CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C180 Suicide.

C180 Suicide.

Jian Rui and Mo Tong's ward were separated, but Mo Tong kept saying he wanted to see Jian Rui. Jian Chenrann simply moved the two children's beds to the same room so that it would be convenient for them to take care of and protect the two children together.    


Mo Tong finally saw Jian Rui, but he became silent instead. He only stared blankly at Jian Rui's swollen face.    


"Mo Tong, what are you staring blankly for?" Jian Rui smiled and waved her hand. "Let's play poker."    


As Jian Rui spoke, she took out two sets of cards from somewhere and threw them on the bed.    


Mo Tong blinked and asked, "Where did you get the cards?"    


"Poker cards?" Jian Rui smiled and said, "Uncle brought them to me. He was worried that I was not in a good mood, so he found this for me. Can you play with me?"    


Mo Tong nodded. Just as he was about to get off the bed, he saw Jian Rui running over with the poker cards. She said, "You are seriously injured. Don't run around. I will play with you."    


Jian Rui climbed onto Mo Tong's bed as she spoke. She placed the poker cards between the two of them and said, "Then I will start to hand out the cards."    


Mo Tong curiously looked at Jian Rui hand out the cards and asked, "How do we play this?"    


Jian Rui was stunned when she hand out the cards. She rolled her eyes at Mo Tong and said, "Didn't you say earlier that you don't know how to play?"    


Mo Tong blushed and said, "I learned very quickly. You can teach me once."    


Jian Rui was amused by Mo Tong's serious expression. She reached out and touched Mo Tong's head like a little adult and said, "Be good. I was playing with you."    


Mo Tong frowned and said, "I am older than you."    


"Don't mind this kind of small matter." Jian Rui said, "I will teach you. Watch carefully."    


Outside the ward, Ning Fubaang saw Jian Rui recover her emotions so quickly. He could not help but sigh in relief and said to Fu Zuoann, "I originally thought Rui would be sad for a while. I did not expect her to recover so quickly."    


Fu Zuoann sighed and said, "This was what Jian Rui told us to see."    


Ning Fubaang was stunned for a moment and asked, "Old Master Fu, do you mean that Rui deliberately showed her happiness for us to see?"    


Fu Zuoann nodded and said, "Yi and Rui are both smart children, and Rui is especially sensitive to the ways of the world. Don't look at how she always acts like a spoiled child and laughs. In fact, if you pay close attention, you will notice. In places where Rui is present, very few people are in a bad mood. While she is teasing everyone, she is also trying hard to adjust everyone's mood. "    


Ning Fubaang looked through the window at Jian Rui who was smiling brightly. He nodded and said," Rui is really like that. "    


"When Ji Wei left, she must be very sad. But she also knew that we would be worried, so she tried hard to make herself adjust. She tried her best to smile at us so that we could be at ease. " As Fu Zuoann spoke, his eyes gradually became moist. "In the past, I always did not want Rui to leave, but now I hope that these two days can pass faster. This way, Rui can quickly return to Haixi's side. That way, she will also be able to relax a little."    


In the evening, Lin Xiaodou took the lunchbox to the hospital.    


When Lin Xiaodou entered the door, she saw Jian Rui holding a poker card and cheering," I won! "    


On the other side, Mo Tong looked at Jian Rui lovingly and nodded, "You won."    


Lin Xiaodou looked at this scene and heaved a sigh of relief. She smiled and said, "I see that you are so energetic and I am relieved."    


Jian Rui heard the sound and turned her head. She saw Lin Xiaodou and happily ran out of bed and threw herself into her arms, saying, "Little Aunt, I miss you so much!"    


Lin Xiaodou was not prepared for Jian Rui to suddenly run over and she quickly took half a step back to protect her stomach. She only supported Jian Rui and said, "Rui, your strength is not small. I cannot withstand it."    


Jian Rui stuck out her tongue and said, "Sorry, I used too much strength."    


Lin Xiaodou lovingly touched Jian Rui's head and he set aside the side dishes of the porridge and said, "You can call your little friend to eat with you."    


Jian Rui looked at Mo Tong and turned to Lin Xiaodou and said, "Little Aunt, let's put the food on Mo Tong's bed. He is seriously injured so it is better not to move him back and forth."    


Lin Xiaodou looked at Mo Tong and Mo Tong quickly said, "I am fine, I can."    


"You shut up." Jian Rui said fiercely. : "Sit down obediently."    


Lin Xiaodou smiled. She and Jian Rui placed the food on Mo Tong's side.    


Jian Rui finally tasted Lin Xiaodou's cooking. She smacked her lips in satisfaction and said, "The rice cooked by little aunt is really delicious. You are much better than what I, Daddy, make."    


Lin Xiaodou smiled and said, "No matter how delicious the food cooked by me is, you cannot eat it too full, understand? You are sick now and cannot eat too full."    


"I know." Jian Rui said as she ate.    


Lin Xiaodou looked at Mo Tong curiously. She saw that Mo Tong only cautiously picked up a few dishes, so she used the chopsticks to help him pick up the dishes and said, "Mo Tong, eat more."    


Mo Tong looked at the more dishes in the bowl and said to Lin Xiaodou, "Thank you, Auntie."    


Jian Chenrann stood at the door of the ward and looked at the warm scene in the room. He did not go in to disturb them.    


However, Jian Rui still saw him. She happily waved at him and said, "Uncle, come quickly!"    


Jian Chenrann could only walk in. He sat by the bed and smiled at Jian Rui, saying, "Finally, I have the food you want to eat. Are you satisfied?"    


"I am satisfied!" Jian Rui's big eyes looked at Jian Chenrann and Lin Xiaodou. She smiled mischievously and said, "Uncle, you have a wife like little aunt. You are so lucky. You can eat delicious food every day."    


When she said this, Lin Xiaodou and Jian Chenrann were stunned. For a moment, no one said anything.    


"What's wrong with you two?" Jian Rui looked at the two of them suspiciously and said, "Uncle, Little Aunt, did you two fight?"    


Jian Chenrann smiled bitterly and did not know how to answer. Lin Xiaodou smiled and said, "We did not fight. You do not need to worry."    


Jian Rui frowned and turned to look at Jian Chenrann. She said, "Uncle, did you bully little aunt? Hurry up and apologize!"    




Just as Lin Xiaodou was about to speak, Jian Rui pulled her hand and said, "Little Aunt, don't be afraid. I won't let you suffer. I will definitely make uncle apologize to you."    


Lin Xiaodou was helpless but Jian Chenrann looked at her back and nodded. He said, "This is all my fault."    


Lin Xiaodou was stunned when she heard his words. She also lowered her head and did not speak.    


At this time, Jian Rui and Mo Tong had already finished eating. Lin Xiaodou said to the two as she tidied up the tableware, "Rui, Mo Tong, I will leave first. I will come to see you two another day."    


"Little Aunt." Jian Rui looked at Lin Xiaodou who walked out of the ward and could not help but glare at Jian Chenrann and said, "Uncle, why aren't you chasing after her?"    


Jian Chenrann looked at Lin Xiaodou's figure and got up to chase after her. He looked back at Jian Rui and Mo Tong, worried, and said, "But I am worried that the two of you are here."    


"You can go without worries!" Jian Rui urged him, "Grandpa Fu and Grandpa Ning are outside. You don't have to worry about us. Go and chase little aunt."    


Knowing that Fu Zuoann and Ning Fubaang were here, Jian Chenrann nodded in relief and rushed out.    


Jian Rui looked at his figure, shook her head, and sighed. "Stupid uncle, you were clearly worried about little aunt, but you still forced yourself to stay."    


At the elevator entrance, Jian Chenrann caught up with Lin Xiaodou and reached out to grab the lunchbox. He said, "I'll help you carry it."    


Lin Xiaodou looked at him and said coldly, Thank you.    


Jian Chenrann looked at Lin Xiaodou like this and felt very regretful in his heart. He said, "Xiaodou, I should not have been so impulsive at that time."    


"Make way."    


Jian Chenrann was just about to say something when he saw a few nurses pushing a moving stretcher into the elevator.    


There were suddenly more people in the elevator, and Jian Chenrann could not continue his words.    


Lin Xiaodou stood in the corner. Her body was not very comfortable from the beginning. There were many people in the elevator and the air was not very good. This made her feel even more uncomfortable.    


She did not want to be out of control in the elevator, and she also did not want to show any abnormalities in front of Jian Chenrann. Lin Xiaodou kept taking deep breaths and even used her hand to lightly pat her chest, hoping to suppress the feeling of nausea.    


Seeing Lin Xiaodou like this, Jian Chenrann asked worriedly, "Xiaodou, are you alright? Your complexion looks very bad."    


Lin Xiaodou shook her head and said, "I'm fine."    


The nurse at the side looked at Lin Xiaodou and asked with concern, "Miss, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine, thank you." Lin Xiaodou forced a smile and said.    


When the elevator finally stopped, Lin Xiaodou went straight to the bathroom.    


Jian Chenrann was worried and waited for her outside. After a while, he saw Lin Xiaodou come out of the bathroom. He quickly went up and asked, "Xiaodou, don't hide it from me. What happened to you? I saw that you didn't look too good in the morning, and now you look like this again. Are you sick? "    


Lin Xiaodou had just vomited because she was pregnant, so she was in a bad mood. Jian Chenrann kept asking her, causing her to lose control of her temper. She said, "Jian Chenrann, can you have some self-awareness as an ex-boyfriend? We have already broken up. Whether I am in good health or not has nothing to do with you. Can you please stop caring about me? This will make me very annoyed. "    


Jian Chenrann froze there." Xiaodou. "    


" Don't talk to me anymore. " Lin Xiaodou frowned and said, "I don't want to see you again."    


After Lin Xiaodou finished speaking, she did not look at Jian Chenrann anymore. She grabbed the lunchbox and turned around to leave.    


Jian Chenrann stood where he was and watched Lin Xiaodou quickly leave. He lowered his hands to his side and clenched them into fists.    




George walked out of the university gate with a complicated expression. He casually threw his jacket and shirt on his shoulder.    


He looked for Jian Haixi according to her information. But he did not see her at school at all. The school gave the reason that she went out for an internship.    


If it was someone else, he might just let it go like this, but George had his own connections and methods.    


George went from checking Mo Family to monitoring the surveillance, and then checking Jian Haixi's whereabouts. In the end, he had to believe in the fact that Jian Haixi was not in Switzerland at all.    


It made sense. Although Ning Jiwei had sent people over in the past two days, it was not as much as the number of people he had brought. Even Ning Jiwei himself did not come.    


If Jian Haixi really encountered danger, how could Ning Jiwei not come over?    


George sneered. He thought that he and Jian Haixi were already friends, but he did not expect that she would be on guard against him.    


The funniest thing was that he foolishly cared about her.    


George walked on the streets of Switzerland. He took out his phone and dialed Jian Haixi's number.    


"George, what's up?" Jian Haixi's voice was as gentle as ever.    


George suddenly felt that she was being hypocritical. "Jian Haixi, where are you now?"    


George did not know why he suddenly asked that. She was stunned for a moment and said, "What's wrong?"    


"I asked where you are now." George asked coldly.    


Jian Haixi hesitated for a moment and said, "I am in Switzerland. I told you before."    


"You are studying in Switzerland, right?" George scolded angrily, "I'm in Switzerland now. I just came out of your school. You still want to lie to me?"    


Jian Haixi was stunned for a moment and asked, "You are in Switzerland? Why are you in Switzerland?"    


"Why am I in Switzerland?" George was so angry that he laughed. "This is a good question. I was worried that you would be hurt by the Mo Family, so I came to save you. I didn't expect you to lie to me! "    


After Jian Haixi heard his words, she said guiltily," I'm sorry, George. But this matter was not supposed to be made public. I am not only hiding it from you. Xie Nuan and the others also do not know."    


George snorted coldly. It was obvious that he did not accept her apology. He only asked, "Where are you now?"    


In George's view, if Jian Haixi's lie and concealment were understandable, Well, now that he asks, she can always tell the truth. If she was still unwilling to tell him the truth at this moment, then it could only prove that he was only an outsider to her.    


Sure enough, on the other end of the phone, Jian Haixi stuttered, "Sorry, George. I can't tell you where I am. But I am very safe now. Don't worry about me."    


Before Jian Haixi could finish, George hung up the phone.    


She called again, but it turned off.    


Jian Haixi sighed. She sent apology messages to George's WeChat, SMS, and email, but he still did not reply.    


Dou Ge saw her pacing back and forth restlessly because of this matter and could not help but ask doubtfully, "Is it that important? He is just your colleague. Why should he ask you to tell him the secret that concerns your safety?"    


Jian Haixi sighed and said," Although I did not have much contact with him, I also lied to him about this matter. Especially when he specially made a trip to Switzerland. This made me feel even more uneasy, so I have to apologize to him."    


" I don't think it's that simple. " Dou Ge said, "He doesn't look simple either."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. "Why do you say that?"    


"You should believe in your son's means. The information he did will never be found out." Dou Ge said coldly, "But your friend not only knows about the Mo Family, but also about the latest news of the Mo Family. He can also find out that you are not in Switzerland. This is not something an ordinary person can do. "    


Dou Ge paused, looked at Jian Haixi and asked," Did he tell you his background? "    


Jian Haixi shook her head in a daze.    


"That's right." Dou Ge reached out to take Jian Haixi's phone and said, "Do not do what you do not want. If he was not honest, what right did he have to ask you to be honest? Is he crazy? "    


" But."    


Jian Haixi wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Jian Yi, who was pushing a wheelchair out of the room.    


"Mommy, Dou Ge is right." Jian Yi looked at Jian Haixi and said, "When you called just now, I checked George's information, but his information was blank. His current information is also fake."    


Jian Haixi was stunned. "You mean he has another background?"    


Jian Yi nodded. "He has other backgrounds, but it will take some time for me to find out."    


Jian Haixi frowned and thought for a while. She shook her head and said, "Forget it. If he did not come to provoke us, we will not bother about him."    


Jian Yi nodded, but in his heart, he decided to go back and investigate George.    


George's trip to Switzerland became a joke. He came with great fanfare, but left in a sorry state.    


After returning to the country, George did not go to the company. The first thing he did was to go to Yang Yaru's apartment.    


He did not know why, but at this time, he really wanted to see Yang Yaru.    


Because it was the weekend, Yang Yaru did not go to work.    


Yang Yaru saw George standing at the door. She was stunned and asked, "What happened to you?"    


George shook his head and said, "Nothing. I was just fooled once by someone."    


Yang Yaru thought for a while and asked, "Is it related to Haixi?"    


Her question surprised George, "How do you know?"    


Yang Yaru smiled bitterly, "Since I knew you, every time I mentioned Jian Haixi, Your reactions will be very big, maybe you didn't notice. After you left last time, I went to Maiteng to check on the progress of our cooperation. I just found out that you went to Switzerland. Since you went to Switzerland, then you should know that it has something to do with her. "    


George was stunned and said," I don't think Jian Haixi is what you think. "    


"It doesn't matter." Yang Yaru smiled and looked at him. "No matter what you think of Haixi, it doesn't matter."    


George looked at Yang Yaru, who did not let him in, and asked, "What do you mean?"    


"It means that we have nothing to do with each other." Yang Yaru smiled and said, "George, our bet has expired."    


George opened his mouth. He subconsciously wanted to say that their bet could be continued when it expired. But he looked at her and did not say anything.    


George was silent for a few seconds before he nodded. "Alright, then I'll be leaving first. Goodbye."    


"Okay, goodbye." Yang Yaru smiled politely.    


George turned around and Yang Yaru closed the door.    


The moment the door closed, the smiles on their faces disappeared.    


A complicated and incomprehensible light flashed across George's eyes. He didn't know what to think. Yang Yaru leaned against the door and cried silently.    


In the hospital, Jian Chenrann and the others had been on alert. They were afraid that the people of Mo Family would harm Rui again.    


But they did not expect that the accident would not appear in the hospital.    


At night, in the prison.    


Qin Tian looked at the person standing in front of her and a smile appeared on her face. "You really came."    


He smiled and said, "This is what I like about you. You are smart enough."    


Qin Tian smiled and said, "You agree to my last request, how about it?"    


He said, "Go ahead."    


Qin Tian lowered her head and looked at the dirty clothes on her body. "I was born a dirty illegitimate child. My love was also dirty. My job was also dirty. Now I am going to die. I don't want to die a dirty death. So, can I trouble you to cremate me?"    


The man's lips curved up slightly as he nodded and said," Alright. "    


"Thank you very much." Qin Tian closed her eyes in satisfaction and waited for her life to end.    


Half a minute later, the man threw away the rubber gloves and looked at Qin Tian, who was no longer breathing. "You are still too stupid. Otherwise, why would you believe me? It's not like you don't know that I can't waste too much time here. I personally came to send you off is already a gift for you. So, just die like this. "    


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