CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C368 A Chess Match

C368 A Chess Match

Seeing Mo Xiuyu stand out, not only did the man with golden teeth and the other men not back off, they even looked at Mo Xiuyu with disdain.    


"You?" The man with golden teeth sneered, "Little brother, can you do it? When your hair is fully grown, you learn to be a hero and save the beauty? "    


"You..." Mo Xiuyu was extremely angry. He clenched his five fingers into a fist, and the joints of his fingers produced cracking sounds. "Whether I can do it or not, you will know very soon."    


After saying that, Mo Xiuyu threw a punch at the golden-toothed man.    


With a sound of a punch, the man with golden teeth was beaten until he fell on the bar counter.    


"Ping-pong! Ping-pong! Ping-pong! Ping-pong! Ping-pong! Ping-pong! Ping-pong!" The man with golden teeth fell onto the bar, and even the glass on the bar was thrown to the ground.    


As the situation became chaotic, the others instantly looked over.    


"Brother Ya, are you all right?" The younger brother beside him saw that the golden-toothed man had been beaten up, so he hurriedly went forward to help him up.    


The man with golden teeth stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He looked at Mo Xiuyu and said with a ferocious smile, "Good kid. It seems that you won't give in until I let you have a taste of my power."    


Mo Xiuyu snorted coldly. He reached out his hand and untied the waiter's black jacket on the outermost layer. He put it aside and planned to loosen his muscles and bones.    


A pair of white hands reached out from behind him and took Mo Xiuyu's clothes.    


Mo Xiuyu was stunned for a moment and turned around to look at the woman.    


The woman held the clothes and smiled at him, "Little brother, do your best! Beat them out!"    


Mo Xiuyu was stunned. He smiled and said, "Don't worry."    


The gold-toothed man and his underlings saw that Mo Xiuyu still had the mood to talk to the beautiful woman, and they felt even more indignant in their hearts.    


"Stinking brat, you are courting death!" The golden-toothed man roared angrily, "Brothers, show him some respect!"    


As soon as the man with golden teeth gave the order, five or six people immediately rushed towards Mo Xiuyu.    


Although Mo Xiuyu's skills were not as good as Ning Jiwei's, he had trained since he was young.    


When he met these few hoodlums, Mo Xiuyu would not take them seriously.    


Very quickly, a round of ganging up on them changed Mo Xiuyu's one-sided suppression.    


In less than ten minutes, after the gold-toothed man was kicked out of Cold Moon's door by Mo Xiuyu, the group of gangsters didn't even dare to say goodbye and quickly ran away.    


Mo Xiuyu snorted and said, "Next time you dare to cause trouble, I'll beat you all up."    


"Little brother is so powerful!"    


The girl walked over and handed Mo Xiuyu's clothes to him as she said admiringly.    


Mo Xiuyu scratched his head with a red face and said, "It's nothing. It's just a small matter, a small matter."    


"What's wrong?"    


Mo Jue walked in and asked, "I saw a group of people running over just now. Did someone cause trouble again?"    


As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes met the woman standing at the door.    


Her face was proud and proud, her figure was cold, and her smile was filled with killing intent.    


Mo Jue was slightly startled, and he shifted his gaze away without a trace.    


The moment she saw Mo Jue, the woman was also surprised.    


That was the first time she saw someone of the same kind from a stranger.    


Mo Xiuyu did not notice the two's eyes meeting. He only said to Mo Jue, "Mr Chang, those people bullied this young lady, and I beat them away."    


Mo Jue raised his eyebrows and looked at the woman standing next to Mo Xiuyu. He could not help smiling.    


"Bully her?" Mo Jue said in a magnetic and mocking tone.    


"That's right." Mo Xiuyu spoke angrily about what happened just now. He didn't notice the mocking look in Mo Jue's eyes at all.    


Being stared at by Mo Jue like that, the girl beside Mo Xiuyu did not feel shy or guilty. She only smiled and looked back without any fear.    


After listening to Mo Xiuyu's story, Mo Jue nodded and said, "I understand."    


He walked into the bar as he spoke. When he saw the broken bottles on the floor, Mo Jue looked at Mo Xiuyu and said, "The losses tonight will be deducted from your salary."    


"Huh?" Mo Xiuyu originally thought that his heroic act would be praised, but in the end, not only did Mo Jue not praise him, he even deducted his money.    


When he thought about how he was about to deduct all his money, Mo Xiuyu immediately put on a bitter face.    


How was he going to spend the next month?    


Mo Jue did not look at him. Instead, he turned his head to look at the woman. He smiled devilishly and stretched out his hand, "I am Chang Sheng. May I know how to address young lady?"    


"Call me Lina." Lina smiled sweetly and raised her hand to gently hold Mo Jue's hand.    


The tips of her fingers intersected, and both of them felt an electric shock for a moment.    


Mo Xiuyu, who was standing next to her, did not notice it. He came over and greeted her with a silly smile, "So your name is Lina. My name is Mo Xiuyu. Hello."    


"Mo Xiuyu?" Hearing his name, Lina raised her eyebrows slightly. She smiled and shook hands with him. "A very nice name."    


“ Oh? " Mo Jue continued, "It's just a name. What's so good about it?"    


Lina smiled and said, "A gentleman cultivates his body, and his horizons are like the universe. He treats people as if they are his neighbors. How could such a profound name not be good?"    


Mo Jue narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Mo Xiuyu. He said, "I didn't expect your father to have such high expectations of you."    


Mo Xiuyu was also stunned. When he thought of Mo Wanshaan, the smile on his lips became a little bitter. He lowered his head and said, "It's also the first time I know."    


A waiter beside them had already tidied up the bar and put a new glass of wine in front of Mo Jue and the other two.    


Lina looked at the glass in front of her in surprise and said, "I didn't order it."    


"I bought it for you." Mo Jue raised the glass and said to her, "Such a beautiful lady coming to our Cold Moon, of course I can't let you pay."    


Lina was stunned. She picked up the glass and clinked it with Mo Jue's. Her red lips hooked up slightly and said, "Then I won't refuse."    


"Mr Chang..." On the other side, Mo Xiuyu trembled as he looked at the wine in front of him. He looked at Mo Jue pitifully and said, "Will you buy this cup of mine?"    


Mo Jue raised his eyebrows and nodded. "Yes, I will buy it. You can drink it."    


"Thank you, Mr Chang." Only then did Mo Xiuyu happily drink the wine in one gulp.    


However, in the next second, his face turned bitter. "Mr Chang, this is a drink!"    


"That's right." Mo Jue pretended not to understand. "I didn't say this was wine."    


Mo Xiuyu had a bitter smile on his face. He looked at the glasses in front of Mo Jue and Lina with jealousy. He wanted to order a glass of wine, but when he thought about his salary next month, he held it back.    


Forget it. Drink it.    


The young master who used to be pampered finally experienced the soreness and awkwardness of having no money.    


After drinking the wine, Lina looked at Mo Jue and said, "Mr. Chang, is there anything fun in your Xiang City?"    


Mo Jue asked, "Is this the first time Miss Lina has come to Xiang City?"    


"Yes." Lina leaned over, intentionally or unintentionally, with one hand on her chin. She looked at Mo Jue and said, "I just arrived today. I still don't know where this place is fun. Mr. Chang, do you have time to take me around?"    


Mo Jue's eyelids drooped, and his eyes seemed to be smiling and confused. "Of course."    


As he spoke, Mo Jue got up and extended a hand to Lina. "It is my honor to accompany a beauty like Miss Lina to tour the Xiang City at night."    


"Hehehehe." Lina covered her mouth and laughed like a bell. She tilted her head and put her hand on Mo Jue's palm. Then she stood up and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chang."    




Mo Jue held Lina's hand and walked towards the door.    




Mo Xiuyu stared blankly at the two people walking out of the bar, unable to react in time.    


He was the one who saved the beauty. Why did the hero become Mo Jue instead?    


The manager looked at Mo Xiuyu, who was like a child abandoned by his parents. He smiled and reached out to touch Mo Xiuyu's head. "Xiu Yu, you are still young. You will understand when you grow up. Be good, bring the plate."    


Mo Xiuyu curled his lips and slapped the manager's hand away. "Don't touch my head, and I am not young anymore."    


"Okay, okay, okay. Our Xiu Yu is not young anymore. He is such a big Xiu Yu. Can you bring the plate?" The manager smiled and said, "If you don't work now, I will deduct your salary again."    


"No, no, no." When he heard the words "deduct salary," Mo Xiuyu hurriedly stood up. He held the tray that had been placed properly and said to the manager, "I say, Big Brother, you are my biological brother, right? Don't deduct it. If you deduct it again, I will really be starving. "    


The manager laughed loudly and shook his head without saying anything.    


Actually, when Mo Xiuyu first arrived, there were a few people who didn't like him.    


After all, Mo Xiuyu hadn't gone through any inspection training, and he couldn't even bring out his own resume. He had relied on Mo Jue to come in through the back door.    


However, after these few days of contact, everyone gradually understood Mo Xiuyu.    


He was a silly boy who was sincere and kind to people.    


So slowly, everyone was willing to help him.    




Outside the bar, Mo Jue drove Lina around the street.    


Lina curiously looked at the night view outside the window and asked Mo Jue, "Mr. Chang, where are we going now?"    


"Just call me Chang Sheng." Mo Jue smiled and said, "The night scene by the river of Xiang City is unique. Let's go there."    


"Alright, alright." Lina clapped her hands excitedly. She looked at Mo Jue and said, "Chang Sheng... En, it feels too unfamiliar to call me Chang Sheng. How about I call you Ah Sheng? "    


When she said this, her red lips parted slightly. Light swirled in her eyes, and there was a slight probing look.    


Mo Jue smiled and said, "Of course, Lina."    


Lina was stunned. She smiled shyly and leaned on the window to look at the scenery.    


"It's really been a long time since I had such a leisurely time."    


Mo Jue smiled without saying a word. In fact, they both knew that the other party was not a simple person. They also knew that the other party must have many secrets.    


But it was precisely because of this that they had the desire to "exchange blows" with each other.    


After all, nowadays, it was not easy to encounter an opponent who was evenly matched.    


About half an hour later, Mo Jue parked the car by the river.    


He got out of the car first, then went to the other side to open the door and helped Lina get out of the car.    


"It's so beautiful here." Lina looked at the beautiful scenery in front of her and said sincerely.    


Mo Jue looked around and said, "Are you hungry? We can go to the cruise. This way, we can taste delicious food and watch the beautiful scenery at night. How about it?"    


"Can we?" Lina said excitedly, "Then bring me there quickly, Ah Suo."    


As she spoke, Lina grabbed Mo Jue's sleeve tightly.    


At this moment, she looked as happy as a child who had just come to an amusement park for the first time.    


Seeing the light in her eyes, Mo Jue was slightly stunned. He let her hold his arm and lead her to the cruise.    


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