeks and said, "Little girl, how dare you cancel Daddy?"    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue and hugged Jian Haixi tightly, "Mommy, Daddy bullied me."    


Ning Jiwei was speechless. Luckily his wife did not recover her hearing at this time. Otherwise, he would have been wronged to death.    


Jian Haixi could not hear him, but she felt her daughter's intimate actions. She smiled and said, "Ji Wei, did you suddenly feel that you have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders? After all, there are so many babies that need to be fed."    


"Indeed." Ning Jiwei nodded and also pointed at Jian Haixi's arm.    


The family laid down for a while and was "broke in" again.    


The person who dared to disturb them at this time was naturally Gu Xiaomian, who was known for his lack of eyesight.    


"Uncle Ning, I, First Dad, am here. We are going to climb the mountain!" Gu Xiaomian shouted at the top of his voice.    


Jian Rui was a little excited when she heard about climbing the mountain. Jian Yi and Mo Tong were a little disappointed.    


They still wanted to lie down for a while longer. After all, Ning Jiwei might not allow them to lie down here.    


However, although they felt regretful, everyone got up.    


Jian Haixi knew that they were going to find Mo Jue today, so she did not say anything else. She only told Ning Jiwei to pay attention to Mo Jue's situation and not let him get addicted to it alone.    


After breakfast, Mi Kai also arrived. The three adults led the group of children towards the mountain.    


Now, they did not need to clear the checkpoints and no one would ambush them. Ning Jiwei and the others took a direct path and arrived at the mountain top before noon.    


Mo Jue was lying on the bed receiving Mo Tong's "care."    


Ever since he knew that Mo Jue had no hope in life, Mo Tong had been paying close attention to him, his beloved disciple.    


Ever since he returned to Xiang City, besides taking a dump and sleeping, he had been guarding Mo Jue from day to night, afraid that Mo Jue would do something stupid when he was not paying attention.    


He would also occasionally tell Mo Jue some of the great principles of life, but Mo Tong's principles were many twisted theories that normal people could not understand.    


For example, "Is money and women not tempting? Why did he have to see through the world of mortals? How happy it is to be immersed in it."    


Another example is, "Hey, hurry up and get better. Master will bring you to eat the whole world. What? Those Michelin people aren't allowed to eat? We just need to tie them up and cook them for a month."    


Mo Jue often did not know whether to laugh or cry when he heard his increasingly exaggerated words.    


At the same time, Mo Jue realized something.    


Mo Tong's character wasn't like this. If it wasn't for Ning Jiwei and the others telling him something, he definitely wouldn't be so nervous about himself.    


After knowing that Mo Tong had been saying these things all day because he was worried that something would happen to him, Mo Jue became more tolerant of him.    


Mo Tong, this Master, hadn't been very reliable for more than ten years, but he still had nothing to say to him.    


Now, in order to let him live well, an old man who should have been wandering around the world stayed here all day long, thinking about how to make him happy. Mo Jue felt that he was too much of a filial son just by thinking about it.    


"Master, actually you don't need to..."    


Mo Jue was just about to say that he didn't need to be like this. No matter how far his life went, he had nothing to regret.    


However, just as he said those words, Mo Tong suddenly stood up and interrupted him with a laugh.    


"Oh, I remember now. I still have a bottle of good wine in my room waiting for me to flip the sign. I'll be leaving first."    


After saying that, without waiting for Mo Jue to reply, Mo Tong had already run out.    


Looking at his figure, Mo Jue sighed deeply.    


He knew that Mo Tong didn't want to hear what he said, which was why he left.    


Mo Jue's heart felt heavy. He knew that Ning Jiwei's plan had succeeded.    


Because seeing Mo Tong like this, he really couldn't do anything stupid just because he was freed.    




After Mo Tong left, he indeed rushed into his room and took out a bottle of aged wine.    


He took the wine and walked down the mountain. As he walked, he took two big gulps. Then he suppressed his voice and scolded, "Little bastard, you have no conscience. Your master has raised you so much. Is it to make you so angry at me? Useless, unfilial! "    


Ning Jiwei and the others came up the mountain and bumped into Mo Tong. Before they saw him, they heard his scolding.    


"Huh? Daddy, who is the little bastard?" Jian Rui asked curiously.    


Gu Xiaomian poked Jian Rui's face and said, "Rui, why are you so stupid? The little brat, of course, is the baby of an old rabbit. "    


Everyone,... ""    


Mi Kai held back his laughter and said to Gu Chenyi, "Old Gu, I have a suggestion. Your Xiaomian should really strengthen his cultural studies later."    


Gu Chenyi sighed and reached out to rub Gu Xiaomian's head. He said, "Son, I know you are smart, but can you not say anything?"    


Father also cared about face.    


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