CEO, You Look Like My Daddy

C588 Location

C588 Location

"It doesn't matter." Mo Jue waved his hand and said, "Don't tell me you will report to Tali Linna?"    


"No, I will not." Qiao quickly waved her hand. "You are my saviour. Dong treats me very well too. I will never betray you."    


Seeing Qiao's nervous look, Mo Jue smiled and said, "I am teasing you. If I did not believe you, I would not have called you just now."    


Seeing Mo Jue's smile, Qiao was relieved. She thought for a while and whispered, "Mr. Mo..."    


"Just call me Mo Jue." Mo Jue interrupted her.    


"Yes." Qiao changed her words and called, "Mr Mo, you came for the antidote?"    


"Yes," ___ said. Mo Jue nodded. He did not avoid it.    


In any case, Tali Linna and Qi Er had already said it clearly when they were in the hall.    


"Oh, right." Speaking of the antidote, Mo Jue looked at Qiao and asked, "Is that snake really dead?"    


Qiao nodded, "Yes, Qi Er, he... He killed it in front of me."    


Perhaps it was because she thought of the scene where he killed the snake, Qiao's face instantly stiffened.    


Mo Jue frowned and said in a deep voice, "Then do you know where else there is that kind of snake? Or save the snake blood."    


Qiao shook her head and said, "That snake was raised by Qi Er for many years and he usually eats a lot of medicinal herbs and... My blood, even if I find the same type of snake, the composition of the blood is also different."    


The last glimmer of hope was gone. Mo Jue sighed and sat on the ground dejectedly. "It's over now."    


He originally came to find the antidote, but in the end, he did not find the antidote and the snake died.    


Qiao looked at Mo Jue and asked worriedly, "Mr Mo, you took me away just like that. Is Dong alright?"    


"I don't know." Mo Jue shook his head and sighed. "But that kid is smart. As long as Tali Linna is not crazy. He should have a way to survive. After all, he didn't die in such a huge disaster. If he died here, he would be too cowardly. "    


Although he said that, Mo Jue was very worried about Jian Yi.    


If Jian Yi had not risked his life and rolled down the stairs, he would not have had the chance to leave.    


But that roll would probably make Tali Linna find an excuse.    


He did not know if that kid could handle it.    


Qiao's heart was also very chaotic. She was worried about Jian Yi and also worried about her own future.    


The torment in the middle of the night made her exhausted, plus she was injured and lost a lot of blood. It did not take long for her to fall asleep.    


But even though she was sleeping, Qiao still subconsciously grabbed onto the corner of Mo Jue's clothes.    


To her, Mo Jue was her only floating piece of wood.    


The world was vast and the future was bleak. Mo Jue was the only weak light.    


Seeing Qiao fall asleep, Mo Jue raised his arm. The blood on his arm had already scabbed. It was unknown who had cut it during the chaotic battle.    




A deep scar had been left on his palm by the Steel Wire.    


Due to the difficulty of escaping, he did not have the time to treat his own wound on the way. Now, there was no need to treat it.    


Mo Jue looked at the deep scar on his palm and a bitter smile appeared on his lips.    


He and Tali Linna had reached this step in the end.    


Before this trip, he had thought of many ways to solve this problem, but in the end, he still could not use them.    


Perhaps this was fate?    


Mo Jue raised his head and looked at the unlit sky. Thinking about the agreement between him and Tali Linna about "personally killing the other party," his heart was both bitter and bitter.    


Originally, he thought that everything was done by man. Even if it was the distance to the ends of the earth, as long as both parties were willing to work hard to get closer, they would definitely be able to fill in the gap.    


But it turned out that they were not people of the same world. When they got close to each other, it was just a one-sided overlap to a certain extent.    


Now that they knew the distance between them, how could they withdraw their feelings so easily when they had already paid the price?    


Mo Jue thought about Tali Linna's matter and did not notice that Qiao had opened her eyes at some point.    


"Mr Mo..." Qiao said in a low voice.    


Mo Jue was stunned and turned to look at her. He saw that she was exhausted but still forced her eyes open. He could not help but smile and said, "Did I disturb you?"    


"No, no." Qiao shook her head and said, "I... can't sleep."    


As long as she closed her eyes, she would see those blade lights and sword shadows, as well as Qi Er's figure.    


Mo Jue also seemed to know that tonight's matter had cast a huge shadow on Qiao, so he reached out to touch her head and said, "It's fine. I am here. Go to sleep."    


Qiao blinked and asked, "Mr Mo, just now... were you thinking about Eldest Sister?"    


"Eldest Sister?" Mo Jue raised his eyebrows and asked in amusement, "She doesn't care about your life or death, but you are still willing to call her Eldest Sister?"    


Qiao was stunned and lowered her head, saying, "If it was not for big sister, I might have died a long time ago. She has already let me live peacefully for so many years. It is because I am useless and have no more value, that is why..."    


"Forget it." Mo Jue raised his hand and flicked her forehead. He said, "Little girl, how old are you? Why do you feel so inferior? Everyone is unique. Whether you have value or not can only be decided by yourself. No one else has the right to decide your value, and even more so, they have no right to decide your life or death."    


Qiao suddenly froze. The shackles in her heart seemed to have been knocked. She looked at Mo Jue in a daze and asked, "Mr Mo, are the people outside like you?"    


"Hmm?" Mo Jue smiled and said, "Why do you use such strange words? What do you mean by 'people outside'? Don't tell me we're not from the same world? "    


" I... " Qiao was a little embarrassed and said, "I have never left this place and have never come into contact with other people. I do not know what the outside world is like and also do not know what the people outside are like."    


Hearing her words, Mo Jue's heart shook. He was surprised, but at the same time, he felt a little heartache.    


Qiao in front of him had lived for so many years under Tali Linna's grace.    


But had she really lived?    


Had she really lived as a human?    


Thinking that all of this was Tali Linna's handiwork, Mo Jue gritted his teeth, not knowing what he was feeling.    


He reached out and pinched Qiao's face, "Don't worry, you will be free in the future. The world outside is very big, and there are many people. You have time to slowly adapt and understand."    


Qiao's face was pinched by him and her small face immediately turned red. She hesitated and said, "Then... Can I always follow you?"    


"Hmm? Follow me?" Mo Jue was stunned and asked with a smile, "Why are you following me? Don't tell me you want to go back and take revenge?"    


"No." Qiao shook her head and said, "I don't hate Eldest Sister, and I never blamed Qi Er... They, they treated me quite well. What happened tonight... was just an accident."    


Her words stunned Mo Jue once again. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he only breathed out the foul air from his chest. He rubbed Qiao's hair and said, "Silly girl."    


Qiao covered her head and looked up at Mo Jue. She said, "Mr Mo, I... I am afraid of the outside world. Can I follow you? I promise I will be very obedient. I will listen to whatever you ask me to do. I won't cause trouble... Mmm..."    


Before she could finish her words, Mo Jue had already pinched her mouth.    


Mo Jue pinched her mouth like a little duck and said, "The more you say it, the more uncertain it becomes. What do you mean you will be very obedient? What do you mean you will do what I tell you to do? I am not the landlord, and you are not a slave. You can do whatever you want, and you don't have to listen to me. You just have to listen to yourself."    


"Mr Mo..." Qiao widened her eyes. Tears slowly fell from her eyes.    


Mo Jue looked at her crying and sighed. He reached out his hand to help her wipe away her tears and said, "What are you crying about?"    


Qiao shook her head and said, "I don't know. I just listened to you... Tears came out on its own. I'm sorry, Mr Mo. I didn't cry on purpose. Don't bother me. I won't cry anymore... "    


"Sigh." Mo Jue let out a long sigh. It seemed that Qiao's inferiority personality could not be changed in a short period of time.    


He raised his hand, grabbed Qiao's head, and placed her on his shoulder. "I am not annoyed, and you do not need to apologize. It doesn't matter if you're not used to the outside world. Take your time. "    


Qiao grabbed Mo Jue's sleeve tightly and sobbed, "Mr Mo, I want to follow you..."    


Mo Jue laughed and said, "I found that although you are timid and inferior, you are surprisingly very stubborn."    


After a while, she cried and apologized, but she kept remembering that she wanted to follow him.    


It was really... He couldn't do anything about it.    


Qiao lifted her head. Her frightened eyes were like a deer that had entered the mortal world. With a pleading tone, she asked, "Can I, Mr Mo?"    


Mo Jue thought for a moment and said, "It is definitely not possible to follow me."    


"Can't I..."    


Qiao lowered her head in disappointment.    


Mo Jue sighed and raised his hand to rub her head. "I have been running around day by day, and it is always dangerous. It is not safe and convenient for you to follow me. But I can take you to a place. "    


"Where to?" Qiao looked up again and looked at Mo Jue with anticipation. "Mr Mo, will you go too?"    


Mo Jue looked into her eyes and could not help but smile and nod. "Yes, I will go too. Don't you like Dong a lot? Then you should also like his mother. Haixi is a very good person. And at the moment, she also needs a girl to take care of her. You can learn from her slowly. She will teach you a lot. "    


"Haixi?" Qiao was stunned and asked, "The one... Jian Haixi who was poisoned by Eldest Sister?"    


"It's her." Mo Jue smiled and said, "She is not inferior to Eldest Sister. No, no, no. Haixi is even more outstanding than your Eldest Sister. Aren't you afraid of the outside world? When you are by Haixi's side, you will see what the outside world is like. You will also slowly learn how to stand in the world and what to do. What should be done will depend on yourself."    


Qiao blinked. She still did not quite understand Mo Jue's words, but she also vaguely knew that Mo Jue was going to send her to an extraordinary place.    


Qiao nodded heavily and said, "Mr Mo, don't worry. I will take good care of Miss Haixi and learn from her."    


"Yes." Mo Jue nodded and said with a smile, "I think Yi is most satisfied with this arrangement."    


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