CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C769 Let Him Go

C769 Let Him Go

After listening to Ning Jiwei's words, Dou Canghai and Nan Yan both sighed with emotion.    


They originally thought that Ning Jiwei was worried that they would have a problem with Jian Haixi, so he didn't let Jian Haixi face them face to face.    


But they didn't think that Ning Jiwei just didn't want Jian Haixi to use her eyes too much, and didn't want her to worry too much.    


This kind of friendship was not as big as Dou Ge breaking Jian Haixi's leg, but it could see the heart of the person in detail.    


It was precisely because Ning Jiwei was meticulous to Jian Haixi in this kind of detail that made Dou Ge withdraw from the competition without saying anything.    


At this moment, Nan Yan was truly convinced.    


It wasn't that Dou Ge wasn't good, nor that Dou Ge was slightly worse than Ning Jiwei.    


It was just that Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi had met first, and there was no longer any room for a third person to interfere.    


After the call with Ning Jiwei, the final knot in Dou Canghai and Nan Yan's heart was also resolved.    


Dou Ge looked at the two of them and said with a smile, "I told you that Ji Wei and Haixi are very good."    


Dou Canghai nodded and said, "Indeed. It is the fortune of Dou Family to be able to befriend such a person."    


"Forget it. It was clearly Ge'er and his brothers who did well. You should stop basking in the glory."    


Nan Yan glared at Dou Canghai and snorted.    


Dou Canghai choked and said softly, "Wife, you are pulling my leg again."    


"Isn't it normal to tear your table down?" Nan Yan snorted and looked down at Dou Ge's leg. "But speaking of which, Ge'er, you can make friends with Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi. That broken leg is also worth it."    


Dou Ge:... "" Before the call, he still felt sorry for his leg, but now he changed it?    


Nan Yan and Dou Canghai relaxed the knot in their hearts, and happily went next door to see their youngest son. Dou Ge was left alone, holding his phone and looking at the ceiling gloomily.    


- -    


The next day after Jian Haixi regained her vision, she went to the Mo Family with Ning Jiwei.    


She had been back for a while, and her vision had also recovered. It would be unreasonable for her to not pay a visit to the ___.    


When Ning Jiwei led her to the Mo Family, Mo Wanshaan scolded Ning Jiwei with a cold face.    


"Didn't I tell you not to let Haixi go back and forth?"    


Ning Jiwei smiled bitterly and said to Mo Wanshaan, "I told you, but Haixi's vision has recovered, so she wanted to come and see you."    


"What do I have to look at? Haixi's recovery is the most important thing. You see, you are always disobedient, I really..."    


This was the first time Mo Wanshaan reprimanded Ning Jiwei like this. Yue Feng, who was beside him, tried to remind him several times but was unable to interrupt.    


Mo Xiuyu covered his mouth and laughed secretly at the side.    


Jian Haixi looked at Mo Wanshaan and smiled. "Uncle, don't blame Ji Wei. It was me who insisted on coming."    


"I don't blame him. I wanted to hit him..."    


Mo Wanshaan subconsciously answered, but he only reacted after he said it. He looked at Jian Haixi who was smiling.    


"This..." Mo Wanshaan looked at Jian Haixi and then turned to look at Ning Jiwei. "This ear..."    


"Uncle, my hearing has not recovered yet." Jian Haixi politely said, "But I can understand some lip-reading, so generally speaking, it does not delay communication."    


Understand lip-reading...    


So what he said just now, Jian Haixi "understood" all of it?    


Mo Wanshaan immediately felt awkward.    


This was the first time he had officially met his son's wife. He originally wanted to leave a good impression on her, but in the end, he did not leave a good impression on her. Instead, he revealed his fiercest side.    


Mo Wanshaan was very regretful. He secretly nudged Yue Feng's arm and asked in a low voice, "Why didn't you tell me?"    


"Master, I wanted to tell you." Yue Feng smiled bitterly and said, "But you spoke too fast. I couldn't interrupt."    


Mo Ye snorted coldly and looked at Mo Xiuyu who was laughing secretly beside him. He glared at him and said, "Stinking brat, you still dare to laugh?"    


"Puhahaha!" Mo Xiuyu could not help but laugh out loud, "There's no helping it, dad. Who asked you to be so funny just now?"    


Mo Wanshaan looked embarrassed. If Jian Haixi was not here, he would have walked up with his walking stick.    


But Jian Haixi was here, so Mo Wanshaan could only temporarily spare Mo Xiuyu this time. Suppressing his temper, he laughed dryly and said, "Haixi, come. Quickly sit down. Don't tire yourself out."    


"Thank you, Uncle." Jian Haixi acted as if she did not "see" the conversation between Mo Wanshaan and Mo Xiuyu and Yue Feng. She smiled and sat next to Ning Jiwei.    


Mo Wanshaan looked into her eyes and asked, "Is it really good? You don't need to take medicine anymore. There won't be any sequelae, right?"    


"There's no problem with your eyes." Jian Haixi smiled and replied, "I have been taking medicine before. Mi Kai paid attention to my condition, so even if I recover now, there won't be any sequelae. Don't worry, uncle."    


"That's good." Mo Wanshaan sighed and reached out to touch his knee. He sighed and said, "Which part of your body is not comfortable? You must treat it. Don't leave any root of the illness behind. You are still young now, so you might not take it seriously. You will know when you are old. Those illnesses have always been hidden somewhere in your body. They are waiting to attack your health while you are weak."    


Hearing Mo Wanshaan's words, everyone knew that he was thinking about their own condition. They couldn't help but fall silent for a moment.    


Mo Wanshaan's body could be said to have been created by himself. The people of Mo Family who had been training since young naturally wouldn't be unhealthy. Mo Wanshaan's skills were also pretty good when he was young.    


However, ever since Ning Jiwei's biological mother passed away and Ning Jiwei was carried away, Mo Wanshaan gradually lost the fighting spirit of his life.    


After that fight, although he was still fulfilling the duty of the patriarch of Mo Family, he was lazy most of the time, whether it was to the Mo Family, Jia Minnzhi, Mo Xiuyu, or himself.    


If not for that, the Mo Family would not have been stirred up by Mo Sheng so much, and Jia Minnzhi would not have made him green, and his body would not have had to be in a wheelchair when he was over fifty years old.    


At this moment, what Mo Wanshaan said was not a nagging from his elders, but a lesson he had learned from his own mistakes. He wanted Ning Jiwei and Jian Haixi to learn from their mistakes and cherish their health.    


Jian Haixi nodded seriously and said, "Uncle, don't worry. I will take good care of myself and also take good care of Ji Wei."    


"Ah, I don't worry." Mo Wanshaan looked at Jian Haixi and was satisfied with her daughter-in-law. "If Ji Wei bullies you in the future, just come to me. I will definitely help you vent your anger."    


"Thank you, Uncle." Jian Haixi smiled and agreed. She turned her head and proudly raised her eyebrows at Ning Jiwei. "Did you see that? Even uncle is on my side."    


"Yes, not only him standing on you, but also me standing on you." Ning Jiwei dotingly scratched her nose and said, "In the future, if I bully you, then you don't have to say anything. I will punish myself, alright?"    


His gaze contained too much love, making Jian Haixi's face involuntarily turn red. She softly said, "That is not necessary. I believe you will not."    


Seeing the loving look of the two, Mo Wanshaan sighed with relief and relief. Mo Xiuyu's lips twitched as he shook his head and said, "I say, Big Brother and Sister-in-law, can you please leave a way for us single dogs to live?"    


Eating dog food every day, he was already full, okay?    


Jian Haixi's back was facing him. She did not see what he said at this moment, but Ning Jiwei pretended not to hear. He only held Jian Haixi's hand and asked carefully, "I'll take you around?"    


"Yes, sure." Jian Haixi nodded happily.    


She had come to the Mo Family in a hurry and did not have the time and opportunity to take a look around. Now that everything was peaceful, she naturally wanted to take a good look at the Mo Family.    


Ning Jiwei pulled Jian Haixi up and said to Mo Wanshaan, "Dad, I will bring Haixi out for a walk."    


"En, go. Don't tire Haixi out."    


Mo Wanshaan did not forget to remind her.    


Ning Jiwei nodded and agreed. Before he went out, he even carefully helped Jian Haixi put on the sunglasses.    


Jian Haixi smiled helplessly and said, "It's just this little road. The sun is not that strong today. I will be fine."    


"That won't do. Mi Kai said he will protect your eyes. You can't overuse it. You can't see the fierce light. " As Ning Jiwei spoke, he put his eyes on her and said, "This eye isn't too dark. It won't affect you from looking at others. Just cover the sun a little. Just put it on obediently, okay?"    


"Alright." Jian Haixi nodded and obediently stood there to let Ning Jiwei help her put on her eyes.    


When the two of them walked out of the door, Mo Xiuyu still stared at their backs for a long time.    


Yue Feng smiled and asked, "Second Young Master, what are you looking at?"    


"Sigh, my brother and sister-in-law are really a good match." Mo Xiuyu said enviously, "Being able to find such a close friend who knows each other in life is the fortune that I have cultivated for several lifetimes."    


Yue Feng smiled and comforted him, "You will meet him in the future too."    


"Me?" Mo Xiuyu twitched his mouth and shook his head. "Uncle Yue Feng, there are so many girls as outstanding as sister-in-law that day. Even if there are so many of them, will they take a fancy to me? "    


Mo Wanshaan snorted. "You know you are useless, so why don't you work hard? What kind of cold words are you saying here?"    


Mo Xiuyu smacked his lips and said, "Dad, why do I feel like you don't like me today?"    


" It's good that you know. " Mo Wanshaan said rudely.    


Mo Xiuyu was speechless."    


Come on, he understood. His father still remembered the grudge just now. He blamed him for not telling him that Jian Haixi could read lips.    


Mo Xiuyu smiled and got up. "Alright, I was wrong. I will go back to my room and reflect on myself."    


He could not afford to offend her, so he could only hide.    


Mo Xiuyu returned to his room, and Jia Minnzhi knocked on the door and came in.    


"Mom, what's up?" Mo Xiuyu asked.    


Ever since Jia Minnzhi and Mo Sheng had quarreled, it had been very quiet.    


After Mo Sheng's death, she rarely went out. Sometimes, she would go for a walk in the small garden and sit there for a long time without saying anything.    


Mo Xiuyu tried to persuade her to go on a vacation to relax, but she rejected him.    


Knowing that Jia Minnzhi had not taken a step forward, Mo Xiuyu did not know how to explain it to her.    


Jia Minnzhi came in and sat beside Mo Xiuyu's bed. She hesitated and said, "Xiu Yu, I want to move out."    


"Huh?" Mo Xiuyu was stunned and asked, "Move out? Why?"    


Jia Minnzhi smiled bitterly and said, "Your father and I... Our marriage relationship has long existed in name. In the past, there were all kinds of obstructions. Now I want to let him go, and also let myself go."    


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